Home » Supervisors Poised To Approve 284-Unit Apartment Complex Near Pleasant Hill BART

Supervisors Poised To Approve 284-Unit Apartment Complex Near Pleasant Hill BART


A six-story, 284-unit apartment building just north of the Pleasant Hill BART station could be approved today, as the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is poised to reject two appeals of the project.

The Del Hombre Apartments, proposed by the Houston-based Hanover Company, would be built on a 2.4-acre parcel on Del Hombre Lane between Roble Road and Honey Trail just northeast of the station. The property is in
unincorporated Contra Costa County, just outside both the Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill city limits.

The two appeals to the project were filed in June, contending the apartment project wouldn’t fit in with surrounding land uses, would cause traffic problems, would be an anti-environmental development, doesn’t include enough parking and presents aesthetic problems, among other alleged shortcomings.


County staff has offered responses to the various contentions made by both appellants, and recommends to Board of Supervisors approve the apartment project.

Today’s meeting begins at 9 a.m. on Zoom, viewable at www.contracosta.ca.gov

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This is absolutely insane! There are too many people here already! They’re pushing forward with Weiner, hundreds of apartments near BART stations. This has got to stop!

oh cant wait for the liberal counter speak and utter disrespect for citizens concerns as they do what they want

when has a council not done what they want per opposition from citizens?


And the long term plan of their “transit villages” around mass transit continues. Perhaps when my Great Grandson is my age they will have banned private vehicles.

Seems like an appropriate use of that land. Maybe drive a little more traffic to the businesses on Treat.

The right wing anti-business, anti-construction, anti-America NIMBYs will come out of the woodwork to oppose this beautiful project. This building will be world class. Nobody’s seen buildings like this. A lot of people are saying it. If they license the “Trump” name for the marquee it will be the jewel of the county. I’ve looked at the numbers and no one has seen numbers like these. People say to me, sir, nobody’s seen numbers like these. Transit village for the win. Keep stacking and packing next to BART stations and freeways so us old white empty nesters can continue to enjoy our sprawling ranch homes in the Clayton hinterlands. Keep Clayton Green …. or beige or whatever color it is.


Props for the satire. But would anything get better if a bunch of housing was built in Clayton? Ygnacio/Kirker Pass would just be one even more of a disaster.

Yes enjoy your suburb life style. I live in Rossmoor and I will too. They cannot develop out here either.

This should definitely ease some of the traffic congestion in our sleepy little area.

A lot of the new residents will be taking BART to work. That should slow the growth in traffic from East County on Highway 4, 680 and 24.

Why would an apartment complex near PH Bart ease traffic from Highway 4? If anything it will add more people, more gridlock to an already congested area.

I had long wondered what the status of those empty lots were. It’s a good spot for more housing as it’s very close to BART, 0.7 miles to the intersection of N. Main and Treat/Geary which has several shopping centers, Sprouts grocery, and more, 1.1 miles to Countrywood shopping center, and 1.3 miles to the Crossroads shopping center.

I really don’t see the alternative to doing more housing like this. We already have basically an underclass that super-commutes from way inland to the Bay Area. We have ever-growing sprawl in East county, and ridiculous traffic as a result. Workers who are part of our area economy live way way out and it makes our roads crappy and our traffic worse than it needs to be. So either we find ways to build more housing with less negative impact, or we have to stop allowing the area to generate jobs (ha ha), or we just pretend everything is okay because our property values are so high and we don’t care about immiserating the working class who actually make the local economy work. Would you rather have more people living a crap quality of life commuting from Stockton or Manteca, or see a more dense crowd around PH Bart? (Don’t answer that, you NIMBYs.)

Fun how you mention Manteca. I actually know someone who commutes in from Manteca. I guess its admirable that you care about her and her commute. She does not know who you are and could not care less. And she likes where she lives and will continue the commute and has no interest in living near PH BART. My apologies for answering your question despite your request not to.

@Led A more dense crowd around BART? So you think everyone is going to just stay within the BART station? Are you kidding me? They are not all going to take BART or buses to work, shopping, playing. The traffic is going to be atrocious, worse than what it is now. The schools around here are already impacted. So we should build more schools? Where are we going to put them? How is everybody going to get to school? You think everyone’s going to take the bus? No, parents will DRIVE them just like they do now on the crap roads that take years to get repaved.
This area was not planned out to handle this many people.

Don’t they know no one is riding on BART anymore? Got to adapt to the post COVID environment baby.

Never even heard of Del Hombre Lane. Where did that sneak in?

Some of your comments lead me to believe you have an investment in this project. Or maybe you have a job you can walk to or maybe you don’t have a job to go to.

Are the apartments that exist at PH Bart at capacity?

And will the children go to Fair Oaks or downtown WC schools?

This over building needs to stop. Where is all the extra water going to come from to supply all these new housing units they keep wanting to add. Where is all the extra electricity going to come from with no newer power plants being built. CA is being over populated with out the resources to handle it. All the politicians see is more tax revenue and not the cost or ability to keep it sustainable.

You are correct about the over building, but as long as the over breeding continues, what are ya going to do? You can either let people live in tent cities, build more housing, or start tossing geezers like me in the wood chipper.

over breeding isn’t an issue in the US.

Great just what we need. More stack and packs what a nice way to spread this pandemic and any others that are surely just around the corner. Will each unit come with their own coffin?

Appeals. That’s a good one. When have politicians ever listened to or considered something other than the money?

“The two appeals to the project were filed in June, contending the apartment project wouldn’t fit in with surrounding land uses, would cause traffic problems, would be an anti-environmental development, doesn’t include enough parking and presents aesthetic problems, among other alleged shortcomings.” With “appeals” like these people wonder why housing is so expensive. Every attempt to build housing is opposed and each appeal drives up the costs.

Now why is it an unincorporated area by a bart station,
was never annexed by an adjoining city ? ? ?

Original G.
You are correct. Our Supes rule this area… for who’s benefit, again? Housing is needed, and would help us *if* the County Suprvsrs and agencies could solve all the obvious problems that will also arise.



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