Home » Contra Costa County Deputy Health Officer Holds Question & Answer Session Regarding COVID-19

Contra Costa County Deputy Health Officer Holds Question & Answer Session Regarding COVID-19


County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Thomas Warne spoke to Contra Costa Supervisors this afternoon regarding COVID-19.

Below is a quick summary of the information he provided to start the meeting:


  • We’re seeing a gradual improvement in Contra Costa County.
  • Test results are coming back faster.
  • There are a little over 1,000 active COVID-19 cases in Contra Costa County.
  • August was the deadliest month for COVID-19 deaths in Contra Costa County.
  • People need to continue social distancing and wear masks during the Labor Day weekend.

Dr. Warne also took a few questions from the public.

Below is a summary of his answers to some of the questions.

  • The county is working with the County Office of Education and school districts to provide guidance regarding school reopening. If an elementary school applies for a waiver to reopen, the waiver has to be approved by the Board of Education, the County Health Department and the State of California.
  • There are four private elementary schools in Contra Costa County that have been approved to reopen.
  • All school staff will be required to be tested every two months. 25% of teachers will be tested every two weeks.
  • A teacher can’t work with more than 14 students at a time.
  • Not sure when playgrounds will reopen, but they must stay closed until further notice. It’s up to the state to decide when they will reopen.
  • They’re more concerned about the indoor airborne spread of the virus.
  • Massage therapy under a doctor’s referral is allowed to operate indoors.
  • Cardiac related deaths so far this year is 887 in Contra Costa County. Last year at this time it was in the low 800s.
  • Indoor church services can reopen when state moves into the “red zone”.
  • Isolation of children/mental health is a concern and a risk of the shelter-at-home. He wants the community to keep trying to stop the spread of COVID-19 so kids can get back to school, etc.
  • It’s unknow if a COVID-19 vaccine will be mandatory, but he doubts it will be mandatory. They will encourage people to get the vaccine when it is proven safe and available. It will be up to the “higher levels of government” to make the decision on if it’s mandatory.
  • If a COVID positive patient dies in a vehicle collision, it will not be marked as a COVID death. COVID must contribute to the cause of death in order to be listed as a COVID death.
  • Daycares are open and schools aren’t because of the group size of children.

A video of today’s meeting will be posted when the county makes it available.

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They will never surrender control now. Throw the masks away, open everything back up, They will never be able to stop it.

Nobody can make it mandatory to put toxins in your body.. One vaccine won’t be enough for immunity and there’s a chance you can get it anyway or die of allergy..Leave us alone and let us make our own decisions about our health and well being!

If they make it mandatory……they might awaken something they regret.

Vaccine manufacturers are immune to any lawsuits.
No thanks, remove the 1986 vaccine liability act and make them accountable.

It’s a lot like bike helmets. People should know enough to do the right thing on their own. When it comes to masks/distancing/vaccines many clueless people are ignoring the science. Society must do whatever it can to try to influence their irresponsible behavior.

At least, in the bike helmet scenario, only the clueless person dies but in a pandemic, it’s far worse because the person may (unintentionally) infect and kill a bunch of innocent people.

@Couch Tomato
How are you going to try and influence Nancy Pelosi’s irresponsible behavior?

Trump would love to speed up the vaccine 💉 process to make him look good at our expense. In the past there were vaccines developed too fast for diseases and people became paralyzed and had permanent damage. DO NOT BE FOOLED. I think I want to wait a maybe a year or two to see if the vaccine being administrated is safe.

@ couch tomato
Almost a good argument except that masks don’t work. Actually the science doesn’t support any of those things you mentioned.

Cool J
Please take care of yourself and those around you.

Nancy Pelosi will learn from that mistake. No politician wants bad press.

Get out of CCC (communist contra costa) while you can!

Get out of the bay and California completely if possible. They lose your tax dollars and it hurts them where it matters: their corrupt pockets.
They are playing with our lives to achieve political goals. Move to a state that respects your right to self governance, get involved, make sure what we have seen and experienced here NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

I think the same thing sometimes but shouldn’t we stay here and fight for our rights? Conservatives leaving is what they want. It would make their 1 party system complete with low info voters and people not raised on Americanism and the constitution. Why give them what they want?

Sam, I was with you. I wanted to stay and fight the good fight….but I’m out of here too, as are many of my friends. I used to love it here, but no more.

I get it. Just saying..

In case you missed the memo…It already is a one party system.

Aunt Barbara that horse has LONG since left the barn. Mandatory injections with a potpourri of toxic chemicals has long been a condition of employment for many jobs, and for attending school. I won’t pretend to have a useful opinion on that fact, because I left my PhD in Biology in my other pants, but let’s not kid ourselves here. 99+% of Americans have completely rolled over for the pharmaceutical industry and public health mandates. The vast majority of people reading this would refuse the polio vaccine if Gavin Newsome said it was a good idea, but will cheerfully let their primary care physician inject them with an ever expanding menu of inoculations, no questions asked.

Forced medical anything is against the genova convention. Nobody can force anything, even big daddy Gavin. Funny they would even mention it like it’s a possibility. Sounds like they are stoking fear again.

Welp, the more people who refuse to get vaccinated means the faster the rest of us lower down the risk totem pole can get our shots. So you do you, I guess.

Yes that’s how it’s works…like always. You do you, and I’ll do me. You will be protected with a vaccine and I won’t be. I will continue to eat all my veggies and supplements to continue having a fully functional natural immune system. You’ll be good tho, double plus good if you keep wearing your mask💉🦠😷👌🏽

With mass immunity comes the end of plague rags and social distancing regulations. I can’t wait to rip the damned thing off in public.

BTW, veggies are awesome! Even us folks who obey these endless health regulations can enjoy them. Veggies are universal LOL

Plague rags 🤣 love it

What happened to Dr Farnitano? And what about the health goon that came after him?

These henchmen health officers sure have a short shelf life.

Dr Farnitano took a leave of absence to have surgery on his vocal chords.

He’s in the basement acting as joe’s personnel care giver.

CCCounty is at a crossroads and is situated on the battle line
The Democrat political class is insane like Caligula of Rome

We need a rule change right now: If you have a loved in the hospital that is dying from any cause, the spouse or closest relative should be allowed to be with them and comfort them until they pass on. At that point the survivor agrees to quarantine.

Screw politics, it’s the only humane thing to do.

I agree. I mean I think this is so obvious that it should not even be an issue. This is nuts. So the doctors can go into the room of the dying relative, the nurses can, the orderlies can, and the night cleaning staff can but you cannot. So the only way to visit your relative is to apply for a job as a night janitor? This is totally nuts and very poor judgement.

I agree to a certain extent.. though what if you bring COVID-19 into the hospital and there ends up being an outbreak?



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