- 1,532 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 316 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.
- 10,666 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 101 of the 164 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 34 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 87 of the 164 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- 6 people under the age of 50 (two in the 31-40 age group, and four in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- 2,075 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is not available at this time, according to the county.
- There are currently 149 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 26 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 42 ICU beds are currently available.

The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
I’ve been asking for months if anyone has a close relative that has died from the disease. I have talked to dozens that have said they or a loved one had it and yes it sucked but they recovered. I havent talked to 1 peson that has a close family member that has died. I have read hundreds of post online of people that have had loved one died and miscatagorized as covid deaths. All I’m saying, is for a international pandemic its fairly anticlimactic. unless your obese or over 80 you have a 99.9% survival rate… And yes I’m fairly confident my son (19) had it back in December.
Yes, people HAVE lost loved ones. Many that I know have, it’s just not broadcasted.
That is terrible. It looks like 3 people who were in the hospital died.
The death and positive tests keep going up.
When do active cases become recovered? its very strange that 1/3 of all cases in Concord since February are still active. How can that be possible?
And are we just supposed to sit here and watch our businesses be ruined because LTCF are not clean? Help all of us!!!
Since we are doing this daily, what about other deaths? What about average daily death percentages for say the last 20 years adjusted for population growth? I’m pretty sure people die everyday, why is this one reason so important? Are these your average healthy people dropping dead randomly? I think not. I have known a handful of people who got the COVIDZ, not one of them was in good health. Overweight, breathing issues, old and sickly. Same people who would suffer worse from a cold than average healthy people. It’s a little inconsiderate to all the sudden only care about death if a person tested positive for covid. There’s hospitals everywhere with kids dying from all sort of crazy conditions. Im done playing favorites with causes of death. Equality now!
Yes. Actual real people are dying. The family members don’t want to broadcast for obvious reasons. There is a stigma attached to that death and people are grieving deeply.
What ever happen to the Flu Season? Did it go on vacation? I last saw a Flu season commercial on TV last November after that no more, as if it dropped away.to make room for Covid 19.
It’s not quite flu season yet
Flu Season is around October thru May
@SGJ – Your question is answered on the LCTF dashboard which is at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/ltcf-dashboard “Resolved outbreaks are those that had their last positive case more than 28 day ago (i.e. after no positive cases for two full incubation cycles).”
Also, I believe you are misinterpreting the graphs. Concord’s oldest outbreak started in May, not February.
@Eastbay Babe – I see “free flu shot” signs all the time. The flu season did not get cancelled
The CDC just quietly removed the 14 day incubation quarantine recommendations. Now that cities have used it to create guidelines, determine active cases, and in some locations take people to jail for not adhering to. This means contra costa health is NOT following the science. This means the state of California is NOT following the science.
@Sam – CC county is using the state of California guidelines. If you believe the guidelines are outdated then take it up with the state.
As health authorities learn more about the virus and disease then they modify their guidelines. That’s how science works.
The CDC still says 14 days for the incubation period at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html They still recommend 14 day quarantines at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html
You’ll get the update next week and it will be “Trumps cronies quid pro quoing the CDC due to mailboxes being removed and Vladimir Putin making a phone call to Ukraine while being urinated on by Newsoms ex wife in a bunker in North Korea high fiving Adolf Hitler with aliens flying in the formation of a trump tower on mars built by Elon Musk for Jeffrey Epstein.” But yeah enjoy your virus while you still can