Home » Spare The Air Alert Issued For The Entire Bay Area Due To Wildfire Smoke – Outdoor Activities Should Be Avoided – Officials Urge Water Conservation In The North Bay

Spare The Air Alert Issued For The Entire Bay Area Due To Wildfire Smoke – Outdoor Activities Should Be Avoided – Officials Urge Water Conservation In The North Bay


With the North Bay’s LNU Complex Fire topping 124,000 acres Wednesday and new state evacuation orders emerging every few hours, local and state officials urged Bay Area residents to take a variety of precautions.

The city of Healdsburg said Wednesday evening that all of its roughly 12,000 residents should be prepared to evacuate their homes “soon.”

“Do not wait to start gathering your things and be ready to leave,” the city’s email said. “If you feel you are in danger, please evacuate now. Check with your neighbors to ensure they have been made aware of the warning.”


Sonoma County residents can get more information and sign up for email alerts at socoemergency.org or call 211 with any questions. For help evacuating livestock, they can call (707) 234-7193.

The city of Santa Rosa has prohibited all outdoor water use, including for irrigation. It is temporarily illegal for residents to wash their cars, and they are asked to conserve water indoors as much as possible.

San Mateo County warned residents of coastal communities to be ready to leave, just a day after residents evacuating Santa Cruz County were being referred to an evacuation center in Pescadero.

In Solano County, the cities of Fairfield and Vallejo issued statements by email late Wednesday saying that they faced no current threats from wildfires and offering a variety of resources for information and support.


Officials across the region suggested that residents monitor air quality through the weekend and that people with extra sensitivity to pollution to stay indoors. Air quality measurements for each zip code are available at airnow.gov.

Meanwhile, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District issued a “Spare the Air Alert” through Sunday, Aug. 23, due to smoke from the many wildfires across the region. The alert makes it illegal for residents of the region to burn wood or fire logs or pellets in any wood-burning device such as a fireplace, barbecue, fire pit or pellet stove.

The air district also recommended avoiding outdoor activities.

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Well…. at least we have a real reason to wear the masks now.

Better yet….. dampen a paper mask and put it next to your face…. then put a cloth one over that!

So you think the masks are useless to avoid COVID-19? I have news for you! They most certainly do, and the only mask 😷 to keep out the smoke are N-95 masks. So you are a bit confused. Stay smart.

Please explain to us how how a “virus”which is a 1000 times smaller than the N95 mask filtration is stopped by a mask????

Stay “smart”, maybe shut off the TV and do some research.

Smells like someone is not sparing the air today.

GASLeafblowers! blowing for three hours in neighborhood, just blowing dirt and debris.
Don’t bother telling me it’s not a problem, it’s disgusting, they don’t even care about their own health, why would they care about ours?
Wake up Walnut creek and start fining these arseholes until they are banned for good.

GAS Leafblowers! blowing for three hours in neighborhood, just blowing dirt and debris.
Don’t bother telling me it’s not a problem, it’s disgusting, they don’t even care about their own health, why would they care about ours?
Wake up Walnut creek and start fining these arseholes until they are banned for good.

Maybe the bleeding heart environmentalists better re think their agenda and take care of allowing areas to be cleared out of dead wood and the such. May be then these fires would not have so much fuel and destroy so many of our citizens homes, businesses, ranches and livestock, not to mention the loss of life.

When will we ever learn that things can be done but in moderation.

Can you please cite the reference where environmentalists didn’t want to clear out dry wood? We are all to blame. Own it

Everytime we have these fires I keep thinking there has to be a better way of fighting fires. So I think of all the ways for it to be done. Unfortunately I have not come up with a better idea yet. There has to be a better way. We are losing this battle. Here is my best idea to date. We need many more fire lookouts with better ways to spot fires early. Then we need a larger fleet of jet airplanes that can saturate an area before the fire spreads. Helicopters are really useless.

Not that I disagree with your statement about cleaning out dead wood etc. However, I’m not sure how much of a difference it would make in this instance. The fires were started by lightening, and some in residential area. I’m familiar with the some of the areas in Vacaville that is being evacuated, these are homes on or against the hills, fairly big well kept homes, and the hills behind, as far as I remember just had a few trees and some dry grass, which usually was not overgrown.

Concord used to contract a guy with a tractor and disk every year to create firebreaks in all the open spaces in the City limits.

When you remove the fuel (dry brush and dead wood) there is far less to burn… = less heat = slower spread = easier to contain…..

Or something like that…. I saw it on a poster at a ranger station once….

I’m not seeing as many firebreaks being bulldozed or disked on pastures adjacent to roads or developed area in recent years. I have seen grass growing right up to the back fences of houses in subdivisions.

Does it also seem to you that ranchers and park authorities are not harvesting that bone dry grass as early as they used to do?

Or do we need MORE sheep, goats, and cattle?

It seems to me we were a lot more “ahead of the game” when the Forestry Service maintained fire breaks and had a network of fire lookouts.

I’m thinking tornados.

Time to recall the Anti Christ Governor
He ruined San Francisco and he won’t rest until California is ravaged and wiped off the map.

Well, progressives are locusts in a manner of speaking. They say they intend to redistribute wealth, but actually they will redistribute poverty.



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