Home » Gov. Newsom Plans To Release County Reopening Guidelines Later This Week

Gov. Newsom Plans To Release County Reopening Guidelines Later This Week


Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday that he plans to release concrete reopening guidelines later this week for counties that fall off the state’s COVID-19 coronavirus monitoring list.

Most of the greater Bay Area’s counties are on the monitoring list for elevated coronavirus case and hospitalization levels.

Napa and Santa Cruz counties fell off the list over the last 10 days, allowing them to reopen indoor operations for businesses like hair salons and gyms as well as places of worship.

However, the state has given little instruction to the eight counties that have fallen off the list in recent weeks about how quickly they can resume indoor operations for certain businesses.


Newsom said he discussed reopening guidelines over the weekend both with state and local public health officials and business leaders to ensure everyone is on the same page.

“None of this delays this fundamental fact: there has to be a 14-day period between the application, implementation of not only schools but reopening any sector of the economy,” Newsom said.

Falling off the monitoring list will also have consequences for schools, as counties that have been off the monitoring list for at least 14 days will be allowed to resume in-person classes.

“We look forward to advancing the opportunity for those districts that are determined on the basis of local conditions, what they believe is in the best interest for their kids and moving back to in-person learning,”
Newsom said of counties not on the monitoring list. “They have that option.”


Counties on the monitoring list, however, must continue with fully online classes indefinitely. A total of 35 counties in the state have been on the watchlist for at least three consecutive days.

State public health officials have now confirmed 668,615 coronavirus cases and 12,152 deaths across California.

The state’s 14-day test positivity rate sits at 6.5 percent while the seven-day rate is down to 5.6 percent, Newsom said. The state continues to average over 100,000 tests per day.

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Gavin The Dick-Tator speaks!

Must be his aunt Nancy Poelosi has told him what to do.


So the county is off the list but has no instructions on how to proceed … So are they really off of his watch list?

Hey Newsom, how about a 14 day period and then you are GONE!. I do not believe our state will ever recover with you in the position of governor. You have failed us time and time again.

Private schools are opening in Contra Costa County with or without your permission … course they are the exclusive schools, so money talks? No, i will not snitch on those schools because I believe they are doing the right thing and actually following science.

The one positive that I see coming out of this COVID era is that maybe Gavin’s political career will be shut down. Yes, I realize that it’s wishful thinking, but I can dream can’t I?

There’s already a recall petition out for Governor Newsom, and I thought I read that there were enough signatures for it to go on the ballot.

Gavin The Dick-Tator speaks!!

Must be his aunt Nancy Poelosi has told him what to do.


He is sooooo full of it ! He has no intentions of letting the state reopen. He is going to set “guildlines” then they are going to change again, it will always be something! But one thing is for sure , Napa county will be open for his wineries and restaurants. And El Dorado county where his auntie Pelosi “gifted “ him a multi million dollar house, where his little kiddies will attend school in person will be open !

Oh please Grand Ruler…Please give us a tiny bit of FREEDOM!
We promise we will obey.

Oh how the underlings await the great Newscums word! We are so grateful for the love and care this great dictator showers upon us! What a POS!

Why is he not in jail yet?

It’s time that we reopen ourselves, and say F you to Newsom.

No more games and BS guidelines. September 1st looks good to me, time for business owners to stand up.

We have no unified federal response – Trump failed and continues to fail. So many DEAD!!!
Hey Ash, your wishes for no more Dems in California is laughable. You should make moving plans ASAP.
Hey America, you seem mad that Newsom is wealthy. What about your crooked rich buddy in the White House. I don’t care if he’s rich. I care that he’s a criminal, plain and simple.

Hey ZZ,
What about your great dictator. “It will all disappear, like a miracle”
He’s a damn liar and doing nothing.
YOU are the underling of a dictator, look in the mirror.
Wake up tomorrow and feel small underling. You are a leash fed puppy to a crazy dictator.

@chickennoodlesoup. I see you’re one of the sheep who has been fooled into thinking if you step outside your door you’re going to die.
Make sure you get your flu shot that now has four strains in it rather than three. And be sure you get it on September 1st, no sooner, because it won’t work.
Keep running scared of life and you’ll end up dead of a heart attack, I mean COVID-19.

I am a proud underling of a dictator. Proud. This virus will is disappearing if you listen to the science. Your shameful tactics to insult people are a sign of cognitive impairment. Possible TDS-19..Have some decency, you act like an animal

@chickennoodlesoup. Careful you don’t get too riled up attacking conservatives and frothing at the mouth about Trump. Your flop sweat might drip on the keyboard and blow out the grid. Then you might have to go outside, and there’s a big scary boogieman out there waiting for you.

Hey Mitch,
We all want to open up.
Trump is too stubborn to understand you have to get the virus under a reasonable amount of control, then we open.

This isn’t bs or a game. I am desperate to go out for a meal without fear.
My mother is desperate to see her baby grandson. It’s just not safe the way Trump is handling this. Time to face the facts.

Yes – we all want our life’s back, but why are you blaming this on trump?
California is Gavin’s responsibility. We are under his leadership during a pandemic.
Read up, chickennoodlesoup

Excuse me, son, but Trump doesn’t handle California. Trump does, however, send money to Newsome every time he asks for help, like he just did. Mitch was EXACTLY right. Time for you to face the facts.

It’s hard for people like chickennoodlesoup to understand the concept of decentralized power, and the fact that local authorities (with the exception of the greaseball in Sacramento and a few notable others) have a much better chance to effectively govern smaller groups of people with divergent needs.

So why tell us first. Just do it. You have everything so f….cked up now that more is not going to make much of a difference.

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Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.

Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose one name so others can easily chat with you.

3 in a row trying to bypass security..lol I love it.. I think I know who I won’t say but it rhymes with Brikendoodlepoop…silly dims always trying to cheat the system. 🤣🤡🌎

The positivity rate is most likely inflated due to bad test methods which we are learning more and more about. Particularly we’re learning how bogus the PCR is and that it was only supposed to be used for research not for human testing.

Not only that, but a big percentage of those who test positive do not in reality have the covid virus. There are several viruses that the test will show positive for but does not discern between the different viruses. This has been said time and time again by the cdc, mayo clinic, and other major medical outlets. So when you look at the numbers, how many are actually infected with the covid 19 virus? How many of the deaths were caused due to the virus or from other illnesses? People will believe whatever they are told. It is easier than thinking for themselves.

Newsom has enjoyed his pandemic-given dictatorial powers sooo much that he probably had a hand in the fires, power outages, and is even now looking for another reason to keep law-abiding citizens locked up and cowering-in-place.

Escape From California is a thing! For awhile…

democrats are responsible for poor response to fires.

California has been using prison inmate firefighters since the 1940s. This year 800 trained CA prison inmate crews were given early release. Their pay was between $2 and $5 per day and plus $1 per hour when fighting a fire.

An now that fire season is here newsom is hiring over 850 seasonal firefighters many will lack any training. At minimum wage plus, now that’s typical democrat math.

liberals are also responsible for heavy fuel load existing in CA’s wild lands. Between requiring permits to even cut of your own property in some cases. To requiring lengthy reports be generated at state level. Logging in CA has long bee opposed with Court cases being filed.

Having too many trees meant drought effects were made worse, combine that with a beetle infestation also killing trees.

One estimate puts number of dead trees in CA at over 150 million, a direct result of liberal mismanagement. An did you know CA has a “California Forest Carbon Plan” It is only 186 pages long.

So take a deep breath, hold it, run outside and hug a tree like a good liberal Californian.

The last time I hugged a tree, sometime in the 1980s I think, I broke out in a rash.

You can’t go to church but you can riot.
You can’t go to school but you can loot.
A liberal once pointed out that churches and schools are indoor activities while riots and looting are safe, outdoor activities and that made logical sense to them.
“It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people cant be governed at all.”

Getting my hair cut on Thursday. Frankly, I didn’t think they were open. Their webpage says “We are still in business”. I feel so bad for the folks who have worked hard, built a business, only to have a two-bit dictator devastate it with the stroke of a pen.

When “Cower-in-Place” finally ends, and the dust settles, what is going to be left?

Zero credibility, therefore zero interest. The virus is real, but we have been lied to for political interest. This is unforgivable.

Open up the Gyms Gav you Jackass.

Gavy-boy is playing with us. He says things that makes our hopes go up. Next thing you know, he shoots it down. I’m not going to believe a thing he says. Commies play that game all the time.

Nancy has a pair of major league Yavoos. Thanks Otter!!!



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