The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Here’s something fun for a Friday….
QUESTION: If you had to choose a new first and/or last name for yourself, what name would you pick?
Talk about it….
No change for me. I’m used to my name and my nickname by now. Had the first one all my life and the last one for over — number of years.
Olive Garden
I’m OK with my first name, but I’ve never liked my last name because it doesn’t reflect on my Italian heritage. I have more Italian blood in me than anything else and just a smidgen of Irish, so I got stuck with an Irish last name. There’s nothing wrong with having an Irish name, but I grew up in an Italian household and I feel more Italian than Irish. Also, I don’t like Irish cooking and I love Italian cooking.
My sister solved the problem by legally changing her name to my mother’s maiden name. If I would change my name, it would be something Italian, but after putting up with my name all these years, I guess I can go a little longer with it.
Interesting question. Growing up in Denmark I was not crazy about my name, mostly because in my generation it was very common, I don’t think I ever was in a class without someone else named Hanne. I had girl friends with the same name, in fact when I was at a boarding school at age 19, we were a group of 5 girls hanging out a lot and 3 was named Hanne. Here in the US I don’t mind it so much, I pronounce it Hanna, because it is easier for English speaking people to pronounce.
Growing up I wanted a more romantic and unusually name, most don’t translate well to English such as Anne-Mette, Merete or Liselotte.
Penolope Fifi LaGeiko
Barak Obama 🤮
Not really
Richard Cunningham
Nope, I’m good.
Get no end of enjoyment when people see last name and Panic. Next is their attempt at pronunciation, wrong 96% of the time. Hey . . . if ya can’t have some fun, what’s the point ?
Theophilus Goodbody!
I already picked a name that I like.
Until I was 18 I always thought my name
was Knucklehead. I guess I’m use to it now.
Sounds like you grew up being verbally abused!
Seymour Butts
That squiggly thing used by TAFKAP.
My name is Karen but my nickname is Kat
Eydie Anne Peyronies
I’d maybe change my last name back to the original Bavarian spelling although it was passed down from my ggg grandmother who did not divulge the father’s name. Either way, with my first name, it is a unique name.
Amazon Prime
Either Gavin or Emperor Newsom
Prayer warrior.
Raymond J. Johnson Jr. ….”Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Junior; now you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr. . .but you doesn’t hasta call me Johnson!”
I remember that bit from years ago…very funny..
Your Majesty
Already did … I am Mateo. Nice to meet you! Ganbare California.
Gavin Newsome
Archibald Barisol
Handsome B. Wonderful
Betty Boop
My nickname is Bella because my deceased husband always called me that. If I had my drothers to rename, maybe use my middle name Renee as my first and Pedro as my last which was my great grandmother’s.
Eventually will ditch the religious “saint” name and go with an ancestral family name. “Gunnar” makes more sense to me. No offense to religious people who have saints, that’s just not how I roll.
Already carry the name of a famous person…so I would probably change it to something like …Rapaport Eugene Radefchic…
Think I’ll change my name to “HEY YOU!” Then everyone will be able to call me by name!
Arya Stark of Winterfell.
So I can say this, “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home.”
Ron Mexico
Always thought my name was Damn It. That’s what my parents would always say to me. Stop it Damn It, be quiet Damn It, don’t touch that Damn It. Wasn’t till kindergarten, then I found out what my name really was.
mike hawk