A 50-year-old woman was hospitalized Friday night after she was hit by a car on Clayton Road in Concord, police said.
The woman was hit at about 8:15 p.m. by a car headed westbound on Clayton Road near Denkinger Court. She suffered major injuries as was taken to John Muir Walnut Creek, police said.
The driver, a 53-year-old woman, remained on scene and cooperated with police.
The collision is still under investigation. Any witnesses are asked to contact Traffic Officer Parsley at (925) 603-5963.
Since no details are available about this accident, I’ll keep my remarks general.
The number of aggressive, high speed drivers on Clayton Road continues to astound me. I am very cautious when using a cross walk, and try to make eye contact with drivers rather than just depend on a couple of painted lines.
On the other hand, people jaywalk across Clayton Road all the time, even when there is a crosswalk 50 feet away. And more than once I have had someone suddenly appear as they emerge from one of the landscaped medians.
In both cases, more enforcement of the laws already on the books would be a simple solution. Perhaps the City Council and Police Chief could come up with a plan for making this a reality?
I was leaving work last night like 10 minutes after this happened I heard sirens police cars then an firetruck. Drove down Clayton rd on my way home and saw the fire fighters around the woman on her back and the car on the sidewalk. Scary stuff. I hope she recovers.
I agree, I have witness both. Especially when I worked at Macy’s in Palo Alto, drivers would drive in the parking garage as if it was a racetrack, and coming out of the parking garage and turning at high speed, even though there was a walk way, and sign clearly stated, stop for pedestrians, it is the law. I have also seen people just walking wherever they feel like it, paying no attention if they or the car has the right away.
I’m alway very careful when I cross a street or walk in a parking lot, does not matter if I have the right away, if a car hits me I’m the one loosing. So in this instance I caution everyone to be careful and look before you walk, or turn you vehicle.
Nope! Concord PD is too busy coming to my house because my jealous and very entitled neighbor keeps calling CPD due to the slow green guys out along my drive way and the boat I inherited from my deceased father. Last time I checked there were way more important things and especially dangerous things out there that Concord PD should be attending too! I dunno just my silly assumption I guess.
You can’t store the boat there, get over it
Move the boat and stop wasting the PD’s time, because you want to be a jerk and keep it at your house which is obviously a Code violation and your neighbors don’t want to see it.
Apparently my reading comprehension just fell off a cliff, because I don’t understand what Raiderette is describing. A boat on a driveway? Ok. Lemme just say I never understood why some people get worked up over boats. I don’t consider them blight at all. Quite the opposite. I would consider them status symbols if I cared about status. I think they make a neighborhood look fancy, like people have money and they are living the good life. And they are interesting to look at. I don’t need to look at any more cars. Show me a neighborhood with more boats and fewer cars and I’ll show you an awesome neighborhood.
I think the haters are just jealous that you have a boat. People need to mind their own business. Unless your boat was blocking their driveway, but otherwise who cares if the neighbor has a boat, or an RV?
I agree it is stupid you can’t store a boat, and the cops should not have anything to do with your boat, unless you are driving it down your street.
Cops doing jobs they shouldn’t be doing, is this why it uses up 60% of Concords budget?
. Looked to me as if she was using the crosswalk at Denkinger and Clayton, as she landed in front of the bus stop bench.
I had a terrifying experience when (on an extremely cold day in broad daylight) a bedraggled man JUMPED in front of Brünhilda when I was driving southeast-bound on Clayton Road. Fortunately, I was going well under the speed limit, and fortunately my vehicle has an extraordinarily fine braking system. Still, my bumper stopped within one yard of him. He had turned to face my car, and the expression on his face was clearly one of DISAPPOINTMENT that I had not hit him!!! Then immediately he turned and ran across the row lanes between him and the opposite sidewalk and off between buildings.
I was so terrified and angry all at once that I needed to move over two lanes, park in a strip mall lot, and just sit awhile.
It seems to me that some of these fatal accidents are INTENTIONALLY caused by the victim…. either as a play for assisted suicide, or else in an attempt to get “just a little bit” injured so that they can be warm and fed in the hospital E.R. overnight.
I tell about this only to add to the valid points you are making.
“well under the speed limit” Glad you didn’t hit him, but you should drive the speed limit
Antler, this guy does this all the time. Had a similar experience.of him jumping out of nowhere.
He’s drugged out.
The other day as I was driving past that big Eucalyptus tree in El Monte, some guy stepped right out in front of me, and another full lane of traffic. Seems he was carrying on a conversation with a guy across the street and couldn’t hear him all that well. I was able to stop, just barely, but stepping out from behind a big tree like that into the middle of the roadway to carry on a conversation with somebody across the street seems really, really stupid to me. It was like the lane was clear and all of a sudden he was in the middle of it. He looked as surprised as I was.
Never in my life have I seen as many pedestrians/bicyclists struck by cars as I have in the past year along Clayton Rd. I haven’t actually witnessed the incidents, but have come across 4 incidents in the past 12 months shortly after they happened. Also, I am completely dumbfounded by the people who jaywalk across Clayton Rd. A few weeks ago I commented to a friend that they should post warning signs of people running across the road like they do south of San Diego.
PS: I am sure someone will think that comment was supposed to be “anti-hispanic”, but it isn’t; I see all types of races and genders jaywalking/jayrunning Clayton Rd.
People drive like maniacs on clayton road. There isn’t a bus shelter left, because the maniacs crash into them. That house on Clayton and cape cod has been hit many times in spite of the fact it isn’t brown skinned or jaywalking.
There is no doubt that people are driving too fast. There are also too many that are jaywalking. Not saying this lady was, but I did pass the scene as they were attending to her and there was someone crossing not in a crosswalk and on the dark, smokey night almost got hit. Earlier in the morning, another jaywalker ran right into commute traffic to try to catch the bus and almost got hit twice! Get it together people!!
The poor woman. Prayers for her as she is fighting for her life in the hospital.
Too many pedestrians are getting hit on our roadways. So sorry this happened.
Well Chuckie, the PD managers in their wisdom, have transferred many of the working motorcycle officers out of the traffic unit. This is even though in every survey of Concord residents. traffic is ALWAYS a top 3 complaint.
So without more working traffic cops, there is not going to be more enforcement. Add to that, PD managers that are more concerned with trivial issues, and attempt to bully their hard workers, and you get many line level people who will do only the minimum. Why work hard if your boss is going to nit-pick everything you do?
I personally would love to see increased enforcement of traffic (more motor cops). It would make it safer for everyone on the road.
The number of jay walkers has increased since the best western became the homeless shelter. Just saying.