Home » Monterey, Santa Cruz, Other Cities Announce COVID-19 Related Beach Closure Plan For Labor Day Weekend

Monterey, Santa Cruz, Other Cities Announce COVID-19 Related Beach Closure Plan For Labor Day Weekend


Authorities from beach communities around Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz announced in an unprecedented joint statement on Thursday the intended closure of all beaches over the Labor Day weekend to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Beach closures during the anticipated busy holiday weekend from Sept. 5-7 are subject to input and ratification by each of the jurisdictions’ elected leaders.

The city managers of Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Sand City, Capitola, and Santa Cruz, the State Parks District Superintendent, and the county administrative officer for Santa Cruz County issued the joint statement.


“We are deeply concerned about public safety and the impacts the coronavirus has sustained in our communities. We know that we must take action this Labor Day holiday to protect our residents, and help our communities get past the pandemic-caused shelter in place so we can all get back to work, school, and a more normal way of life,” the statement said.

“The more stringent measures we take now will reduce more COVID-19 positive cases and hasten our economic recovery, thus relieving devastating stress, worry, and heartache for so many,” the statement said.

Planned closures will only allow for access to the ocean for water activities.

Potential closures include the beach at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (including Main and Cowell Beach), Seacliff State Beach, Capitola Beach, Manresa Main State Beach, Sunset State Beach, Marina State Beach, Fort Ord,
Dunes State Park, Monterey State Beach (includes beach sections in Seaside and Sand City), Del Monte Beach, San Carlos Beach, McAbee Beach, Lovers Point Beach and Park, Asilomar State Beach, Carmel Beach, Carmel River State Beach, and Monastery Beach.


All agencies, including state parks, will be assigned teams to help manage beach closures. Cities in the area also require face coverings in public and social distancing guidelines in accordance to local and state health orders.

To learn if a specific beach is closed, people can visit each individual local or state beach website for more information.

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What is it about beaches that makes them dangerous. Are they worse than the grocery store? I don’t get it.

It’s the fresh air, Ricardoh. Fresh Air Bad.

Agree! Makes no sense at all. We all know it’s all about power and control. Yet we all fall in line like sheep! Baaaaa! God gave us a brain. Let’s use it!

I think it’s these cities way of saying don’t bring your covid-infected bodies to our beach town. On Labor Day weekend, the beach will be more crowded than a grocery store.

@America Who’s we all? We all do not fall in line. Some of us never fall in line and some see a line and turn around. Scared of a virus? C’mon man. Don’t be a follower, be a leader

Yeah, they are taking away any reason for people to travel to the area, so as to mitigate the risk of new infections being brought in. I don’t know of a single verified cass in the world of people picking the virus up at a beach.

I wonder how the businesses of the area feel about this, having a potential injection of much needed tourist revenue pulled out from under them.

The country can’t hide from this damn virus forever. I’ve been working five days a week with the public. People need to grow a spine, or decide for themselves to stay home, and let the rest of us get on wirh our lives.

Grocery Stores are needed to get food, and live.
Beaches are not essential.
The two cannot be compared.

It’s the BAT rays.

Many of the beach towns are near active fires……just don’t need more people in the way.

In many Malibu fires

Well, of course. Can’t have the people feel good, have fun, raise their vibrations as creates a healthy and happy population. The Demoncrats want to keep everyone scared, in their homes, unhappy with lowered vibrations. All part of the plan. And many of you are eating it up like cake, just waiting for Joe Biden (or whomever his replacement will be) to win the presidency because in your hate for the bad, orange man (created by mainstream media) you don’t care that they crashed an incredible economy and ruined countless lives to regain control. You think it will all be better then, right? Wrong. This is just the beginning. Look at California now…this is the America’s future under Demoncrat control.

Bravo 👏 well said LL Cool J

If Biden gets elected, whatch how the virus falls off the front page. Suddenly the news will focus on any positive economic indicators, the daily infection numbers will no longer be newsworthy, etc.

We have seen this playbook before. When Bush was president, the daily casualty report out of Iraq was front page news every morning. As soon as Obama took office, going hardly ever heard about it anymore.

That’s ridiculous. People are still going outside for walks & bike rides. We just don’t want a crisis situation to deal with like in Florida & Texas. Our leaders are smarter. They actually believe in science and make decisions which are not as politically motivated.

Spot on, LLCJ


The party of science! I love hearing that one from Democrats. Now quick, ask them if people can change their sex, and watch them science the heck out of that question.

Go to the CDC stat tracker and look up Covid infections per 100,000, and deaths per 100,000. Where the states lie in order of best to worse seems to have far less to do with what individual policies they have put in place, and more to do with population density and plain old chance. Florida and Texas, despite what the media has been screaming, are in the middle of the pack. Your enlightened blue states that make decisions on “science” like New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are far and away the worst, and California is in the lower one third. But where Texas and Florida seem to have peaked and are coming back down, California is staying steady, while we are locked down, and they have stayed relatively more open.

What Democrats and the media are selling you is the illusion of a plan and a solution, the illusion that if you just vote for them (and keep giving up your freedoms), they will keep you safe. And they are shameless about it. They are actually holding up Cuomo as an example of doing it right, the governor with the second worst death toll per capita on his hands.

Personally, I think this thing is going endemic, and we are just going to have to learn to live with it. Hopefully it attenuates as it mutates. But we have to figure out how to get on with our lives sooner or later.

Everything will be fine Nov 4

That’s cute … are they planning on enforcing it with the defunded police departments or with “Karens”?

They could always paint circles on the beach like they did at Dolores Park in SF … that worked there, mostly.




Just bring a sign and you will be pardoned for breaking the law.

Good idea go protest at the beach. Dress like antifa it could help.

I will not be masked, tracked, tested, chipped, or poisoned to support this orchestrated lie! This will be my “New Normal” – I DO NOT CONSENT

Date Lin: KommieFornia

Breaking News: Clam Bake has fallen out of their “Window”.


My work installed an app on my company phone to help with ‘contact tracing’ …. i deleted it. Yeah, I have GPS enabled etc, so yes I can be tracked by that, but you will need to work for that information.

Good stuff we all need to lockdown and stay distant to get rid of this virus!

Don’t want my business now, not gonna get it later.

An like that’s gonna work. There’s not enough law enforcement personnel to patrol that amount of real estate.

Suggestion, print out newsom recall petitions and stand near closed off entrances to beaches. Should get a few thousand.

That’s a great idea!

Once again, Since WHEN did government become so concerned about our Health and Well being???

This is more than just some Osama Bin Laden “virus”…..

showing us who is boss, huh?

I suggest we all just go demonstrate at the beach and all will be well!

How much more is it going to take for people to wake up? Recall this clown already – he is no good!

The beaches will be more beautiful without so many fat people around.

Go to the beaches anyway. Bring your suntan lotion, your towel and your protest sign. You won’t be bothered.

When are YOU going to wake up? Why aren’t you outraged when the protesters and rioters are out there every damn day with no masks and inches from each other shouting? Do you think it’s okay for BART to change up the rules from 6 feet to 3 ft to ride on the BART now?
The virus isn’t going away. Neither is the flu, the common cold, cancer etc. etc. Stop being scared.
It’s a farce, it’s political.

Huh, you know last I checked our air quality was veering between unhealthy and very unhealthy in inland areas
Whereas at the beach today in HMB the air was pristine.

And people staying home from the beach is not going to make Covid go away. It’s just going to make people sadder, lonelier, and make them breathe smoke for a few more hours than they already will.

Covid is a serious thing, I get it. But if we aren’t on a path to total suppression of the virus (and we’re not) then people need sustainable ways to keep on living. These beach closures aren’t the end of the world. But I really doubt they will help much. Probably just more people crowding into the beaches that are still open. Better to let people spread out.



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