Home » Smoky Skies Around Central Contra Costa County (DRONE VIDEO & PHOTOS)

Smoky Skies Around Central Contra Costa County (DRONE VIDEO & PHOTOS)


– video credit: Andrew Hallett –

photo credit: Matt Rainsberg (taken Sunday)
photo credit: Matt Rainsberg (taken today)

Thanks to both Andrew Hallett (video) and Matt Rainsberg (photos) for sharing the video and images with us today.

We all know the skies are smoky, but these show us how bad it really is out there.


Thanks again.

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Air quality in south PH has rapidly deteriorated since 8:30 AM, when it was already very smoky; Mt. Diablo obscured from view. Very acrid smoke is clear down to the ground everywhere. As of 1:00 PM, this is the worst smoke I’ve seen in my neighborhood. I’ve had to make a few trips in and out of the house, and smell and sight of smoke so bad I feel a bit jittery and panicked. Can’t imagine being in worse areas.

My husband spoke with a colleague today who lives in Antioch. Smoke was so bad there when they got up this morning, they couldn’t see the backyard fence from inside the house. SF Chron has reported that the entire town of Healdsburg has been placed on an Evacuation Warning. Residents told to pack up because Mandatory Evac may come at any time.

So glad I purchased the Honeywell HEPA portable all filtration units a couple years ago. They’ve been a Godsend.

my kids had to evac (solano county). They’re here with me…

They can go back now, but you think smoke is bad here…. May as well stay for a while.

Who else can remember a time when we didn’t have unbreathable air for a couple months out of the year?

Dark n early this morning cresting Kirker Pass could not see aircraft marker lights on wind farm across the river, like you usually can. Coming back just now couldn’t see Diablo or low hills and coming down off Kirker smoke is much worse in Clayton Valley. Wore mask driving back and it cuts out smoke smell. UVC light staying on 24/7.

Isn’t it funny most all of us loved the thunder and lightning. We have to rethink that one. Between lightning and PG&E we have the state burning up.

Which of the current fires were started by PG&E?

Close to 100 homes (including ours) burned
last night in the Berryessa Highlands subdivision
in Napa County. Luckily no injuries due to the
prior evacuation. The poor firefighters have been
doing their best but have been stretched thin
trying to battle so many different fires.

I’m so sorry you lost your home. I can’t even imagine. So very glad you’re safe.

Oh my God Shoulda Coulda, I feel terrible for you! I’m glad you’re all okay. How awful. Jeez.

Thank you Mamabear and Silva.
We appreciate your kind words.

Reading about all of the destruction is heartbreaking. I’m sorry about your home, but happy you’re still with us.

Thank you Cowellian.
There are a lot of wonderful folks on Claycord.

Markley Cove Marina and Spanish Flat
Resort at Lake Berryessa both sustained
signify fire damage yesterday.

Maybe not Andrews drone shot.

Keep your drones away from fire areas. I heard on the scanner the other day that they had to halt a helicopter dropping water on the fire near Clayton and Brentwood because someone was flying a drone over the area.

Also heard on the news today near Vacaville fire that people were stopping to take pictures of the fire from the freeway and roads blocking people from evacuating.

Are the pictures really worth someones life or property.

Good info Think

Shoulda Coulda, sorry to hear your loss, very sorry. I have a friend Firefighter that was up in Berryessa saving homes the other night, he said it was a mess but they were able to save the ones they were sent to.

Thank you ChuckStir.
Please thank your firefighter friend for
his heroic efforts. It was bad but could
have been much worse without their

The orange sun is a sight right now.

Matt, what a super idea to document the difference for us. It surely seems that bad outside, but your work proves it!

what happened to having prisoners work fires? that used to be a big help to the actual firefighters. did NewSkum pronounce that to be racist or something? did the left leaning courts decide that since most prisoners are of one race, that is it white privilege to offer them a way to see the outside for a few hours/days?

I can post about 5 FAA laws this drone operator took form this video alone. Please don’t fly your drone without a proper Part 107 license and clearance from the EMS that’s well within 5 miles.. (the fires currently going on)

I applaud the effort, but did the videographer duct tape a flip-phone to the drone to make that video? No one makes 240p videos anymore.



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