The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Did you watch the democrat or republican national convention?
If you did watch, who do you think made the best speech?
Talk about it.
Melania Trump
Even the Dems had nice things to say about Melania.
“You can trust Donald Trump,” says his third wife who was home nursing his newborn while Donald Trump was being spanked by Stormy Daniels.
Paying for a prostitutes services while you’re a private citizen is no worse (and some would say far better than) taking advantage of the services of a much younger intern while serving as president. And just to remind you, Clinton WAS impeached for his lies about that.
A robotic delivery defending the indefensible by a disengaged First Lady.
How’s that anti-bullying initiative going, Melania?
don’t need to watch either.
democrats support riots in the streets, destruction of property, money for people who think because they had an ancestor who was a slave they should get someone else’s money, green new deal which means we can’t have reliable power on hot days or soon at any time due to massive over crowding
republicans support the police who protect us from criminals who riot in the streets, creating jobs, reducing taxes, borders, history, the pledge of allegiance with “under God”, and all the other rational things that have made this country the greatest in the world
It appears you’re a victim of Fox news.
@Ash Spot On!
Ash – I am so sorry you feel that way about the Democrates and Republicans. As an independent and a middle of the roader I believe that both believe in Police, Equality, Jobs, Riots are a crime, vandelism is wrong and Protection of their people. It is the far left crazies that think it is okay to riot and Loot and the far right crazies that think only one nationality rules and spread hate and separate. Please do not lump all of one group with the far left or far right crazies that is what helps to seperate our country. “When real Democrats and Republicans were running our country; we did not hate each other. WE did not vote for parties. We voted for ideas that came from both parties that made us better as a country. We did not label ideas or parties as racist, sexist, or un-American. We did what we thought was best for “We The People” and accepted the winner as a united country.” We need to get back to this. I do not want to be bitter but I will vote by looking at all issues and what I feel is best for my country as a whole. I watched both with an open mind.
None of the above, thank you very much.
I watched Kim Guilfoyle’s fiery RNC speech. According to her: Biden, Harris and the rest of the Socialists want to destroy our lives, our families, and our future, brainwash us, feed us lies, dismantle our law enforcement, and send our jobs back to China, while they get rich.
The Republican world is really an anti-reality for me. They are doing all of the things that they accuse Democrats of doing. When I was younger some of the Republicans seemed to have decent values. But these days they seem to be completely nuts, just political warriors without any substance or truth.
I am an undeclared party but I generally vote Democrat every time lately, because they are the only ones who make sense. They are the party of science and reality, compassion, and world-conciousness. I am all for that.
Don’t know if you are being for real on your post or being sarcastic.
I’m not on the same page with You on your thoughts.
I second this sentiment. It’s all classic gaslighting. In the past I believed that the general public would understand they’re BEING gaslighted and thus reject the person or organization doing it. But the last 4 years have been a real eye-opener. Gaslighting works because, well, people are stupid enough to let it work.
@ Vandy
This sounds like the generic schpeal of an astroturfing bot.
Are you real?
Can you give an example of the Democratic policies that “make sense” to you?
Does installing a POTUS with obvious and significant cognitive decline, also sense?
it does if they really want the VP to be president
Unfortunately, quite likely she (and the like kind here) are not bots.
Checked Claycord to see what the female reaction would be to Melania and I called it correctly yet again.
I enjoyed Melania’s speech. I listened to her words and took into account her actions. She’s a winner and that really brings out the ire.
Again, really unfortunate that they are not just bots.
A President in a state of mental and physical decline is exactly what we have now.
Pretty much agreed, though I’m more iffy on the Democrats than you are. Trump has pretty much turned reality on its head. I fear for democracy itself if he wins.
YOU are so deluded! Democrats are the party of science and data? Really? Democrats compassionate…..to who themselves? What country and world are you living in? Democrats scream listen to the science and data…..then when the science and data is not in their favor they just disregard it. Case in point, the American Pediatric Association as well as the American Medical association, and the Center for Disease Control have all said schools can and should reopen, in person voting can take place, but noooo Democrats wont allow no because of the science and data but because of partisan/identity politics. Democrats skew the data all the time by compiling “facts” from “research” institutions and organizations with political agendas…..we have seen this repeatedly throughout the gun debate…..should i keep going? your all very compassionate people when your out burning down cities looting, and destroying lives. Your all so very tolerant of opposing beliefs and view points when your labeling republicans racist, sexist, and homophobic vile monsters. Did you leave your tolerance at home when you were out pulling down our nation monuments and destroying our history?…Go ahead vote blue, in fact please do! i want to see as many liberal tears flowing this November!
AMEN VANDY! Truer words were never spoken.
I watched a little of each and couldn’t stand it.
Most repubs wrongly generalize the Left as being crazy socialists. We just want Democracy, Equality, Humanity, and basic decent kindness…. WORLD PEACE. If that’s Socialist, call me one, I don’t care what you label me, I know this is the right path.
In the last 5 years, I’ve found most hate, violence and divide has come from the Right, pushed by 45 making it acceptable to act like an A$$ in public and basically act out like a ignorant toddler. Not to mention the blatant lies told by our so called “president”, the non-Science approach to Mother Earth and everything else logical. Lastly, one word: DicKTator.
I’m right with you, I used to consider myself a conservative. That eroded year after year when President Bush took office. Even then I was still voting for what I thought was the better candidate. However, with the rise of Trump in 2015 it fully opened my eyes to the hypocrisy and depravity of the Republican party. I’ll vote Democrat or 3rd party every single time. This was also the first time in my life that I registered as a Democrat in order to take part of the Primary (I wasn’t aware when I did it that I didn’t need to register to take part).
Fox News and people like Rush are what is wrong with politics today. They’ve spent the last 30 years destroying civility. The thing that makes me angry is that the Democrats have no backbone and continue to try to work with the Republicans. The Democrats need to just buck up and give a big F U to the Republicans and push as much legislation as they can when they hold control. That was the big folly under Obama, they tried to work with the Republicans. That’s why the accomplished little and only got a half assed ACA through. How were they rewarded? Republicans stealing a judge from Obama’s administration. However, you can bet that they will push for a conservative judge right now if it was an option. That’s who we are dealing with, backstabbing hypocrites that say they are Christian but do the exact opposite of Christ’s teachings..
Not ONE speaker at the DNC even mentioned the ongoing riots in largely Democrat run cites. Do you know what gaslighting is? Because that’s a perfect example.
@Rollo I really shouldn’t have to point you to countless definitions of Gaslighting, the main definition of which is to vehemently accuse others of doing things you yourself are doing and denying. It isn’t the omission of a fact — it’s a very purposeful, active, intentional spreading of misinformation.
This is *exactly* what I mean about people being too stupid to understand what it is, much less the fact that it’s happening to them.
“Gaslighting, the main definition of which is to vehemently accuse others of doing things you yourself are doing and denying.”
Wrong, that would be projection. Gaslighting is denial of reality to the point that your intended target begins to question their sanity. It originates from a 1940’s movie called “Gaslight”. Thanks for playing.
No absolutely not didn’t watch the Democratic convention either no need to hear more lies from both sides
I watched both and found the DNC depressing!!
The RNC had some good orators like Mr. Parnell, the McCloskeys, Sec’y Pompeo, Kim Guilfoyle, the gov from Florida, and the best at the end with Melania!
I find it disbelieving that FOX NEWS chopped-up the coverage. I switched to C-SPAN for unbotched presentation!
Really? Melania? I mean, speech barriers aside, she orates poorly, and projects unhappiness. I cannot take seriously anyone who thinks that she is more than a mediocre first lady.
@ Jessica……. Speech barriers? She speaks 5 different languages fluently… which one are you referring to? You can’t mean English…. I understood her every word last night…. and she is much better at it than her husband is.
Projects unhappiness? Maybe if you’re a jealous female, but just looking at her makes me happy…. and I like her accent too!
Mediocre? LoL !
I say nobody can take YOU seriously!
I watched Guilfoyle speak, and couldn’t get past her eyes and teeth; she is really an unattractive person, evil looking.
As for Melania, she was obviously reading from a teleprompter, as she continuously looked from the left to the right as she spoke, never looking straight ahead. But I just can’t get over the evil appearance of Guilfoyle, and that’s NOT a political statement.
That’s a good one Jelly “She speaks 5 different languages fluently… ”
but you forgot to mention that she also has a degree in architecture.
Now nobody has seen her speak either French, Italian or German, while visiting these places. As a matter of fact when she was at the Vatican the Pope asked lightheartedly in Italian, if she fed her husband potica, a traditional Slovenian pastry. She looked at him and said nothing, Francis motioned to his interpreter, who stepped forward and translated the pope’s words into English. Melania finally responded and laughed, ‘Potica, yes!’”.
Also her White House biography does not list fluency in multiple languages among her accomplishments, which otherwise include her being “a highly successful model.”
Yeah… you expect a supermodel to even know what a pastry is?
BTW – it is also known as povitica, povtica & potvitsa … simple, right?
@JWB Melania did a similar demonstration of her French fluency greeting children in a French classroom. After an unconvincing “Bon Jour!” , and being faced with a room full of French people, in France, she instantly did the only sensible thing, nervously lapsing into her broken English to talk to young French children. I don’t know French. I may know more French than Melania.
Does she know multiple languages? I cannot say, but I am fairly certain that French is not one of them. And are we counting English as one she is fluent in? She is NOT fluent. She speaks some, sure. Maybe she hears and reads it well, but if she did, she would probably speak it better. She speaks English in a way that is usually described as, “barely speaks English”.
From the evidence, or lack thereof, it would appear that the only language she is fluent in is Slovenian. And even that is an assumption. I’d have to ask another Slovenian. Unfortunately I’ve encountered more than a few homegrown Americans whose English is so bad that they are virtually non-fluent in their native tongue. Maybe she’s the Slovenian equivalent. Maybe language just isn’t really her thing.
Kimberly Guilfoyle was so over the top and distorted everything. We had a democrat for President for 8 years, in those 8 years, people got married, started a family, went to church, made money, saved money, started a business or had a job. I don’t like Trump, but he is certainly not in charge of my personal life, no president is. I might get upset about his laws on the environment, since I’m a nature lover, but he does not prevent me from going out in nature. Nor will Biden prevent anyone from going to church, since he goes to church himself, nor will any republican or democrat president force me to go to church or to believe. I see over reacting on both sides of the political isle. It would behooves us all to turn it down a notch or two, and try to look for the good and positive. All this negativity gets me down. No matter who is President (unless he is an outright dictator) I like to believe the glass is half full.
JWB: according to the independent.co.uk, “However, the Vatican initially suggested Pope Francis was not enquiring about potica, pronounced po-teet-sah, but about another bread-based food, pizza – a mistake repeated by some who watched the video.” So, perhaps there was a bit of confusion over what was being asked. Also, the independent does not mention your dramatic motioning for a translator but just said the translator repeated the question.
… there is simply no evidence to support the claim that she is fluent in five languages. There is plenty of evidence that she is not, in addition to the ones already mentioned, she did not talk use Italian to talk to the “bambini” at the hospital in the Vatican other than saying “buon giorno” after that she switched to English. She listened to the translator on the headset when Macron gave his address in French at the G7 in Biarritz.
Why pretend? It seems clear Trump did not marry her for intellect. He has made his view on valuing women quite clear. Have you forgotten his remarks about Heidi Cruz, or Carly Fiorina? Or did you think he discussed quantum physics with Stormy Daniels?
What was the substance of her speech? Was she talking about the evils of chain migration? How she sponsored her sister and her parents for immigration? How her parents became US citizens based on a merit system? Because, we simply don’t have enough old, small town communist party leaders from the former Yugoslavia in the US?
Melania depended entirely upon an interpreter in every foreign country she visited on our behalf. These days the “fluent in five languages” is just laughable.
I really could not figure out the real reason Jackie Kennedy’s gorgeous little flowering crabapple trees were removed during Melania’s Rose Garden redo until I saw Melania’s speech. Unlike Melania I am a gardener. I have trees, roses and many other plants, flowering and otherwise, and I happen to know it wasn’t done for the garden’s health or because they created too much shade as were the reasons given (they did not). That is, until I saw melania’s runway walk through the WH and down the corridor to the lectern, cameras trained upon her all the way, which was very similar to the one she did for her “Be Best” rollout production. The biggest difference was that last night the views of her walk through the corridor were completely unobstructed, unlike it was for her “Be Best” rollout production, although there were plenty of views from her coming and going from front, side, and back, they were not able to have the far shot of her catwalk from the lawn, with Jackie’s pretty little trees in the way. Be Best!
I watched the DNC and am watching the GOP.
I was disgusted by the DNC’s bashing of the USA, full play on the race card, and the unabated pandering to minorities.
I am a person of color and am disgusted by the Democrats. The Republican Party has a much brighter outlook and instills confidence in the future of America… one that I share and have shared.
Yes, and Pam Bondi nailed it last night.
I watched some of the DNC and most of the RNC. One thing I noticed is that Democrats seem to be very unhappy people with a grim look at American life, and hateful of anybody that doesn’t agree with them, while Republicans are more happy and cheerful, with a positive outlook and don’t hate anybody. Personally, I enjoy living a happy life. I also got a kick out of the way Daniel Cameron, the Kentucky Atty General, tore into Joe Biden’s character using Joe’s own words.
I watched it on C-Span, and after the convention they took calls from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Almost every Democrat that called in said they are fed up with their party and will be voting for Trump.
I also have a feeling that someday Don Jr will run for president, and quite possibly be elected.
Yes, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Don Jr. was very positive!
Nope. I would rather have my kneecaps removed with a cheese grater.
Just baseball
If you didn’t watch the Republican Convention last night you missed some great speeches. The difference between the two conventions is like day and night. At one you heard Donald Trump is a ogre, Joe is a really nice guy, and you are a racist. At the other you heard that the US is great and it is going to get much better. You would have seen the many good things that President Trump has done that never get news coverage. It is unfortunate if you didn’t watch it.
Nick Sandman., and the moment he put on that MAGA hat. He has remaining claims against NBCUniversal, the New York Times, CBS News, ABC News, Gannett and Rolling Stone (whose parent company, Penske Media, also owns Deadline). He’s already been made a millionaire from his wins against WaPo and CNN. Popcorn.
TRUMP 2020
No. Both candidates are the pits.
I didn’t watch either, but I’m looking forward to the debates. Those should be entertaining.
only the RNC….the Dems have lost it policy-wise, and their support for Socialism, abortion, and open borders is just nuts. You cannot run a national party with your only motivating factor is hatred for the current President. TRUMP 2020
Agree with Zandy totally.
Too much division during the last few years, with little respect for the US Constitution.
Totally agree with Zandy
Watched both. Leaning towards Dems
keep leaning until you drop into the Pelosi cesspool
Nope! Not interested on the rah rah.
I watched some of the DNC, but the gag-o-meter was pegged for most of it. They were sullen and hateful and wanted to give free stuff to everybody. We know how it worked out in Cuba and Venezuela. The RNC was full of a vision for a brighter future, with a basis in the accomplishments of the last four years by the greatest President since Ronald Reagan. November should be a 50 state sweep for President Trump if people voted rationally.
The most important job of the President is being Commander in Chief. I can’t imagine how any rational person could vote for Biden, unless they wanted to destroy the greatest country the World has ever seen.
Your last sentence says it all.
Rather than look within honestly and make the necessary difficult adjustments, it is much easier to lay blame on those they resent for having the skills to succeed. They hate what they have done with their lives and so it’s Trump’s fault.
Watched both.
Delete all comments, please
Already know who I’m voting for. Hint, not the same party as Portland, Seattle, NYC, SF, or add your favorite liberal trash hole here.
I don’t watch conventions or debates. I did 20-30 years ago, and learned it’s 100% BS. I’m not interested in wasting my time being lied to. I vote because I’m a taxpayer.
I am watching baseball. The A’s are having a great year.
watched both.
Agreeing with @caskydiver…. “You cannot run a national party with your only motivating factor is hatred for the current President”
are you sure? It seemed to have worked quite well in 2016 though.
Hillary wasn’t president in 2016!
(or in 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2020)
you keep forgetting that the RNC called Hillary Obama’s third term.
or 2021, or 2022, or 2023, or 2024!
Yep. Agreed. And the female reaction is so predictable.
While it should just be amusing, our future is in these people’s hands. And that’s not funny at all.
My Kingdom for a viable 3rd Party!!
I wish for a viable 3rd Party too. Not going to happen. I will vote anyhow.
Nope, neither one and never will watch. You hear the same BS every election and how “we’re” going to make things better. It hasn’t changed for the better in the past 60+ years and don’t expect it going forward. 99% of the politicians are out pandering to keep their cushy jobs, pensions and health benefits only.
Hmmm, 60 years……almost the same amount of time Joe Biden has been in Washington. No wonder it hasn’t changed for the better. Not until Trump came along that is. This is very rarely discussed, but thanks to Trump, billions if not trillions of dollars are and will be coming back to into this country thanks to him obliterating old deals and making new ones.
Cyn – I don’t think the narrative matches reality.. Midwest manufacturing jobs haven’t returned and the import/export ratios have not improved.
Watched both. The phrase “Democrats are not what they were” has been round awhile…RNC has hit it right on! Kimberly Guilfoyle was amazing in my book. Loud, give me a break. She hit it on the mark and her projection was necessary. Many protesters are projecting out on the street to force a certain mindset, so, right on Ms. Guilfoyle. Tim Scott, all of them, excellent. Radicalism on either side is dangerous to our society. All that are not radical thinkers understand that.
I’m a Christian, registered Libertarian, leans fiscally conservative, socially moderate, prolife. Since the Dems took out “One Nation Under God”, I have no use for them. Biden has dementia, can’t put his thoughts together when he is ad-libbing. I don’t want Kamala as our next POTUS, as she is a hypocrite and a liar (well, they’re all liars, but she is particularly duplicitous). Don’t have a viable third party option this time, and I do not like Trump’s communication “skills” or the lack thereof, although he did well bringing jobs back to the USA and being tough on China. God Bless the USA! 🇺🇸
Trump’s poor communication skills might be due to a mild case of dyslexia. This is only a guess, but something to think about.
By the way, Albert Einstein was dyslexic, and so is Jay Leno.
We have fallen a long way since Kennedy.
Liberals ask not what can I do for my country, but rather, what can the country do for me.
Similar words were just spoken at the RNC.
And that’s why I’m proud to NOT be a Democrat.
Yes, we have fallen a long way since Kennedy, who was my here. If similar words were spoken at the RNC they did not have the same eloquence and appeal as when Kennedy spoke, perhaps that is what is missing. Very few speeches these days are inspiring, very few call on the best in us and try to bring us together, instead they distort and paint the darkest picture of the other side.
Well said.
I feel sorry for the cynical people of Claycord. We have a great country but you seem lost. There are no lies in the Republican convention. It is meant to be and is uplifting. You should watch. It may make you feel better.
No, I didn’t watch either. I know how I’m going to vote no matter what they have to say. I especially wouldn’t watch Democrats because I don’t think you can believe a thing they say, they are so out of touch with reality. Their perception of things just does not jive with mine. I did watch Kimberly Guilfoyle’s presentation on YouTube and felt she was a little too over the top, screaming. I started to watch Melania’s there, too, but got distracted. I’ll go back and watch it. I think she has a lovely, soft and persuasive way of expressing herself and I wanted to hear what she had to say.
I find it interesting that Harris made her way to the top sleeping with a married Willie Brown. Or, at least, he takes credit for getting her into politics. While, at the same time, Melania arrived at the speakers platform legitimately, though marriage. Sort of gives you a vision of what each party values.
…now that’s funny according to news reports Melania and Trump started dating in September 1998, while the divorce from Marla Maples was finalized in 1999.
Maybe it is less of a vision of what each party values, but more an expression of your personal bias?
Nope. I’m only voting for Harris– the sole sane, sound-minded person on either ticket.
I watched some excerpt on UTube. Other than that I listened to John Rothmann, he played most of the speeches, analyzed them and had a few callers, some for Trump some for Biden
I tend not to criticize first ladies, they are not elected. Melania has not been an extremely visible First Lady, that is her choice, she has made a few speeches, couple of times come out against her husband for which I applaud her. I liked her speech, she sounded sincere and compassionate, she is the only one mentioned the victims of Covid 19 in any meaningful way, she talked about unity, no one else at the Republican convention so far have not. I have not listened to every speech, seeing some nights I work to 7 p.m. Kimberly Guilfoyle was screeching, she was over the top, she painted a very dark picture of the US. She quoted Reagan “Shinging City on the hill” and although I was not a Reagan supporter, he never had such a bleak view of the US and it’s people. I like a President, no matter what party that call upon the best in us. Do we really have to agree on almost everything to love this country. The idea that Biden is a socialist is laughable, he is a middle of the road Democrat, many to the left feel he is too conservative.
@ Hanne – Whether Biden is middle-of-the-road or a socialist doesn’t matter. Dementia Joe is only a front man – similar to a bait and switch. The poor man looks like a walking cadaver. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. No thanks!
I am a bit fatigued with the whole thing. Campaigning seems to take a darker turn with each election.
Even though he says a lot of stupid things, Trump is skilled at organizing his thoughts and speaking simultaneously. He is able to pivot quickly and return to his message. Those are skills Joe doesn’t have, and perhaps that shouldn’t matter, but it does. The fact that it’s now been suggested that candidates should be drug tested prior to the debates tells me they suspect Joe is taking Adderall for attention issues. I really hope that is not the case, and if it is they are using Joe in a most terrible way.
I watched bits and pieces of the DNC, that’s all I could handle to be honest. I have been watching the RNC the past few nights. One of my favorite speakers at the RNC was Democrat Vernon Jones. If you didn’t see it, I highly recommend watching it. He hit the nail right on the head. It was a great speech! I also enjoyed Melania Trump. She didn’t take any shots at the Democrats, she is a very classy woman. I don’t know why I keep hearing all of these negative comments about her accent and her English. First of all, her accent is awesome. It’s unique and, for me anyways, grabs my attention even more when she speaks. As for the negative comments about her English, I find it hilarious that jealous liberal women like Bette Midler come out criticizing her English, yet had nothing to say when our country was flooded with illegal immigrants that couldn’t even read or write in their own native language let alone speak English. The RNC has a much more positive and uplifting outlook. Trump 2020
I’m willing to bet money that Bette Midler has a couple of illegal housekeepers that speak with an accent.
I am hoping people can get along. Vote for Howie
Watched the Nick Sandmann speech. The kid who was falsely maligned by CNN..and sued them for $250 million, settling out of court. He’s no great public speaker, but his message was spot-on.
… don’t watch DNC or RNC … too much grandstanding … they don’t talk about all the issues.. esp.. foreign policy
How do you know they don’t talk about all the issues, if you don’t watch?
I watched some of both. The Republicans are much more positive. Dem’s have a dementia ridden candidate who Harris is waiting to knock off and take over the socialistic liberal agenda to destroy America further.
Granted, TRUMP has bad delivery but he has done what he promised. that is where my vote will go.
Suckers pick sides. Suckers get sucked in with false narratives. Both side lie. Find the truth.
All just performance.