The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that former Vice President Joe Biden cancel his three scheduled debates with President Trump because the commander-in-chief would “belittle” the forum and engage in “skullduggery,” according to Fox News.
QUESTION: Should Joe Biden cancel all presidential debates with President Trump?
Talk about it.
.. because Biden is a gaffe machine!
“If you don’t vote Democrat, then you ain’t Black”
Biden is an elite racist in sheep’s clothing.
Nancy was overheard telling Joe, “You don’t go to a Battle of the Wits unarmed!”.
I think she should take it a step further and cancel the election too.
Perhaps that is her reasoning. After all, she is third in line to take over the Presidency after the President and Vice President,
Queen Nancy the 1st!
President Trump’s term ends at noon on Jan. 20, 2021. If the Electoral College has not yet named a successor then the speaker of the House would become the acting president.
Yes, that is correct,….and I didn’t know about it till 3 weeks ago that, that could happen. Nancy Pelosi is counting on it,…Lord Help us if it comes down to this.
That explains the push for mail in votes and the postal crisis hoax.
No they shouldn’t be cancelled. The American people deserve to see our presidential candidates debate. She knows Biden will look like a fool.
You have to stand up to bullies. Just make sure Joe has enough caffeine.
I think he should honor his commitment to do them. However I have suspected all along that he was going to try to worm his way out of them. I don’t know what the Dems are up to but Biden’s whole campaign is full of malarkey.
4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years!

Might not be a bad idea for Joe as he would probably have a heart attack being under all that pressure of debating someone who is actually still there mentally. Every time Joe speaks he comes off as incompetent and doesnt seem to know what hes talking about.
You really think that President Trump has all his faculties. He’s got a couple screws loose in his head
Interesting timing. Pelosi suggests Biden cancel all 3 debates the day after Trump requests drug testing for Biden and himself prior to each debate because of Joe’s markedly improved speech performance at the convention. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
We all knew this was coming. Joe would get crushed attempting to keep up with Trump. He crushed Hillary, who was raised from a small child to be the first woman president. This election will be the largest landslide in the history of elections. Even my liberal friends are now talking about voting for Trump. People are tired of lawlessness, seeing their families homes and businesses burn, and seeing the DNC basically condone and encourage the looters and rioters. Look at it from a reality standpoint. NO ONE in the DNC wanted to step up and run against Trump because they are smart. They basically had zero other options than Biden. If that doesn’t scare you, I don’t know what will.
SHE needs a mental health evaluation and anger management classes
She needs to go away. Retire, Nancy!!
Debating Trump is like engaging with a drunk person when you are sober…it’s pointless and will go nowhere. Trump is pathologically incapable of telling the truth, it’s just how his whole life has operated, but I think Joe Biden should do it to expose to those still blind to the nightmare that Trump is.
1) Best inclusive economy in recent memory. Lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos. Lowest unemployment rate for women since WW2
2) Put China, Iran and Russia on notice. Killed the Iranian general responsible for thousands of American deaths
3) put more women in power positions that any on other President in the history of the USA
4) prison reform and police reform.
5) Renegotiated trade deals with China for the betterment of Americans.
6) Gave money to historically black colleges. Only president to do so.
This only a fraction of what he done in 31/2 years despite total opposition. What has Biden done in 47 years ? I can’t think of anything???
You might have TRUMP derangement syndrome
Biden= swamp
Promises made/ promises kept.
Good one. Made me laugh. The truth is the memo has gone out to the Left. The Left finally sees how these riots are pulling Democrats into the MAGA camp (see C-Span call-in yesterday for your proof). Your Lefty governors got the memo too (see Kate Brown D-Oregon) telling the mob (after 4 months) that rioters, looters and murderers must tone it down. Just look at the panic in Pelosi’s eyes. November can’t come fast enough. Four more years of your tears. Not sorry.
@ Me
That’s a cop out! If he can’t handle debating with Trump, how can we expect him to be able to argue issues with other world leaders? Can’t do the job? Step away from the podium!
Hidin’ Biden would end up losing the debate in about the first 10 seconds.
Me, who is blind to the nightmare?
She’s just trying to keep joe muzzled in the basement. Probably gonna try to sneak Harris in instead
Kc~ Think you hit the nail on the head,….but Pelosi might want that set too.
If he does it’s because he’s scared, not because of expected “skullduggery” – whatever that means.
The real reason is because Pelosi is scared, she knows Trump will wipe up the floor with Biden. Skullduggery? Give me a break! In the last four years the Dems have demonstrated more unscrupulous behavior than ever before.
By not debating Trump they are only proving their cowardice, how can a country be run by a political party that cower when the going gets tough?
It all doesn’t really matter though, Trump will be re-elected and there isn’t a thing they can do about it. Be prepared for another four years of Trump bashing by the Left, and another four years of refusing to work with him to help make America great again.
Four more years of bashing Trump, yes to be expected…however, the public is better informed about the media/DNC attacks….and will reelect Trump, warts and all. More stations are now reporting what he has been able to do in the 3+ years. The Mafia looks weak compared to the DNC and the country could not survive another “Clintonista type presidency.
tRump would avoid answering questions and lie throughout them, anyway. It is what it is!
Kool aid much ?
Is that what Nancy wants, well has she asked the voters? These politicians, I’m telling you, it’s all about them and their party. They don’t even consider the voters.
I would say she is stating her opinion and not what she wants. She, nor any politician needs to consult voters when stating their personal opinion. You know the saying about opinions right? Everyone has one…
@Baloo, I disagree. We have a Constitutional republic of elected representatives that are supposed to serve at the will and on behalf of the populus. It other words, the “will of the people” should be their only public “opinion.” The moment any representative shares “their opinion” without seeking the counsel of their constituents, they are self-serving and failing us all as their representative.
Speaker Pelosi has repetitively focused on party politics while ignoring her poop-laden, needle-ridden cesspool congressional district for decades while getting even wealthier in the process.
@pacman, that’s a slippery slope for a Trump lover to go down.
By your logic every tweet Trump has ever sent as President that was stating his opinion was either the will of the people or he was being self-serving and failing all those he represents.
Is it the will of the people when his opinion includes name calling like a child?
How about when he tweets his incredibly offensive opinions about women, latinos, and black people?
Was that the will of his black, latino, and women constituents, and he has a lot of women constituents, or was he just being self-serving and failing them?
Did he speak the will of the people when his opinion includes untrue statements? Remember when he said that “China Flu” isn’t real?
Was it the will of the people when he said we don’t need to wear masks?
Or was it the will of the people when he said we should sometimes wear masks?
Can’t be both, so which one was him being self-serving and failing?
You said it. Now live up to it
Nothing ever good comes of interacting with Trump, particularly publicly. He’s the master manipulator of public opinion.
Russia is better!
What Joe said.
Pelosi is a real piece of work. Fine with me if Biden doesn’t show up. Although I would like to hear him say “Come on man” once again. I would really miss it if he challenged Trump to go out the back to the ally. He could get a recall and sit there and think Trump was Corn Pop. That would be cool. I would like to hear his answer when Trump asks him want Hunter did with all of the money and what share did Joe get. Well if Joe listens to Pelosi I guess we won’t hear all that stuff.
It would be kind of cruel to send a 78 year old with cognitive decline to be embarrassed in front of the world.
His family members prove white people can be garbage just like any other race.
Yet the Dems want him to lead represent the United States of America. SMH
Biden said he will debate Trump, as he should. So many political norms have been undone in the past few years. Cancelling the debates would only do more damage to democracy, and could set precedent for future elections. This year’s debate will be more substantive and less political theater, since they likely will be done without a crowd. It will good to have a debate where the candidates have to focus on the issues, instead of resorting to cheap crowd work.
Of course the quality of a debate does rely somewhat on the rules of the debate, and the moderator.
Absolutely. If Joe can’t handle Trump, then he can’t handle the job of President.
If you know your proposed policies cold you can win a debate without being the best speaker. Trump has an advantage in that he thinks quickly and can pivot between topics and stay on message. Joe doesn’t have that, but he has conviction. He also has to strongly demonstrate he is a not a puppet of his party. Nancy speaking for him does not assist with that message. He has to take control very soon.
“So many political norms have been undone in the past few years.”
That’s not a bad thing.
Democrat Party members know Biden is ill-equipepedd to make quick counter arguments on the spot. He’s only good for reciting prepared speeches.
At the debates, Biden will have a glitch, stare into space for several awkward seconds, get tongue tied, then finally blurt out a statement that had nothing to do with the question.
I need to know what the candidate’s policies are & hear their response to the counter argument therefore, I require the debates if they want me to vote for them. Otherwise, I will vote for the candidate who I have more knowledge about & agree with.
Everytime I watch a debate I am unimpressed by the candidates. You will never hear them answer a question directly. Instead they just repeat the same talking points. In fact, it was found that repeating talking points and getting across what you want is more important than actually debating. My mind is already made up, and I’d vote for a wet paper bag then vote for another 4 years of Trump. Maybe when the Republicans become sane again will I consider them. Right now, their policies are hurt as many people as possible and make the rich richer.
Ok, Pyrrhus. You vote for Biden, the wet paper bag. Both are equally useless.
Speaking of sanity, it’s not the Republicans or conservatives that are burning cities to the ground. It is, however, the Democrats that are ignoring it if not downright supporting it.
Of course, she would! Joe is addled in his mind.
Ha ha ha, Hidin’ Biden is going to get clobbered at those debates.
No, he shouldn’t cancel like a Coward.
Since when in America has a Presidential candidate hid away????
When? January 28, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa. Donald Trump refused to participate in the Republican Party presidential debate.
If he can’t stand the debate stage how will he do on the world stage with other leaders
Cowardice is a trait wherein excessive fear prevents an individual from taking a risk or facing danger. It is the opposite of courage. As a label, “cowardice” indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge. One who succumbs to cowardice is known as a coward.
And when one is too much of a coward to admit it, they blame Trump.
I would be ok with President Trump suspending the election until the china virus plandemic is over! Its probly best ole cookarue doesnt debate trump…..trump will mop the floor with crooked n crazy joey boy. If he thought cornpop was trouble he really dont want none of trump!
Wow! That’s both comical and pathetic. It’s incredible that some people actually vote for the democrat politician nuts.
meanwhile what ever happened with Pelosi derailing the extension of benefits to the covid unemployed that Trump offered?
So the narrative is that Trump is a bully. Which may very well be true.
They know Trump will mop the floor with Biden because Trump has always been a very charismatic speaker. But I think running and hiding from Trump is not demonstrating strength as a candidate. It just looks weak.
Yes, they should debate.
Trump charismatic ? He structures sentences like a 5 year old.
So very true Bob Foo. Just by suggesting that Biden not debate shows weakness on the democratic side. Not looking good for them soon. I bet this statement hurts his lead tomorrow or the next day.
Absolutely not, there needs to be a debate. However, I would be 100% for a on the site panel of fact checkers. Any time one of them lies a blowhorn goes off behind them. If they did that, Trump would likely storm off the stage within a minute of him talking.
We know how these debates will go. Trump will spend his entire time fear mongering and ridiculing Biden, he will have 0 platform just like what is happening with the RNC. Biden will likely play it safe and just be middle road boring with his proposed policies. The real debate will be between Harris and Pence.
zero platform? jobs, borders, america first, support the police, etc.
dems – hate the police, burn the cities, steal what you want because your great great great great great grandparents were slaves, tell blacks they are victims so they won’t vote for anyone else, etc.
Please tell us again when we can expect that wall payment from Mexico.
The debate between Harris and Pence is predictable. Pence will answer questions – Harris will say he’s a racist.
Pyrrhus, what a good idea, I would pay to see that. They would not be able to provide details of the fact checker and horn in advance though, or the Donald just wouldn’t show up.
Just let Trump and Biden fight it out. Joe thinks he’s so tough, let them handle it in the ring. We know who trump is. Joe don’t want none and he’s got horse face Nancy trying to fight his battles. He literally threatened the president with physical violence..yeah Trumps the one with the self control problem. Joes a wimp
Watching Nancy is like watching Mister Ed talk. She seems to have Peanut Butter in her mouth.
That,s funny Wizzard, so true. we laugh about how she talks too.
They will never concede a second term to Trump.
Imagine losing a game rigged in your favor……twice
This may be an odd way to vote for a candidate.
But I will be voting for the man who I wouldn’t mind my daughter marrying.
Well you have a choice a billionaire or a three time loser.
I didn’t know Joe was a billionaire?
Did you get to see his tax returns?
but but but..the loser is such a decent man.
Doesn’t Joe Biden own an island with his brother. Right next to Epstein pedo island if I’m not mistaken. Where’s Hunter Biden? Those boys are loaded.
I’d like to see Biden cancel. It would end any possibility of Biden winning. Trump could go ahead with at least the first debate against an empty chair. That would be fun. Trump could lecture the empty chair that meanie Trump is not even a shadow of what to expect dealing with aggressive world leaders who control and are willing to use biological and nuclear weapons. Hiding in your basement is not an option.
I think Trump should have a one man debate. Biden will still win without even showing up.
Every time Trump opens his mouth he gets Biden more votes.
The expectation for Joe is so low that if he doesn’t screw up royally he will be declared the winner by the fake news stations and newspapers. If I were President Trump I would be prepared. My guess is Joe is in his basement now preparing. At any rate watching these debates will be painful.
even if he loses he’ll get the Nobel peace prize, unlike obama who at least had to win…
Shows that the Democrats selected a weak candidate. If it were Bernie, it would be Trump who would be terrified of debating.
Three and a half years and you still don’t know President Trump. Trump would tear Bernie a new one.
Trump has also mentioned drug testing before the debates. That”s another reason for Nancy to worry, since it”s likely Biden is cycling on anti-dementia medications
this is likely the closest thing we will see to queen nancy (gavin’s aunt) admitting that biden is a joke.
It was 100 years ago this month, August 1920, that women were given the right to vote. Sadly, women like pelosi (and the like-minded) make it appear that might have been a mistake. Of course, it was not but it does clearly indicate how the actions of a few can reflect on the many and I don’t like it reflecting on me.
It will be 26 years in October that the media darling Kara Hultgreen / the first female carrier-based fighter pilot was killed on her 3rd attempt at landing her F-14 which stalled and crashed into the sea.
Rules &,Qualifications were bent to put her into the position because……. FEMALE.
I mean, he lost ground in every democratic debate by a landslide, so it’s probably a good idea.
Nooooooo! I want to hear sleepy Joe stumble his words before Election Day. Otherwise, Democrats are merely voting for Camel’a Harris’ presidency.
@ConcordMike…..”Camel’a Harris”….is that a reference to her spitting, number of humps or the shape of her toes?….asking for a friend.
@nytemurv: all three items!!
Pointless question. Biden has already indicated intention to proceed. These have never been real ‘debates’ anyway.
NO! Then put Kamala up there too or instead, as Joe is just a prop for the Radical Left.
What an easy call that was!!
We need an open debate so Biden’s China connections and his son’s special relationships with the Ukraine can be more accurately explored. Failing that, an empty chair will do.
Free speech means they both talk but there will be no “debate” in the content.
It’s a cowardly suggestion, by Pelosi, but not surprising. Trump is going to leave Biden quivering in a corner crying for his mommy. The “advantage Trump” is obvious, if you’ve been paying attention. A little late in the game, but must have finally dawned on Pelosi they’ve got nothing.
LOL Nancy Pelosi with a laser pointer making Trump supporters behave like cats. Bring on the popcorn.
As has been mentioned before, we need a fact-checker at the debate to protect us from falsehoods, buzzwords, name-calling and egotistical balderdash ( I remember one of the participants saying “I am a genius”).
Wow, this thread scares the crap out of me. So hateful. This country is in shambles. Really sad.
you must be speaking of the riots in portland, or the chaz zone where blacks demand money for protection like the mofia, maybe the wealthy leaving NYC due to high taxes. sadly these all have one thing in common, democrat run states like california with its power grid that let us all down recently and its governor who isn’t doing a damn thing about it or his aunt nancy who is counting on people believing her lies. heck why did kamala harris promise to look into the gas price fixing and then do nothing? because she is a democrat and they don’t fix problems, they use them so that people will think nothing can ever get fixed. so they can be victims and vote democrat.
This country is not in shambles. What are you talking about?
Debates must go on. Just check to see if Joe has earpiece. Trump doesnt need to be mean. Joe will melt down on his own.
All you fence sitters who don’t like Trump but not sure what the dems are doing better pay attention. It’s time to take a stand. Pelosi wants to be president. She is trying to create chaos as a path to the presidency for herself. Sacrificing your employment, your unemployment, your safety, your country and your kids lives, so she can make as much crazy happen and sneak in. This is the democrat plan. Vote for Trump and turn California red so there’s no room to question the election and they are forced to concede.
Wow @Sam, you are so scared because you know you are about to lose that you will sink to lying about our governmental procedures. How do you expect to make America great again when you dont know how America works?
You really are in no position to dole our election advice.
Let me explain how our elections work in simple terms:
Even in an event of the utter chaos you say Pelosi is turning the election into it will NOT RESULT EVER IN THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE BECOMING PRESIDENT!
Look it up.
If Electoral college fails, the next step is the house votes on it. But they only can vote from THE 3 CANDIDATES THAT RECEIVED THE MOST VOTES.
Even if your premonition of Nancy turning the election into chaos comes true, and she manages to create such chaos that the House cannot decide on a new President by inauguration day, then the VP the Senate chose is
inaugurated as President.
So in your fear mongering tale of Nancy’s chaotic election, if it comes true and everything falls apart, then Pence becomes President. You fool!
I don’t think you’re stupid because you’re not the first in this thread to spout such incorrect rhetoric. @same went even further with his know-it-all stance on untrue scare tactics. Hard to expect honesty from Trump lovers though.
Just shows how scared you Republicans are. You all talk a big game but your fear shines through.
It’s ok. Us Dems understand. You all know you’re about to lose and are freaking out. Too bad, so sad.
I am a registered Republican but not a Trump supporter. Did not vote for him and cannot vote for him. Figured I would probably hold my nose and vote for Biden.
But this is scary. Just really gives the appearance of trying to hide something about Biden.
But yes I agree that these are not real debates anyway, just rehearsed sound bites from each candidate, rarely actually thinking on their feet and answering the real question, but trying to pivot from the question at hand to a pre-planned talking point or a “gotcha” sound bite.
TRYING to hide something? Pay attention to what he says, where he says it and how it’s said. He is a racist, proven by his statements and legislation, hiding out in his basement, can only talk from written notes or someone in his earpiece. He has dementia, not sure what stage but shows all the signs. Easily upset and reacts with nonsense responses, doesn’t remember, doesn’t always know where he is or who is around him. His eyes vacant at times.
What is it, 47 years in office, and now he sees the light? Hold your nose and vote Biden and then empty your pocket book, Dems want power and your money.
Dems don’t want you to see this but there it is for all to see.
Check out YouTube “Top 10 Joe Biden Gaffes of all time”
And the Democates want this guy to be our next President?
Nancy knows their candidate is an old dog who won’t be able to hang in there with Trump, so you cop out as quickly as possible with a totally lame excuse.
I’m sure Joe will do what he’s told.
Excellent idea!………as long as he quits his campaign as well……..RED TIDAL WAVE!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t yet understand why Speaker Pelosi would suggest that. Of course the Donald will lie all the way through the debates, there’s nothing even he can do to stop that, but I disagree with the notion of cancelling the debates. In general I think Speaker Pelosi is remarkably brilliant, but I don’t agree with her on this.
What makes her remarkably brilliant? She’s brilliant when she says something you agree with. Got it.
Pelosi is an idiot. She can’t argue to save her life. She’s panicking. Everyone at the DNC office in San Francisco knows Trump is gonna flip California. They are worried about Newsom being recalled. I talk to people who work there as I was a democrat for 40 years. I know the moral is falling through the floor over there. They are all going down.
Yeah, it was brilliant of her ripping up the State Of The Union speech. Even more brilliant of her kneeling when she knew she couldn’t get back up. She cannot even control the teeth in her mouth. If, and that’s a big if, she ever was brilliant, that is long past. She’s become a bitter old shell of her old self and way past her prime.
There’s a great montage on YouTube (sorry, I don’t have a link) of Biden directly stealing lines from other politicians. Word for word, no less! At least during the speech at DNC convention, they changed a few words of the speech they copied. To get through the debate with Trump, he just has to memorize other people’s answers to similar questions. But he needs to make sure he doesn’t say, “that little girl was me”.
In the next few days they will tell us debates are racist………If you can’t handle a debate, you can’t handle the most important job in America.
This is political suicide; they need a new strategist.
@The Fearless Spectator They needed a new strategist … like … back when Hillary decided to run.
racist heck they will say they are an example of white privilege, like our nice neighborhoods that need to be “densified” which just means overcrowded:
One marvels at the potential scenarios. Biden drops out because he doesn’t know who he is. Who will the Democrats get to replace him? Hillary? Imagine two women on the ballot. TWO!!!!! The head spins at the thought. How about this? The Republicans regain the house and keep the Senate. They impeach Pelosi in the House and the Senate expels her! Heaven cannot wait!
Instead of the debates, I would like to see Biden and Trump take a standardized IQ test. Put them in a room where there is no distractions, and no way for Trump to cheat. Lock the door and put a live camera on them. It would be priceless watching Trump fumble his way thru that test. I would bet my last dollar that Trump scores less than 100.
Of course, Trump would never agree to anything that would reveal his true stupidity. So, Biden should engage Trump in all three debates and mop the floor with him.
Biden would have that deer in the headlights look trying to figure out a ink blot.
Drug test prior to the event still OK with you?
As soon as it was suggested for the debates Nancy started in on canceling them.
Adderall is powerful but temporary.
Great idea on the IQ test. But not only make sure the bad orange man can’t cheat, make sure Joe Biden can. If that old fool can figure out how to beat Trump then he’s smarter then Hillary Clinton. That woman knows how to cheat and still couldn’t pull it off.
It will be over by 9 pm PST Nov 3 2020
There will be no doubt.
Coattails…….bye Nancy!
She will not be elected HS again!
Dove bar’s here!
Get you’re ice cold, ice cream Dove Bar‘s here!
Not you!
… should not avoid a debate… would show weakness… if he can’t face Trump how would he handle Russia, China or Iran? Red envelopes?
Scared. Oh my god are you guys scared. How does it feel to understand the imminent demise of the democrat party as we know it. As I have said many times, democrats will be cast into the cringe fringe of socialists for decades to come. Look for the green party and libertarians to make their moves in the wake. The new Republican party has arrived.
Is the pope Catholic?
It’s a shame Pat Paulsen passed away, this could have been his year.