The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The California Attorney General has filed misdemeanor gun charges against the husband of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey for an incident back in March in which he allegedly pointed a gun at protesters on his property.
QUESTION: Do you think the California Attorney General made the right decision to file charges?
Talk about it….
Definitely yes…
On his property. NO.
Yes. Brandishing a weapon.
its not against the law to bear arms on your OWN property…..
@concord Lloyd it is against the law to aim it at people on the street, even from your own property
It says they were on his property not that he was standing on his property and they were in the street; he should not be charged he has every right to protect himself and his property,
If the couple in Missouri who did a similar thing are being charged, then he absolutely should.
@Chicken Little
Two wrongs do not make a right. The couple in Missouri should NOT have been charged either.
I agree with Cyn. Chicken Little, two wrongs don’t make a right…just ask your parents.
Chicken Little if I hurt someone you should as well. SMH.
I think you all misunderstood me. I don’t think either of them should be charged, but it’s wrong to make a political statement by charging one, especially if you’re not going to charge the other one. And yes, I realize they’re different states, different DAs, etc. But the situations were similar, other than one obvious difference.
There are some important material differences between Missouri law and California law.
My opinion, anyone coming onto my property without my permission is trespassing. In time of protests, the danger to my household is imminent. Coming onto the porch is way, way too close. One should be told only once to get off not several times. Also he had gun in hand how stupid is the protester to make him say I will shoot? I think he would have had the right to start shooting after the second time.
Why was the protester not arrested for trespassing?
By filing charges the DA is playing politics. The wife had no reason to apologize.
No. I just looked at the ACLU “fact sheet” on protesting, and you DO NOT have the right to do it on private property or threaten people. The couple in Saint Luis should not have been charged. But this IS the People’s Republic of California and we ARE living under single-party rule, so justice is like something out of Animal Farm.
BTW- I read that over 17,000 prisoners here in California, including people convicted of Murder, are scheduled for Xi Coronavirus early release. Gotta make room for those horrible people trying to defend their wives and children.
Absolutely not!
You come onto my property and threaten me you would receive the same treatment. This man was protecting his family.
No charges the protesters were trespassing on private property and told to leave. Freedom of speech does allow for breaking the law or threatening harm to people who disagree with your opinion.
the liberal mind speaks
well they did it so yeah must be right
what narrow minded ….ohhh i see
well at least this country accepts everyone
unlike liberal elitist voters who are pro crime when it suits them
but when someone defends themselves per the constitution and bill of rights that this country stands for
its oh no no way kill them all …..
at least the liberal voters are as hypocritical as the politicians they support even when they release thousands of criminals onto the streets to prey on children and elderly
must be nice to use the constitution and bill of rights for riots but people defending themselves from it you liberals want to hang
you are obviously proud of that fact
1. Was law enforcement present to observe and bring charges?
2. Is it just for a DA to use media accounts for building a case?
3. Lower the rhetoric and think about the implications.
Should get everyone to protest California DA’s front porch and see how long until armed response
Not at all. They were on his property, and he felt threatened. What is he supposed to do? How does he know they weren’t going to throw a molotov cocktail at his house?
It is real simple “NO” !!!
He was protecting his family. They had received death treats. What is he supposed to do??? say oh come on in sit down have a drink??? calm down lets talk…. we can work this out…..
Going back to my meter reading days, (where I was on peoples properties for a reason), I’ve seen many weapons brandished. One employee got freaked out and called Police, the answer the employee received was that if property owner was not pointing the weapon at them = there was nothing that could be done.
I guess you can only bring out the gun after they stab you. And then only maybe.
The DA needs to go.
Put me on the Jury and you get a big NOT GUILTY.
If it’s documented that these people have been receiving death threats then he should NOT be charged. He looked genuinely fearful; 5am is not a reasonable time to have unsolicited visitors. It’s reasonable that a stranger on your property at that hour may be up to no good.
This year has taught us that protesters are frequently violent, and do not respect the space of others. Further, they are comfortable stepping in front of moving cars, approaching people who are armed, and in general daring people to defend themselves.
His mistake was not keeping the weapon pointed safely away while instructing the loser to get off his property.
The law is the law. Of course charges should be filed. Whether or not we agree with the protestors, or that he is the DA’s husband are totally irrelevant. Either of those coming into consideration would be a miscarriage of justice. Did he break the law? Yes. File charges.
2 words: Jury trial
Let’s have a hundred people go to Becton’s home, trespass and intimidate her, and see what happens. This is one more example of California being ruled according to the “Animal Farm” constitution. Time to find a safe state!
Brandishing (417 PC) is very much a misdemeanor offense and should be charged. Any regular citizen would be charged with a similar offense, but since he’s connected to a DA they want to treat this situation hands-off. A gun should be your LAST line of defense. Unlocking your front door and meeting with these protestors to point your gun at them is not what you should be doing. Any responsible gun owner knows that you don’t take your gun out unless you intend to use it.
Did he fear for his life?
oh slim
the fact that so called protesters are protected for harassing people illegally
and then get harassed by the DA for protecting yourself
if you want him to take gun safety classes then do that
but railroading a american citizen after he was harassed
then yes flash mob the DA house
order 10 pizzas
what ever harass the DA at 5 in the morning
and see how she likes it and see if she turns the other cheek and applauds you harassing her or if she gets pissed and uses her power as DA to defend herself
this we can do what ever we want but you can not is not going to go well
you keep slapping people ….your going to slap the wrong person and we all know how that ends
We will be seeing more of this as they defund the police. What are people suppose to do when they call the police and the police don’t come?
Likely, some of the trespassing protesters attempting to intimidate their victims will end up unaccounted for. Defunding the police will force people to protect their families and go the path of least resistance in the aftermath.
Yes 417PC is brandishing a weapon … but at 0500 after receiving threats, those “activists” are lucky he did not shoot them!
No, he should not be charged. He was protecting his home and family while he was fearful of his life.
Newsom’s new $3.7M mansion gifted to the governor under questionable circumstances
Rioters or peaceful protestors? There’s a huge difference. I think that if we are going to allow rioters to burn down buildings, assault officers, loot businesses and show up at someones residence with a group of non mask wearing, non social distancing rioters that of course that person has the right to defend themselves. How come our compassionate liberals only have compassion for criminals?
Isn’t it ironic that politicians want to defund
the police and are for more gun control.
The very same politicians who have gun
carrying police escort them wherever they go.
Our governor has armed CHP officers to drive
him around and protect him. I wonder when
those same politicians will want to cut back
on their armed escorts. I won’t hold my breath.
100% total hypocrisy.
No charges. I’m sure his gun is legal. He was in his home. He told the person to leave and she continued to talk, disregarding him.
Like the couple in St Louis they should be given ribbons. If you can’t defend your home we are all lost. You don’t have to be afraid you just have to be suspicious. If someone is going to harm you they are not going to warn you. I believe in the Boy Scout Motto , ” Be Prepared ” best advice you can have for anything.
Or as the saying goes-
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
The only thing I have to add is this: BE CAREFUL OF YOUR GUNS! Try not to be too angry or careless when waving your guns around. Not sure of what has been gained by waving a gun around.
I guess you never heard what Al Capone
once said. It goes something like this-
“You can get more from a kind word and
a gun, than you can from a kind word”.
There’s a reason Mr. Colt called his gun
“The great equalizer”.
Absolutely not.
A man had the right to defend his own.
Race Bait
Is this even in this area? NO
Stop profiting of divison dispicable Mayor.
defund the police, if you protect your home we will send the police,???
not sure where this is going.
No. You come onto my property uninvited and I am in fear of my life you take your chance as I have the right to defend myself against anything or anyone.
If they were after my curry that would be a hugemongous, giganticess
If you don’t want guns pointed at you “Stay off of my lawn” truer words have never been spoken.
No. His life and family were threatened. He has the right to defend his life and home. Protesters across the nation are invading our communities. Rioting that includes blocking the right of way, bodily harm, looting and murder. This man is guaranteed the right to protect his life and property by our constitution. Do not turn a blind eye to terrorists.
Absolutely Not!
While I’m sure everyone wants him to get charged because of who’s he’s tied to, these early cases will set the precedent for how these cases are treated in the future. There should be no charges for protecting your life and property.
There are mobs running free, destroying, assaulting and at times killing people. It’s not like the guy pulled a gun on a Girl Scout selling cookies.
These protesters are getting away with too much, and if the elected officials with $__t for brains won’t do anything about it, then it’s about time business owners and residents take a stand. Charges shouldn’t be filed against the Hubby, especially if nobody was hurt. If you are going to protest, do so on public property, and don’t do it on private property if it pi$$es off the owner. Also, it’s no longer a protest if the group involved damages any property, it becomes a criminal act.