Home » Go Safely, California – September Is Pedestrian Safety Month In California

Go Safely, California – September Is Pedestrian Safety Month In California


September is Pedestrian Safety Month and Concord Police will join law enforcement agencies across the state to educate the public on how to be safe when walking or driving.

Since 2009, the number of pedestrians killed or injured on California roads has increased dramatically, accounting for nearly 25% of all roadway deaths. A report released earlier this year by the Governors Highway Association (GHSA) projected that pedestrian deaths in 2019 reached the highest point in more than 30 years.

“More people are out walking, exercising and doing what they can to spend a little time outdoors after spending so much time inside staying at home,” Concord Police Lt. Mark Robison said. “Looking out for one another is the least we can do during these difficult times.”


For the safety of everyone walking or driving, Concord Police will have additional officers on patrol throughout the month of September specifically looking for violations made by drivers and pedestrians that make roads unsafe.
These violations include speeding, illegal turns, failure to yield, not stopping for signs or signals, and pedestrians who do not cross in marked crosswalks or designated crossing areas.

Concord Police offers steps drivers and pedestrians can take to be safe:


  • Ditch the distractions. Keep your eyes up and phones down, especially when crossing the street.
  • Always use marked crosswalks, preferably at stop signs or signals.
  • Make eye contact and nod or wave at drivers. A quick nod or wave is an easy way to let a driver know you see them, and they see you.
  • Be extra careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night when it is harder to see. Get in the habit of walking with a flashlight or wearing a reflective vest so it is easier for drivers to spot you.
  • If you need to briefly walk into the street to maintain social distancing on sidewalks, remember to look both ways for cars.



  • Slow down on busy streets and at intersections.
  • Avoid distractions, which includes cell phones, eating, using in-dash touch screens, or turning to talk to passengers.
  • Be extra careful approaching crosswalks. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians. Stop prior to the crosswalk.
  • Try to avoid blocking the crosswalk when making a right-hand turn.
  • Have your headlights on and slow down at night when pedestrians are difficult to see.


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If you wear a mask remember, they cannot protect you from automobiles. Cars are much bigger then viruses.

Parents, impress upon those with hand held electronics they should always have situational awareness. Means they need to be aware of what is going on around them. Head down focused on a handheld’s screen with earphones going full blast means they won’t hear a car wreck behind them which might deflect a vehicle in their direction.

Another unfortunate byproduct of liberals releasing criminals from incarceration, more predators on our streets.
People need too be aware of their surroundings.

My friend was hit by a drunk driver in Walnut Creek in the crosswalk. Her problem is she never looks both ways even in the crosswalk. That is asking for trouble. I am really careful when I am in a crosswalk. I have seen so many drivers speeding all over the place. Very dangerous to me.

Oh please. Must you say that? So boring and not relevant.

Liberal privilege.

Pedestrians: STOP jaywalking.

I will be sure to wear my seatbelt…..

Pedestrians, when crossing the street, don’t intentionally slow down and stare at the line of cars waiting for you to cross. Try walking a little faster maybe, not everybody has time to watch you amble around.

I live off landana dr and willow pass rd I cross at the stop light or the blinking lights at San Vincente My dog was hit while on his leash crossing the street in the afternoon when I’m in my car commuters like you get mad when I live there and I want to go home as much as you

Also it is hard to see on a 2 lane road one lane stops and everyone in the other lane doesn’t stop walking or driving

I liked Archie Bunker’s idea for stopping plane hijackings: arm all the passengers. Arm all pedestrians with .44 magnums and let them defend themselves from drivers who threaten their well-being. I realize it could cause some traffic problems, but it’s the price we pay for pedestrian safety. Jaywalkers waive their right to defensive fire.

Well Dirty Dan….. I like your thinking, but worry….

Not all can handle the awesome power of a 44… A 357 maybe? A good ol’ 45??

a relative in Portland OR tells me an Antifa candidate is rating very good in the polls and may be elected to city council….

I also dislike slow walkers. When crossing I walk run to the other side. When I am waiting on a slow walker they have no ideal how bad I want to run them over. Sorry I have issues and I am very impatient.



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