Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,210 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 100 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 1,210 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 100 People Currently Hospitalized


        • 1,210 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 274 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday in Contra Costa County.)
        • 9,394 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 97 of the 152 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 29 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
        • 82 of the 152 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • 3 people under the age of 50 (one in the 31-40 age group, and two in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • 4,526 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is not available at this time, according to the county.
        • 574 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.
        • There are currently 154 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County. 39 of those are occupied by COVID-19 patients. 41 ICU beds are currently available.



DEATHS BY CITY (LTCF = Nursing Homes):



The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.

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77-78% of those deaths (about 115-117 people) were over the age of 80 in assisted care facilities. May they all rest in peace, including the other 34 who were not in assisted care. Remember they did not die OF covid. They tested positive and died of something else.

Don’t care about the truth?

Enjoy your masking wearing, your social distancing, your lack of freedom and your lack of critical thinking.

So you mean it’s the folks who are thinking *critically* that keep telling us a disease that’s killed 200k Americans according to latest data* is a hoax?

It’s not a coincidence that we lead the globe in mortality from covid and denial about covid.


We do not say that COVID is a hoax … but that is a favorite line of little sheep.

We say the response efforts have been a crock because the politicians and media keep blowing this OUT OF proportion. If we are to believe the reports out of Germany, Italy, Stanford, CDC and others that say we are conservatively underreporting the infection rate by 6-25 times, and we use a simple of factor of only 10, your do realize that our death rate in CCC is 0.14 of REPORTED covid caused deaths. The annual flu is 0.12. hmmm .. could we be overreacting?

Or are you the one that says ‘wear a mask, stay in side, wash your hands’ … guess what people have not been doing that for months now and the numbers are still showing that our rates are low. hmmm … could we have been pushed into believing that this disease (not a hoax) is the end of the world? Well, not all of us drank that koolaid.

My friends dad was 72. He lived in concord. He was a pretty healthy guy other then being an ex smoker. He was still working, picking up the grandkids taking them all over town. He was totally fine. He got covid and was dead within a month.

Cool J – I do care about the truth and your post is not truthful. Just check the CC County data and only 97 of the deaths came from LTCFs. And it is in the post summary above as well. That is 64% of the total deaths. Not all the people over 80 who died were in LTCFs. And you know all of the people who died and what there cause of death was? I think not – in today’s East Bay Times are two obits of older people who died of COVID-19. Read their life story…..
Look at the data for deaths and ask why there were so many deaths outside of Care Facilities in Antioch and Richmond for example – doctors at Kaiser Richmond falsified the death certificates?
Yes, I am wearing my mask and critically evaluating the situation so I can live to see the end of this.

Sorry, meant to link to data below in last post.


The New York Times? Seriously? The same rag that said Chop/Chaz was such a peaceful environment?

So Cyn
What news source do you trust? Fox? CNN? One News?

Let’s be real, how many of them are truly trustworthy? None is my guess. You must learn to read the article and then test it against other sources to verify validity. That is a critical research skill they used to teach in school – sadly this generation does not know how to think on it’s own, just look at all the people lapping up the politicians and media words

Wow twenty five people from Walnut Creek have died from the Chinese virus and all from long term care facilities. I wonder what those statistics from other California counties are.

If you think 41 ICU beds is a lot during this pandemic, there’s little hope in reasoning with you. So far we’re OK. Let’s keep it way. And if you’re too weak in the knees to wear a mask, stag home. Thank you.

Unfortunately I know the one additional death today (passed away yesterday morning). Don’t know him personally but he and his wife was vacationing in Las Vegas and got the covid there. Both were positive, but the wife recovered fine. He has pre-existing condition and did not make it.

We’re all gonna die someday, you know. No getting around it. Everyday we get is a gift. If your body can’t handle it then you’re going to die. If your body can handle it then you won’t die.
You’re going to die of something, Right?! Why live in fear, allowing idiot politicicians to run your life, living in a hole, stuffed behind a mask? It’s f#@## stupid!

How selfish! I rather live in fear, than have some stranger ignorant like you kill me. Must be sad to have no elder relatives or peole you care for not to get them killed by the virus! Lets us know when you catch it.

I read an opinion article in the Epoch Times citing doctors from Minnesota and others that consulted during Obama’s admin. as well as an advisor to Biden encouraging strict lockdowns for 18 months. Only food and pharmacy, some exercise outdoors. The goal is to reach 1/100,000 positive cases. Vote for Biden and you might live it.

I’m going to make a plea for more civility in all of this. We all have different approaches to risk assessment, and different tolerances for same. I do think think that wearing a mask is likely to be helpful as a means of reducing the rate of infection – and I also believe that the risk to me personally is relatively low. There’s a fair amount of evidence for both those things.
That said, it’s possible I’m wrong. In a different environment, I’d be very willing to listen to other perspectives, and change my mind – but reading the insults on this forum – telling people that they are their viewpoints are “a favorite line of little sheep” or that they are “lapping up the words of politicians” – doesn’t convince me of anything. It just makes me stop reading the comments. So, please – if you’ve got good points to make, stop sabotaging them by offending your fellow community members.
And, yeah, I’m not coming back to this forum to read your probable reactions.
For those of you who are trying to have a polite discussion, my hat’s off to you.

Right wing shilling aside, it seems like we are on another uptick in new cases in the county.



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