Home » Spare The Air Alerts To Continue Through At Least Wednesday Due To Wildfire Smoke

Spare The Air Alerts To Continue Through At Least Wednesday Due To Wildfire Smoke


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued Spare the Air alerts through Wednesday because of wildfire smoke, making it 30 straight days of the alerts banning wood burning in the region.

Wildfires burning around California as well as in Oregon and Washington have sent large amounts of smoke around the Bay Area and kept people mostly indoors to avoid the unhealthy air quality.

On days that the air district issues Spare the Air alerts, it is illegal in the nine-county Bay Area to burn wood or other solid fuels indoors or outdoors.


Residents and visitors are advised to avoid exposure to the smoky conditions by staying inside with windows and doors closed, and to set air conditioning and car vent systems to re-circulate air to prevent outside air from moving inside.

According to the air district, the smoke can irritate eyes and airways and those with existing respiratory illnesses are particularly susceptible.

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What happened to the BAAQMD always blaming vehicle emissions?

How bad would it be for someone who is healthy to go jogging/walking for 45 minutes to a hour or so in this smokey weather in the claycord area? Getting tired of staying indoors and not getting exercise outdoor trying to wait it out. Would it really be that bad to do or would I probably have no problems.

My guess is that 45 minutes of hard breathing this air may be somewhat akin to smoking anywhere from one to three cigarettes, minus a few of the truly toxic compounds.

Who says you cannot leave your home?

Go to the coast where the air is usually cleaner.

I think it is worse than smoking tobacco. Buildings are burning, so that means toxic building material is in the smoke, like formaldehyde, arsenic, and asbestos. It’s dangerous out there, my nephew died last March from the Paradise fire in 2018. It affected his asthma so bad that he started to suffer from seizures, his last seizure caused him to slip into a coma and he died a couple of days later.
Breathing the smoke may not affect you now, but in ten or twenty years it can have a bad affect on you. Think about the people in New York that are getting cancer and dying from the 9/11 attacks.

You need a 95 rated or better, with a proper fit, for this kind of smoke.

Just how much does this Bay Area Air Quality Management District cost us to tell us how bad the air is? Isn’t CARB in control here in CA? Why do we need to pay two agencies in CA to tell us this? Anyone??

I’d just like to point out that if anyone knows the dangers of ash and smoke blown up the bung it’s Gavin with his wheezy lungs, and this angry powe hungry douchiepouch will not be getting any votes from me. Anyone remember how Gretchen Weiners condemned the people protesting the lockdown but came out to support the Flloyd protestors? THE JIG IS UP.

The good news is that the smoke has cleared up enough that you can see stars plus Saturn and Jupiter in the southern part of the sky.

I fall back on what my grandfather – Nonno-used to say when the weather people would predict the weather incorrectly…”When I walk outside and feel the rain hit me then I know it is raining”.

Doesn’t take an scholar to figure out the weather conditions are…but again old school common sense seems to be very limited these days.



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