Home » Heat Advisory Extended For Bay Area – Residents Urged To Conserve Power

Heat Advisory Extended For Bay Area – Residents Urged To Conserve Power


The National Weather Service extended its heat advisory in the Bay Area Monday as a heat wave continued to blanket the region, leading to power outages and a statewide call to decrease energy use during peak hours.

The weather service issued an excessive heat warning Thursday ahead of a sweltering weekend that saw temperatures climb above 100.

Today, that heat advisory was extended in the Bay Area and Central Coast through Wednesday with no imminent sign of milder weather.


Daily inland afternoon highs will sit in the upper 90s and 100s, forecasters said, with coastal areas sitting in the high 70s and 80s.

Accumulating heat stress is expected to affect the general public, pets, vegetation and livestock across the region.

Following power outages across the Bay Area over the weekend due to the heat, the California Independent System Operator issued a statewide flex alert to call for decreased energy use between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. through Wednesday.

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Decreased power usage? LOL. My A/C was on from 8:00 AM to Midnight over the weekend. It was in the 90s with thunder, lightening and rain which upped the humidity to an unbearable level. I usually turn off the A/C at 8:00 PM and open the windows, thanks to the high diurnal temperature variation we have here. But when the weather turns to Alabama in August, I’m cranking the A/C 24/7, sorry.

Same here, I have my AC cranked up for the 3 past days 24/7. I am extremely sensitive to heat and I become ill. Opening windows do not work with me except bring in more heat. Hopefully the temperature will come down where we can comfortably be able to shut off our AC.

It’s literally like this everyday in New Mexico. It happens for a few days in Cali and you all start crying. Look at the comments. Someone is saying they are “suffering” awww hahah


we ain’t used it to

@Bayarea You’re right, but it is a dry heat. It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity that is so hard to take on days like this.

Some folks I know suffer badly from the heat due to Health problems.
For the rest of us, we are lucky to not know what that is like.

I agree with Eastbay Babe,….the heat makes me ill too. My Hubby on the other hand loves this weather. To reduce use of the A/C, we have 2 floor fans and it helps. Otherwise I would be a Kitty Puddle just like the neighborhood cats.

The quality of life here sucks.

Yes it does

How is are all those gas and oil plant closures working out for ya? Wind and solar and – OUTAGES. Time light up a couple nuclear power plants.

Welcome to the New Green Deal!
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday that the state had to “sober up” about the fact that renewable energy sources had failed to provide enough power for the state at peak demand, and needed “backup” and “insurance” from other sources.

Newsom says the transition away from fossil fuels has left California with a gap in the reliability of its energy system. He says the state must examine its reliance on solar power and how that fits into its broader energy portfolio,”

The length of this heat wave is causing the house structure to warm, causing the AC to run more often. Today it’s strange to see 100 deg under overcast skies.
I shudder when I think about my PG&E bill next month.

I noticed as soon as my A/C went out that if I opened a cabinet in the kitchen and reached to the back, it was holding warm air and all the dishes, cans of food, glasses, etc., were as hot as it had gotten in the house that day. They simply weren’t cooling off at night with the doors closed up.

I started opening all the closets (the clothes were hot, too, and holding the heat), all the kitchen cabinet doors, storage cabinets, and leave them open over night to cool down with the rest of the house. It made a slight difference in how hot the house will get during the day. With cooler air trapped in the closed cabinets it provided an insulation of sorts. When I opened a cabinet, warm air didn’t rush out to heat up the room.

I also open the damper to the fire place and the fireplace doors to allow hot air to escape. I have to be sure to close them early otherwise the air flow works the other way bringing hot air into the house. Usually, I can get the house cooled down overnight and start fresh cool the next morning … provided it cools down at night. This heatwave has been another story, especially when the low is in the 70’s or 80s.

The A/C is not working and I have three small fans. Give me a break!

stop voting for the left, progressives, ivory tower experts!

why don’t we have enough capacity for the homes we have and those we are clearly building and surely will build? why do have so little supply of electricity after hours? heck with all the climate fear mongering, why isn’t the who says things are only getting hotter demanding more power plants that can run 24/7 be built? heck why aren’t we all asking for that.


stop voting for the left, progressives, ivory tower experts!

why don’t we have enough capacity for the homes we have and those we are clearly building and surely will build? why do have so little supply of electricity after hours? heck with all the climate fear mongering, why isn’t the who says things are only getting hotter demanding more power plants that can run 24/7 be built? heck why aren’t we all asking for that.


We’ve been suffering at our house. Maybe they should shut down users that don’t conserve enough. Exempt those who have medical need for power.

The hits just keep comin this year…and to think Ca is the leftist’s shinning star I read a story that the DMV closed early to help conserve electricity 😂😂 ya that will be a huge help. What a joke!

We are living in a third world state.
Do some you you people even realize this?

We have been moving in that direction for years now. It is sad what has become of California. Is used to be all shiny, clean, and new. Now everything about it seems old, tired, and dirty. The roads are a mess, the shopping centers are looking dilapidated, the toll roads are a boon only to the rich, taxpayers are being sucked dry and we never see any of the improvements we are supposed to be financing. A very good reason to stop electing Democrats.

Remember that in 2019 CA was ranked the fifth largest economy in the world.

Yet CA has rolling blackouts like a third world country.

Is this the management you all voted for?

This is exactly what happens when you vote in leftists, the bleeding heart group, Dems and the entitlement crowd.

What else will it take to wake people up?

Come on guys pay attention and read. Do not take what the media is shoving down our throats. The last time I looked we have free will and common sense.

Get it together California! We are running out of time.

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