Home » DAILY UPDATE: 936 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 52 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 936 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 52 People Currently Hospitalized


          • 16,156 total cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 100 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday.
          • 936 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 52 COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized in Contra Costa County.
          • 15,018 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
          • 112 of the 202 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 14 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 134 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County (both COVID and non-COVID patients). 54 ICU beds are currently available.


The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.


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Isn’t it odd that CCC is doing the worst of all the Bay Area Counties? Looks like Richmond and Antioch are problems now. Concord not doing great either.

According to our numbers we should be in the red tier as well.


Actually, Richmond and parts of Concord have long been the issue for CCC. We live in a very diverse, socioeconomically varied county. For those who live in multi-generational dwellings, and those folks often work in low paying jobs, and have several jobs, the likelihood of spreading the virus is high. Imagine a middle aged woman working at a Nursing Home 4 days/week, and then Home Depot 3 days/week. She could expose thousands of high risk individuals, not to mention her Mom and Dad who are frail and elderly. 🌞

i hear of the same person gets it again, they count that as new case. so the numbers are inflated.

heck its like in NYC when quomo sent the old folks back to their care facilities and everyone get sick. the number are not as bad as they seem, just the dems using fear to break trump support.

Here we go, another week in Widespread when the positivity rate has been lower than the required threshold for over 3 weeks and we missed the mark by 0.2 last week on the positivity cases…couldn’t they have made an exception seriously and let us go to Substantial after 6 months of lockdown? What is another week for these poor businesses suffering and for us who would like to just taste a bit of normalcy.. a torture..It is not like Substantial is that freedom crazy tier anyway…I was for the lockdown, I believe the virus exists and can be dangerous, I wear my mask and follow the rules, and if we need to politicize this, I vote Democrat…but may I say in this case they are being way too conservative?

You’re right, Global, we should’ve moved into the red tier today as the data is on the mark. I watched the 9/17 Board of Supervisors Ad Hoc Covid-19 meeting and Mitchoff said at the end that “we think we will be in the red zone next week.” They were absolutely pushing the testing even if you feel great…saying once every 30 days! Dr. Warne even warned that “the cost of not testing will equal more coronavirus!” Never mind all of our sacrifices…

I believe we are being held back by the “Equity Metrics” ..Governor Newsom has described the equity metric thusly: “Those [counties] that are under-testing and are not testing in diverse communities,” said Newsom, “that’s a factor that’s considered as well.” This explains why the fear-mongering by the Board about testing, testing, testing!

I don’t understand why CCC is still in the purple tier?! Our case rate is 6.5 and the percentage of positive is 4.5. Why didn’t we move down? Total BS!

CC needed to be under the 7/100,000 and below 8% positivity rate for 2 consecutive weeks. Last week we were at 7.1/100,000 so we missed the mark by 0.2. If next week we are still under 7 (this week we are at 6.5) then we will move. We were so close though they could have given us a break.

I believe it has to be 3 weeks. I read something that the guide lines are statistically not achievable.

New CDC estimated survival rates by age:

0 to 19: 99.997%
20 to 49: 99.98%
50 to 69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%


If they are not let’s get rid of the teachers union.

I sent my kids to private school cause my school district is terrible. Thank god my youngest son is in a state that has in person learning.

@Lost Pride

They know it’s not killing certain age groups as much as they thought. What they are more worried about is the life long issues people are having after they recover. And it’s not just people who had it bad. People are even reporting that they had NO symptoms but now have heart and lung issues. Schools are open. Or maybe you haven’t heard. But once you bring them back into school like nothing happen. Get ready to shut down again.

202 dead, many of whom are elderly.

Thousands of small businesses ALSO dead, due to the overly restrictive Dept of Health in CCC. Are we going to eat outside in January Dr Farantano?

The masks are absolute nonesense, and demonstrate that our government’s desire to overreach it’s authority, is strong.

I’ve had ENOUGH!!

Wish I could move out of this county …

I think the objective was to destroy the economy not end the pandemic. And then do an “reset” like the World Economic Forum describes on their site. This is not a conspiracy theory but an actual conspiracy. It’s about some megalomaniacs (including Prince Charles) who think they’re gods and are charged with changing the world. What is more likely to happen is decades of global civil war.

Maybe you live in (scary) interesting times.

You would need to eat inside your car if we are still on lock down in January. January is typically a rainy month. I can’t imagine going to an outdoor restaurant in wind and rain, trying to keep warm and dry. I would just stay home and eat canned soup and crackers.

The color coded system needs to take in to account where infections are occurring. An outbreak in a nursing home shouldn’t prevent the rest of the county from reopening.

If you are feeling well, still get tested. Negative tests will drive down the percentage and get us to red faster

Technically true, but don’t you fret…there will be enough false positives to keep us in “widespread”.

And yes – I personally know people who signed up for a test, did not take a test, and then received a notice stating they were positive. No test taken, still “tested positive”

This is a joke

I’ve been in favor of moving slow and really pushing these numbers down but that fact that Alameda/Santa Clara/San Diego/Orange county/Solano County have moved forward is a real testament to how incompetent our Contra Costa health officials are. They’ve been late on everything and these other hot bed regions are somehow progressing better than us.

My recommendation is find a job with either BART or our local government health office. Don’t need to do a damn thing. If you can’t beat them might as well join them

We’re gonna need to outlaw masks. Criminals are getting away with way to much. Cops can’t do any if the perp is in a mask. All security cameras are worthless now. #OutlawMasks

I walk the park with my dog with a mask on and see people playing volleyball, baseball, and soccer with no mask. I see parents letting the kids break the barriers and play in the playground. We just can’t follow rules so we never will recover. Wear a mask anytime you step outside even if it is to walk around the block.

What exactly am I wearing a mask for? Can you please explain that to me again? In real life terms please. Not fakedemic/GAVIN-19/the flu/everything else you’ve clearly bought into.

I think the number of criminals getting away with too much is minimal. I work I’m a senior citizen, I want to wear a mask, and I want the people I come in close contact with to wear a mask. There was a picture of someone yesterday who had robbed a church, he did not wear a mask. Ever heard of dumb criminals?

Yes. Please weary a mask. Help stop the propagandemic! (He said sarcastically)

You put a mask on your dog to walk at the park?
Okay the idea was 6 feet..if you can’t maintain 6 feet from strangers it may be wise to wear the mask. “We just can’t follow rules so we never will recover.” Sweden recovered without any of this. Now they say most of their “COVID DEATHS” were the flu. Masking your dog is animal cruelty. Hanne you should really have concern for the businesses being robbed and the cops inability to combat crime due to mask wearing. Banks, gas stations, liquor stores all establishments are in danger if police can ID criminals due to COVID hoax masks. That puts everyone in danger. #OutlawMasks #BanMasks #UseYourBrain

@ Sam-

The solution to the criminal mask problem is to make masks illegal but mandate that clear, transparent plastic bags be worn over the head.


@Just me….How do you get your dog to keep his mask on?


Sorry. Still do it though. The paranoidemic is still rampant and somehow believable 🤷🏽‍♂️

The fake news programs all breathlessly projected 2.5 million dead 24/7
They were saying people were dropping in the streets in China
Clouds of disinfectant were being sprayed into the open air
They were speculating that mass graves were being dug in Central Park NYC, bodies “piling up”
All the while nothing was happening here
Nobody was sick enough to be hospitalized
This blog was giving us numbers back in March before the lockdown
There was never a spike (can’t say this enough times)
The fake news scared enough people to box Trump and other leaders into agreeing to lockdowns but they were to be based on state by state conditions
The blue state governors and health departments then turned it into a power grab in order to manufacture a political crisis for Trump by destroying the booming economy before the election
They worked with media billionaires to create programming and commercials like “dancing nurses” and “we’re all in it together” to propagandize low information voters 24/7
Washed up losers like Hillary and Obama got in on the action
Their manifesto was that it was now necessary to “reimagine” everything (with them in power)
Health departments became fascist and illegal top-down mandates were to be law
Here we are
Let’s make the blue-haired losers pay for their sedition with a blow-out in Nov

@Obamavirus~I enjoyed reading your commentary…so true! Ahhh…and the pleas from health officials about not wearing a mask in March, then mandating them a month later with fines for noncompliance…incredible reading of public health disaster 2020 for generations to come!



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