Home » The Goats Are Back! Dozens Of Goats Clearing The Canal Area Near DVC In Pleasant Hill

The Goats Are Back! Dozens Of Goats Clearing The Canal Area Near DVC In Pleasant Hill


Thanks to Ryan P. for this great picture of the friendly goats clearing the canal near Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill.

Way to go(at), eat those weeds!

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Won’t their poop and residue eventually get washed into Grayson Creek and make its way to the bay and pollute the water?

Yes, same as the cattle, a symbol of the West for centuries, that they banished from the region for the same reasons.

Yes! Isn’t it great!?

Someone call the ccc health officers…no social distancing and no masks!

Braaaaaaa Vo! Always happy to see these trash-eaters chomping away at the refuse. Perhaps they could munch on a few homeless guys?

More likely it will be the other way around.

Goats used in defoliating an overgrown area is a wonderful way to reduce fire hazards.

Goat droppings are also useful because it helps rejuvenate the soil. This helps plants grow to strengthen the banks of the streams.

There is little if anything negative when using goats for this.

Cattle did the same thing for a centuries, but environmentalists threw them off the land. Said they were polluting local streams and waterways, damaging the land. I really don’t think the Earth distinguishes between goat and cattle droppings, but one thing for sure, the cattle didn’t make it look like a third world country.

are they practicing social distancing? LOL

Hopefully the homeless don’t kidnap & feast on them😫🥺

Guy – They will discover that goat meat doesn’t taste very good to the American palate.

No, the homeless are dining in their hotel rooms at taxpayers’ expense…Yeah, there are some stragglers, but they are joined by the hotel elite during the day to harass, litter, shoplift, and much much worse….even if they are “picked up” by the local PD ( as my family member recently was, for violating a felony probation order) he/she will be released due to COVID 😢

Oh no, Kirk…

Smoked Goat is delicious

I watched plenty of old Disney cartoons to know that if they just saddle these guys up to a hobo encampment, they will eat everything in sight and leave nothing but perfection. Have at it boys!

I love those guys, they work hard and never complain.

I just hope they don’t get addicted to meth with all the tweakers down there…

They love poison oak–

Love those goats.

Hooray for the goats!

(And they taste better than deer.)

With all that is going on in the world, it’s so nice and refreshing to just see goats eating. Just goats. Not mad goats, not sick goats, just goats. Goats with no agenda except to eat!!!!

That “canal are” has a name: Grayson Creek. And I’m sure the goats aren’t “releasing” anything into the water that the homeless don’t already do.

If they try to cross your bridge, watch out for that third gruff brother! 🐐

So glad they have plenty of water!
Do you remember what happened several years ago? (Tragic.)



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