Home » Gov. Newsom Announces New Statewide Reopening Process

Gov. Newsom Announces New Statewide Reopening Process


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a revamped statewide process Friday for counties to reopen things like businesses and schools during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Counties will be placed in one of four tiers – Widespread, Substantial, Moderate and Minimal – based on their rate of the virus’ spread.

Each tier corresponds with thresholds for a county’s rate of new cases per 100,000 residents and the rate of positive tests, Newsom said.


The Widespread category, in which counties are placed when they have more than seven new cases per 100,000 and a positivity rate of more than 8 percent, will replace the state’s COVID-19 monitoring list to signify
counties with the worst virality rates in the state.

“We hope (the new framework) is not only more dynamic but it’s much more simple to understand,” Newsom said. “(But) stringent, nonetheless, in terms of its application.”

The tier system will be updated weekly on Tuesdays, according to Newsom. Among the state’s 58 counties, 38 will begin on the Widespread tier, nine counties on the Substantial tier, eight counties on the Moderate tier
and three counties on the Minimal tier.

Roughly 87 percent of the state’s residents live in counties that are currently in the Widespread tier. San Francisco and Napa counties are the only two in the greater Bay Area that are not in the Widespread tier, sitting
in the Substantial tier instead.


The tier system will go into effect Monday at the same time that hair salons and barbershops will receive a green light from the state to begin operating indoors with modifications statewide, regardless of which tier their county sits within.

Previously, salons and barbershops had only been allowed to operate outdoors for counties on the monitoring list.

Much like the previous system, schools will not be allowed to resume in-person instruction until the county they’re in has moved out of the Widespread tier.

The state’s previous reopening system, revolving around the monitoring list, involved counties being added to the list once their coronavirus case, positivity, hospitalization and intensive care unit rates had reached certain levels for three consecutive days.


Counties would also be removed from the list for reigning in the virus’ spread for three consecutive days.

Reaching each tier of the new system, Newsom said, will take far more time to ensure a county is truly snuffing the virus’ spread in an effective way.

Counties can only progress one tier at a time toward a larger reopening, and counties that progress from one tier to another must remain in their new state for at least 21 days.

A county must also meet the next tier’s case and positivity rate thresholds for at least 14 consecutive days before they can progress from a higher tier like Widespread to Substantial.


Newsom said state health officials had recognized that the previous attempt to reopen in late May and June had been too lenient at the county level.

“We put out guidelines,” Newsom said. “They didn’t mean go, but we empowered the counties to make decisions based upon attestations and partnerships that had to form with county health officers signing off with county officials on their ability to move.”

“We’re going to be more stubborn this time,” he said.

The state’s first attempt at reopening led to increased spread of the virus in June and July. The state’s coronavirus hospitalizations spiked during that time, from 3,142 on June 4 to 7,170 on July 21.

Since mid-July, when the state clamped down on indoor operations at businesses like bars, movie theaters and restaurants, statewide hospitalizations have fallen to 4,205, as of Thursday.

The tier system will not include thresholds for hospitalizations and ICU bed availability that counties must meet to progress from one tier.

That change clashes with previous suggestions from Newsom and state health officials that hospitalizations and ICU data were vital real-time metrics to track the virus’ spread.

State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said focusing on case and test data is a way of catching the virus earlier than hospital data allows.

“We know that when you find a case today that it has a chance to end up in the hospital three, four weeks down the road,” he said, adding, “we still maintain that those hospital numbers are very reliable.”

Newsom also announced that the state has redesigned its coronavirus hub website, covid19.ca.gov, and added a “What’s Open” tool that residents can use to see which tier their county is at and the operating status for businesses like restaurants, zoos and retail stores.

Newsom said the state plans to launch a pair of public service announcements in English and Spanish to highlight the danger of spreading the coronavirus and flouting the state’s health guidelines to wear a face covering and keep distance from others.

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They will get whatever data they need to do what they want, you can bet on that.

Wear a mask, social distance, stay healthy and we can reopen this economy sooner than later.

Im guessing, you were the kid who reminded the teacher to assign homework.

Like nobody ever leaves their county. Sounds strictly arbitrary to me.

Wow. We are going to be locked down for many many months at this rate. There won’t be any businesses left to reopen. The safer economy will be a destroyed economy.

Newsom (D-CA) got the memo, just like Kate Brown (D-OR).
Think your taxes are high now? Wait until after November.
America is not going to pay for your mistakes, California citizens are.
Your choice…stay? or leave?

other than the apparent fact that covid19 is a new corona virus, unlike the “flu” which is a mixture of “old” corona viruses this still seems like a huge overreaction by so called experts. it seems like protecting the most vulnerable would have been a better choice then shutting down the economy, furloughing or laying people off, and generally creating a climate of fear.

@Ash : Exactly!…

Well, at least the Saturday Night Live skit writers will be able to revive the color coded, various shades of white I ory, and taupe

Anyone else think it convenient that they start reopening things when a holiday is coming and people are out protesting something or another. Then, when the next surge comes they will blame it on reopening too fast and pull back, instead of tying the surge to gatherings around the holiday and protests.

I already said they’ll be twisting and using this controlavirus scam to serve their motives and we’re seeing just that…

Correction: well, at least the Saturday Night Live skit writers will be able to revive the color coded, various shades of white, ivory, and taupe skit from post 9-11. That was a pretty darn funny skit.

Blah, Blah, Blah…..

What happened with the newsome recall?

@ Bill C – it’s still ongoing. They have to submit signatures by November 17. Here’s a link to the website: https://recallgavin2020.com/

Unfortunately, I doubt they will be successful. Hope I’m wrong on that.

While they won’t give us exact numbers, it already has significantly more signatures than the last effort. Further, there are over 400 Facebook pages campaigning for it. Check out the website, this is a diverse (I’m talking about skills, not politics) and formidable group that assembled this effort.

While they need just under 1.5 million signatures, they are shooting for 2 Million to offset fallout for incorrect forms. That’s only 5% of the California population. This is achievable.

How long do we have to wait until this guy is out of office?

Zero credibility.

Please sign the recall if you haven’t already.


Thank You!

Keep the great experiment alive. Fear of breathing/touching, confusion, riots for fake racism and fake fascism, cops are bad, conservatives are bad, shut down opposite opinions of liberals (social media) in the name of free speech. What a nightmare we’re living in.

Once again, Gavin and his cronies have moved the goal posts. They will do anything to keep this going. They have botched and cooked the numbers so much that nothing is believable that comes CoCo Health Department and the State.

The only way out is to finish the Recall. That will relieve us from the real virus.

Looks like the only two counties in the Bay Area that are not “Widespread” are Napa and San Francisco. Imagine that.

If we stop screwing ourselves by getting tested, our numbers would look great too, right?

So we’re at threat level Grimace. Wunderbar.

Anyone know why SF is at Elmo even though their infection rate is too high according to the state?

Reading this article made me think I was reading the rules to chutes and ladders…

I love how SF and Napa counties are the only Bay Area tiers not in “Widespread”

That is complete bull. Communism at work. Helps out Auntie Nancy, and himself

Just wait for Walnut Creek cases to rise again in a few weeks after this Miles Hall/white supremacy protest downtown today.
MARK MY WORDS,Gerd your loins Luella!.. .

@Aunt Barbara
Correct, as always.
By the way, “Gerd your loins Luella!…” conjures up an image that makes me want to gag.

Wonder if the “protests” are scheduled just in time to spark a purposeful rise on what were somewhat stabilizing virus numbers. Keeps the liberal narrative going and gives the liberals another opportunity to blame Trump, for something, anything. That’s how cowards keep themselves from hating themselves.

As for the WC VIPs, if they and theirs aren’t affected, they don’t care. Will go along with ANYTHING, no matter how wrong or vile as long as it doesn’t impact their income or spawn.

So how long does Emperor Newsom think he can keep this charade going? Newsom is sounding like chicken little. There was a massive protest in London today against this nonsense. People are beginning to catch on. Maybe time for a massive march on Sacramento?

NEWS BREAK – have any of you seen the latest? 125 people who attended
a wedding in Maine now have the virus. Do you still think Newsom should open everything up? The virus is still attacking, we need to keep away from others, wear masks and stay home as much as possible. Some say having gatherings to protest police brutality should not be happening, I agree. But if they are not approved they will happen anyway. If they are approved the atthorities will be prepared.

Sure…mathematically impossible. But okey “darren” whatever you say

you sound like you half listen to information and don’t have a complete thought of your own.

Hmmm.. Maine compared to California.

Sure – that’s a statistically valid comparison.

Democrats are idiots . And so the ones they elect to office.

@ darren
HMMMM… “darren” …..”karen”?
See what I did there?

Not noted: There is NO green tier, because Newsom has stated that the State will never go back to any form of normalcy. And, if any County is in the Purple tier, a minimum of 20 weeks until there is any possibility of moving to the “Minimal” tier. Look at it this way: You will NEVER see a concert, sporting event, party, gathering in California as long as he is Governor, and continues with his tyrannical control using this virus as his hammer.

AND, according to a story in the NYT, 85-90 percent of positive tests are from testing protocols that are too sensitive, thus these tests should have been deemed a negative test.

We have all been had…

Newsom will not reopen California until all of the tax increases proposed on the state, county and local levels are approved.

What level are we at?

As my cousin lays dying Alone of covid at 50 YO. THANKS

Newscum has never had any intention of reopening . This is not an emergency. He is not using data or science , he is using testing only , which he has a monetary interest in .He has partnered with a company to increase his bank account with more and more testing . It’s BS !!!
Newscum thinks we are stupid and can’t think for ourselves. If you do the math, as of today CA has 688,858 alleged cases, we all know the testing is skewed. There are approx 40 million ( counted only ) in CA . So if 688,858 people have the “virus” in CA , that means 39,311,142 do NOT have the virus !!! How is this out of control??? The virus will never be stopped , just like any other virus!!! This is total fear mongering for control !!! Wake up folks , get this POS out of office !!! Go to : recallgavin2020.com Find your county, follow the instructions or call one of the admins and they will be happy to help you !!!

The “cure” proposed by some virologists and politicians is more dangerous than the virus itself. If this “strategy” were a medication, the FDA would never approve it because of the side-effects. Delayed diagnosis for Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, etc…will end up killing more people than Xi Coronavirus.

According to SFgate: Contra Costa County is in the “Purple tier”. This means only outdoor activities.

only outdoor activities in the spare the air and heat and soon the rain…and people that can noonger afford the services anyway? Does Newsom really and truly care about our well being?

@ Aunt Barbara. No , he does NOT care at all for the people.

Put aside your views on whether the virus justifies this scheme. Why is the governor making these calls? How long can something go on and be deemed an “emergency” that justifies executive control at this level?! We have a legislature. Why don’t they do their job and tell Gavin to stand down? This isn’t the way a self-governing polity is supposed to work. Indefinite rule by dictate of the governor just isn’t right. The representatives should have to go on record to vote for any restrictions. Or at the very least, they should have to vote to renew the state of emergency. There’s no such thing as a state of permanent emergency in a free society. Not even if Covid were much deadlier than it is.

Visit Assemblyman Kevin Kiley’s site to see where things stand on stopping the abuse under the guise of Covid.

Sign the recall Newsom petition.

Hitler used a declaration of an “ongoing emergency” to end constitutional law in Germany and usher in a reign of terror. Newsom in jealous.

Sorry about all of the mistakes in my last post. I was using talk to text.

This is beyond rediculous….never should’ve shut down businesses. Its seriously arbitrary what gets opened and what doesnt….”operating status for businesses like restaurants, zoos and retail stores”????? A dental hygenist and dentist can be all up in your mouth but you can’t get your nails done??? Can’t vote in person but can stand in line at the grocery store or protest, riot and loot??? Smh



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