Home » Children And Young People’s Social, Emotional, And Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Children And Young People’s Social, Emotional, And Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) can affect children and young people directly and indirectly.

Many young people’s social, emotional, and mental well-being has been impacted by the pandemic.

Trauma faced at this developmental stage can continue to affect them across their lifespan, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The following information is from the CDC:


Some of the challenges children and young people face during the COVID-19 pandemic relate to:

  • Changes in their routines (e.g., having to physically distance from family, friends, worship community)
  • Breaks in continuity of learning (e.g., virtual learning environments, technology access and connectivity issues)
  • Breaks in continuity of health care (e.g., missed well-child and immunization visits, limited access to mental, speech, and occupational health services)
  • Missed significant life events (e.g., grief of missing celebrations, vacation plans, and/or milestone life events)
  • Lost security and safety (e.g., housing and food insecurity, increased exposure to violence and online harms, threat of physical illness and uncertainty for the future)

Watch for behavior changes:

Not all children and teens respond to stress in the same way, and some may find relief in calming rituals, like enjoying a cup of Mushroom coffee.


Some common changes to watch for include:

  • Excessive crying or irritation in younger children.
  • Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (for example, toileting accidents or bedwetting).
  • Excessive worry or sadness.
  • Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits.
  • Irritability and “acting out” behaviors in teens.
  • Poor school performance or avoiding school.
  • Difficulties with attention and concentration.
  • Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past.
  • Unexplained headaches or body pain.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

Tips for talking to children:

  • Remain calm. Remember that children will react to both what you say and how you say it. They will pick up cues from the conversations you have with them and with others.
  • Reassure children that they are safe. Let them know it is okay if they feel upset. Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you.
  • Make yourself available to listen and to talk. Let children know they can come to you when they have questions.
  • Avoid language that might blame others and lead to stigma.
  • Pay attention to what children see or hear on television, radio, or online. Consider reducing the amount of screen time focused on COVID-19. Too much information on one topic can lead to anxiety.
  • Provide information that is truthful and appropriate for the age and developmental level of the child. Talk to children about how some stories on COVID-19 on the Internet and social media may be based on rumors and inaccurate information. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand.
  • Teach children everyday actions to reduce the spread of germs. Remind children to wash their hands frequently and stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing or sick. Also, remind them to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, then throw the tissue into the trash.
  • If school is open, discuss any new actions that may be taken at school to help protect children and school staff.

Talk to children about COVID-19:

  • COVID-19 can look different in different people. For many people, being sick with COVID-19 would be a little bit like having the flu. People can get a fever, cough, or have a hard time taking deep breaths. Most people who have gotten COVID-19 have not gotten very sick. Only a small group of people who get it have had more serious problems.
  • If you do get sick, it doesn’t mean you have COVID-19. People can get sick from all kinds of germs. What’s important to remember is that if you do get sick, the adults at home will help get you any help that you need.

For more information on how to help your children during this time, click HERE.

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Sound advice, it’s certainly a stressful time for both parents and kids.

The NY Times has a story reporting that tests for the virus are too sensitive, essentially giving a false-positive up to 90% of the time. That’s enough to make anyone depressed when you consider all of the side effects of Cower-in-Place.

Today’s example: Saw a friend in Safeway this afternoon. She is in her mid-90’s and still works and drives. I asked, “Can I give you a hug?” Her arms were around me as soon as the words were out of my mouth…and she reached out and hugged me again when we were ready to part ways.

We need human contact, and when we don’t get enough we get sick, become mentally ill. and riot. It does not take a “mental-health professional” to figure this stuff out!

Yes, if I stay indoors too long I get the uncontrollable urge to riot too 😁

Children are resilient and feed off their parents moods and stresses.
Keeping them active is top priority.
Teens andAdults are a different story, especially the elderly who are boxed up and
unable; to do many things anyway with disabilities,illness etc.

These people need to stop telling everyone what to do, how to act, what to think and open up the world we used to love.
They are treating us all like children and it’s bordering on abuse.

It’s funny, a month or two ago there was an article in the East Bay Times where a local hospital in this area said that they were seening more deaths from suicides than from Covid 19! The severe lockdown has had hidden costs that are still uncounted.

This is part of the plan. Break us down financially and emotionally and spiritually.

I really agree with you. We will soon be getting microchips in our paws
and unable to think for ourselves. Mental Hospitals will be overflowing
and suicides will be counted as COVID19 deaths.

Is staying at home really that hard? I love my home. And I find emotional dependency on other humans unhealthy. This isnt going to be forever if people just listen to people more educated than them. This idea that people who have never set foot in a graduate level class know better is crazy. Arrogance and ignorance is why this is still happening.

I read the same article and it is not necessarily a false positive, it is the fact that the virus is present in the PCR test that actually looks for the virus DNA. The unknown is whether or not the level of virus (viral load) is significant enough to spread to others. Regardless, it is not possible to assume that 90% of those who test positive are not able to spread the virus. If so why is the virus still spreading?


It’s NEVER going away. (I’m not talking about some cold or flu “virus”).
Socialism got its foot in the door and this is just the beginning. Too bad that your Politicians are all sellouts and compromised……that’s right, they follow through with these Gestapo activities because they are blackmailed.
Somebody has dirt on them and they will do whatever needed to keep that dirt hidden.

Welcome to the New World Order, it was all just “conspiracy theory” that your crazy uncle would talk abut though, right!?!?

A virus is not political. It’s scientific, not based in opinion, but those of you who only see things through a political lense are making this worse and last longer. Listen to people more educated than you. There is always a solution.

Facebook blocks any positive info regarding covid, including successful treatments and/or problems with the tests. They block me from sharing and send me notice stating the articles are false according to their “fact checkers.” Wow…wonder exactly who are these special people who deny me freedom of speech. If anyone believes all that we are spoon fed by the CDC and government, then good luck!

You will only enjoy the freedom of speech you seek when using actual platforms rather than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc, all of which are publishers, but fraudulently operate as platforms under the protection of 47 US Code 230.

No feedom of speech in a private company, its only from the government. Facebook is not the government, they can censor anything they want, you agreed to it in their terms of service.

@Stove the debate goes that the online realm is now the public forum, and it is therefore immoral to start censoring ideas now that we have a very small group of extremely powerful technocrats (an oligarchy) telling people what they can express and not express. I believe it should be illegal for a company as large as FB to say this opinion is wrong and this opinion is right without government oversight. Too big to be trusted, if you will.

You’re a kid. You think adults do the right thing. You see how people are behaving – wearing a masks and staying home or away from others is too hard for people, even if it means saving a life. Yes, that’s depressing.

For most teenagers that I know this is helping secure more patriots! They can see through all the bs… trust me . Even the kid’s that’s parents are super crazy liberals … it’s showing them that this is not the right way to live .

“Avoid language that might blame others and lead to stigma.”

Don’t agree on this one. When my kids asked me why they are getting screwed. I had to tell the truth.

“This is what happens when you vote for a Democrat.”

These children, if not coddled, with be the best to handle change and adapt to changing situations and conditions unlike many of their parents who may have been sheltered, coddled and cannot handle any adversity. I am approaching my granddaughter with being positive and helping her to make lemonade out of lemons.
In addition, get out of CA as there are many better places to live in this country.

it would be a shame to let the lefties and progressive have such a beautiful state to themselves. as well this country relies on food produced here. God help us if they controlled that. it seems like the good people here should be able to hunker down and ride out the end of the left and the democrats as we know them now. Please God!

Traumatic, horrible upbringing = toughness and resourcefulness and not at all a lifetime of misgivings, lost experiences, and trauma.

This is why we need to open back up and send kids back to school! We cannot prevent everyone from getting a virus, but we can wear masks and just get back to life! Oh, and wash your hands! Gavin Newsom needs to open up our state and stop making up his own rules. Recall Gavin!

You can actually negate a virus. Remember polio? Yeah neither do I.

and if you child is behaving like the one in the photo, gosh go give them a hug and tell them you love them.

Yeah, it’s so Deadly that an 80 year old was caught on cam at a shuttered salon with NO MASK and NO SOCIAL DISTANCING.

Nancy Pelosi LOL.

Hello fellow anon, i did not know about this,thank you for the laugh.

Democrats are a pack of horrific hypocrites.

When the only thing that comes to your head when speaking of children’s emotional well being, is Nancy Pelosi, you might want to turn off Fox news.

Any smart kid would be more worried about increasing violence and unrest than the virus.

We personally know two people, one a friend and one a neighbor who committed suicide during this fiasco. I try to keep upbeat and positive for my kids. Stopped watching the talking heads months ago. I stay home anyways and can always find something to do. My hubby, who is very sociable, and DJ on the side is going stir crazy! Our other male neighbors are also going bonkers. The gals seem to be ok.

I’m a fan of teaching my child that this is utter bullS&#! Remind her that she has god given freedoms, and that she can fight this type of tyrannical over reach with my full support

“You need to be respectful of other people’s decisions, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow it”



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