Home » CAL ISO Initiates Rotating Power Outages During Heat Wave

CAL ISO Initiates Rotating Power Outages During Heat Wave


The California Independent System Operator (ISO) is declaring a Stage 3 Electrical Emergency due to high heat and increased electricity demand.

The emergency initiates rotating outages throughout the state.

A Stage 3 Emergency is declared when demand outpaces available supply. Rotating power interruptions have been initiated to maintain stability of the electric grid.


The Stage 3 Emergency declaration was called after extreme heat drove up electricity demand across California, causing the ISO to dip into its operating reserves for supply to cover demand.

The California ISO is working closely with California utilities and neighboring power systems to manage strain on the grid and to restore the power grid to full capacity. As portions of the grid are restored, local
utilities will restore power in a coordinated fashion.

Although a Stage Emergency is a significant inconvenience to those affected by rotating power interruptions, it is preferable to manage an emergency with controlled measures rather than let it cause widespread and more prolonged disruption.

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This is nuts. Calling Monday to schedule whole house standby generator installation. Wanted to wait a bit, but that ain’t happening. We shouldn’t have to live like a 3rd world country in this supposed “Nation State”. Pitiful. Down right pitiful.

We bought a portable generator last year that powers the refrigerator, chest freezer, television and satellite receiver, wifi, and a couple of fans. We’re now talking about a standby generator. This is really absurd. I thought California was supposed to be so advanced.

Wow! I was thinking the exact same thing and analogy!

Mary Fouts, Costco.com has an electric start Gasoline or Propane Generator on sale now for $180 off till 8/24. Current cost is $599 shipping included. With a couple extension cords it could cover the kind of things mentioned by Yves Harlowe. An option to consider as you look at a whole house standby generator.

Meanwhile, local officials approve hundreds of additional housing units … and PGE customers.

So much for all of those solar panels and wind turbines etc making all of CA an energy independent state!

And so it begins….

What, we’re all supposed to drive electric cars. And no power…

Then why the hell are we insisting on the construction of more and more housing when we can’t supply power to the ones we have?

Excellent excellent point.

Exactly, why are these bureaucrats and politicians doing this. Money, paybacks. They don’t give a damn about us.

One word: Money. Money made at the token of our safety and security. Same affect over growth has on our 1950’s era freeways. We are up to 40milliom I’m CA now, it’s crazy.

It is the local city politician that is bringing in all the 80 units per acre stuff. They can never know when to hold back.

Just hear from a friend in El Dorado County she had a blackout for 2 1/2 hours. Said it was 105 at the time.

It’s the New Green Deal !

I think this is the best comment. I did enjoy Mary Fouts Nation State comment as well

Comment of the Year

You can “THANK!” the ilks of Democrats, tree huggers, certain environmentalist, Swalwell, DeSaulnier, ad nauseum!

Just wait till we get all those apartments built in Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek and Concord and Clayton. And keep them illegal immigrants coming in. Do you think it will affect the water supply too?! Naaaaaa, we’re not going to think about that either.

It was a hot day so we are probably out of water too. It’s coming

Gavin gave Mexico, and homeless and all California’s money…..we are doomed if the Dems step one foot into office. A ticking time bomb!

Oh my, look out for all the illegal immigrants!! They will use up all the electricity!! Bawawaaaaaaawa! Po baby dat too bad.

Either they shut mine off early, or it was shut off due to some other cause. I live in north Concord. This afternoon, I woke up from my nap to discover the power was off. No fans, no A/C, nothing. I have multiple health issues and it was 106 F degrees out. I don’t have a cell phone. My house phone is connected to the cable company. I was gonna call PG&E, but the dial tone was out. I sat melting, wondering what I should do, but after a while, the power came back on. Thank heavens.

The rush to drop landlines in favor of cellphones is a little dumb and poor judgement on the parts of the users. Commercial provided electrical power and sunlight is unpredictable!
It is rare that a telephone central office is not without emergency generators and huge battery back-ups. But you can “THANK” all these tree-huggers for this power debacle!

Eh Concord74, the one thing that was working during the last rolling blackouts were the cell towers. People just need to be sure that they have some way to recharge their phones. There are inexpensive phone chargers that can do that. And if you have a UPS battery backup on your computer then just unhook the computer and devices that might eat power during the blackout and use it to charge your phones.

Gavin newsom should not be breathing our air he needs to be in prison he is corrupt and I would go so far as to accuse him of treason down with the tyrants

big hug for you

Update: it was some other cause. I just found some emails from PG&E about it. They didn’t say what the cause was, only that an outage had been reported in my area affecting 3730 customers.

It was a transformer that blew up by the drive in.

Ohhhhh, okay! Thank you for letting me know.

Thank you Democrats for the close and careful attention you have paid to the infrastructure of our state.
We can remedy this in November !!!


Lets hope so but I doubt it!
Look at how many times that nut-case Pelosi has been re-elected and is the Speaker of the House. Does any one on this blog know what the succession to run the country in the event that both the President AND VP are deem unable to perform???!!

My subdivision is in Block 50.. exempt from rolling blackouts!

Yes, we researched that fact before buying this house.

How do you find out which block you are in?

Exit 12A don’t count on it. we used to be on a bullet proof line ourselves for many years. oh the times a changing.

You can find your Rotating Outage Block on page 3 of the PGE bill under service info.

to “TTD”:: the block you are in is on your PG&E bill on pg. 3 under “Service Information”.

God Bless the fact I live near a Hospital….rotating block 50. It simply means that we are exempt from mandated blackouts/brownouts and if the power goes off due to other circumstances Block 50 receives priority to be put back on line. You can locate your block number on your PG&E bill under Service Information.

That was smart. What/ where is block 50?

Yeah cause make us pay outrageous prices for power, just to turn it off. Let’s also forget about the elderly and the pregnant women who can’t just go to other family homes or have no one around them due to covid. Makes perfect sense.

My power is now off.
Hot as H*ll and no AC or even fans.
Can I say this is racist? Prejudiced?

I think you have bigger problems than being hot.

Real good Gavin lock us in our houses.Then shut off our PGE tell us to wear a mask. Then tell us to stay inside with it over 106 degrees.Gavin it is time to go.What you trying to prepare us for New World order.Time to get rid of these politions and get someone who is for the people.

Gavin Newsom doesn’t run PG&E. Gavin Newsom didn’t create coronavirus to inconvienience you. Your disdain for Newsom goes deeper than politics, which is insane because odds are you never met the man. But it does expose where you get your news. They are making you angry and ignorant on purpose.

@Me Gavin Newsom has proven since the day he took office, and beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is incompetent to serve as Governor.

@Me Actually it exposes your blind political position. They are constantly spinning immigration and expanding California without thinking of consequences like these. Overloaded power grids while promising to move toward a green state. Seems like we can’t even handle a hot day and we have our transportation sector giants applauding electrical vehicles. Then you have the water issue which I’m sure you’re aware of unless you live under a rock. Oh let us not forget the rapid housing expansion in a lot of these sectors where infrastructure such as highways and again the power grid and other various factors which cannot support additional housing.

But yes, this guy obviously watches Fox News, so you can go on and justify being a snarky ignorant quack.

Power has been out for 6 hrs now. Small area, but no PG&E updates in the last 4 hrs! Why tonight? I just brought home a ton of groceries, including fish, steak, and ice cream. I’m guessing that by dawn all will be inedible, AND I can’t sleep because I’m too hot and I’m worried. 😾

Not sure when you wrote this, but the best bet is not opening the refrigerator/freezer until it’s back on. Maybe it’s a pasta night! (I get this isn’t funny)

It’s a heat wave folks – no one to be mad at. Hunker down and handle it. All i read is a bunch of angry miserable comments. Relax. Drink some water. Check on your senior friends. Don’t open the fridge as much. Make sure you have batteries in your flash lights. Being angry doesn’t change the weather. I wouldn’t want any of you in my survival team. 3rd world country??? You wouldn’t last an hour in a real 3rd world country.

THANK YOU for this clean wind of sanity!

This is an enormous, stagnant weather system. I think PG&G is doing a great job of trying to hold things together for us as best is humanly possible.

I assume you Claycordians who really DO live anywhere near this state moved here of your own free will. Our monsoon weather pattern ( rain for maybe 6 months and then no rain for the next 6) is something you should have researched first?

Worrying about whether we will have a power outage is something we all do, of course, but now have you FINALLY learned to keep extra canned food and extra water on hand? Don’t forget to have a hand operated can opener! Fill the tub with cold water, soak in there, and please try to tone down the whining because it surely does not help you or anyone else!

Pay attention to your Weather app, which lets us see what we might be up against for about 10 days ongoing. PG&E in fact DID give us fair warning, and we might someday have to face emergencies far worse than this. We are fortunate that Canada will sell us power and so will Duke Energy.

Please keep your pets indoors a such as possible. If you love wild animals and birds, please put shallow containers of water out for them in a completely shady spot. If you have a birdbath …. even if it is in the shade…. please touch the water in there and refill with cold water as necessary throughout the day. Check on elderly neighbors.

And this weather pattern and the struggle for each of us to adapt to it has NOTHING to do with political parties…… sheeeeeeeeeeeese.

I’ll be sure to tell my wife (COPD patient) to not worry and hunker down.
If she has trouble breathing, I’ll tell her to drink some water. Thank-you
for the advice.

i’m with all the rational folks here, thanks to gavin we are living in a third world country. now they want to build more homes, invite in more illegal aliens, just to get more taxes for their failed social programs. this madness has to stop.

Just wondering…

Who could the people of California vote into office who would be able to control a pandemic and keep the power on?

Pretty much anyone who is pragmatic and rational.

Gavin Newsom is cursed. This would not have happened if Cox had won.

Recall Newson 2020

During past heat waves, people could go to local churches, senior centers, libraries or cooling centers for relief. All the retail stores are open. They will be packed this week. Churches, libraries, barbershops and indoor dining should be reopened as well.

Why do people make everything to be a political issue?

Everything has a politic, even sex, as we have seen in current issues.

That’s what the Democratic’s are good at.

@JS: maybe because it is. CA has committed to “green” sources for power. When a high pressure weather system settles in, it gets hot and the wind doesn’t typically blow. Therefore no wind generated power. Shutting down natural gas fueled plants, along with the loss of San Onofre nuke plant, combined with the refusal to borrow from fossil fuel plants in Arizona, we now have much, much less available power. The population continues to increase and yes, the politicians have consciously decided to decrease the amount of available power. That is why.

All of you but jobs know that Gavin doesn’t cause rolling blackouts right?🤣🤣🤣

Well, we certainly know he doesn’t stop them.


Gavin is the Governor of this state.

His most important job is the safety and wellbeing of the citizens of CA.

He has failed.

Remove him.

If you believe that pg&e can’t supply enough power these days…… you look around, I’d guess about 25 percent of homes, most big businesses, all the schools, have solar panels, that feed into pg&e grid, and right now we have plenty of sunlight, so the demand on pg&e is reduced, greatly reduced, and yet they say they can’t keep up ??? Hog wash. I have solar on my house, and my electric usage is in the negative from June through September, so I’m giving pg&e the extra power as my meter runs backwards, and I’m not using any of their power during daylight hours…..

My dad recently purchases a Tesla Battery for his house in SLO county. His house is equip with solar panel and now he have a tesla battery to power up his house anytime power goes out. My dad got a Tesla car and now a tesla battery. People are complaining that you cannot charge up your car when there a power outage. Well there answer to that is you will supply a battery for your home so, not only you can charge up your car but power up your refrig and everything you need. Do not ask me how long the tesla battery last for because they just got it and never had to experience using their battery yet. This is just the beginning. I will know more later on when they get to the point when their power goes out and automatically switch to battery. This is gonna be interest. I would say hold onto your hat because you never know what gonna happen.

So happy to see the silent majority speak their piece on here. These past few months there’s been so much senselessness about our Governor. Have they looked at the mess running our country? “Me” your post was perfect and thanks for restoring my faith in my neighbors again.

Haha now you want to appropriate the term “silent majority” Trump re-popularized. Like we have never seen that move before..you must be so woke. Enjoy mimicking what you can’t compete with. Why is every lefty conspiracy theory nut such a phony and so awkward?
@me is such an angry leftist loon that doesn’t know the most basic things about how the state of California works. You kids should really stop believing Facebook news.

Most of these people complaining about the rotating outages and blaming the state government really have no clue what they’re talking about! Do you think we have heat waves every single day of the year? The state does not run PG&E or the other utilities. It’s definitely better to have the power purposely shut off for a couple hours and then to have transformers blow and not have them fixed for a whole day. There are a lot of people out there who waste energy constantly. If you’re running your air conditioner constantly then you are part of the problem. If you have blinds and curtains on your windows, you need to keep them closed during the day to help Keep the temperature low in your house. Adjust your thermostat to a little bit higher temperature and put it even higher at night when you go to bed so that your air conditioner is not running all night long!

The state of California most definitely runs PG&E. Who do you think regulates restrictions on building and operating infrastructure? Who do you think controls land management throughout the state? Who do you think is responsible for the fires due to state cutbacks and green policies preventing land clearing?

Anyone trying to deflect blame away from the state of California not being able to keep the electricity on is a liar or lacks basic understanding of how things work.

What are we paying the PG&E for? We have one of the most expensive rates in the country. I hope that for some it is more than obvious what we pay for and it is not nice. The problem is that most of California residents fell for the green propaganda and mandated renewables, i. e. solar panels and wind turbines, sources of energy. And because of that, PG&E has to built and maintain very expensive renewables at the expense of other sources of energy. In addition, because of this neglect, we had deadly wildfires, especially the infamous Paradise Fire and we all have to pay for the damages including the families of victims of these fires. In other words, Californians decided at the polls that they would prefer to fight the windmills in the form of global warming and even are OK to sacrifice human lives for this insanity. Does it even occur to “Democrat” voting Californians that this is what they are actually doing? Sacrificing their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers for the insanity of “green energy” that is not green at all? The rolling blackouts are only a lesser evil. As per my many past conversations, these folks are total dupes as far as understanding the world around them including most of my neighbors, who are otherwise very nice people…

@Jan wins this thread🏆

One would think that PG&E would have the brains to cover ALL customers at all times.

Wait till the Green New Deal kicks in. What are you going to run them on now ?

I read an article and Contra Costa was not on it🤞🤷‍♀️🔥🧊

What would George Carlin say,,,,,,,,,, ? Bend over. ha ha . They got you fishes.

*Stares at solar panels then turns to look at the camera ala Jim from The Office*

PGE will not have any power shut offs this weekend per KCBS!!

I heard on the not so reliable channel 2 news last night that they started the blackouts way below their ability to supply power. That they had more megawatt usage fifteen years ago without blackouts. I don’t want to see the state take over PG&E but someone has to do something to fix that company. The state would make it worse for sure.

California is turning into a 3rd world country! If the politicians & PG&E weren’t in bed together we could get better service & at a better cost, like other states.

The issue is a PG&E problem. PG&E got out of generating electricity, they wanted to focus on the more lucrative transmission of power. The state has capacity in generation and PG&E has the ability to purchase more energy.
Our power, Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Hydro, etc are all private stations that sell their power to PG&E (400+). The issue is, PG&E did not invest, I’m sorry they did not spend the money we all paid to maintain and upgrade their aging transmission network. So as we get hit by heat and surge in demand, their equipment reaches potential failure and now fire risk.
Lack of oversight for years is where we are..
As for green energy this state has plenty, sadly the clotted artery system PG&E delivers our power with can’t cope…

Please make sure that Gavin Newsom’s home and winery on on the blackout rotation. In fact, just cut the power off to both places and let him Swelter-in-Place!

Do other states shut off
the power when there’s extreme use .??Arizona,Nevada,Texas.



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