The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Portland, Oregon has seen 70 consecutive nights of violent protests. Rioters have smashed windows, lit fires, thrown objects at police officers, including fireworks, rocks and bricks, according to KGW8 News in Portland. Federal officers have also been attacked with lasers, fireworks, and bricks.
QUESTION: What, in your opinion, can the city do to stop the violence?
Talk about it….
Show some cojones and arrest the actual perpetrators of the vandalism, attacks and anarchy.
Peaceful protests are not what is continuing to happen. The government in Oregon is trying to Pander to a select few.
The obvious answer is to arrest anyone who deviates from marching down the street holding a sign and keep them locked up until the insurrection stops.
I moved from Concord to Grants Pass last September and have not seen any protests in town. I heard that ”Antifa” came down from Portland to tear down a huge American flag in town(about 50′ x 75′).There was about a dozen of them and they were met with a couple of hundred locals who chased them out of town pretty quick…………………….
LOVE Grants Pass! Beautiful area. Stay safe. 🙂
Borrow a couple of Fire trucks and some water tankers. Hose down the trash every time they come out in the street.There is no such thing as a peaceful riot. Or start shooting them in the a$$ with rock salt shotgun shells. ☺
Unfortunately, water cannons are illegal in the U.S.
I’d like to see crowds wetted down with fire trucks also, but it’s probably a bad idea because firefighters would become targets like the police. A police car is not a big loss but a trashed fire engine is a different story as well as firefighters becoming targets.
fill a couple of the older water tanker trucks up with liquid bovine excrement and let them have it..it works!
Bring in the National Guard or regular Army – arrest them and put them in jail – no bail until they have made restitution for the damages they caused. If they are minors, charge the parents with a violation of CPS and have them pay the cost.
Sounds like a plan
Hmmm… I thought these protests would turn peaceful once federal agents left. Ha!
Blame the city officials who didn’t nip this in the bud right away. Guess it’s time to call in the military tanks and humvees.
@America…”Just nip it, nip it in the bud!”-Deputy Bernard Fife
Let the the real protesters have the daytime to do their marching and protesting. Let it be known that any so called protesters after dark will all be considered vandals, fake protesters, and terrorists. Arrest them, jail them, and don’t let them out for at least a week (due process can take time).
1- Inform Oregon Government that there will be no federal aid for ANYTHING until the violence stops. This should make them slightly more cooperative.
2- A coordinated effort between local and federal officers to arrest as many violent protestors as possible every night until the violence is under control.
3- Hold violent protestors without bail and immediately file federal charges. Create an express lane for their cases to be heard in court and sentences carried out ASAP.
4- Recall the Mayor, The Governor, and any city officials who have encouraged the violence.
5- Re-fund law enforcement.
Exactly this. Bring the Feds back and arrest, arrest, arrest. No bail. Press charges. Execute justice.
Arresting them is ineffectual, even though it should be done. Even law abiding citizens are willing to face arrest for protesting something they believe in. They don’t care if they’re arrested, and a lot of these people probably have criminal records anyway. Another night in jail is no big deal.
Who said anything about one night in jail. How about a year or two. Maybe more if they are seen doing damage.
They don’t care about a year or two either. It adds to their street cred, and gives them an excuse not to work for a living. Or take care of their kids, etc. The only thing they fear is whether or not the other guy has a gun.
You have a very defeatist attitude. How about horse whipping? I would go for that.
I’m a realist. If you really think fear of jail will stop violent protestors, you’re ignorant. If they feared jail, they wouldn’t commit crimes. They couldn’t care less. The only people that fear jail are law abiding citizens.
Perhaps they haven’t experienced a cell mate motivated to convince them that jail is no fun.
The reason they are acting out is because they know theyre not gonna be jailed for any length of time . Any one seen committing vandalism or arson should be arrested and federally charged . Were not talking about peaceful protesters
Of course they’re frightened of prison, it’s naive to think otherwise. The issue is liberal and sympathetic, or otherwise highly frightened and intimidated lawyers, judges, DAs and politicians, who refuse to press charges against violent leftists rioters, criminals and terrorists.
Water cannons, sound cannons, ADS (Google it), and cell jammers.
If that doesnt do it, switch to live ammo.
This is a war, after all.
How to stop the violence? Maybe prosecute police when they murder unarmed people in the street?
Oh, nevermind, you aren’t asking about that kind of violence, are you?
I think you should ride around with the police for awhile and see the trash they have to deal with. Most of the people they kill is because of suicide by cop. Just out of curiosity do you give a hoot about the 200 people who will be shot in our inner cities this coming weekend. Children included.
Ride around in a police car!!! Me thinks she is quite happy and safe in the MacMansion with several people doing her bidding.
Closed library, We do and will prosecute Police whio murder people on the street. So now what? I say two wrongs don’t make it right. Tear gas, arrest and federal, no regular prison with the real huggy inmates, should do the trick . Oh and post their pictures and history. I deserve to know who is attacking my town and my federal buildings.
Hi! I wanted to correct some info for you. George Floyd died of a heart attack caused by severe arterial blockage and a huge amount of fentanyl in his system, 2 to 4 times the lethal dose depending on the source! He died during the arrest, yes, but the cops certainly did not murder him; the huge amount of drugs in his system did, combined with his highly agitated demeanor, which you can also see blow in the new 8 minute footage, I’ll link it for you! IMHO you need to watch this footage and read these links before anyone has any opinion on the conduct of those police officers in apprehending Floyd. While a “homicide” was ruled on the autopsy, that is not the legal definition of homicide, and implies zero guilt. Please note the toxicology.
Footage of arrest, unedited, showing his wildly agitated state and his obvious inebriation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPSwqp5fdIw
Even his friends (who are violent criminals with long arrest records, like Floyd himself) said “he’s not all there!’ to the cops.
I would say let them riot, burn, and destroy the city until there’s nothing left. But I have some friends that live in Portland and I don’t want to to see them suffer. The city should call in the National Guard and let them have at it without any restrictions. Most of the rioters are from out of state and are camping out in tents, the Guard can easily round them up while they are sleeping.
Another thing the city can do is monitor social media, this is how the rioters communicate, find out who is financing the rioting and sic the Feds on them. They can be charged with federal conspiracy crimes and sentenced to prison. Local and state crimes will only result in a slap on the wrist.
There is not an infinite amount of idiots willing to actively cause chaos. All they would have to do is keep them in jail for their crimes. At least on the second offense pending trial. The judge is an activist too and let’s them out over and over. The whole thing can be stopped in 1-2 days if they don’t get out immediately and are held accountable.
Liberals, even liberal judges, only care about hurting those they hate, they do not care about the rule of law. Fairness was never an objective for them, it’s something they actively despise.
Apparently nothing can be done to stop the violence until the leadership of Portland is replaced. Last night some rioters blocked the door to a police precinct and attempted to light it on fire with officers inside. The Mayor of Portland told everyone to stop this behavior because they were giving Trump ammunition to use in his re-election campaign. There you have it!
I really have NO idea how they will or want to deal with. How many more Cities are going to be hit and burn to the ground or totally taken over? Is San Francisco next? Are we going to be SAFE even here? In 6 months time, Life has changed so much, and don’t see it getting better for a long time.
First thing is recall the city council and the mayor. Get people in who will help the people who live there.
Some business owners are suing Seattle for not providing police protection.
Nothing about these activities are related to any Black support. These are anti-government anarchists, no less.
Obvious answer is to get the “federal “ officers out. Kidnapping and beating innocent protesters. Back off with that violence and things will calm down substantially.
Actually the feds left last week (Thursday I believe) and now the rioters just switched targets and are targeting the local law enforcement and precincts. The situation didn’t calm down.
JazzMan smoking those jazz cigarettes 🙄
The Feds are not there but they need to come BACK
Enforce the law.
Pretty clearly, mass arrests of people breaking the law and real jail time. No “catch and release”
water cannons filled with skunk scent
Where can they get cobra venom? Seriously, the optics of using water cannons didn’t look good in the 1960s and won’t look good now.
The police need to step up and step out. The cuck mayors in Seattle and Portland are ordering the coppers to stand down.
Why don’t they use water cannons on them? It works in other countries.
Water cannons are illegal in the U.S.
It is an extremely sad day when a city, a state, the residents, law enforcement and EVERYONE (‘cept Trump) allows this crap to continue.
I absolutely cannot believe that this can be allowed to go on for so long. Yeah, it’s antfa’s backyard, but it’s insane.
The bullies are being allowed to run the streets and cause havoc, and no one is stopping it. Signalling that it’s okay to do…
I say shoot them with lethal or non lethal until they go back home to their parents basements.
After weeks of trashing our president and the federal troops he sent to protect federal buildings, Wheeler is complaining about the violence. Here’s what he said in his news conference today: ““Don’t think for a moment that if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are, If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.”
Dude’s city is burnt toast and he still has Donald Trump living rent free in his brain. Truth is, the elections are just a short time away and the Democrat mayors and governors are panicked. And I mean big time panic. Personally, I say let them tear Portland down. Vote to bring in conservative freedom lovers who love and respect our nation. Not all republicans are conservative either.
Animal, I hear you on your move to Grants Pass. Oregonians love Californians that move there just to “blend,” and who don’t want to change Oregon into the suck that is California.
Short term recall both mayor, governor, declare 7 pm to 5 am curfew and if that doesn’t work martial law.
Start Federal Trials of those charged with Federal crimes.
(Portland Federal buildings)
A few 20 year sentences in Federal Prison should do it.
@happy pappy
Thank you
Arrest them, throw them in jail, of course. But Portland really has no interest in that, they enjoy rolling around in their own filth. It’s a political question, how much are the citizens willing to take before enough is enough?
For sure we live in an upside down world. The people with the biggest and loudest mouth win. You don’t have to be right you just need the loudest mouth.
@HappyPappy~I enjoyed reading your commentary…what a travesty
of justice for the above mentioned individuals, none of which I recognized by name! Well, the media chose not to cover their death, as it didn’t fit their narrative…
well when a liberal mayor bends over for political attention
then the liberal politicians do the same
what you get is Portland and seattle
far left liberal socialists allowing illegal activity is the norm now
if you live in a place where democrat politicians are allowing and encouraging riots and crime and not protecting American citizens
well its your fault if this is happening and you don’t like it
what did you think would happen when liberalites plundered your civil rights like a thief in the night
What a stunning comment. Has to be one of the most touching and important I’ve read here. Thank You for having the courage to post it.
@happy Pappy
Thank you so much!
It is time for us to speak up. To expect and demand our trusted servants to serve “We The People”.
Silent no more.
Two options.
1. Call in the guard and put a full lockdown into effect. Target out the violent antagonists, ANTIFA, and treat them as the terrorist scum they are.
2. Recall all law enforcement from the city and other crucial services like FD and let that liberal haven burn to the ground.
The police can block the streets off and arrest people as they leave.
The governor of Oregon is our own former governor, Jerry “Ahole” Brown’s sister. This proves that the Brown family has never held a real job.
As to the rioters, just go in and start arresting anybody that is in the area, especially those with the lasers. The laser’s point both ways. They can identify these idiots eventhough they are in black masks because these cucks wear hello kitty backpacks, distinctive shirts and pink hats
The police need to use their words— “you are under arrest soyboy”
When your very first sentence is such a blatant lie, then we know everything you say is bull.
All lies. This has been going on for months. You just can’t lie like that
…”3) To get Civil Rights Laws passed it required literally having police beat the hell out of people, let loose dogs and firehose on national television before Americans realized something had to change.”
However, the police beatings, murders, loose dogs and firehoses were courtesy of the Democrats in the south. You can learn about it here:
Rob…You must get your info from Jerry Nadler.
Incorrect. The violence started with CHUMP in Washington where blacks started shooting each other, and then migrated to Portland. Weak Government made the problem worse, not the Feds.
Today’s protestor/rioters act up because their own lives suck, and they blame everyone but themselves.
In agreement with Puff, Ricardoh, Sancho, Animal and It’s Me.
Great post Happy Pappy, the truth needs to be heard.
Law & Order 2020 is what I’ll be voting for.
You people who claim “science” is on your side, too bad ignore common sense, rule of law and statistics.
Curfew. Arrest the violent ones first. Detain them until their financer is found. Arrest their leaders. Arrest the mayor’s and governors that protect them. They are an organized crime gang at the very least.
What a troll. Well, I hope you are, because your comments are either complete lies or uneducated statements.
I always find it so strange that some people can be so easily led and get so caught up in things. These are probably the same lunatics that were screaming about climate change a few months ago – now they’re setting buildings on fire with Molotov cocktails. I don’t think their former inspirational leader, Greta, would approve. But the hell with Greta, now they’re – temporarily- on a SJW rant. (Until the next shiny cause is dangled in front of their faces). They’re like people who join a cult. Just useful idiots for the people taking advantage of them. They’re out there living in squalor, risking their lives, or possibly ending up in prison for Federal offenses. They don’t even realize they’re being used by clever manipulators pushing an agenda and lining their own pockets. However, in answer to the question, I’d say do nothing. The Dems wanted this – they got it – let them deal with it. Absolutely NO Federal funds to help rebuild!
There is speculation that these miscreant are funded by George Soros. It would almost be impossible to try and convict him. Think Al Capone!
Rob, you are speaking nonsense lol
Defund the police, and hire peace counselors to negotiate a truce. Then have a meeting to discuss the protesters demands. When demands of the protesters are agreed to, and the negotiators have left, use surplus Napalm to peacefully send the protesters to where they belong.
“It has been nearly a quarter century since New York City experienced as much gun violence in the month of June as it has seen this year.
The city logged 125 shootings in the first three weeks of the month, more than double the number recorded over the same period last year, police data show. Gunmen opened fire during house parties, barbecues and dice games, and carried out coldly calculated street executions.”
Source: New York Times
Mayor of New York = Democrat
Governor of New York = Democrat
Senators from New York = Democrat
Congresspersons from New York = 21 out of 27 are Democrats
New York ranks 4th in the nation with the stickiest gun laws.
Of course, it’s Trump’s Fault. And when you look in the mirror you see Marilyn Monroe/Cary Grant.
You forgot to include: Jane Fonda, George Clooney, Susan Sarandon, Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, …….
I thought Democrats were the supporters of the working man??
Lock up these Marxist Punks.
HappyPappy, Thank you for the info. The reason black on white crime is not reported is the black community has the victim card and they wont share.
The reason they are acting out is because they know theyre not gonna be jailed for any length of time . Any one seen committing vandalism or arson should be arrested and federally charged . Were not talking about peaceful protesters
Uh,….how ’bout enforcing the law?
If you watch the streams they are mostly violent Communist anarchists, openly and publicly, when asked. They are essentially fifth columnists for the Chinese at this point.
Vote Republican.
Did you guys see the new released footage of the George Floyd arrest? 8 minutes 32 seconds of truth they didn’t want you to see. He is wildly resisting and being completely unpredictable, the police are generally being very kind until things hit the fan, and he is complaining about not being able to breathe (due to 2x lethal dose of fentanyl in his system combined with hysteria and panic) while he is standing and no one is touching him.
None of this would be happening if people had access to the full video months ago. A liberal judge gag order kept people from the real truth, and cost dozens of lives and billions in dollars.
Liberals do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in fair play; they care about scalping those who they perceive to be enemies.
But what does that change, really? Everybody knew he must have been resisting arrest. We already knew about the fentanyl. It remains the case that Chauvin knelt on his neck for two minutes *after* they checked for a pulse and didn’t find it.
They both worked at the same night club. Chauvin moonlighted there doing security & Floyd worked the entrance checking ID’s.
They knew each other & did NOT like each other at all.
Race may not have even entered into this.
Chauvin may have been so brutal with him just because he just hated the guy…. does he have to be a racist to abuse someone he dislikes?
The overly sensitive social justice warriors jumped to the conclusion and blew this thing up as a strictly racial matter before they even had the facts.
If George Floyd had been a white man this would never have been more than a local issue.
What a crock! The man still did not deserve to be killed! The video shows a man certainly experiencing high anxiety, whether due to drugs or mental instability, he did not deserve to die! The situation could have been handled very differently than having to use extreme force which often only worsens a situation. Did you know that the officer that murdered Floyd once worked security with him in a Nightclub? There was prior dislike of Floyd by this officer!
Other than your subjective opinions, your comment included some actual facts. So please tell us where we find the racial element in Floyd’s death at the hands of the officer?
This could be a good copypasta.
Keep on keepin’ on!
Even if we win this round, this will likely be last Republican president ever thanks to demographic changes and dying off of elderly whites. Latinos simply vote Democrat, and they have been let in in immense numbers while reproducing at two or three times the rates of others. This is all according to the plan, of course.
So Rob is saying that these rioters are comparable to the secessionist slave-holding South, and to the racist cops enforcing and defending Jim Crow. You know what? That doesn’t sound too complimentary!
Nothing. Oregon is basically becoming our twin sister state (which is why I plan on moving to bend next year)
Are you nuts??!!
That’s wishful thinking democrat magic. Latinos in general are conservative. In addition to that, illegal immigrants can’t vote. This has been a hopeful talking point of democrats for a long time. But like most things they believe it’s imaginary. I know my legal Mexican friends are voting trump without a doubt. Side note indoctrinated 15 year olds can’t vote either so that’s about that. Without blacks, 15 year olds and illegals the ludicrous left has nobody’s support. Hence the COVID distractions
I feel sorry for your hatred. Peace be with you always…
This poster “Rob” is a immature individual. He accomplished to trigger intense responses from CLAYCORD posters as probably was his intent. I also think he BELIEVES what he is spouting!
Are you serious?? You really believe what you are posting?
Yes, I do Concord74! If you quit watching FOX News, you might learn something. 5 major corporations own 90% of the news we now get in America. Listener supported and independent news services still provide a better picture of the truth.
I believe this, but it doesn’t change the reality that a certain subgroup is violently rioting, attacking police with dangerous projectiles, explosives, lasers, and trying to burn down public property, night after night after night. If ten percent of people at MAGA rallies were commiting arson and attacking police again and again, you wouldn’t hear the media describe the rallies as mostly peaceful. And rightly so!
But anyway, the line isn’t even blurry here: a peaceful March during the day doesn’t look at all the same as a crowd gearing up for street war games and mayhem when night falls. These clashes are not peaceful protests that “escalated” – by this point the pattern is clear and well-established. Night falls, the rioters start trying to burn stuff and injure police. Period.
Portland, Oregon Mayor = Democrat
Oregon Governor = Democrat
Oregon Senators = Democrat
Oregon Congresspersons = Democrat
Of course it’s Trumps fault. And when Dumocrats look in the mirror they see Marilyn Monroe/Cary Grant. They are the epitome of Delusional,
“characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.”
Blaming the Dems is not going to solve the problems. Blaming Trump will not solve anything either. Guess what would work? Fixing the problems!
“Blaming the Dems is not going to solve the problems. Blaming Trump will not solve anything either. Guess what would work? Fixing the problems!”
Good point. If you have any principles whatsoever, apply that wisdom to the President’s efforts regarding coronavirus
During the Berkeley Riots in the ’70’s Police rounded up protestors/rioters and transported them to the Santa Rita Jail by the busload, where they were processed and released. Hippies considered it a participation trophy.
Grow a pair.
@guido Says the guy who posts with a racist name on Claycord.
a man, especially an Italian American, regarded as vain, aggressively masculine, and socially unsophisticated.
I’m offended. You may as well use the n word
“Kill them all and let God sort them out” comes to mind. I would place snipers on surrounding rooftops. When someone is about to throw a Molotov “cocktail” or large “incendiary” device, like a large Roman candle at a building or people, it would be shoot to kill. And their “assistants” would all be fair game as well. The only way to melt a SNOWFLAKE is to lite a fire under their assets.
Don’t bother. Rob has never shown the stones to reply to comments critical of his own.
Have federal agents bring in puppies and kittens, play mamas and the papa’s and the like. I like previously known as cat Stevens’ peacetrain. Put lavender in a mega monster diffuser, offer chamomile infused drinks….
If the Feds cut off all funding of any kind, things in Oregon would change rapidly.
The citizens (You know, the ones who want to work) would immediately turn on the rioters/protesters and local Government. Their sheer number would run the rioters/protesters out of town, and force the resignation of their weak government.
The majority want a nice, safe, well financed and governed state. The problem is the majority have not taken charge yet.
Guido is also an Italian first name, still used today by many.
In the 1930’s to 40’s, there were several socialist and communist organizations in the USA. Many city mayors ran on socialist platforms and won. Social Security and Medicare are considered Socialized Programs. FDR was trying to promote a second bill of rights protecting human needs.
Corporate Free Journalism:
Democracy Now
The Intercept
Truth Out
Truth Dig
KPFA FM radio
Of course you have friends in Portland..
What’s more important then corporate free journalism you ask?
-Ideology free journalism-
You act like just because an organization is not corporate owned that it can’t be bias. Then you give examples such as democracy now..get real, if that organization is not complete a leftist garbage rag I don’t know what is.
The word “Socialized” Is used to signify the abstract that those two programs are. We live in a mixed economy. Leaning capitalist with some socialized aspects. We are not a communist country with some capitalist aspects.
Look at that list. It’s no wonder Guido has no real facts, only propaganda.
…… mandatory curfew
Democracy Now! Fun stuff. I really liked one story they did a while back on illegal aliens. They focused particularly on this one young guy who literally splashed across the border in the middle of the night. He was attending Cal State something for free. Housing, free. He did not have the class to even sit in a chair during the interview. He was lying on his bed wolfing down some snack, I believe it was cheetos, talking with his mouth full. Puffing a bit cause he was fat. He was explaining with a smirk on his face that he was a victim. He believed it. And Democracy Now! was spinning the story to show how heroic he was to be there. A heroic victim. Living for free on our tax money and taking the place of a citizen’s kid who did not get in or did not have the money. My mind wandered. Heroic. I have a relative who went up Omaha Beach in WWII under Nazi fire. Yet Democracy Now! ignores such people, and to them the heroes and victims are those wolfing down cheetos and laughing.