This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com.
- 947 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 160 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 8,096 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 90 of the 139 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 30 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
- 77 of the 139 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- 2 people under the age of 50 (one in the 31-40 age group, and one in the 41-50 age group) have died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 12 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- 2,159 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is not available at this time, according to the county.
- 572 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.
The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
Go outside, burn your mask, hug a stranger. But obviously if you’re sick stay the hell home.
The reason we wear masks, for all you non-believers, is not because of government control, not because we are sheep, its because there is wide spread transmission from individuals who show no symptoms at all. So you may not have any symptoms but are still able to infect others.
Its like driving a car without brake lights. You don’t know that your lights are out because you stop just fine. The guy behind you doesn’t know your lights are out either but slams into you when you stop. You won’t be injured but that person could die because of your negligence.
This according to Fox news.
FYI !’m not a DEM!
Shouldn’t tailgate and you will see the car stoping in front of you. Your analogy is a bogus equation.
Yup. I’m conservative but I don’t get why masks have become a partisan football. Really the people who are opposed to heavy-handed lockdown (and I’m one of them, at least when it comes to indefinite lockdown) should be mask fans: they give us more freedom to move about and be around other people without exacerbating the pandemic. When hospitals fill up, our liberties get constrained more. So a tool that isn’t a restriction on movement and gathering is a big plus!
I think it is reasonable to doubt whether cloth masks are very effective. But there is more and more circumstantial evidence that they help. And it is very possible that they help, while it is not really a big deal to wear them (compared to shutting down and restricting big parts of life and the economy). It’s worth a try even if we aren’t sure how much it helps.
Thanks “Sparky” I hope you sparked some sense into at least one person if not more. Great Advice!
The non-maskers are the same as those drivers who wouldn’t wear a seat belt, or who never use their turn indicators. They’re just plain rebels. I knew a guy, many years ago, who always proclaimed “if there’s something to be agin, I’m agin it.” Agin being his uneducated way of pronouncing against.
8 billion people in the world with a supposed 715,000 dead from covid-19. I don’t call that a pandemic.
Masks are BS and so is shutting down schools, churches, etc.etc. It’s ALL political.
FYI I’m not a republican.
For contrast I give you New Zealand…
New Zealand has 12 people on it!
But a lot of nervous sheep.
Wear a face covering when you’re out and about, wash your hands, socially distance, avoid large gatherings and stay home when you’re sick.
It’s really simple and not inconvenient.
Save a life, and a business. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
I, like previous posters, would like to see how many deaths there have been during this time from other things. I’m not minimizing this virus, just curious as to rate of death from cancer, heart diseases or other medical issues. Does Claycord have access to this information? Inquiring minds would like to know!
According to USA Facts: Covid is the number 3 cause of death in the United States from February 1, 2020 to the end of June 2020. Heart disease and cancer are numbers one and two.
Sparky, thank you for sharing what is a common sense post. Too many people just don’t get it and have to be reminded over and over. And then there’s all those who don’t care, anyway.
It’s nice to recognize the few times Fox News gets something right.
So let me see here…..
1,100,000 people in CCC.
138 total deaths from the china flu
That’s a small number.
Folks can wear maskes and do all the things the government tells them to do.
For me, I think it’s all a bunch of baloney.
It’s all about control of the people.
Sadly so many people are gullible enough to believe the government.
A government that can’t even keep the numbers up to date.
The government blames the computer. That’s like blaming a screwdriver for a problem with a nail.
The government wants all the power over the people and some are saying “hear ya go” I ain’t smart enough to take care of myself, I gotta have my government tell me to wash my hands and not breath on other people.
If you take the politics out and listen to the doctors, then you would wear a mask. It’s all we’ve got until the time that a workable vaccination
is introduced.
Otherwise, we’re screwed.
What you are leaving out is that we have had so few deaths because unselfish people have been staying home and wearing masks when they need to go out.
Do you wear a seatbelt? Why? There are only 36,560 auto-related deaths each year in the USA. That’s 11.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
Good things happen to those who wait.
Sparky you are correct – wearing a mask is the right thing to do. Sam says not to tailgate – most people cannot stop on a dime!! Wake up Sam. People like you do not believe there is a virus going on until it hits them personally. My neighbor thought this was fake news until his best friend came down with the virus and died.
@Sparky – The article you cited does not mention masks nor does it mention tailgating. Your tailgating analogy does not work well because most people may attention to more than just the brake lights of the vehicle in front of them. Also, I would not call it negligence if a person does not know their own brake lights are out.
I agree though that it would be great if there were some easy to relate to analogies for wearing masks and/or asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 and the risk of transmission to others. Personally, I like Trump’s “the invisible enemy” phrase that he used regularly in March/April though I don’t know he’s still using it.
@WC Resident…I disagree, you said, “…most people pay attention to more than just the brake lights of the vehicle in front of them.”, Most people probably do but there’s a large percentage of people that look no farther than the car directly in front of them due to being distracted for many reasons, I see it all the time. And, I would call it negligence to NOT know your brake lights are inoperable, it’s part of vehicle maintenance.
Hi frustrated! Good question in re the fatality rate. If you compare it to previous years figures for cancer and heart attacks, those two are still the leading causes of death – however, that’s changing as Covid19 is spreading. We had only 100 total cases of Covid 19 in the U.S. on Mar 4,2020; we now have over 5,000,000 cases and over 162,000 deaths. Per one scientist “However, COVID-19 is the leading cause of death per day, according to a new report by Dr. Maria Danilychev, a San Diego-based physician. Relying on CDC data, her research found the disease causes 1,970 deaths nationwide per day — more than heart disease and cancer.“
@J Sherwood – COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death in Contra Costa County if you look at the last week or two weeks and drops to 6th or 7th place if look look at the data since 3/1/2020 when the county started reporting on COVID-19. I doubt we have never had a week or longer time period, where COVID-19 was more than the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease in the county. Read on for details.
I agree that the county should be releasing the numbers for deaths from all causes to put COVID-19 in perspective. This county report from 2010 says an average of “6,838 county residents died each year” between 2005–2007. The population averaged 1.009 million from 2005-2007 and is 1.161 million in 2020 or 1.15 times more than in 2005-2007. An average of 18.73 people died per day in 2005-2020 and an estimated 21.54 are dying per day in 2020.
The county reports for COVID-19 start on 3/1/2020 which was 161 days ago. At 21.54 deaths per day that’s an expected 3,468 deaths from all causes since 3/1/2020. There have been 139 deaths from COVID-19 since 3/1/2020 or 4.01% of all the estimated deaths.
That same document from 2010 also has the top-ten leading causes of death for the county which are:
COVID-19 at 4.01% is in 7th place in that table though I have read that there have been far fewer accidents since the economy was shut down meaning COVID-19 is likely in 6th place.
Using more recent trends, there have been 14 deaths due to COVID-19 in the last 7 days (2.00 deaths per day) and 35 deaths in the last 14 days (2.50 deaths per day). That pushes COVID-19 into into third place as 5.39 people die per day from cancer, 4.89 from heart disease, and 1.53 per day from stroke.
So far, the worse weeks ever for COVID-19 in the county were 7/27/2020 to 8/2/2020 and 7/28/2020 to 8/3/2020 both with 23 deaths or 3.29 deaths per day. COVID-19 was still in third place.
A sad site Saturday nite …
Going home after evening church services I came by the Clayton Rd KMART parking lot full of cars – antique, hot rods, muscle cars and motorcycles. Apparently the local car l clubs put together an American Graffiti Nite cruise!
I saw hundreds of people- too many cars to count and very few masks and no social distancing….so how do we explain this sad site?
Yes we want to go back to a normal fun summer – an evening sharing car talk, friends and all – but it’s not healthy and is disrespectful to the majority of folks that ARE paying attention and honoring our community. Can’t we do better Bay Area?
Where were you in’62 and are you taking care of your community here and now? Please refrain from spreading this awful disease….. Thank you .
Give me a break. So much drama packed in one post..do you park in parking lots? You should have called 911 and have all the unmasked bandits taken to the pokie. I’m sure the cops would have been all over it. Maybe you should have called the health department but they were probably busy setting up their community gloryhole. Worry about yourself
Sam –
What is the glory hole you speak of? If we have health guidelines and mandates to be followed, should we disregard them all as useless or frivolous? I believe not –
I am worried about myself and all those around me. Those folks that are both known and unknown to me personally, but a fellow member of our community the same community that you are apparently linked to also. Let’s take this seriously and take care of the community at large…. thank you for sharing and caring.
It Legal !!!!! it is a protest against COVID-19!!!!!
Don’t believe the statistics provided by the government, they are all designed to keep us under their control.
So if mask work, and I believe they do, that why I wear one. Why can’t we open up businesses.
Why are barbershop still closed, why are restaurants still closed, why are church still close.
And don’t tell me, everybody don’t wear masks.
These are the people we dont let in to our businesses. Seem simple to me.
You asked why restaurants are closed if Maas is work – by which I assume you mean indoor dining. How do you eat with a mask on?
Masks are part of the solution. Other parts are social distancing, avoid or being mindful of contact, washing hands frequently, and conducting activities outdoors.
Many businesses are open and running.
Barbershops are closed as you need to break the social distancing rule.
Some restaurants are open and running if they have outdoor socially distanced dining. It’s tricky as you can’t eat or drink with a mask on and so should only eat with people from within your social bubble. The service staff is at high risk as they are regularly exposed to unmasked people who are talking. Not all health authorities and/or restaurant owners/staff are willing to take that risk.
Churches are open and running if they have outdoor services. If there is singing then allow for extra social distancing. I would double or triple it even when the people singing are wearing masks. Also, people tend to attend church as a family group. I have not seen rules that formalize the social distancing between social bubbles. If there are four people in a group together then give them far more than the six feet you would give a single person. The social spacing distance depends on the size of the group and what they are doing.
Wait until Newsom mandates goggles, afterall fauci said they will slow this questionable spread….
Just how long are the 572 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms going to be kept there??? we are paying for those rooms!!!! When are the test results going to be released??
sparky hi
its ok
you drank
the coolaide
that’s fine
for you as I am sure you were wearing a mask
for flu season all these years as well
this is America not china
stop enforcing the rhetoric of the governor
the rest of the world is figuring out that its just a virus
yes like the flu accept with a nasty china surprise for people with raspatory
problems ….
this state can move on when you stop screaming the sky is falling….
the powers are now admitting that the numbers are false and being faked to control you …..
covid turns people into rioters maybe you should be directing your efforts to that way
besides …..the liberals are trying to hand us over to national socialism …ya know what the natzis did in the 30s …..
that is probably more deadly that a modified bird flu to weed out the elderly by china
why do yo think the dem liberal pro china governor sent covid patients to nursing homes
do you remember the question on here about should those nursing homes be liable for their deaths …the consensus was NO
then the gov sent elderly patients with symptoms to nursing homes to infect the elderly collecting pensions and social security
and the state has blown all the money in social security and now sees the china way as a way out
so before you mask natzis us
take a look a your beloved leader smacking us with the covid stick for personal gain to boot