Home » Contra Costa Updates Health Order To Align With California’s COVID-19 Blueprint

Contra Costa Updates Health Order To Align With California’s COVID-19 Blueprint


Contra Costa County today aligned its COVID-19 social distancing health order with California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, so the county no longer has different reopening rules for businesses and activities beyond what the state requires or allows.

The change, effective at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, simplifies the plan for reducing the spread of COVID-19 in Contra Costa so that residents and local businesses can better understand and identify the steps we all need to take to keep ourselves, our families, workers and customers safer during the pandemic.

The update to Contra Costa’s health order does allow some additional businesses to reopen, following the state health guidelines for their industries:


  • Personal care services that involve close contact with the face may begin operating outdoors, except for tattooing, piercing and nonmedical electrolysis
  • Racetracks and cardrooms may operate outdoors
  • Music, television and film production may resume
  • Professional sports without live audiences may resume

These changes are consistent with Contra Costa’s placement in the purple tier of the state’s blueprint, indicating that COVID-19 is widespread in the county. When the data tracked by the state show sustained improvement for two weeks, the county will move into the red tier, allowing more businesses and activities to reopen.

Information about the state’s blueprint, including health guidelines for businesses and activities, which business sectors are not currently safe to operate in Contra Costa, and how the guidelines will change as the county makes progress against COVID-19, are all available at covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy.

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Wonderful all of those coveted contra costa film studios and professional sports teams can start up again.

Racetracks outdoors, who knew!

Yeah, after serving this country and living in this state, seriously considering leaving the country as this mess of politics and news agencies eats itself alive. What a joke the U.S. has become.

Blueprint For A Safer Economy = We’ll let you open when we feel like it

It’s a ridiculous state of affairs that you can go to a card room, but the children of this county have not been inside their own school for six months. It’s absurd that Farnitano and his department have not been able to make getting the schools open Job No. 1. Grade: F.

Let my people go!

Again, no mention of churches being opened!!! Qualifies as “non essential“ I guess.

if i were a business owner, I would have opened in violation of these unconstitutional “orders”.

Please explain to me how health orders are unconstitutional when they have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court for the past two centuries.

Specifically, “Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana State Board of Health,” the justices upheld a Louisiana Supreme Court decision that the state could enact and enforce quarantine laws unless Congress had decided to preempt them.

I’m not explaining anything to you . The supreme court just ruled mask orders, prolonged emergency powers, essential workers…al of it UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Get over it

Sam can you please cite what Supreme Court case you are referencing?

Sam, please cite. I am especially interested to hear since the court has been in recess since July and the are no recent opinions on the matter you state.

Nope. Find it yourself

I notice Gavin has been taking Mondays off from his media blitz, progressive indoctrination, and interpretation of California current events talk at noon. I think I read one time that drunks and alcoholics are most frequently absent from work on Monday. Well, at least he is consistent. His voice sure is a gravelly mess. Can’t see how people can elect a smoker to act in a leadership role in this day and age. I guess they got what they paid for.

I think it’s bullcrap that wineries can be open but not breweries. Gavin made this rule so his winery can be open. Get this guy out of office.
I find waxing/hair removal can open outdoors kind of funny. I’m sure people will be lining up for their outdoor bikini wax…..

Cosmetic hair removal is one of he personal services that is banned from outdoor setting, just like tattoos, and piercing.

Alignment with the arbitrary; that doesn’t sound like a formula for success.



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