Home » Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Making Ethnic Studies Course A Requirement At CSU

Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Making Ethnic Studies Course A Requirement At CSU


By Ashley A. Smith – EdSource

Gov. Gavin Newsom sided with the state legislature on Monday by signing a bill that requires California State University students who enter as freshmen in 2021-22 to take an ethnic studies course focused on one of four ethnic groups in order to graduate.

Assembly Bill 1460 requires all students enrolled on all 23 CSU campuses to take a 3-unit class in Native American studies, African American studies, Asian American studies or Latina and Latino studies.


The bill proposed by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber passed the Assembly a year ago and the Senate in June.

The new law will make California the first state to require ethnic studies as a university graduation requirement, according to the California Faculty Association.

Newsom’s decision rejected a competing plan passed by the CSU board of trustees to require students to study ethnic studies or social justice from a broad array of courses taught across the universities. That plan gave the system two additional years to implement the requirement.

“The university will begin work to implement the requirements of the new legislation,” said Mike Uhlenkamp, a spokesman for the CSU system.


CSU, which was opposed to the legislation, estimated that it could cost the system about $16.5 million per year to implement the new requirement.

One of the key issues during the controversy was whether the university would control its own curriculum, or whether the state Legislature could or should tell it what to teach. Both the CSU chancellor’s office and Academic Senate, representing CSU faculty, opposed AB 1460, viewing it as legislative overreach.

Newsom, who as governor is an ex-officio member of the board of trustees of the university, and who also sat on the board for eight years while lieutenant governor, sided in this case with lawmakers and an array of advocates lobbying for the new course requirement described in the legislation.

The university system had instead proposed its own ethnic studies graduation requirement that would have included “social justice” courses and classes that explore the history and culture of a range of communities that had experienced oppression, such as Muslims, Jews or LGBTQ people.


The CSU proposal, however, was opposed by ethnic studies faculty members and the California Faculty Association, which is the faculty union.

The association celebrated Newsom signing the legislation, which it sponsored.

“Gov. Newsom, by signing AB 1460, has demonstrated his understanding of the power of a true ethnic studies graduation requirement to change people’s lives and to change the racial trajectory this state and country are on,” said Charles Toombs, the association’s president. “Moreover, Gov. Newsom, unlike so many others, has listened to and really heard the voices and lens of ethnic studies faculty, students and the community.”

CSU, the largest university system in the nation, has been a leader in ethnic studies education. In 1969, the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State became the first college of its kind in the country.


Cal State Los Angeles created the first Chicano studies program in 1968. Every campus in the CSU system, except the California Maritime Academy, offers at least one ethnic studies course.

The idea of requiring an ethnic studies course to graduate has been discussed over the years. But this latest push occurred amid nationwide anti-racism protests, calls for systemic change ignited by the police killing of George Floyd, and significant calls for inclusion and diversity across university campuses.

This November, voters will for the first time consider repealing the 1996 voter initiative banning the use of affirmative action in admissions and hiring at California’s public universities.

A similar ethnic studies graduation requirement for high school students is gaining support in the Legislature. Assembly Bill 331 would require students entering ninth grade in the fall of 2025 to take a one-semester ethnic studies course in high school. If it becomes law, California would be the first state to mandate such a high school requirement in the nation.

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What a complete waste of time. There are so many other things that have been taken away that are needed so much more than this social experimenting.

Like what?

How about a class detailing the amount of debt accrued for the average four year degree.

The class could also include a look at how the value of a degree has dwindled in recent years.

An exam question would require the students to calculate how much more money they would have made by investing their college money in a portfolio and starting work right after high school.

@Yoyohop – while your idea is a good one the class would also need to include critical thinking skills. It’s not clear if those can be taught.

It’s related to the issue that debt looks like “free money” to many people. You can buy your bling today and ignore or rationalize the resulting lifetime of small payments.

It’s possibly related to that IQ 100 is also defined as the median IQ. One half of the population has an IQ that’s below 100. The other half is IQ 100 or above. We have many below median IQ people out there. 34.14% of the population (one standard deviation below the norm) is clustered from IQ 85 to IQ 100 and so are somewhat functional but may be unable to understand debt.

Now does anyone need more proof that our colleges are liberal propaganda machines ? Demarcates only see our children as future votes . They promise them free college , free healthcare but they don’t teach them that they will be paying for all that free stuff for the rest of their lives . And we the people allow this to happen . Very sad and oppressive future for our kids.

In other words: All Whites are Evil studies.
Will they also be teaching that those who were traditionally portrayed as “African American”……were really Indian?

I’m referring to Little Richard and ODB. I have the link to vid.

What about Western European people studies? I think students would benefit more with ETHICS classes…just my two cents.

EDMAM: Europeans don’t matter anymore, is what they’re trying to say. I do think we should learn about ALL cultures, and appreciate them. But the current slant is troublesome as it is becoming racist against Europeans.

I agree with you Badge 1104

Western European Studies is what has always been taught – including the lies and fabrications around it.

This one party commy state is out of control!!! Is this they way you want the country run??? Really???

So students must study “ethnic” studies to graduate. Will there be separate courses for each ethnicity or will the ethnicities be grouped together in a course? Will students have to choose between “separate but equal” studies? Enter through a “ethnics only” door to the classroom? What about our original division of American Indians vs White Settlers? Will there be a course project? If so, will students have to pair up by ethnicities? Sometimes it’s hard to find a qualified Pacific Islander to participate, since those islands are so small.

//sarcasm OFF//

“A teacher must never impose his student to fit his favorite pattern. A good teacher protects his pupils from his own influence. A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself. I am not teaching you anything, I just help you to explore yourself.”

Probably a good idea (if done right) due to the multi cultural population in this state.

If the states multi-cultural why is it needed? Wouldn’t everyone know that different people were out there?

That’s fine, providing you get to choose which ethnic you want to study.

I think this is great. But it should be taught at the high school level. I took some ethnic classes in college, and it really was an eye-opener.

Did you choose to take the class? Or was it forced down your throat?

I was never a huge fan of a required “core” classes for college…Why do I need to take an Art history class when I was a mathematics major?

Its fine to offer the classes – you have an interest? Go for it.

But the State is pushing an agenda, and thats horrifying

World history IS taught in high school, it’s required. And U.S. history, taught throughout the 12 years of schooling is nothing but bashing the United States. We should be ashamed to be an American. Looks like you didn’t go to school here.

@Tired Did that Art History class kill you? No. Did you learn anything from it?

Ricardus exactly how did it open your eyes? I am very curious.

Obviously not, but I was forced to pay for a class I had no interest in. I learned nothing of value, and forced me to not take classes with professors that did interest me. I was forced to waste money I didn’t have on a class I didn’t want. And that class didn’t even have a political agenda being pushed

ZZ – you can be ashamed if you want. I’m proud.

@Tired. What I was saying was many, many teachers teach the students K through 12 to be ashamed to be an American. And it’s disgusting and wrong.
I am proud to be an American.

@Tired I felt the same way about Biology. I went to my counselor and presented evidence that I had already met the requirement at DVC with a combination of other science courses and was able to get the requirement waived. The point is, you can get requirements waived. It is a little known fact and they don’t advertise it. I was surprised to learn that I could get it waived, but it was very helpful. I get that it’s an added cost when money is tight, it takes up time that could be spent on something you feel is more important, but it is worth the effort to see if you can satisfy the requirement with something in which you are more interested.

The Classics were required so that students would have a well rounded education and be able to think critically about a host of subjects. Being introduced to topics you may not have thought you were interested in serves a purpose: to teach one about a variety of topics that transpire in the world. My sister has her bachelor’s in Art, and much if her course work was about religion. Why? Because one can visualize religions through the eyes of an artist, back in the time when many could not read. Also, it proves to be exposed to a variety of subjects to explore other interests and hobbies.

Wow .. more dictatorship from the fool in office.

So I cannot study my background, Native American …

BS, utter BS by Newscum.


I’m ethnic, Belgian,Dutch,German,Irish and English and I want inclusion. I guess CSU’s definition of “Inclusion” means everyone except the evil white Europeans??

Did you complete elementary and highschool in the United States? You learned about European history already if you did. Unless you weren’t paying attention.

@wc partly true depending on what decade to were in school. To imagine US kids are taught history in any type of factual/contextual way would be severely misled. There is so much that would need to be taught to have proper context it almost can not be done without understanding all social, economic, warfare and religious aspects of every culture in every country in every period of time.

@Antonius Frequently, you can substitute another course for one that is required, or do Independent Study wherein an instructor agrees to guide your work, you study on your own, may or may not be tested, and usually complete some sort of paper for a final grade. The Anthropology Department would be the most likely to offer what are called “Ethnographic Studies” of the groups you mention, if they are available.


On the face of it it might seem that History in the U.S. is taught from a Eurocentric view but I would argue it is more from a power-centric perspective. The ordinary person rarely makes news and their mundane life and struggles rarely is presented in history classes. This is why an ethic studies requirement should be broadly based and not limited to a few groups. At the heart of racism is ignorance and misunderstanding. We should all be taught to understand our common (and unique) struggles and difficulties and not try to do that through a faulty scheme like this.

Good. American history is more than just George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, World War 2…our kids today must also learn about the mistakes our country has made, such as invasion of the Middle East, setting up puppet governments in South America, Marines being sent to conquer Hawaii, dropping Agent Orange in Vietnam, the continuing effects of slavery, Jim Crow laws, redlining, etc on the African American community today.

Only by learning about our mistakes can we continue to improve and be the greatest country in the world. If we just bury our heads in the sand and spout nonsense jingoistic patriotism…we might as well be North Korea.

What you are talking about would be better served by a good history course. What bothers me here is that the CSU faculty wanted a more flexible and wide-ranging set of courses that would meet the requirement. And Newsom, instead of listening to them, allies himself with the self-serving few who insist that only *their* courses will serve the purpose.

College has become a cruel expensive joke on the poor and middle class. Do not go to college!

Wouldn’t it make more sense if students were forced to study ethics instead of how your white privilege is holding others back. They don’t seem to get it. All this will do is make more victims. The more you tell someone they are a victim the more you suck the life out of them.

I wish they would bring back American history as a requirement.

Vote present and get a pass like our betters do.

To J, I’m sure they’ll study the origins of the KKK and the laws passed during reconstruction in the south to enslave the recently emancipated.

We have to take “Diversity Training” in the Fall in order to not get our registration blocked for Spring.

They are also offering a seminar at orientation for “People of Color” on how to “interact with White people when encountering them on campus.”

As if Whites are so dangerous that you need to be taught how to deal with them. So much for the content of my character.

We are being indoctrinated in college. I’m just thankful to see what’s happening but most students are not & buy into the White Man All Bad mantra.

We even have to sign a “Land Acknowledgement” acknowledging that we are not on our land but instead we are on Indian land and that we are “Uninvited Guests” on “Stolen Land.”

Land is not stolen – It’s conquered.
And if we’re uninvited & the land is stolen, then why doesn’t the college give it back to the tribe?

What a joke!

Be happy you are strong enough to not be indoctrinated. I had one of my children get indoctrinated in school but never found out about it until after they graduated. By then it was too late.


I attended Tulane University, which is well known for its liberalism. Some of us escaped their indoctrination, particularly Newt Gingrich and Andrew Breitbart. It can be done!

Never said it’s all the white man’s fault.

All I said is that we need to learn ALL the history…not just the history that America was the good guy and that’s it.

Young people in China Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, and others are heavily studying STEM, while we’re pucking around with all this liberal arts crap. The decline of America is happening and we will be dominated by those countries. Whoever controls the technology of the future will control the world.
Love to see these pathetic wokies bend the knee to China. Yeah, try that antifa crap on them and see what happens.

Covid out of control, technology/accounting problems, fires out of control, PG & E struggling, and state finances a mess. And the best thing he can come up with is to impose his will on college students.

The Governor has zero ability to prioritize.

My thoughts exactly! So much going on right now and that is what he chooses to implement right now?!

He learned it from his Senile Auntie

What’s with those *daily* news briefings from Newsom? He should be working his hair gel off he has so much to do. Instead, it looks like every morning he rolls out of bed for his hair and makeup appointment to get ready for his noontime broadcast … even when he has nothing to say. Then he stands there saying it sometimes for an hour. He’s obviously not doing any thing, really, he’s just talking about it for an almost an hour at noon Monday through Friday. It’s like it’s the only thing he knows how to do.

With internet to the students, I wonder why anyone would need to take a required course in ethnic studies. Oh wait..got to have the indoctrination from the liberal professors.

This ought to be Vol.1 of the Latino/Hispanic textbook:


It’s free too !!!

So are they going to be selective as to who and what they teach about? Undoubtedly.

I am sure they will leave out all of the contributions of the Italians even though they were subjected to racial slurs in past centuries. Guess we are ignoring the “olive” skin color.

And just recognizing the current destructive protestors skin colors that are in vogue.

I feel that students should be able to take a deferral of this class and still be able to graduate by substituting another class.

Oh so you’re comparing racism against Italians in the past to racism against blacks that still happens today?

@Wc, Read some history and learn how German, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Chinese and Latin American immigrants were treated in this country. I’m sure many of us can all remember the derogatory names for each of these ethnicities that at one time was in common use.

77 years AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, Roosevelt started placing US citizens of Japanese descent in internment camps. Don’t see much from the Japanese people now except better than average success.

Native Americans suffered genocide approved by the federal government, were enslaved, driven off their land, and the motto was “Kill the Indian, save the man,” which attempted to abolish in and all Indian culture, symbolism and tradition. When you study Native American history, you begin to realize Afrrican Americans were well treated. They were housed, fed. clothed, provided medical attention when needed, permitted to practice their cultural traditions and religion, reproduce and raise families in exchange for their labor. I really fail to see that their situation was in the least bit dire compared to what Native Americans experienced, and I’ve frankly had enough hearing about how terribly mistreated they were and continue to be.

Get out of CA while you can…

If we’re mandating ethnic understanding, how about mandatory English for all legal and political actions? A common language is absolutely essential to a nation being unified. Allowing immigrants to retain their own language for interactions outside their homes is anathema to being one people. This approached worked for multiple generations, but now several languages are offered in our election guides. The news today on KTVU had a segment on the fires presented in Spanish. Learn the language of the nation’s founding if you want to be involved. Pandering to the multilingual goofs will be our downfall.

@Dirty Dan. I mostly agree with you. Other countries, including European ones, are often more multilingual than ours (or so I hear) and they seem fine with it. Spanish is mostly spoken where I work, and I am the odd man out. I’m learning, but if it was too much of a problem I could always go look for something that was more English-friendly.

However, I think it is wrong that ballots and voter information are in multiple languages. If I moved to Mexico, I would certainly feel it was my personal responsibility to up my Spanish game to be able to understand a ballot in the native tongue. In the USA, I believe legal documents should be in one language, in this case, English.

Outside of government functions, people can speak whatever they like. Whether they SHOULD is a separate debate.

Are they going to teach about Irish ethinicity?

Irish were the 1st Slaves to be brought to America; not African Americans. Irish were subjected to years of racial discrimination especially in New York City. Nobody would hire the Irish.

Why are we not required to learn about the Irish ethnic group?
Does the color of their skin not fit the narrative?

unfortunately all they get is St.Patty’s Day

All the Scots get is an alcoholic beverage.

All the ethnic studies in the world will not change a thing. Here is the funny thing The democrats who are pushing this stuff are the same democrats who do nothing to stop the killing and drug use in the cities they run. They don’t allow the schools to improve so Black kids get a better education. They allow inner cities to become dead zones. They seem to do nothing to stop marriage less babies except for abortion. Over seventy percent of Black babies are born without a named father. Then they want to blame it on White people. I treat Black people the same way I treat White people. I have met Black people whom I like better than many white people. However I am not going to take the blame for the condition of Black communities.

very well said, Ricardoh

democrat party needs majority of Black vote for their candidate to be elected President. “… Democrats in order to win historically need 90 to 92 percent of the black vote.” –van jones 2016

They need a voter block that remains poor and resentful.

Which is why they and their media manufacture a crisis to motivate Black voters to turn out to vote, each time a Presidential election cycle.

They’ve USED, trayvon, Ferguson, freddie gray, ….
you can add to the list.

Did George Floyd Die from Asphyxiation or Drug Overdose?
“Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
— It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
— The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
— Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
— In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.”

Western European History and Culture has been the focus of History classes during the course of America’s History.

The thought of Including Ethnic Studies (e.g. not just white culture) a thing drives a lot of white people crazy because they seriously cannot understand the reality of what has been taught in the past.

You’re a liar and a fool. You better quit gaslighting the good people of this state. Nobody was ever taught the real Western European history. That’s a complete lie. Your a troll, but I won’t let that post sit unchallenged.

Frankly, I didn’t get enough Western European History and Culture to suit me. All the classes I took just hit the high spots and glossed over any in-depth examinations, requiring mainly the memorization of dates and events. There was very little substance to these courses until college level, and even then I’m not sure it qualified as “ethnic studies” examining social issues, and the sorts of things taught in Ethnic Studies for other than white. I don’t believe, however, it is even necessary for whites to assume the burden of guilt which other ethnic groups seem to be trying to foist on them. It wasn’t white’s fault, whites today weren’t involved, it could have been a lot worse, don’t built the foundation of your existence on blaming whites. It is like the reparations issue. Native American’s grievances have *never* been addressed. Until they are, all I can say to other ethnic groups is “Get in line.”

Why do you begin with native Americans as if they are the base to build exploitation stories on? There is a never-ending chain of exploitation according to many including PETA. Its called “speciesism” in which humans automatically assume superiority, just as in the past some human ethnic groups considered others subhuman. Species were doing just fine before the native Americans invaded, killed off and exploited native animals and even used their skin for clothing. Lets talk reparations for that.

This was one of a choice of 3-4 classes that fit a particular requirement for state universities in the 1990’s, and most students took it for that requirement. It involves studying more than just a few groups, as it goes into religion and other areas. It was a very good class and covered a wide range of different ethnic groups and was very informative. Many non-major classes like this can be extremely valuable in developing critical thinking skills.

It’s all part of the ‘blame’ and ‘it’s always someone or something else’s fault movement.

See this is what happens when you Stupidly give democrats a super majority in state legislature then FAIL to provide
ADULT Supervision.

we have so much to learn from cultures that never invented the wheel

Fortunately, my kids will be attending private universities.

White Guilt 101

This discussion makes we want to watch the movie Animal House again.

Gee, I wonder what will happen when our wise elected representatives/assemblymen see that 85% of those classes are in Latino and Asian studies.

Most people blame White Europeans for invading America but it was actually the Spaniards (People of Color) from Spain who invaded present day-Mexico and named it “New Spain.”

Then the POC-Spanish moved northward & invaded America, slaughtered the Indians & forced Indians to build their Spanish Missions up & down the coast of California. Then the POC-Spanish enslaved the Indians to maintain their Missions & forced Indians to convert to Catholicism.

Stop blaming everything on the White Man. People of Color, you can’t squeeze out of this one.


Christopher Columbus discovered COLUMBIA. His homies headed north to rape and pillage North America.

Columbus was Spanish (from Spain for those don’t map) paid for by…wait for it….ROME.

What the hell does that have to do with “white people”

Your history is a lie. Read books, lots of them

Say what!?
Are you talking about the District of Columbia? Wait, how did Cristoforo Colombo do that!? Cristoforo Colombo was not from Spain but was born in Genova, Italia. He never set foot in the American continent but conquered Hispaniola (Dominican Republic/Haiti) for the Spanish crown (Queen Isabella) who paid him to make the voyage using three famous ships. I remember there is more to Columbus story but you can study it for yourself. Hope you were being sarcastic.
I do agree with DVC Student that Spaniards were no saints and Spanish speaking countries are not demanding retribution from Spain.

@DVC Student: Whiteness is a spectrum, and most Spaniards fall within that spectrum. Queen Isabella was White, Columbus was White, the majority of Spain was White, the overwhelming majority of people who colonized the New World were White.

@Sam: Columbus was Genoan. He was supported by Queen Isabella of Spain and sailed for Spain, but he wasn’t Spanish. Spain wasa Catholic country, but his voyages were not funded by Rome. Columbus would be considered White. Also Sam, you seem to be leaving out the British and Dutch who eventually later also came to North America, who also pillaged land.

Both of your statements seem to imply that colonization of the Americas was POC-on-POC violence, and that the people you consider to be White were not involved. The history of the world does indeed contain POC conquerors. The history of the Americans does contain conflict and conquest between the native peoples. However, the Americas were conquered by White empires.

Columbia, South America. He never set foot in North America. But the Spanish did. He was born in Italy but lived in and worked for Spain. Claimed Columbia for Spain and heard of the great white cities in North America full of wealth. Spanish conquistadors headed north. The Spanish conquistadors were sanctioned pirates. Their goal was to claim land and resources for their investors and conquer natives of other lands for treasure and glory. They also were vital in the spread and enforcing of religion. For who? Rome. Who else? How do you think the Catholic Church got here? Straight from Rome. How do you think the Vatican is dripping in the worlds gold? Who is responsible? Rome, not “white people” let’s put this sh*t right where it goes.

@Natalie Sorry history doesn’t fit your narrative. It was the Spanish who made slaves out of the native Cubans, Haitians, and South Americans. It was the Spanish who committed atrocities on the native Americans of the north. Irish or British conquistadors are not a thing in history. In fact they themselves have had their own struggles with slavery. There were many things going on in the world in the 1600s the Dutch were fighting for independence from Spain, the Spanish were running slaves, the Africans were running slaves, almost everyone was running human trafficking operations. Natalie you seem to have selective outrage when it comes to pillaging land. In your mind it’s only bad if “white people” did it. Strange how in one argument Columbus is white and the very next sentence its POC this and that. Interesting how you shift around definitions of white to fit your arguments. What is perplexing to me is your ability to separate Spain from the Holy Roman Empire. Who benefited from the spread of the Catholic Church? The Vatican remains by far the wealthiest nation state in the world. How did that happen? I guess the question that begs answered would be if Spanish, Italians, and Portuguese are considered POC as you say.. or are they the “white” people who stole the United States? What language is native to Mexico in your mind? Spanish? Lol. Newsom is a Jesuit so I highly doubt this ethnic studies corse will be covering Rome’s involvements in slave trading. Blaming “white people” is trending right now, but if anyone is intellectually honest they will acknowledge that today, just like the 1600s is controlled by money and power regardless of skin color. Im afraid this is yet another attempt to deflect blame and demonize “white people” in the divide and conquer method of warfare. Never putting the blame where it belongs and keep the peons fighting themselves is very valuable to those in power.

So now the Spanish are Whites…. Got it

There’s that squeeze I told you about. Hahaaaaa

History= His-Story. History is just like science and news…FAKE. For those that understand it doesn’t mean all history, science and news is fake..just the stuff they tell you..

@dvc student- Sometimes yes and sometimes no, as needed to spin the racist “white people” narrative

@Sam, you really didn’t read what I wrote, or you did read it and are being dishonest in your interpretation of what I wrote. You got almost everything I said mixed up, backwards and misunderstood. Furthermore, I never said that conquest was only bad if White people did it.

@DVC Students, yes this woman was White:comment image As were most of the people under her rule.

@everyone 👆🏼This is what it looks like when someone who is not honest gets called out. “You didn’t understand” “you misinterpreted” “you mixed up what I was saying” . Every time it’s the same lame playbook.

@natalie I read and comprehended everything you said perfectly. Also I’m glad you have been crowned arbiter of whiteness..special

They already have it. It’s called, “How to succeed in business without really trying”.

I’m relieved Gavin is focusing on important issues instead of wasting time on trivial things like power generation capability in California.

Our governor is great! He is always thinking of how other people’s children should be educated. I bet he took into account the time and cost those students will incur by having to take a mandated class that perhaps they have no interest in whatsoever. Universities already have enough pre-requisite classes that students MUST PASS in order to get a degree which is costing them thousands of dollars. Gavin will never send nor has he ever sent his children to a public educational institution, perhaps he may even shill out some money so their kids have a degree in whatever they choose as other celebrities have done. Could this possibly be a money making maneuver and have nothing to do with education?Hmmm?
It is my understanding that if, for example, students chooses to take Latinx studies, they won’t be learning about the culture of other Spanish speaking countries in the American continent but they will exclusively be learning about Mexican history and traditions. How is that teaching inclusivity, especially if they want to make students citizens of the world!?
I don’t call Gavin, Godvin kNewnothing, for nothing.

I think it is even worse than you suspect:

“This action, by the CSU and for the CSU, lifts ethnic studies to a place of prominence in our curriculum, connects it with the voices and perspectives of other historically oppressed groups, and advances the field by applying the lens of social justice,” CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White said in a press release.

If the nation you or your ancestors came from is so superior to the United States may I suggest that you go and live there after renouncing your US citizenship? There is a reason people STILL risk their lives to get here.



My problem with ethics studies is that students take classes in theirs ethnicities. So they aren’t really learn about other ethnicities.
I took a black studies. Out of 35 students, another classmate and I were nonblack. When I took Chicano studies, at most 15% are non Hispanics out of 150 students.

Overall, I like the courses because I got to look at us history from a black and Chicano perspectives.

So if liberals have lost the Black vote, they have to create the white guilt voter block.

Recall Newsom. Thanks to his ab5 bill, Lyft is shutting down all California operations tonight with Uber likely to follow. Too bad for people who need transportation assistance, and too bad for drivers losing their income.

Sign the recall.



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