Home » CPD: Can You Identify This Man? Police Say He Assaulted Elderly Victim In Downtown Concord

CPD: Can You Identify This Man? Police Say He Assaulted Elderly Victim In Downtown Concord


Concord Police are looking for information on the identity of a man who they say assaulted an elderly man in downtown Concord on Aug.3 at 1 p.m.

The victim, who was in the 1800 block of Colfax St., was assaulted without any provocation, according to police.

The victim sustained severe injuries.


If you have any information about this case or can identify the suspect, please contact Detective Glenn Provost at 925-603-5858 or call the Anonymous Tip Line at 925-603-5835.

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There should be no argument over a persons right to defend him/herself by any means necessary when attacked.

If more people were armed, there would be a lot less of this sort of cowardly attacks on the law abiding citizens.

If more people were armed, there would be a lot less scumbags running around and clogging up the court systems.

If more people were armed. Almost every single person in america has a gun. The choose to not carry for what ever reason. If you pull it. You are either committed to killing someone over an argument? If you can’t handle a simple assault pulling a fire are makes you the guy shot with his own gun. Here is a tip. I know you can kill any one you want indiscriminately. When in combat those guys with special skilks like yours become evident immediately and not another word is ever spoken and they are free to do what others can’t. Arm 24 soldiers only the ones under 25 and probably realisticslly 1 or 2 can kill indiscriminantly. It’s not for every one. Glad you have a gun and are safe at home and not out blowing away everyone you think needs it.

I cannot identify for sure because I cannot see his face but there is a man that feeds bird food at the base of the trees at the corner where Peet’s Coffee is at across the street from the park. He has the same body size structure and even Walks Like Him. He wears a cap over his head just like that one. Is a regular at Peet’s Coffee and he will bring a baggie of seeds and drop it at the base of the trees and the pigeons will come and feed. If this was an argument about pigeons pooping on the cars that could be your suspect. Once again I cannot make a positive ID. Buy facial recognition.

If you have information, call the number provided in the story.

Eleven days to gather information and share this video with the public?

I wish I could identify the ah.

I don’t understand. Obviously this man cares about others. That what wearing a mask means!

I see what you did there. Brilliant deduction. I approve.

I’d like to see the entire episode’s video

This was completely unprovoked. The full clip shows the man pushing my grandfather out of nowhere. When he noticed my grandpa caught his balance after the first push he came again and fully knocked him to the ground. It is disgusting that this scum bag felt the need to do this out of nowhere. And even more disgusting that people think anyone would deserve this.

I understand that, but once again that is not what happened here. Generalizing all old people is extremely ignorant of you. Just like my comment and the story say, THIS ATTACK WAS UNPROVOKED.

Now see… If we could see the entire video… the naysayers may stop nay-ing….

Just wondering if this was one of those masks versus no mask interactions?
Wonder what was said before the interaction?
Will not light. But the bully sure walked off in a cool calm manner.

I meant to say ‘still not right’

Please post a picture.

he looks like one of those idiots liberal Democrats let out of prison for no reason should have just given the guy a mask we wouldn’t be having these problems. I don’t want to hear any more about how we’re in this together and we’re safer. This is exactly why gun sales have gone through the roof

Viruses and pandemics don’t care about your politics. You can do better.

Well that was a lot of assuming…
1) why do you have to add on “liberal democrats”? Why can’t we all be one side for once and agree this guy is trash no matter what political side he’s on. You know there are AWFUL people on BOTH sides and just bc hes bad doesn’t automatically make him a Democrat.
2) Why do masks have to be such an issue? Why is it so difficult to respect the law? If you love this country and what is stands for, then abiding the law shouldnt be difficult.
3) The problem here isn’t that there wasn’t a gun involved. Doubtful that having a gun in this situation wouldve made anything better.

funny – theses ‘tough guys’ always seem to find helpless victims …

hopefully someone who knows this coward will reveal his identity.

Doesn’t matter of they were arguing or not, he had already walked past him and the other guy was not a threat. If his skin is that thin and resorts to violence over words he deserves to get in trouble. ” he said some mean things ” is not a valid argument to resort to violence. This is something we teach to children and most of them understand this .

Regardless what was said between them, no excuse to shove elderly person. Hope the “tough guy” gets identified and arrested. But we can thank all the libs who created this new divide among people.

Got to see the video before they took it down. With the little bit that they showed, it was obvious the victim mouthed off. Stupid victim (keep your mouth shut) and stupider perpetrator (keep your hands to yourself).

This is my grandfather who is 86 years old. He did not say something to provoke this man as the story clearly states… unfortunately the news did not post the full clip, as the police wanted to focus on the part where you could most clearly see the perpetrator. The man walked up to my grandpa in the sidewalk completely out of nowhere, said “i don’t like the way you look” and pushed him. My grandpa caught his balance and said something to the effect of “hey man please don’t push me i have trouble catching my balance” (he walks with a cane). This is the verbal exchange you see on video — the part where you incorrectly claim my grandpa is “mouthing off”. This was followed by the man doubling back and pushing my grandpa for the second time. He fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital for over a week, which is the latest in a series of medical issues. I hope you will think twice before jumping to conclusions and victim shaming in the future. These are people’s family members.

I can identify him. He’s one of those lowlife cretins who resort to violence when they have a disagreement and think they’re right. To stupid to argue their position with words so they use their fists.

I don’t know… assaulted without provocation looks questionable to me. Not saying it’s ok to go around pushing people, but it looks like something was said or there was some kind of unhappy interaction. I’m just glad he got pushed and not something MUCH worse. This is 2020 after all.

This is my grandfather who is 86 years old. He did not say something to provoke this man as the story clearly states… unfortunately the news did not post the full clip, as the police wanted to focus on the part where you could most clearly see the perpetrator. The man walked up to my grandpa in the sidewalk completely out of nowhere, said “i don’t like the way you look” and pushed him. My grandpa caught his balance and said something to the effect of “hey man please don’t push me i have trouble catching my balance” (he walks with a cane). This is the verbal exchange you see on video, followed by the man doubling back and pushing my grandpa for the second time. He fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital for over a week.

You know this because? Looks like a typical bully bashing on someone he knew couldn’t fight back. The article clearly said the attack was not provoked.

What he did was wrong, but I would love to know what was said 10 seconds before the push!

This is my grandfather who is 86 years old. He did not say something to provoke this man as the story clearly states… unfortunately the news did not post the full clip, as the police wanted to focus on the part where you could most clearly see the perpetrator. I’m happy to provide that context. The man walked up to my grandpa in the sidewalk completely out of nowhere, said “i don’t like the way you look” and pushed him. My grandpa caught his balance and said something to the effect of “hey man please don’t push me i have trouble catching my balance” (he walks with a cane). This is the verbal exchange you see on video, followed by the man doubling back and pushing my grandpa for the second time. He fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital for over a week.

You know this because? Looks like a typical bully bashing on someone he knew couldn’t fight back. The article clearly said the attack was not provoked.

Is that a distorting camera angle or is the assailant wearing clown shoes?

It doesn’t matter what was said. One only has the right to self defense and he certainly wasn’t defending himself. He was the aggressor.

There is no excuse for pushing him, but I hope he learned a valuable lesson. Keep your big mouth shut. It’s abundantly clear he was provoked. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. Two testosterone driven men. Please. It happens daily.

A lot of things i could say in response to your terrible comment, but I’m going to take the high road here. This is my grandfather who is 86 years old. He did not say something to provoke this man as the story clearly states… unfortunately the news did not post the full clip, as the police wanted to focus on the part where you could most clearly see the perpetrator. The man walked up to my grandpa in the sidewalk completely out of nowhere, said “i don’t like the way you look” and pushed him. My grandpa caught his balance and said something to the effect of “hey man please don’t push me i have trouble catching my balance” (he walks with a cane). This is the verbal exchange you see on video, followed by the man doubling back and pushing my grandpa for the second time. He fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital for over a week.

LOL! An 86 year old cane carrying “testosterone driven” man! You guys crack me up!

The big mouth was lucky he did not get a knuckle sandwich. It’s had to get dental work now.

I would have put 2 in his chest. The moment he turned around he would have been staring down the barrel of my 40 Cal. I know how to fight but why would I risk hurting my hands? It makes no difference what was said, the moment you put hands on you become a threat to my life. Words are not violence. Open carry, concealed carry, regular capacity magazines, all should be legal in California

Agree with everything you say here, Sam. I was surprised by the lackadaisical body language (condition white) of the victim even after having been lightly “pushed” already by the aggressor and telling him not to push again. People need to quit playing with the damn cellphones while in public, be aware of your surroundings and it’s inhabitants, and pay attention.

This was assault and battery plain and simple. Lock him up and make him pay for all health costs and more.
What is scary is some here defend the bully.

Won’t happen Steve. We live in California!

People blaming the victim are assuming that the man who fell somehow deserved what happened. We don’t know the context at all about how things started. We do know from the footage that the man who fell hit his head against the wall, then landed on the hard concrete, and the police have reported that he sustained severe injuries. We do know that the attacker could have walked away, and was in no danger. We should be able to have verbal disagreements without resorting to violence.

Even if pushing the man was somehow justified (which I strongly doubt), the honorable thing to do would be to make sure the guy who fell was ok, not to just walk away. The problem is that with the hat, sunglasses, and mask on, the attacker was basically anonymous. Maybe that emboldened him, to feel like won’t get caught if he attacked someone.

Thank you for your kind comment and for being a good, compassionate person in a time where people clearly are lacking such qualities. This is my grandfather. He is 86 and this attack was completely unprovoked. Unfortunately what the video doesn’t show is the attacker walking up to my grandpa out of nowhere and pushing him for the first time, along with a comment about not liking the way he looks. What you see in the this shortened clip is my grandpa begging the man not to please not push him and to leave him alone, as he’s old and has trouble getting his balance. It was not mouthing off as many here presume. It was exactly the opposite. The man then doubled down, turned around and threw him into the side of the building. It’s really sad to see how many people on this thread lack human decency. I can only hope something this terrible never happens to their loved ones…

This is my grandfather who is 86 years old. He did not say something to provoke this man… unfortunately the news did not post the full clip, as the police wanted to focus on the part where you could most clearly see the perpetrator. The man walked up to my grandpa in the sidewalk completely out of nowhere, said “i don’t like the way you look” and pushed him. My grandpa caught his balance and said something to the effect of “hey man please don’t push me i have trouble catching my balance” (he walks with a cane). This is the verbal exchange you see on video, followed by the man doubling back and pushing my grandpa for the second time. He fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital for over a week. Pretty disgusting to see people blaming him for this.

I am so sorry for the way some people put the blame on your Grandpa. I hope your Grandpa makes a full and quick recovery. Spend time with him and cheer him up at this sad time so that he will stay positive. Because staying positive during this strange time in life is difficult for everyone.
Best wishes to your both. Take care and stay safe.

Alexa, I am so sorry, your poor Grandpa. That was so mean. My prayers are with you and your Grandpa.

Perhaps businesses have video cameras and will have better images of his face and possible vehicle.

I am so sorry this happened to your grandpa, Alexa…A man purposely tripped my 80 year old Pop in Santa Barbara a few years ago…Then he laughed about it….I happily broke his nose for him…The cops were called, and they declined to arrest me…Bullies need broken noses to remind them that they’re bullies…And, Wizard, I often read your vile comments on here…You sound like another bully to me…Hope you’re not married, or have kids…..And watch your nose…

Alexa: I’m sorry this happened to your grandpa and I pray KARMA will catch up with this idiot AND the ignorant folks here who cannot read yet let their a$$ override their mouth.

Again Popcorn, your other posts are all coming from a “soft on crime” mentality. So, they catch him and then treat him in the manner you have supported elsewhere. He will be released back on to the streets before the officer gets done his his/her report. You can’t have it both ways!! That’s the problem. The California electorate pushes this agenda and then complains when senseless crime occurs. There is no punishment in California any more. We have become a lawless state.

Yes CryMeARiver, politics does have something to do with it. The only time crimes like this don’t directly relate to politics is when they don’t fall in line with your agenda!



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