A group of state and local officials on Thursday joined two family members of a man fatally shot by Vallejo police in June to announce a bill that would allow the “families of police brutality victims” to seek compensation from the state even if someone is not arrested or charged with a crime.
Assemblymembers Tim Grayson, D-Concord, David Chiu, D-San Francisco, and Buffy Wicks, D-Oakland, helped introduce Assembly Bill 767, which is also co-sponsored by Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, and Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco.
The bill would revise the state’s definition of a crime, for compensation purposes, to include any public offense that is supported by evidence, regardless of whether someone is charged for the crime. The expanded definition of a crime would apply to the conduct of law enforcement officers.
The bill would also prohibit the California Victim Compensation Board, which reviews compensation requests, from denying a request if a victim of police brutality was involved in committing a crime, if the victim
failed to “cooperate reasonably” with law enforcement or on the sole basis of a police report.
“AB 767 is California’s opportunity to demonstrate that we value the lives and experiences of all victims, and particularly Black and brown victims of police violence,” Grayson said.
Grayson said he was approached by the victim advocacy group Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice to spearhead the bill following the June 2 fatal shooting of Sean Monterrosa in Vallejo.
Vallejo Police Officer Jarrett Tonn fired five shots at Monterrosa, 22, through the windshield of his vehicle, killing him in a Walgreens parking lot early that morning.
Officers were responding to a report of vandalism at the drug store when they saw Monterrosa running away from the store. The Vallejo Police Department has claimed that Tonn fired at Monterrosa because he mistook a hammer in Monterrosa’s sweatshirt pocket for the butt of a gun.
“This is a nation that is grappling with its oppressive past and lingering effects, the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and far too many more have shown that we must do more to live up to our nation’s promise of liberty and justice for all,” Grayson said.
The state Senate’s Public Safety Committee is expected to consider the bill Friday. The bill’s authors expect it to reach Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk by the end of the month.
Newsom would then have 30 days to sign the bill. Given that it was introduced as an urgency statute, AB 767 would go into effect immediately upon Newsom’s signature rather than Jan. 1 of the following year like other bills.
“Let’s get this done, let’s get it across the finish line and get excited for this critical change for California,” Bonta said.
How about a bill that will allow the families of police officers that are victims of a criminal’s brutality to seek compensation? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Support your local police.
This is absolutely insane and we attempt more and more to cripple and disable our police departments every day. If you want to hire the best and the brightest for our law enforcement, these insane ideas have to be stopped. But I doubt they ever will be in California. If this does pass, all of these judgments will come out of the tax base. The taxpayers go lined up paying for all of these judgments.
Agree with you Dawg 👍
Stop breaking the law!
and officers wrongly accused of brutality to be compensated by their accusers?
Amen brother – Blue Lives Matter !!!
Agreed! Where has all the common sense gone????
Anyone know how citizens can stop this?
spot on Dawgie! xo
Spot on! Dawg
Most departments are running short on officers and can’t attract qualified candidates. Many agencies are being forced to lower their standards to fill the cars. No surprise here! I can’t imagine why anyone would want to be a police officer in this day and age! Qualified people with college degrees are too smart to enter law enforcement the way it is now! Great job California electorate. As I’ve said for years, you’ll pay the price down the road. Well, guess what……..Here you go!
This is ridiculous! Can’t the family file a civil suit?
“AB 767 is California’s opportunity to demonstrate that we value the lives and experiences of all victims, and particularly Black and brown victims of police violence,” Grayson said.
“particularly Black and brown victims”
Isn’t that racist? Black is capitalized and brown is not?
White victims are on their own……..this is so racist……
So glad our legislatures are hard at work making sure that criminals can sue after they’ve been injured while resisting arrest. Seems only fair that the cops and citizens be able to sue the state of California if we’re injured by a criminal. Especially if that criminal was released early from prison or just out on bail awaiting trial. Seems fair.
“The bill would also prohibit the California Victim Compensation Board, which reviews compensation requests, from denying a request if a victim of police brutality was involved in committing a crime, …”
When grayson was elected, thought he might be different.
I was wrong.
He didn’t earn the nickname “Greasy Grayson” for his choice in hair products. Got to love the 180 play here. This guy was CPA/CPD’s mouthpiece/bankroller, and once off the local till, pivots and drops this legislation. His parting gift of McGallian to the city council was the grand finale to his masterful performance before heading to Sac.
BFF Out!
wow these politicians sure are brazen with how they treat police
is sure hope they never need them
protect the criminals and destroy police
beware the ides of november
The morally bankrupt democrat politician bootlickers are scared. They are afraid that they will lose their cushy high paying zero accountability jobs if they don’t suck up to the current ultra-liberal Anti-America movement.
Once again one of these “gut and amend” bills to get around the long process of going through all the committees as we approach the end of the Legislative session. Not sure why this is of urgency except in the minds of the sponsors when we compare this to other things going on.
What is he talking about they already sue for millions? If he means putting a cap on compensation when a cop shoots a gangster I am all for it.
Why bother to have LEOs and laws that would hold these miscreants face to the fire when they commit the crime(s)! A hammer can be just as deadly as a firearm!!
Playing up to emotions and liberal hand-outs! The very people engendering and sponsoring this bill are worthless!
NEWSOM: veto this bill if you have the intestinal fortitude!
just another example of how the legislators in this state are out of touch with reality. the problem is not the police, the problem is the media and left making people think that there is a problem with the police. and now these jokers want to get in on that action. they want to placate the mob, why? why else. to keep their jobs come election time. foul and repugnant behavior, then again the left and progressives believe in nothing but their own egos.
It’s the police’s fault, because they are the enforcers of bad policy. The police are tasked with too much, and need to be supported by army’s of social, medical, and educational resources that aren’t all focused on being profit engines. The state doesn’t want to pony up to pay for the fix, so they slap the wrist of the police to keep the mobs happy.
BFF Out!
The continuous coddling of criminals and illegals plus the neutering and de funding of police departments add up to a very dim looking future for California. There is a big storm on the horizon, get out while you can.
If an officer crosses the line of inappropriate behavior I am all for it.
I worked in EMS for 30 years. I can tell you most of these idiots that the police pick up, definitely had it coming. Sometimes you have to use a strong hand to keep things under control.
so do the cops that were blinded for life by the lasers in Portland get to sue Antifa and get money?
Did that really happen?
We need to stand the ef up! Enough of this insanity.
I am looking forward to the bill for taxpayers who are the victims of really bad parenting. I shudder to think how our state will look in 10 years…
“AB 767 is California’s opportunity to demonstrate that we value the lives and experiences of all victims, and particularly Black and brown victims of police violence,” Grayson said.
Uuummm did he just say that
Particularly black and brown
Woah watch out Grayson the Chinese will take offense at that
And the proud America white people with all the guns as well lol
What a joke so now democrats can be complete racist
So they what next the politicians can slap who ever they want as well
Steal your paper and key your car
Oh this better not pass. Every single guilty person’s family shot by a cop will be jumping on board. This is just pitiful. We’ll see more dead cops for sure.
I wonder why they don’t sponsor a bill to improve EDD or the DMV? We get politicians who seem to ignore their constituents and still the voters do not wake up. The voters deserve to get what they want good and hard.
But those are real issues. The current bunch of idiots in Sacramento do worry about those issues. It’s all about bending to the party base!
Seems like a weasely type of reparations.
Tim Grayson is a cop hatter. He is just pandering to the moment. Vote him out!
I wonder how the Concord PD, where Tim Grayson served as chaplain for many years, feels about this?
My thoughts exactly.
Somewhat akin to how his Republican friends and colleagues did when he became a Democrat to open up his political horizons, I’d guess.
Is just like all of the other politicians.
The lowest form of life in this planet.
What we really need is a bill that protects us from brutal politics.
Always the same bunch of uber-liberal democrats sponsoring bills to spend more of taxpayer hard earned money.
I think this is comical since Grayson has always been pro police. Do me a solid Tim and don’t come by the pd with your cute little gift cards ok? Sorry I voted for you.
He’ll never get my Vote again…
Well its reassuring to see that most posts on Claycord are pro law and order and anti Marxist – i hope our country survives this madness
We need law and order – hope our country can start backing our police – and I thought Grayson was pro law and order ?!?!?
Looks like Mr. Grayson is in the pocket of that infamous group known as “trial lawyers”. Bet he took a lot of campaign funds from that group.
Father Grayson doesn’t care where the money comes from or how dirty it is, to him the quantity is what’s important.
You Americans have been sleeping way to long if you didn’t see this coming. They have been working you like this for years. Maybe it’s time to change the way you think about your voting
Ain’t that the truth. And rubbing his greedy little hand together!
So sick of all of this. Support your local Police.
Who really is to blame for the stooges that win office? The stooges themselves?
Add my name to those sorry to have voted for Tim Grayson. What a disgrace of a human being.
Such a coward. For equal rights vote Libertarian or, sometimes, Republican. Join the Libertarian Party my black and brown friends, all we fight for is equal rights. It’s okay if you want time to decide, perhaps a decade or two, but give us a chance. The lifestyle is proud, healthy, compelling, and futuristic.
There will be no need to defund the police because there won’t be any. Who in their right mind will want to get into law enforcement when they stand to lose everything because of some scumbag that liberals want to make out as victims. Never mind these individuals are breaking the law. That doesn’t seem to matter any more, especially if they are black or brown. Ending racism doesn’t happen by giving lawbreakers a free pass and making law enforcement the bad guys for doing their job. This is beyond ridiculous. Yes @FPN – “So sick of all of this. Support your local Police”!!!
I AM BLACK AS NIGHT. Do I get to seek compensation when I trip over a careless scooter left in the pathway at Ygnacio Valley shopping center? Oh hell yes I’m black. Or when a car drives through town and ruins my dinner with loud thumping music in WC? Oh hell yes I’m black. Do I get to cry hate when the juvenile workers at Sweet Affair spit in my sandwich? Oh hell yess I’m black. Or when white women look me up and down head to toe? Oh hell yes I’m black. Life isn’t fair for anyone and I’m, not sure when my people decided to gather all ye pity party. I’M BLACK & I SUPPORT THE POLICE even though they support Cindy Silva who supports the homeless ruining Walnut Creek.
This is infuriating!
Support law & enforcement and do not de fund the police.
How can these fools keep getting elected if we are not voting them in. I fervently hope this election shows we have woken up and get the free loading crowd out of office. Wake up and take back our county state and country.
Grayson you are a total disappointment and you have drank the koolaid. Stop pandering to the current movements.
Blue Lives Matter!
Great job voters keep voting the same way that way things never change.
Since the party has been hijacked by radicals, maybe it’s time to vote out democrats.
Grayson WAS a huge police supporter for years. Looking like he is drinking Gavin’s koolaid.
Cops can already be sued by people, Timmy. You are dead to practically every voter I know. Good luck in life, you scumbag.
So how about this: if you resist arrest, and are found guilty of that, all of your other charges are doubled or tripled?
Anything to help the trial lawyers, just like legalization of lane splitting on Highway so Motorcycle riders can sue.
No. The majority of our police do their best to uphold the law. With all the filming going on, I have seen people resisting arrest. This must stop. Good men are being prevented from doing their jobs. Protect our police officers. So they can protect us. Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland. Do you want antifa threatening YOUR neighborhood? Stop this nonsense now! Marxists are working the Plan.
How about a class in elementary school introducing kids to police. They need to be instructed about good manners.
Justifiable, The Police coming to our schools is a great ideal. Our children need to be taught respect for our Police. When I was in school we took a field trip to the old Concord Police Station. We loved it.
FPN: Both I and the husband had visits from the local police in grade school. Good PR and well received instruction. In High school we also heard a junky speak about his experience, along with a police officer.
To this day I follow the guide lines. If pulled over, roll down window and place both hands on the steering wheel. You will be asked for your license and possibly registration to car. If you are respectful and eager to comply with these simple requests, it will go well enough.
The problems begin with arguing, refusal to provide license and reaching for something hidden.
Another problem is family members telling children to disobey. Family indoctrination will dictate what happens.
Vote him out!
If they can’t abolish the police outright, they’ll just make sure nobody wants to be a cop. As soon as all the current ones quit or change careers, their mission is accomplished.
Use the power of your vote.
Use the power of the law for recall.
Use the power of your voice.
Stop complaining and take action.
The people have the power, take the action.
Grayson is another racist POS.
You got what you voted for – another sleazy politician.
Tim Grayson should be taken to jail.
The fastest way to police reform is to require officers to hold a professional insurance like malpractice insurance. We require Doctors and Dentists to have this and they are liable for the work they do. If a police officer has a history of violence and being a “bad apple” it isn’t the tax payers that suffers but him. He/she will become uninsurable and will be forced out of the profession. A police officer has been entrusted to be a pillar of the law not to be above it.
Also, anyone that condones excessive force on an alleged criminal should really think long and hard about what kind of country they want to live in. It’s like you people think that unless a person is a model citizen they don’t have any rights and should be beaten or killed. Yet, I guarantee if one of your kids/grandkids was brutally beaten you would be crying all over the news. That’s the problem with Americans these days, empathy is seen as a weak trait. Violence, cruelty, punishment, and greed are seen as virtues to be sought for in our leaders.
Police are there to enforce the law not to deal out punishment. If you want this kind of society then I recommend you move to China, Russia, or North Korea. We have due process in this country and the longer we defend those that abuse our system (I’m not saying all officers are bad or corrupt, but the good ones need to stop protecting the bad ones) the more we will see our country fall to fascism. . If an officer can’t handle the pressure of the job then they need to look for something else to do.
Here’s another idea, how about we hold the criminals families accountable for their crimes. Why are these politicians falling for the latest scam of enabling and protecting criminals!? Back the blue, crime isn’t about ethnicity it’s about individuals. Individuals that decide to commit crimes and now to reward their families because they decided to break the law and ended up getting killed in the process with our tax dollars!? How is that just, how can this even be an option…
Annnd, with 99% of these comments sounding just like mine… how do these people get elected??? Crazy, I’m the law abiding, average citizen yet I have no one fighting to me… sad indeed
Because you are on a right leaning website and in an echo chamber. If you judged the area by this site you would think we lived in some red state. The commenters on this blog does not reflect the population or reality.
Look at the election map, this is a mostly red state. It has been a red state many times before and it is now pending official election. The blue team is losing control. This is what it looks like when the DNC knows it’s getting crushed. Bunch of babies throwing a fit. Claycord is not a right leaning echo chamber. It’s the exact opposite if you want to get technical. You literally can’t re-post others posts which is what “echo chamber” essentially means. You have no idea what you’re saying kid. The pendulum swung back hard this time. Try and keep up
925-521-1511 Tim Grayson office let him know that this is bs.
Grayson should be compensated by being boot out of office on election. But we know that won’t happen. All these woke pols represent safe Blue districts.
Every cop will be bankrupted by legal fees defending against false claims by race entrepreneurs.
If I recall correctly, last election Grayson ran unopposed
I just keep thinking WTHECK.
This is getting crazier and crazier. I don’t understand how someone can think this is good.
Someone please get him out of there.
Sounds like everyone is on the same page…how about we get a note to Grayson about our feelings.. does anyone have any suggestions as to how this bill can be prevented..votes on this type of thing is are most always supported. How can we stand together since this will probably be most likely passed. And it is a ways off to the election that would hopefully reelect someone else. (if anyone else runs) Any suggestions?????
Jeff, Thank you.
The other day in San Leandro police chased a guy in a stolen car and stopped him. The guy gets out of the car with a machine gun and the cops kill him. Yesterday a crowd going around town protesting the killing of a guy that gets out of a car with a machine gun. Many people in this country have lost their minds. If the guys family is not compensated I will eat your hat.
i just called 5211511 and gave them my opinion. Please everyone call and keep them busy
I just called 521 1511 and gave my comments..please everyone call
Voice your opposition to this bill; don’t just talk about it! You can send a message directly to Grayson here:
Be very careful when Grayson asks you to go on a guy’s retreat when you’re not a guy. Just saying.
This guy first called himself a pastor when it was convenient, then decided he was really a businessman, then decided he was a politician.
Grayson first ran as a conservative Republican when that was convenient to get support from the church folks, then turned into a liberal Democrat when he sniffed money there.
When it got him support (votes) he ran pro-police with POA endorsements all over his signs and mailers. Now when the feels the winds change he’s anti-police.
He’s a spineless sleaze with no convictions, no values, and will obviously do whatever it takes to get votes and money. Fits right in in Sacramento or DC.
Freed from jail amid coronavirus, VA rape suspect kills accuser. We are governed by idiots.
Although I did not vote for him, or anyone for that office, I felt he may have potentially been ok. Now his true colors are showing, politician through and through. Rather than have the fortitude to stand up to the false narrative and educate his constituents and fellow elected officials, he caves in and becomes just as destructive as the liars and crooks before him and beside him. He is a man of faith and has worked closely with the police. He could have used this as an excellent opportunity to educate the public of what the police really deal with on a daily basis or simply use the real stats regarding police and race relations. Mr. Grayson has sold out the very people that supported him and has chose to use tax payer money in another useless way that will inevitably fail.
wow…..here we have a chaplain using law and order to help him get elected….then bam he turns into a wolf in sheep’s clothing and turns on law and order…..Sort of inappropriate for a man of the cloth….
Thank you all for your posts. It’s nice to see Camaraderie during this Upheaval Attack on America and our state. It reassures me that there are still descent folks with the right intentions, sincere concerns and patriotism. I have spoken to many strangers, who feel the same way.
Another phony attack on the Police and the rule of law. How long will it take for the voters to wake up and realize that all this nonsense is pandering. There is more violence against law abiding citizens than any perpetrated by Police. Suggestion, publish every politicians office, home and cell number. Then lets have the Police call for a full statewide strike. If you need assistance don’t call 911, call your idiot legislator. A couple of days if that will wake people up to realize that the problem is not the Police but the politician.
People please wake up this November and vote with common sense, not political deception.
Shame on you Grayson. You served as the CPD “Chaplain” but at the first opportunity to further your cause (you) you throw all the hardworking officers under the bus. You are no different than any other politician.
People of the area still allow you to Minister to their children and families? What are they thinking? Don’t they realize that’s how the easily fooled believers lose their way in the world.