Home » CDC: Mental Health, Substance Use And Suicidal Ideation Numbers During The COVID-19 Pandemic

CDC: Mental Health, Substance Use And Suicidal Ideation Numbers During The COVID-19 Pandemic


During the June 24–30, 2020 survey administered by Qualtrics for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) U.S. adults reported considerably elevated adverse mental health conditions associated with COVID-19.

The following information is from the CDC:

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been associated with mental health challenges related to the morbidity and mortality caused by the disease and to mitigation activities, including the impact of physical distancing and stay-at-home orders.


Symptoms of anxiety disorder and depressive disorder increased considerably in the United States during April–June of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019.

To assess mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation during the pandemic, representative panel surveys were conducted among adults aged ≥18 years across the United States during June 24–30, 2020.

Overall, 40.9% of respondents reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition, including symptoms of anxiety disorder or depressive disorder (30.9%), symptoms of a trauma- and stressor-related disorder (TSRD) related to the pandemic (26.3%), and having started or increased substance use to cope with stress or emotions related to COVID-19 (13.3%).

The percentage of respondents who reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey (10.7%) was significantly higher among respondents aged 18–24 years (25.5%), minority racial/ethnic groups (Hispanic respondents [18.6%], non-Hispanic black [black] respondents [15.1%]), self-reported unpaid caregivers for adults (30.7%), and essential workers (21.7%).



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Praying for our youth. God Bless.

People are suffering, so let’s make sure everything stays shut down for an indefinite period of time. Makes sense.

Or we can try to get them the help that they need.

Or, we can “allow” people to go back to work, reopen their businesses, visit friends and family, go back to school, you know, live their lives. Seeing a therapist via Zoom and swallowing antidepressants won’t address the underlying issues. This is an entirely abnormal way of living. It’s destructive in many many ways. It’s coming up on six months. How will people be coping in another few months?

This is a virulent virus. It is not life as usual. We need to live in a way that this very infectious virus does not continue to spread.

As I have stated in the past and did not receive any responses: Since When did government become so concerned about our health or wellness????

Actions speak louder than words, I don’t need to talk to a robot over the phone or online, open things up.
This is beginning to look exactly like Idiocracy.

Quarantines ARE NOT for HEALTHY people!!!

More evidence that our Government policy of Cower-in-Place has side effects worse than the Virus from China itself!

I’m so sick of this stuff.. I can relate with all these people and picking up disorders during these disorienting times. Wake me up at the end of November when all this stuff suddenly disappears.

Listening to Biden pushing that line of thinking and taking canned questions on the idiot box right now – it’s obvious the dems are in this for the long haul using the pandemic as an endless Christmas tree of crony gifts & give-a-ways – we’ll all be paying for generations & generations & generations.

BTW: someone should remind secret ‘wash & blow’ Pelosi that ‘no one is above the law!” Talk about two-faced hypocrites.

She knows it’s a hoax and wlll do anything to get revenge on Trump.
It’s so obvious
Recall brainwashed Nephew Newson

More people are dying from the lockdowns than are dying due to the virus!!!
End this nonesense NOW !!!!!!


When the pain of today becomes greater than the pain of tomorrow things can happen.
Have found merely taking the time to quietly listen, can make a difference.

Believe 13% for substance use is way too low.

I found this information helpful.


This is not the government’s fault. It’s our fault , the people’s fault. We are not slaves that work for the government. They work for us. All of the restaurants and salons should pick a day and all open up with precautions. If the politicians threaten to take their license then fine operate without a license. The government threatens to arrest them, they can’t arrest everyone. Besides getting arrested really doesn’t mean anything anymore. Wake up people and take back our country. Stop being dumb sheep



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