Home » Red Flag Warning In Effect In The Bay Area Starting Late Tonight

Red Flag Warning In Effect In The Bay Area Starting Late Tonight


Thunderstorms in the Bay Area forecast could bring lightning strikes overnight, prompting the National Weather Service to issue a red flag warning for the region starting late Saturday.

The storms are expected to develop in the South Bay and Santa Cruz areas Saturday night, and then move northward, according to the weather service.

The red flag warning is in effect from 11 p.m. Saturday to 11 a.m. Sunday for the region.


A heat wave that began Friday is expected to smother the Bay Area through at least Wednesday, with some locations seeing temperatures in the upper 90s and above 100.

A heat advisory is in place for the region. Those who are vulnerable are urged to drink plenty of fluids, stay out of the sun and remain in air-conditioned rooms. Children and pets should never be left in unattended vehicles, the weather service warns.

Anyone who works outside should take extra precautions and when possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening, the weather service advises.

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They sure underestimated the heat. It’s 109 degrees here in central county at 3 today!

I have 104 on my West facing shady porch. DWNTWNish Concord. 5:50pm.

Weathermen never get it right, try adding 5 degrees to the predicted high then you will have the days high.

I’m turning the A/C on as soon as I get home. And praying I don’t get hit by a bolt of lightning!

Throw in an earthquake while we’re at it.


I have a feral cat in my yard I tried to bring inside, but she’s miserable indoors and positively hates it. I’d go out and get her to get her out of the heat, but she swats and hisses and I’m sure she’d rip me to shreds. She finds a shady place and sleeps through it. I keep plenty of water out for her. She will go into the garage at night. That is the only compromise we have been able to make after years of trying. She didn’t want to go out this morning, however.

I have a cat who won’t come indoors. But I brought her handfuls of ice cubes through out the day which she licked and then layed on. Its hot out there.


Chemtrails….. Hmmmmm

It was 91 degrees on the patio at 3:30 am when the first flashes of lightening were barely detectable off in the Southwest. Soon after my neighbors outside lights went dark. By about 6:30 am when the storm was passing through, it dropped quickly to 75 degrees. As the wind came through earlier, you first could hear it coming like an 18-wheeler rumbling along. The thunder and lightening were coming closer and closer together.

The wind was pushing masses of hot air along it front of it. I had opened the windows to cool the house down, and suddenly the air coming in felt like I had opened an oven door. Then it cooled, again, only to have a second and third wave of hot air. I closed the windows and it soon started raining. I opened them, again. What a spectacular light display. And huge cracks of thunder. This is more like a storm we’d get in July … it’s as if the calendar is off a month or something. So glad for the rain though. My trees needed it badly.



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