- 1,102 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 76 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
- 12,828 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 105 of the 183 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 34 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 93 of the 183 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- 7 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and five in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- There are currently 142 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 24 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 53 ICU beds are currently available.
The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
The statewide positivity rate today is 4.4% according to Newsome…why are the dates 8/12-8/18/20 with 6% for state still on chart for today—misleads public? Doesn’t surprise me, though…
These sudden serves in the data have been bothering me for months. In March and April the message was “flatten the curve.” Health authorities published beautiful charts with nice smooth curves rising to projected peaks of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths and how some of those peaks would or could overwhelm systems.
The new cases per day chart was forming up to be a nice smooth curve up to July 6th and the numbers have been jumping wildly since then. Earlier I wrote that July 10th was the date the numbers went wild. I looked again and it was the number of active-cases that started behaving weirdly on July 10th. The major component of active-cases is the sum of the number of new cases for the previous 14 days. Thus it does not react as quickly to glitches in the system but by July 10th active-cases was starting to react to glitches that had been occurring since July 6th.
Since at least July 6th I don’t think the reported number of new cases can be used to determine the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community.
Today (Wednesday) the county quietly removed the notice they had been showing about “The State electronic system experienced delays in processing test results. Consequently, case and testing data is temporarily incomplete, and the positivity rate calculation is temporarily unavailable. We will remove this disclaimer when the situation is resolved. Click here for a detailed update.” However, they did not make any significant changes to the historical record of new cases. The historical record gets published every day and so if there had been changes they would be visible.
The county also reported 59 new cases of COVID-19 for September 1st. That sounds great but is about a fifth of the 261 and 274 new cases they reported a week ago for August 23 and 24. The community numbers should not change that fast. It’s supposed to be a beautiful smooth curve.
Thus, I suspect things are still gummed up somewhere in the system.
@WC Resident
There were a few days in July or early August where the number of new cases were the same or off by one or two from the prior day. Potentially due to the state glitch, but it does seem kind of strange. I wonder if it also had to due with the 10-14 delay in test results.
@DLo – The number of new cases for a day is nearly always a few off if you subtract the total number of cases from the total number of cases for the previous day. From time to time someone will complain “can’t people do math?” as they don’t realize what’s happening is that the number of “new” cases per day is constantly being adjusted for older dates.
For example, yesterday the county is reported 59 new cases for 9/1/2020. Today they are reporting that there were 93 new cases on 9/1/2020. I’m guessing those were test results that came in too late to be included in yesterday’s release of the data. Besides adjusting the number of “new” cases for 9/1/2020 the county also adjusted the new case numbers for 17 other older dates going back as far as 6/10/2020 which was adjusted downwards from 33 new cases to 32 for that day.
The net result of today’s adjustments is 33 additional cases beyond the 68 new cases they reported for 9/2/2020. That’s what confuses people. They see 68 new cases being reported but when they do the math they discover the total increased by 101 cases of COVID-19. 33 plus 68 is 101.
These adjustments also change the positivity rate. Sancho Panza wondered how positivity could change from 6% to 4.4% in one day.
59 cases found for 1,208 tests is a 4.88% positivity rate for 9/1/2010 when looking at the data released on 9/2/2020.
93 cases found for 1,220 tests is a 7.62% positivity rate for 9/1/2010 when looking at the data released on 9/3/2020.
Both the number of new cases and number of tests for 9/1/2020 were adjusted which resulted in a large after the fact change to the positivity rate. Using 7-day averages makes these glitches less obvious but because there are often large changes to the previous day’s numbers I suspect people should ignore the numbers for yesterday and only look at those for two days back and older.
I’m done with being concerned about COVID. Too much contemptuous behavior from government officials. They have no respect for the citizenry.
Luckily an election is coming up. Now is your chance to do something about the contemptuous government officials. Vote out the incumbents. It is their policies that have made this mess on the local and state level. That is why one party rule is bad. Only one point of view is represented in government. Don’t through away your only shot to change the status quo.
Just another pretty map. Open everything and move on with your lives please. This is such a joke.
Yeah whatever… yawn
Let’s open and move on with our lives please
So stupid… thank God this pandemic wasn’t real
Don’t @ me I know people that have tested positive for covid
But stop the bs
Meanwhile they’re throwing pool parties in Wuhan
Hospitalizations are falling off a cliff. Lets hope that trend continues.
I’m pro Newsom and being cautious for COVID but I’m very woke regarding the past week or so statistics. If you look at the total cases in our county in these reports everyday they have managed to go down by almost 300 cases in a week where as since the second outbreak in June it has been skyrocketing everyday.
Nothing has changed. Nothing has opened since then, the people who are anti-mask are still anti-mask, the weather is still as warm. If anything travel has picked up and people are more and more tired of this.
It’s very odd out of nowhere case counts seem to be spiraling down again.
Total active cases is trending downward not just total cases (including recovered). That will never go down
But that’s happened far more dramatically all across the south and still more dramatically in Arizona. not just cases but hospitalizations too. Their hospitalizations in AZ are down like 75% from the summer peak. And the numbers in the Northeast are shockingly low. The overall reproduction number for the US is lower than it was during initial lockdown. So it isn’t just a glitch in CA data. We’re having a slow motion version of that decline here. Seems like there is a certain level of immunity that gets reached in the population and then it starts to go down. (Not necessarily full herd immunity, but herd immunity given basic social distancing behavior.) This isn’t just my theory: some biostatisticians have published studies that show this could really be happening: given the heterogeneity in the population, and given that the most susceptible and connected people will get it first, it makes sense to hit 15-30% of the population infected and then start to go down. There’s evidence from Louisiana for this as well: Youyang Gu, one of the best forecast modelers for Covid, has discussed this.
CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
This is a hoax. It’s politics 100%.
HCL and zinc with antibiotics keeps 85% of AT RISK patients from even going to the hospital and we have to fight to get it.
I smelled a rat from day one and that hasn’t changed.
This is criminal.
That isn’t what the CDC said. Most of those other causes listed were things like pneumonia, heart failure, ARDS – i.e., the serious complications of bad Covid cases. And if it was how you said, how come the overall deaths from all causes went up so dramatically in NYC area right at the same time Covid hit them? You’re in conspiracy theory land. The excess mortality numbers – total deaths from all causes compared to historical average – confirm it: significant number of people have died because of Covid. Closer to 200k in the US than 9k. So it can’t just be an artefact of how they are recording cause of death. Also, this is global. How on earth would this conspiracy be carried out? All these countries, some of whom hate each other, just happen to coordinate to perpetrate a planet-sized fraud and make up death numbers out of nothing? Political leaders risking huge disruption and regime change just to help carry out a fraud on certain Americans? Come on. There’s plenty of politics and overreaction and hypocrisy as it is. You don’t need to go full tinfoil hat. Gavin Newsom is a slimy snake in real life, no fiction required.
As for HQL (not HCL, that’s hydrochloric acid and you definitely don’t want to ingest that…), maybe it helps in just the right circumstances, just the right timing. I don’t know. There have been several studies done, and it seems inconclusive. You may be right that it should be more available. But some countries with available HQL have still had lots of Covid deaths, so… go figure.
HQL is not a cure. It is used in conjunction with zinc to help zinc get into the virus to destroy it. That’s the problem with their research, they only did HQL by itself.
HCL, hydrochloric acid is used when the stomach doesn’t produce enough of it and is taken with food.
@Patriot, exactly 100% correct. PlandemicControlaVirus.
That’s a lie. Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and antibiotics Is exactly what was studied.
All you have to do is look up what YouTube, Twitter, Google and Facebook suppressed.
Kudos to Claycord for allowing free discussion. Thank you Claycord!
That’s exactly what they said.
9,210 people died of Covid only. The rest had other additional conditions or causes
“ For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”
The statistical thresholds should be based on the negativity rates.
Who devised this color coding scam to trick people into believing more BS. since when is 10 cases per 100,000 or 1/10,000 widespread. There is a flu, but it has never been an epidemic or pandemic. Just a political plandemic to ruin the economy, ruin lives, destroy dreams and make everyone wear masks to be submissive. there is no double blind randomized long term study to prove they are effective against spreading anything.
Open everything now and let free american citizens live, work and breathe.
COVID must not be so bad since auntie Nancy can go get her hair done at a salon without a mask! #salongate
Auntie says it was a set-up.
Reminds me of the criminal that shot an innocent person and then sued the victim. The logic was that the victim got in the way of the bullet so it was actually the victims fault. This logic is now a syndrome. Liberalism.
Exactly, Mike…and Pelosi has the audacity to say she was set up and deserves an apology from the salon owner! She deserves an infraction for not following the mandated health orders. “Let them eat cake!”
If corona virus infections are so widespread in this county, why do I know no one who has been infected with it? I can only guess that consuming copious amounts of BBQ and alcohol provide significant protection, based on the behaviors of everyone I know.
Remember when it was just two weeks to flatten the curve….. Ca is being driven into the ground financially.. people loosing businesses, lively hoods, can’t put food on their tables.. shame on all the Ca political elites that don’t give a crap about the people.. only power.. I’m glad we’re leaving Ca…
Why is this chart now being posted later in the day instead of around noon?