- 1,190 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 97 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
- 12,665 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 105 of the 179 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 33 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 92 of the 179 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- 7 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and five in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- There are currently 142 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 25 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 57 ICU beds are currently available.

The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
This Covid bs is losing steam. The CDC has exposed the lie that it is. Time to release California. Now, instead of waiting until the election is over.
Pelosi says…keep them all on lockdown til the election, so they blame Trump. As she has her hair done indoors without a mask on, at her frail age~ dementia ?
any word on why SF County is red even though they’re over the limit? Not trolling, just want to know it it’s been clarified.
It’s the “adjusted case rate” – they adjust it if a county is testing more than average, so that you don’t get punished for testing more (and thus finding more cases per 100K). CCC shows the same number for raw and adjusted case rate, so I presume we must be testing at or around the state average.
@Led thank you.
Madame Pelosi needs her hair done though.
10 per 100,000. How many car accidents are there per every 100,000 cars on the road???
Newsom needs to read up on the hypersensitivity of the polymerase chain reaction testing.
Exactly. But more broadly, it is crazy to tie everything to cases when the real impact is hospitalizations and deaths. As much as the previous system was a confusing mess, this is simple but totally wrong-headed. The obvious purpose is to make something nice and easy to represent on a map, while making sure that nothing will ever change over the next few months, at which point their will have been an election, possible a limited amount of the first vaccine(s), monoclonal antibody treatments, and possibly the rollout of mass rapid testing. So this isn’t a plan for reopening, it’s a way to make a pretty map while locking the status quo into place.
Scary map time, we’re all doomed.
Two encouraging releases from Duke University Medical Center/Research:
1. In their research to find therapies which can completely block or shut down the C-19 virus in its earliest stages:
Camostat mesylate is primarily used to treat pancreatitis, but preliminary research indications are that it might stop C-19 from fusing with the membranes inside lung cells.
The medication is called “Favipiravir”, and it mimics the virus’s DNA.
The treatment is already being used in China, India, and Russia.
2. The Duke Human Vaccine Institute (Durham,NC) has been approved to launch a Phase 1 clinical trial of one of its most promising antibody treatments for Covid-19. Other emphasis there include research on a pan-coronavirus vaccine.
Such scientists working all over the world put themselves at great personal health risk on our behalf. I wish them…. ALL of us….. safety and success!
With the governor’s new tiered plan, and requirements to “allow” businesses to open (with restrictions, of course) we’ll be in locked down for many months to come. People are suffering under these restrictions. So many can’t make a living. A large percentage of businesses will never reopen. Children can’t spend time with their friends, and play, and go to school and learn. For small children, is online Zoom really working for them?
The lockdowns truly are a rolling disaster. The sensible thing to have done would be to protect the vulnerable. But no, we had to go full potato and destroy people’s lives.
Here is a good reason to wear a mask.
It’s likely that face masks, by blocking even some of the virus-carrying droplets you inhale, can reduce your risk of falling seriously ill from COVID-19, according to Monica Gandhi, MD, an infectious disease specialist at UC San Francisco.
“The more virus you get into your body, the more sick you are likely to get,” she said.
In the latest wave of infections in the U.S., the wider use of masks may be one factor for the lower death rates – along with more testing, younger patients and better treatments – said Gandhi. A greater proportion of these new cases have been mild or asymptomatic, though more data is needed to see if they track geographically with higher rates of mask-wearing.
Worldwide, epidemiological patterns seem to provide a clue. In countries where mask wearing was already commonplace, such as Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore, and in countries where mask wearing was quickly embraced, such as the Czech Republic, rates of severe illness and death have remained comparatively low.
These epidemiological observations are among the evidence that Gandhi and colleagues cite in a paper in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, in which they propose that masks can lead to milder or asymptomatic infections by cutting down on the dose of virus people take in.
“Masks can prevent many infections altogether, as was seen in health care workers when we moved to universal masking. We’re also saying that masks, which filter out a majority of viral particles, can lead to a less severe infection if you do get one,” said Gandhi. “If you get infected, but have no symptoms – that’s the best way you can ever get a virus.”
what about all that 98 degree carbon one breathes back in to their body. I understand it actually lowers your immune system. While many are overly stressed, lowering immunity. Pray for God to intervene in California and then vote for the local gov on up to the national. Put our money prayers and votes where our mouths are!
Those doctors and nurses that have to wear masks at work for hours at a time must not be humans because otherwise they would be all passing out or dying.
The charade continues…
I find it very interesting that China was locked down for 76 days, opened up back in May and so far have not had a single case of COVID, even after that huge party in Wuhan. This is all very suspicious and it makes sense why a lot of people have an issue with believing this COVID crap.
A Dictatorship has much more control over it’s population. China really locked down their citizens and sprayed down the streets.
We have to many people here that won’t follow the guidance and wear masks and so the virus is still spreading.
Their Leadership took this very seriously, unfortunately ours did not.
China still gets cases. The entire region of Xinjiang is under a strict lockdown order. The rest of mainland China and Hong Kong still gets new cases too, just not as many as Xinjiang does.
You can do an internet news search to see articles about new Covid cases in China and Hong Kong.
The Chinese government does tamper with their reporting, though. A peer-reviewed investigation has shown that China under reported the number of infections, and how many died during the early months of the pandemic. It is possible that they are still currently under reporting new cases, so you have to take the numbers with some skepticism.
Maybe some of this news of the lack of coronavirus in China is due to authoritarian governments being better at controlling the information. A relative told me about a conversation with an Asian couple yesterday who goes back and forth to China and they said not to believe any of the data or information on the virus from China.
Yep we keep seeing in other nations what can happen if we followed the rules but Americans have no interest.
And if the leadership took course like China you would have been in the streets blasting the leadership for acting like a communist party. Give me a break.