Authorities are investigating a shooting that occurred around 1:30 this afternoon in the area of Buskirk Ave. near Oak Park Blvd./Coggins Dr. in Pleasant Hill.
A man was apparently shot in the hip while he was inside his vehicle.
Further information is not currently available.
UPDATE: Witnesses say at least 9 shots were fired. 4 shots hit the vehicle, and 1 hit the victim.
map: google maps
You couldn’t pay me to live in this city. Welcome to Concord.! The city where criminals run wild, homeless encampments on every corner, and one of the highest Covid infection rates.
It says Pleasant Hill.
I guess you missed the part about this shooting was in Pleasant Hill and not Concord.
I believe the story says that is Pleasant Hill.
It literally says it was Pleasant Hill in the title.
But the shooting didn’t even occur in Concord.
That’s almost word for word your same response as on the Circle K thread. I miss the old days when you’d do your non sequitur “always wear your self belts” tag line no matter what the topic.
I’m certain the article said Pleasant Hill.
@TraumaRx. I do not know where you live but this incident happened in Pleasant Hill on the border of Walnut Creek. No city is immune in these crazy times. Just wait till Saturday with the protest scheduled in Walnut Creek. They have guns and will travel.
Trama-drama. One comment fits all local crime? It’s easy… blame Concord
Cute rant about Concord, but it says Pleasant Hill.
@ Traumarx
Vote republican because Concord is turning into San Francisco.
Great reading comprehension skills. It happened in Pleasant Hill, not Concord, but go ahead and bash Concord anyways I guess, I’m sure it makes you feel better.
It’s in Pleasant Hill!
Good thing that’s Pleasant Hill! LOL!
It literally says Pleasant Hill …
This was in Pleasant Hill tho..,
I’m going to guess that Trauma can’t afford to live here, hence the frustration.
Well I hope Pleasant Hill can pay you to live in that city.😝
If was Concord she would say pleasant hill
If you don’t like the area move away
TraumaRx, Maybe you should live in Pleasant Hill. I hear it is safer there.
It seems we are in a shooting gallery lately. Never have seen the attraction of taking another person’s life. I would in self defense without hesitation. I often think of how some of these killers or shooters were pretty cute with potential when they were little kids and think when did they go wrong. Where can we as a society reach them before they do go bad. Maybe they just have bad genes and it is better to not try to change that. That could open a can of worms.
Saturate the market with guns, this is what happens.
Me saturate the market with guns turns people into killers. That’s a good one. No,but it does give the people who turn bad a faster way to kill someone. Or they could do like the terrorists do blow up s**t. That way you can get sixty at a time.
That’s BS.
They ‘went wrong’ when their family life went wrong. Many probably had no father figures in their lives.
Im sorry to tell you but it’s every where now a days. Even good city’s.
@Traumax you obviously know nothing about Concord. Sure you aren’t talking about Oakland? Also article was about Phill not Concord. Your post would be more appropriate if it said welcome to California!
So where DO you live?
That part of PH and WC, east of 680 along Buskirk to Monument Blvd is becoming dicier and dicier. There is no way I’d stop at any businesses along that corridor. Too many robberies, shootings, and who knows what else.
I find that area to be an older, established neighborhood with many long time residents. I bet it was some kind of road rage and that’s where they were either heading to 680 or had exited 680.
I just went out on my balcony to check and don’t see a homeless encampmant at any corner of my street, nor are there criminals running wild. Concord has a population of 130,664; therefore, it makes sense that we might have more of a long list of “somethings.” The CCHS website today shows a city with a slightly smaller population as #1 in COVID rates. As you wrote, we are unfortunately one of the highest; any number is too high. We don’t have to pay people to live here but we welcome you any time. Please come after the pandemic to enjoy our concerts at Todos Santos Plaza, our classes at CSUEB, our live theatre company B8, movie theater, and our library, In the meantime, we have some safe-to-visit nice shops, a Tuesday Farmers’ Mkt, and restauarants you can enjoy wearing your mask.
Actually, looks like Walnut Creek will likely see a spike in cases as well. According to a WC Police Department post:
“Planned Demonstration on August 29th. Bay Area Grassroots plans to peacefully demonstrate by marching between 1 PM -4 PM on Saturday, August 29th. The march will begin at City Hall and make its way downtown, ending at Civic Park, where there will be several speakers. Expect road closures downtown during this march.”
Isn’t city hall and civic park across the street from one another?
Thanks for the heads up. I have to drive from San Ramon to Concord through WC around 1pm. I will take a detour.
Whatever. This is getting old.
Best Buy brings in the some of the best society has to offer.
Pleasant Hill, not Concord. Answer me this, where exactly are they supposed to put the homeless? Are you suggesting the Concord plolice put all the homeless people in their squad cars and drop them off in Orinda? Seriously you’re gonna say something so stupid why don’t you propose a legitimate solution. There isn’t one. If an adult doesn’t want to help you can’t force them to get help. If it’s a mentally ill person, and they are over the age of 18, they too can refuse help. The only people that can do something is their family member and that would require them to go to court to get power of attorney. If the police pick them up and put them in jail, when they let them out they were in the exact same city they started at.
Actually, that’s Pleasant Hill, and not a bad area in general.
Things are going downhill.
OMG – 9 shots 4 hit the car and only 1 hit the victim.
That means that the shooter has an accuracy rate of less than 12%.
(assuming he was aiming at the person who got shot)
I hope the DMV hasn’t heard of this guy because they’d bend over backwards to give him a Driver’s License.
Obviously the shooter isn’t named Kyle. He’s much more accurate.
Wow. I didn’t realize that you had to be a good marksman to get a drivers license. I hope the DMV doesn’t find out about me, I have never even held a gun.
Are you basing the accuracy of the shots hitting a target after watching a western? Cowboys and robbers shooting at each other from horseback, bouncing up and down. I am no expert but I can figure out two moving vehicles and one driver trying to drive and shooting his gun at a moving target.
@TraumaRx The article doesn’t mention Concord.
Trauma, you write the same thing on every post! Why bother commenting or watching this thread if you’re so above it?
Hmm….all these comments…….yes, probably will come out “someone knew someone” that made this happen…domestic or crime attached? also, comments on homeless…..hmm..the comment “where are we supposed to put them?” how about where they came from? Most the homeless you see did not just get thrown out of the apartments or homes near where they are.
They came into this County or State…in search of the assistance riches. Thats why non welfare states have little to none. Btw…Did you know that authorities in Police, Water Districts, land management police agencies have been directed to not touch them? So essentially its a free for all….pick your box, you water front property near a canal…and you are set…
The article said some was shot. I hope it was not an innocent victim. I LOVE CONCORD and the citizens here are wonderful. Just local Americans, who respect the USA. Flags flowing on their front porch, living the American Dream and wanting a better future for their kids and community.
TraumaRX, your comments indicate a weakness from within.
This is all so sad.
All the nearby towns have/had positive things to offer.
Friends live in Concord. Some of the folks may be poorer and may have a higher crime rate but people seemed to be nice in general.
Pleasant Hill has/had several great restaurants and shopping areas. The people always seemed nice as well.
Walnut Creek same.
Martinez was a gem, like a look back into time with a train station and quaint streets and shops.
I thought we were all so lucky to live here.
This is all so sad. Scary sad.
Coming from downtown Pleasant Hill and now in Martinez, it’s a step up believe it or not.
If only 9 round magazine’s were outlawed, this poor individual wouldnt have been shot. Hopefully Biden will save us from this evil math.
Surely you jest?
@Dewey’s mom…He is serious, and don’t call him Shirley!
Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, whatever…..
I don’t claim to be a mind reader, but I would guess that the point of the comments are that the whole area (to include Califorinia at large) has a growing crime problem thanks to loose/lack of enforcement of our laws thanks to the failed policies of the political party in control. Neuter the police, institute what basically amounts to “catch and release” and/or hand out what is basically a slap on the wrist for convictions (if you can get them), and an increasing crime rate is the result. Thanks, Dems….
Please…if you are tired of this continuing on and on, consider voting differently. We get what we vote for (collectively, of course…I didn’t vote for any of the clowns that currently “represent” us).
Wow such vitriol for a shooting that didn’t kill anyone. 180,000 deaths in America and probably 1,000+ dead just this week. Which clown did YOU vote for?
I am right there with you on everything that you stated, I know more than 100 other people who think the same, they each know another 100 “like minded” folks; I am thinking dead people are voting?
I was nearby and heard The gunfire! I thought it came from
the Back Forty BBQ. A grey truck was tearing out of the shooting area ….towards Concord!
Probably angry about bad ribs and stale cornbread.again.
Odds are this is somehow connected to the Extended Stay America Hotel in the back of the Best Buy parking lot. Nothing but bad news happens there.
Thanks for that bit of info!
I attempt many times to park in the lot near that hotel as the main area of the BEST BUY lot is usually overflowing. It is no better than the one on Concord Ave called the Premier.
What difference does it make what city the gun violence happened in anyway? It is definitely sad and scary. This happens everyday in many parts of the USA. Too bad we as a nation that uses gun violence to solve problems. Too bad people are this insane! Also too bad we have domestic terrorists that are now children mimicking their parents. We are failing as a unified peaceful nation. Too bad we now are a divided hateful dysfunctional country with zero leadership. Total chaos folks. You got what you voted for and will keep up the insanity. It is horrific and depressing to see the results everyday.
It’s a function of the change in California laws, when many serious felonies are now misdemeanors, this is what happens. Be prepared in your own home and cautious when out on the streets. Most of our local PD’s and Sheriff are good, our DA HORRIBLE.
I’m your huckleberry!
A huge portion of the voters in California are unrepresented by the super majority party and until folks change their vote from the same way that their grandparents or great-grandparents did during the depression, things will only get worse! We need common, ordinary sense more than ever and it seems that good judgement is getting harder to find. I enjoy coming to this site because there are some real “salt of the earth” folks commenting here, not all but more than I expected!
Let me see the light turns green and nobody checks if the intersection is CLEAR.