Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,291 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 95 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 1,291 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 95 People Currently Hospitalized


        • 1,291 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 136 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
        • 12,472 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 105 of the 175 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 33 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
        • 91 of the 175 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • 7 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and five in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • 2,036 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is not available at this time, according to the county.
        • There are currently 147 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 38 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 45 ICU beds are currently available.




The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.

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The hospitals are not overflowing with coronavirus patients, however, businesses throughout the county ARE suffering and closing shop for good. Open everything up, let people make their own choices and take their own risks.

It is very easy for people who can work from home and help their kids with ‘distance learning’ to embrace Cower-in-Place. It is another thing altogether if you are still unemployed or your business is facing bankruptcy. And to the critics, how many people have died from the side effects of these closures? Health officials refuse to examine those Inconvenient facts.

I work from home and have been unaffected, job-wise, by this Quarantine. Though I meet your initial criteria, I do NOT embrace this quarantine. I think it is a political reaction by our leaders to position themselves for the next level … the virus is real, but really how bad is this virus?

1.2% fatality rate based on the numbers provide. If we trust some of the numbers from the CDC/WHO/Health Departments that say we are underreporting by 6-25 time, a conservative fatality rate is 0.12%, the annual flu rate.

Our health departments will not consider the loss of business and the emotional damage it is causing the adults. or the damage it causes children to not socialize with children their own ages. No, they don’t care … neither do any of our politicians.

You most definitely do not sound like the “parent” who has posted in the past about how deadly this “virus” was.
What changed?

Andrew, (3:27pm)
Your post is spot on.
Also, You Do Not quarantine healthy people.
The purpose of getting the test is for DNA for a database.
I’ve read something about the test looking for chromasome 8……..if that’s the case = we are all positive.

The power to reduce the numbers enough to re-open the economy lies with people – if everyone would get on board with caring about their friends and family enough to wear masks and socially distance we could make it happen. But instead people seem to prefer screaming and whining about how a thin piece of fabric over their mouths is a violation of their rights and complaining that the country’s inability to reduce COVID numbers means we continue to have to limit buisnesses and services.

Not sure what you mean. I have always said the virus is real, the response is political. Never said the virus was not deadly, just our political response is deadly.

Sigh Chuq……the mask does NOTHING.
Look at the size of the “virus” compared to the masks ability stop nano particles.
BTW…..the virus can travel 6ft and yet they have to put a q-tip up to your brain to test for it.

No Chuq. Still not happening. The way our county reduces numbers is to stop testing. This is a game. Stop getting tested for no reason. The tests are faulty. The game is rigged. Don’t play.

let us not forget this overreaction started with NYC and other states sending recovering covid19 patients back to their group homes and elder care facilities resulting in the deaths of everyone in the home. that pushed the numbers way up and sent fear like a shock wave through out the country.

Hey folks! Really been struggling. Lost my job and can’t find a way. Thinking of starting a new job but what? Have come to the realization its more lucrative to be homeless in walnut creek where dems feed you with other peoples money, let you piss on the street and yell osbcenities at people without regard for laws. Thanks for the inspo Joan!

Glad you said something. How can I and/or we help you?

Well… If you’re able-bodied and between the ages of 17 & 35, the military is offering up to $40,000 signing bonus.

Another person who only thinks of themselves… It’s sad. We open now and in a few weeks we close. You do remember what happened when the 1st open happen right? In a matter of weeks. Over 100 more people died. 1000s more infected with most likely life long medical issues. You don’t think how it’s going to affect everyone. Just yourself. It’s sad.

First of all, someone wanting everything to open up is NOT only thinking of themselves, as you say; that someone is thinking about business owners, families, children, etc.

Second, after everything is open, you DO NOT close up again.

Stinging rebuke and castigation! Great! Now do the protesters and rioters!

So we lose anywhere from 12 to 60 thousand every year to the flu. Sure it’s much less, but why aren’t we bad people for wanting to shut down to save those people? Where is the line drawn between business as usual and shutting everything down? Why am I good for going to work every day at the grocery store, but then bad when I go up to my property in the mountains to hang out with family? Do I have any right to make decisions on my actions based on the relative risk, or should it all just be up to Newsome and the health department?


If people would stop getting tested and treat it like the cold/flu that it actually is, numbers will go down and we can reopen. Pretty sure the only cure once you have it is the same you’d do for a cold or flu. Rest. Fluids. Etc. there’s so special COVID medicine you get prescribed if you do test positive. At this point what is the real porpoise 🐬 of getting a test? You’re just buying into all the hype

Exactly why Gavin’s new system is a disaster: it incentives not getting tested. Just as new cheaper tests are coming that could actually be fast and frequent enough to be a game-changer. So dumb.

Gavin said if you don’t get tested often enough, he’ll start more fires!

I’m so scared they are going to force test our children before they let them back in. My kid’s are so desperate to go back to school and be with their peers and teachers they have told me they are willing to do it . Also, other states are mandating the flu vaccine before kid’s can go back.
What do we do? Without any choice?
I took our freedom so much for granted.

Just curious – why is getting tested for Covid scary? I totally agree the kids should be back in school.

We met the state Covid-19 goals and our terrible Governor changed the goal posts. What a S-Bag. Can someone explain this to me? Counties must achieve racial equity of COVID cases to reopen. Gavin Newsom has lost mind.

Chinese wore masks pre covid…masks are total BS.

Does anyone know how CDC counts the number of US Coronavirus deaths? Does CDC double count if the person had multiple ailments such as cancer, heart disease? CDC should only count the primary cause of death as coronoavirus.

Brother-in-Law called today from out of state. He said three coworkers went to be tested, but they were out of tests so did not get tested. Later all three were notified they were positive.

Similar thing happened to two friends in Oregon.

There are enough of these anecdotes floating around that they cannot be ignored. I also know of an individual in the health field that went for a test, completed and turned in the paperwork, then had to leave to pick up a child before actually getting tested. Received notification later of a positive test result.

Going on 6 months!!
Recall Newsome and vote out all the Democratic lawmakers ruining California and using YOUR taxpayer dollars to fund their agendas.

Going on 6 months!! AND out of those 175 deaths, how many were actually strictly COVID. CDC reported numbers were way off! 94% of reported deaths were actually related to other co-morbidities. Only 6% COVID.
Recall Newsome and vote out the Democratic lawmakers ruining California and using YOUR taxpayer dollars to fund their agendas.

Say no to JoeBid-19

Recall this twit and open the state! Why are none of our other representatives keeping this Governor from having absolute power? Calling them is no use, they are not working until after the holiday! Must be nice.
What happened to our system that was supposedly working to our benefit?
Jerks 🤨

The fact that this surprises you is what happened to our system. It has been this way for decades. This republic is ours but only if we can keep it. It requires work from every person.



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