Home » Officials Support Densifying Single-Family Neighborhoods

Officials Support Densifying Single-Family Neighborhoods


QUESTION: Should cities in Contra Costa County consider doing this?

By Sonya Herrera – San Jose Spotlight

San Jose took the first step to approve “opportunity housing,” an initiative to increase housing density in single-family neighborhoods — and it could be enacted citywide.

“We are voting to explore a process,” said task force member Juan Estrada, who called the motion that was voted on hours later. “We can do better to undo historic patterns that reinforce segregation.”


The city’s General Plan Task Force voted 22-12 on Thursday in favor of recommending the City Council study the topic over the next two years. Opportunity housing would allow property owners to build up to four new units on a single-family home site near transit hubs, though the task force recommended exploring this citywide while prioritizing urban villages.

The idea is to increase the city’s housing stock by allowing multi-units and more density in single-family neighborhoods — which comprise some 94 percent of the city — to chip away at Silicon Valley’s crippling
housing crisis.

Estrada said restricting the new homes to areas near transit would unfairly concentrate the impacts in specific neighborhoods.

“Limiting opportunity housing to only some areas … is not really an acceptable alternative,” Estrada said. “It’s citywide or not at all.”


Task force members Roberta Moore, Harvey Darnell, Shawn Milligan, Bob Levy, Bonnie Mace, Jim Zito, Pat Saucedo, Eddie Truong, Michelle Yesney and David Pandori voted against Estrada’s motion. San Jose Councilmembers Dev Davis and Pam Foley, who serve on the task force, also opposed.

Councilmember Sylvia Arenas, a task force member who seconded Estrada’s motion, reminded meeting attendees that the task force is simply voting on a recommendation. The City Council is expected to take up the issue in the spring.

“There are no permanent recommendations that are going to be implemented anytime soon,” Arenas said. “I don’t know that this is the last bite of the apple.”

Nearly 40 people spoke during the meeting, some opposing the measure on the grounds that it would destroy the character of single-family neighborhoods, while others expressed support for adding sorely needed housing in a city where land is expensive and scarce.


Susan Wisner Phillips said upzoning single family neighborhoods, in combination with the city’s existing law related to granny units, would enable up to seven homes to be built on a single parcel of land.

“If any person on the City Council is a developer or a real estate developer, they should be recused from any voting,” Wisner Phillips said.

Kathryn Matheson said she was concerned about the loss in home value that homeowners would endure. “It will be a very costly financial loss for the neighbors of opportunity housing, as the neighbors’ property values
will go down,” Matheson said.

However, Adia Hoag, who spoke in support of the measure, said there’s a duplex in her neighborhood and it didn’t diminish nearby home values.


“Anybody who opposes this, in my mind, is a racist and a classist,” Hoag said.

Jarrod Jenkins, a resident of Communications Hill, said he enjoys the mix of housing types in his neighborhood. Jenkins also said some of the arguments made against greater housing density were the same as those made against racially integrating all-white neighborhoods.

Task force member Kevin Zwick supported Estrada’s motion, saying that land use planners’ big mistake was reserving so much land for single-family homes.

“It’s uncomfortable to talk about, but the historical reasons for why is because it’s exclusionary,” Zwick said. “We have to put to bed this idea that single-family neighborhoods are sacrosanct.”

Task force member Jim Zito said the new homes built under opportunity housing should be affordable, and the city should not encourage homeowners to sell their homes to developers.

“We need to see what the intended and unintended consequences are,” Zito said.

Other task force members, including Harvey Darnell, said the policy would create a developer-fueled bidding war for single-family homes in the city, making it harder for people of color to buy homes.

City officials will consider protections for renters of single-family homes by excluding properties that have been occupied by renters in recent years from qualifying for opportunity housing. Staff will also consider whether to prohibit using the new units created under the plan for short-term rentals, such as Airbnbs.

Task force member Roberta Moore expressed concerns that the exclusion of rentals would negatively impact minority homeowners.

“This is going to be more anti-people of color,” Moore said, holding up a copy of Richard Rothstein’s The Color of Law. “I think you’ll find that you’re excluding people of race from participating in opportunity
housing by voting for this.”

If the task force’s recommendations are approved by the City Council, it will take city officials about two years to conduct a displacement risk analysis, community outreach and draft an ordinance rezoning single-family neighborhoods.

The task force first discussed opportunity housing at last month’s task force meeting. During that meeting, Pandori, who is the task force’s co-chair, attempted to delay a vote on the topic, raising questions about his conduct and sparking a political showdown with fellow co-chair Teresa Alvarado, according to records obtained by San Jose Spotlight.

Pandori claimed city officials failed to talk to neighborhoods about the policy before the meeting.

The task force’s next meeting is on Sept. 21. The topic of that meeting has not yet been set, but remaining topics include Coyote Valley, Evergreen-East Hills development and transportation policies.

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Frequent PSPS events and Gavinator’s shutdowns would help to empty houses. Maybe they should raise the bridge tolls to $50 per, that will definitely help open up some affordable housing. Unfortunately, AB 2088 might suppress some of the housing boom that the earlier events were going to create.

Every body wants to be a Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, ad nauseum!!

“People of Color”, “Systemic Racism”, “Inclusionary Housing”, “Affordable Housing”, ad nauseum – isn’t everybody want to be color blind??!! Well, right there – I just injected a racist comment!
USA is going to be a 4th or 5th World country at this rate!!

In before the naysayers and anti-housers, I don’t know about Contra costa but Concord has been doing this already and the sky hasn’t fallen. There has been high density infill development ever since the council could get their filthy mitts on that kickback money from the developers. To those who might say “Look Trump is right”, again we’ve been doing this for awhile all over town and in downtown with the sheety overpriced “luxury” apartments, and besides the NIMBYers have a conniption fit, and the fat cats on the council getting fatter, the societal structure of Concord hasn’t collapsed.

Yeah, the people across the street from me have a family living in their garage and another one living in an RV that’s parked on their front lawn. Their 12 crappy cars are parked up and down the street where there isn’t enough parking, even under normal circumstances. It’s a regular freakin’ Utopia!

Chicken little … that sucks! I couldn’t put up with that.

Concord has allowed “Infill development”, but not developers going into an already developed neighborhood and suddenly plopping down High Density Housing. No one wants to talk about parking, traffic, etc…

And I reject the whole “suburbs are racist” propaganda. When built in the 50’s and 60’s especially, they were a cheap entry for young families into the housing market. Custom built homes were the norm before that.

If you want to examine efforts to exclude, take a good hard look at East Bay Regional Park District and the various government run Open Space districts. You could fit a lot of housing along Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek and Concord, and still have plenty of trails and open space.


add power, water to that mix that no one wants to talk about until one runs out that is…

You must live in a different Concord.

“Anybody who opposes this, in my mind, is a racist and a classist”
Great going with labeling people. This is part of the problem


Sideline, no one mentioned color, your a race baiter. I dont want to live next to 4 family’s crammed into a single home area. You think being called a racist still has the sting it use to have. Lol I am a racist. Being called a racists means nothing and is so yesterday.

FPN, read the article. You will see that sideline took a direct quote from it, hence the quotation marks.

I guess nothing was learned about over crowding, and what happens when a pandemic hits.

anything that has to have a new word used to describe it is clearly not good. why can’t this be called what it is, overcrowding. the idiots running SJ want to get more revenue by putting more people in the same space. living ontop of each other like rats. i cannot image how bad things would be when people start fighting over access to a common driveway for example or power or water. clearly these people have lost their minds. my vote HELL NO!

I want to disagree with all these people at once.

Some are lobbing accusations of racism all over the place. So cynical and/or stupid. Holding up a copy of an antiracist book to prove one is woke enough. Blech.

The one dude thinks it’s exclusionary (ooh, bad word!) to do this kind of housing only near transit centers – have you heard of traffic? Cars? Parking? Wow, must be racist to think about those factors.

But also, te woman who thinks that developers need to recuse themselves but somehow the motives of incumbents sitting on fat property values are pure as the driven snow… special pleading, anyone!?

I think some version of this might make sense for our county. Maybe. But it would have to be near transit or as part of a broader transportation plan. You can’t just add people with no thought for traffic, parking, and all that.

Would probably increase tax revenue. However, people who saved and finally were able to afford a single family dwelling in a nice neighborhood are not going to be happy. They will lose equity and recover only if they sell their property and be forced to leave. If you think we have problems with infrastructure now; brown outs, black outs, etc. wait till this happens.

Or, I could replace my single family house with a small apartment building then move out of state and collect the rent payments from there…

Considering that many people are fleeting dense areas like SF and NYC, might not be good planning for future pandemics (assuming we get passed this one soon).

if biden wins it will magically disappear…

Ash this whole thing of moving high density housing into the burbs was Obama and Biden’s idea. It is called social engineering. It certainly won’t go away if Biden is elected.

The Bay Area does not have the infrastructure in place to support an additional population explosion. Consider fixing the roads, improving the parking, and creating safe public transportation. Then take another look at proposed density.

More then anything thing they need to figure out the infrastructure first. CA doesn’t have enough water. The power grid is already stressed and they are pushing more electrification of our daily life’s from cars to all electric houses with no gas for any appliances. No new power plants. Traffic that is out of control along with roadways that are failing and out of maintenance. Pollution will increase from all the idling cars stuck in traffic. CA cannot handle anymore people till all of this addressed. But no they only look at tax revenue and never address the quality of life that is going down hill rapidly

The state’s population is going down. You’re right about all these problems, though. That’s part of why it’s going down. Premium prices, crappy quality of life unless you are lucky enough or wealthy enough to have landed some property in a nice area. Otherwise you kill yourself to rent a shack or you “commute” from the Central Valley or East County, or the inland empire down south.

That’s the piece you are missing, though: we already do add more people to our roads by having insufficient housing in the Bay Area. They just live 90+ minutes away and commute from Tracy, Antioch, Mountain House, Manteca, Stockton, Modesto.


You’re right however I happen to like the neighborhood I live in and I don’t want in turned into NYC. There are plenty of places to build high density housing but not in a neighborhood of single family homes. That happens to be the dream of the socialist democrats. Here is one good reason for not wanting HDH. Voting power. People in HDH may have a completely different attitude and will be able to sway local elections.

Thank you Obama and Biden. They both passed the bill to allow this to happen. Trump said he signed the order to stop it but evidently the democrats in San Jose love it. Keep voting democrat you are going to love it. LOL

Sounds like an adoption of a part of the UN Agenda 2030. More things are coming. Look it up.

They just want the opportunities and financial security that the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers wanted. Look what those opportunities did for those groups of people.

Opportunity housing – an initiative to increase housing density in single-family neighborhoods would allow property owners to build up to 4 new units on a single family home site.
This idea should go down in flames and fast. Who would do this? People buy single family homes to GET AWAY from people and apartments and work very hard to obtain property; buying a home is the American dream.
Building up not out near transit centers would be better than this terrible idea that would allow developers and renovators to rent out up to 7 units (including granny flats says the article) on a previous single family home site. Traffic, more cars in neighborhoods, more problems of all kinds, property values would drastically decrease. Why do you think single family housing is called SINGLE family housing?
I hope this goofball task force is not costing taxpayers any money.

Plenty of unscrupulous landlords looking to exploit their renting capability to the fullest would do this.
They don’t care what happens to the neighborhoods they themselves don’t reside in.

@UncleBob. Agree 100%.

Agenda 21. (so much for spell check). 🙂

“new units on a single-family home site site near transit hubs”

Operative words transit hubs, long term Utopian fantasy ongoing since late 1980s. Liberal fantasy of future life centered around mass transit. Yet Californians are vehicle oriented and transit is often plagued by homeless and opportunistic criminals often armed and violent.

Other small problem is mentally ill riding public transit and loitering around transit hubs.

An is there any thought given to stress of new structures on electrical grid? Take a look at above ground electrical infrastructure. You’ll notice pole mounted transformers with paint burned off of them, likely from overloading.

New construction could well require transformer size to be increased. Service entrance conductors from pole in or if underground dug up and replaced. Costs of this type of building ain’t cheap.

San Jose may find there are costs they have not even thought of.

I am not riding the BART anymore. It’s a risk on so many levels. Plus, my whole industry is remote now. So transit hubs are of no use to me.

A single family home with plenty of space to move about is of tremendous value. I’d like to see this stay intact even if I have to live further out.

It’s being demonstrated right now that transit hubs to centralized job locations are not needed with everyone working from home.

Case closed.

Pitiful that some in society have sunk to such a low that, if you disagree with them, they automatically label you racists. Just because. Can’t agree to disagree, can’t civilly debate or discuss the issue in an adult manner. Nope. Those low life people believe no one else is entitled to a different opinion. You’re just labeled a racist.

That’s because they are authoritarians. They will get their way, and you will shut up, or they will destroy you and your reputation. That is the absolute implicit meaning when they throw around such a vicious epithet as “racist.” Stay out of the way, or you will be labeled and destroyed.

A bill that has already passed the State Senate and now in the Assembly will mandate this across the state leaving local cities powerless to not approve multiple units in single family zoned areas. Scott Weiner is one of the sponsors, along with others who are lock step with developers. At least San Jose trying to deal with it locally.

HDH is a socialist dream that will change the voting demographic of a neighborhood to suit democrats. You have to love those slimy democrats.

I live across the street from a neighbor on Concord Blvd. who has multiple Hispanics living there. Close to Farm

This is total crap. My immigrant family worked their behinds off to get to where they are today. They were proud to become US citizens LEGALLY. They never asked for a handout and would never accept one they were to hard working and proud.

What has happened to people as they are always on the dole, looking for handouts and wanting to take from those who have worked to achieve and make something of themselves.

I agree that Hilary Clinton,Obama, Biden and Harris are a very large part of this problem and they perpetuate the entitlement crowd. No one is stopping people from making something of themselves no matter what their color is.

I will not allow what my family has achieved, worked hard towards, never breaking the law and being moral without destroying others property to allow a takeover of what our forefathers put into place.

For the good of all, stop voting Democratic and Socialist. Can no one see what is happening? Wake up America.

I am sick and tired of not being able to voice my opinion but have to sit here and take all the media dictates and filters what we can see or hear. I am a person of color-European and I am sick and tired of having to suck up being told I am wrong and must give in to these ridiculous demands by the entitlement crowd and generational welfare cheaters. Got bad or indifferent, Columbus and other explorers helped make America and other countries great. I resent having my history blackballed to allow other races step all over MY HERITAGE. All lives and history matter.

Step up people and hold your ground. Stop this insanity.

I live across the street from a neighbor on Concord Blvd. who has multiple Hispanics living there. Close to Farm B. Between the music and daily morning honking to pick someone up for work it’s annoying. Plus, some of the kids that lived there at some point stealing mail from neighbors who had the police out. The daily fights, drinking etc. it’s been great’

The race card – The go to move for those that don’t have the intellectual ability to form and present a intelligent argument. Perfect example, Hoag.

Investors (probably from China) will buy up properties with the sole intention of building more and more units. If you like ultra high-density living and even greater over-population you’re in for a real treat.
Sure glad I left this swamp!,

H P Wait until this virus is over and watch Chinese nationalists buy up bankrupt companies like it is going out of style. As sure as the sun comes up tomorrow.

Agenda 21 was non-binding. IOW, just suggestions for government to follow. The UN was disappointed that the ideas weren’t adopted so came out with Agenda 2030 which they are pushing. There is a clip of one of the participants in it’s authorship admitting that the UN was disappointed in failure of governments to adopt Agenda 21 ideas. These people are “idealists” to say the least and don’t truly understand the general public.

No it is not a “conspiracy theory” but there is rather open “conspiracy” to push Agenda 2030. You can find videos particularly one of a meeting the World Economic Forum where the chairman unabashedly says they should take advantage of the pandemic to push the agenda. That DOES sound like something out of a sci-fi apocalyptic thriller.

OTOH, I don’t find all the ideas bad more a set of trends that might work for sustainability which is the goal. As it is we a gobbling up a lot of resources because the population is about twice the size of the ability to manage resources. Something’s got to give but please in a more humane way not through genocide.

I would suggest that the members of this Task Force, that vote in favor of “opportunity housing” should be required to live in it for, at least, five years. That way they can “explore the process” first hand. They can set an example and take the lead in undoing the “historic patterns that reinforce segregation”. I’ve got a feeling they’d come up with every excuse in the book to remain in their single-family homes with fenced yards.

We see here the extreme logic of NIMBYs Frankly I was here in 1959 before most of you and I could of kept most of you out of here if I chose to act on my desire to save orchards and such. But I didn’t and now it’s too late. Progress mofos

Get out while you still can.

Fred: I completely fail to see the point of your post. If you are looking for some kind of awe that you were here a long time, well bad news cause many of us have had their families here way before you including at least one native American who posts here. What else? Crude swearing at us? Gee, how impressive. Now, get real. California had the resources and space to support a population of 30 million, but instead business and the political machine encouraged bulking up to 40 million, and now the resources are stretched, water is a problem, high density housing and homelessness and all are a mess. A 25 year old French college student who was writing a term paper on California would most likely come to the same conclusion without ever having been here. But you still haven’t figured it out.

I could of said the same in 1960 California had a population of 16 mil, that could of been our limit, but we built freeways and reservoirs, etc so now we are 40 mil. We can can on going, 50 or 60 mil, just keep building. It’s all a mess because people don’t want to spend to fix it. I’ve got mine, forget the rest of you. NIMBYs in action.

If you don’t think the socialists demanding HDH buildings will change the voting demographics wait until a vote on taxes comes up.

anybody opposed is an -ist or a -phobe?!? Sounds like someone can’t smell what they’re shoveling.

Ygnacio Valley Road, Treat Blvd, Clayton Road, etc…are all bumper-to-bumper during the commute as it is. And our freeways and bridges? When pigs fly and our politicians expand existing roads and freeways, then I will listen to their proposals. Now, it will probably be from a different state, but I will listen.

That’s what my family did last year. After 4 generations in California, we finally had enough and moved to Texas. Jump in the water is fine. Moving to Texas was like getting out of an abusive relationship. You didn’t realize how bad it was until you are out and look back at the crap you put up with.

We have to drive through Texas to get to the state on our radar. I’m a third generation Californian. My son and two of his cousins already live out of state. But we are fixed on moving. I’ll take my law-abiding assets out of California and leave the mess for someone to clean up or burn down.

“Anybody who opposes this, in my mind, is a racist and a classist,” Hoag said

Adia Hoag works for the California Teachers Association….figures.

sounds like hoag is the racist.

Exactly why we need to go back to home schooling. Hoag is a damn Marxist and has no business in teaching.

How about using the hundreds of the old navy housing
on Olivera road across from Pixie playland park?
They have been empty for years!

The environmental justice folks probably will complain about all the lead and asbestos.

The politicians and the Navy all claim that the asbestos has to be remediated….. They’ve known about it for years and they STILL IGNORE IT AND DON’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

Typical politicians.

So this is “densifying” but if it goes the other way around it’s called “gentrification”, right?

finally someone who knows whats up!!!Too bad the other 99% cannot see whatsoever. Ya im talking to you keep wearing that mask even while outside smart guy!

Give it a few years. There will be plenty of affordable housing in the Bay Area and California as a whole. Supply and demand my friends, as people flee this “Brave New World” Gavin and his friends are creating in California with stack and pack housing, normalization of pedophilia, and too little power and water to go around, demand will fall, supply will rise and prices will go down. Add in all the other little goodies that are in the works, like defunding the police, decriminalization of crime, and free everything for everyone, even the most committed leftist Bernie Bro’s will be looking for the exit.


don’t forget no more death penalty, so murder, rape and assault all you want gavin and his liberal/progressive court will forgive you, heck 3 hots and a cot.


So, anyone else see the engine driving this demand for housing? It also drives the demand for water, food, energy, clothing, transportation, education, and entertainment? Anyone? If we don’t address the root cause of most of our problems, then things are just going to get worse. Hint: it’s something politicians, religious leaders, and environmental groups avoid like the kiss of death, which explains why the problem will not be solved in a peaceful way.


i think it shows those forces do not want to solve problems, because if they did people would see things can get better and then those forces wouldn’t be able to use fear to control us and make us think we have to vote for them.

However, Adia Hoag, who spoke in support of the measure, said there’s a duplex in her neighborhood and it didn’t diminish nearby home values.

“Anybody who opposes this, in my mind, is a racist and a classist,” Hoag said.
This person is an idiot. So “one duplex didn’t diminish nearby home values.” She then states that “anybody who opposes this, in my mind, is a racist and a classist.”

Well, we know who the racist is.

Heck no !



From Twitter:

Adia Hoag
Pro union, pro choice, pro public education and an unapologetic feminist.

So, this blathering leftist is also a racist.

NO!! NO!!! NO!!



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