
The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: If the county took away the COVID-19 face covering order today, would you still wear one in public, or would you have no problem walking into a store without one?
Talk about it….
I will be wearing a face mask for a long time. I don’t see the big deal people have with it.
I will be wearing a face mask forever or until by some miracle this curse is outa here!
Me too.
Me too! Does not bother that much. Just don’t wear lipstick,…Geez, what a mess,…LOL!
I’ll second the ditto. I’ve gotten used to wearing one. Figured out what is most comfortable and placement with my glasses to prohibit most eyeglass fogging. And yep, I still wear my must have lipstick or lipgloss when my mask is on!
I believe in science.
Roz…I had to quit wearing lipstick too 🙂 Couldn’t resist.
I would – even though I think people in general have a false sense of security about face masks being the answer to stopping the spread. But until and unless someone proves they do NOT do any good I’ll continue to use them. Every little thing helps. What we really need to do is STAY HOME!
Nope I would not.
Whether they do or not doesn’t bother me much anymore. I plan on leaving this trash hole of a state in the coming years anyway. Enjoy your pile of garbage Bay Area morons.
Don’t @ me
@L0L… Don’t tell me what to do
@LOL – you do know they have this problem in other states too, don’t you? Or do you even think beyond your little bubble?
LOL – do you wear clothes in public. To some of us that’s inconvienient and dictatorial Kool-Aide from the government & a violation of our rights. But guess what we do it anyway
I would have no problem walking into a store without one. In order to put it on and take it off, my hands have to come in close contact with my face, and that is what I have a problem with.
Besides, I think wearing one is a bit overkill, I simply don’t believe the so called experts, especially the grandstanding, make it up as he goes along, Dr Fauci. Who, by the way, thinks we should all be wearing goggles. The man is out of touch with the real world.
Dawg – do you wear clothes in public. To some of us that’s over kill but guess what we do it anyway
If I see another person wearing a mask,
I am going to SCREAM!🤪🤬
Hopefully the screaming is muffled by the mask… 🙂
Yes, and it feels completely normal now, the way it must for doctors and nurses working 12-hour shifts to save lives.
Why not, is common practice in Japan.
Japan total cases per 1 million is 306, deaths per 1 million is 8.
USA total cases per 1 million is 14,787, deaths per 1 million is 482.
Added plus baseball cap pulled down, long hair over ears plus a mask, might just negate facial recognition.
For those of us with a rebellious streak.
Old men sniffing young girls’ panties is common practice in Japan, too. Just saying…
For the past five years pre-pandemic, I have traveled toJapan and Asia about 1 out of every eight weeks for work. And yes, mask wearing is commonplace there and I think many Japanese will say it is effective in reducing risk.
Japan is very densly populated and there is something that they are doing right to avoid a repid spread of COVID.
Or maybe Japan is just counting Covid 19 cases honestly (USA isn’t).
The Japanese also believe in harakiri, that’s one way to stop the spread.
yeah and my mosquito netting is the
Yes, I would have no problem not wearing one. I can’t stand wearing one as it is and have my doubts that they are really doing anything other than psychological. I am not liking the social engineering aspect of this.
@Captain Bebops—-on the same boat as you…will burn those masks the second they are no longer mandated!
I would no longer wear a mask.
It has helped with my hay fever and sinus infections! I’m going to wear them out even after the pandemic is over.
What we need is support from a informed federal government that not in denial. And stay home till a vaccine is found. Congress need to get off their butts and pass some financial help for the people, hospitals, and local cities or thing are going to get even rougher.
I’ll be fine financially till Novemeber despite the PUA bonus expiring. Then my property taxes are going to be due and I’ll have to start working again, and hope I dont catch covid and die from all the people refusing to wear a masks in the store.
Have you given a second thought as to who pays for “the financial help for people”?
No. Face coverings are an unproven way to give the public a sense of control. They’re also a way for politicians/ bureaucrats to keep fear and panic at the forefront. I take mine off as soon as I leave a store.
They really don’t work well if you do not change it everyday. Most people wear the same one for weeks as they continue to touch door handles. I am guilty, I change it when it starts to smell like Chinese food. 🙂
Safeway has slacked off on providing sanitation wipes for the carts, so we are left to fend for ourselves.
Aunt Barbara: Where are you finding GOOD Chinese food? The Chinese Kitchen has been closed for months.
No but by all means if your fearful then wear it.
it would be gone in a heartbeat! i already only wear one when required to go in a business.
I would not wear a mask. Communicable diseases have been on this earth since the beginning of mankind, for a reason. Eat healthy foods and stay fit, stay trim, and feed your immune system with the medicine that food is, and hang-on as long as possible. When your time comes, your time has come.
I never wore one until I had to for groceries. Now, it is the only time I wear one.
Planing on it for what protection it gives, little as that might be. Maybe especially once the flu season starts again.
Was just on the phone with my brother in Sonoma county an hour ago and he was telling me about his adventures without a mask so I called him an idiot. He and his wife and another brotherinlaw think it is a conservative thing not wearing a mask. I said I was conservative when you were in diapers so wear the blooming mask you fool.
I still believe (and will always believe) a CLOTH mask does more harm than good. 1. False sense of security (how many people STILL believe that the mask is intended to protect themselves??) 2. Constantly touching mask/face to adjust 3. Come on now, it’s freakin’ made of cloth. What’s next? Cloth condoms?
You might be one of the stupidest people to have commented on a thread in the history of Claycord.
I think very few people believe that the mask is to protect themself from the virus, they do it to protect other. I know multiple people that have tested positive and all were asymptomatic, they were only detected on random screenings for work.
“I think very few people believe that the mask is to protect themself [sic] from the virus, they do it to protect other.”
That is disproved by the astounding number of people wearing a mask while driving alone in a vehicle.
If anti-maskers are called “science deniers” then I would call pro-maskers “science maker uppers.” There really is no science that supports the general population wearing a cloth mask in public settings is going to stop a virus from spreading.
Rollo, we wear masks in our cars because we are going on a round of shopping stops and do not want to have to do the time-consuming re-mask bit between every place.
After my last stop of the day, I remove my mask and gloves and discard them in the sidewalk covered waste cans provided by most stores.
Once home, I use sanitizer on my car’s steering wheel, the door handles, and my own hands before going back inside my home…. then wash hands.
Joe Biden says we should listen to the docks
the the !!!!!!!!
I would not have any issues walking into most establishments without a mask, even today. I currently do not wear or carry one when I am out walking because anyone who is not comfortable can walk around me. I put it on when I am required to do so, not because I believe I need to.
I would gladly be rid of that thing. Fogs up glasses, traps moisture, induces anxiety and breathing problems and let’s not even talk about claustrophobia and panic attacks… Not wearing one now unless absolutely unavoidable for Dr. visits or an extremely rare trip to the store.
I will wear one for the rest of my life because they prevent all diseases.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. It’s never been about politics or law. It’s about the science. That opinion hasn’t changed. The virus is still out there, and I don’t want to catch it.
The mask isn’t for your protection.
Can’t wait for the mask burning party !!!!!!!
I wear a mask now because it’s required, and to humor those who think they’re any safer because of it. If it weren’t required, it would be GONE.
“FORGOT TO ADD”: At least I’ve been strongly disciplined and am no longer cryptic.
Definitely will wear one. The COVID is not going away soon, and exposing myself and my family to those who think otherwise will only cause It to rebound .
I already don’t have a problem wearing one now. Masks don’t stop viruses. It says so on the package. End of discussion.
I already don’t wear a mask in public…only in a store because I am forced to do so.
BTW- Drift studies from pesticide applications prove that the most dangerous drift comes from aerosol sixed particles, the kind that fog up your glasses. They can stay suspended in the air for a long time and drift long distances. So any mask which leaks parallel to the ground or up toward the sky does more harm than good. Your nostrils point down toward the ground for a reason…is reduces the spread of disease. But hey, go ahead and ignore the science. Gavin Newsom is.
One final thought…why are pro sports even allowed right now. They aren’t essential, not protected by the Constitution, the players don’t socially distance or wear masks. If Churches can’t meet in person, then we should have virtual sports, otherwise known as video games.
I’d wear one every third Wednesday between 9-11 AM.
I only wear a mask in stores and restaurants to be compliant. I can’t wait for the day they are OPTIONAL. And on a different note; it’s ridiculous to see SO MANY people wearing them OUTSIDE!!! COVID does not jump from one person to the next, as we walk down the street or drive our cars. Stay away from people who drive while MASKED; their judgement is questionable.
The reason why someone might be wearing a mask in their car is because they might have someone in their car who they don’t live with.
My hubby forgets he’s wearing his sometimes. I’m jealous he can be that blase 😉 Mine comes off the second I’m near the car or starting to eat.
Geez! Haven’t you learned ANYTHING? Wearing a mask doesn’t stop me from getting the virus it helps to stop my germs from traveling far from my face. Something you obviously don’t care about you jerk!
I wear a mask in stores because the business owner has the right to require it, and it’s my prerogative to support the business or not. I wear a mask in government buildings because that’s where I make my living. I will never wear a mask outside, and I will NEVER wear a mask because greasy Gavin wants me to. When the requirement is lifted, any store that continues to require it will lose my business forever.
People who don’t wear a mask is telling everyone “I don’t care about you” and likewise I don’t care about them.
How about we scrap Drunk Driving Laws?
It’s their car, their body, if you’re afraid of drunk drivers just stay inside.
See how stupid that that type fo argument sounds.
What are you gonna do about it. Nothing.
Call the cops. Give them your license plate and location. Have a nice stay in the jail overnight with your new drunk friends 😊
Except there is data that actually supports the dangers of drunk driving.
That’s funny. Your little brain actually thinks that’s how things work. You ain’t doing squat. Jail overnight..dude stop I’m dying here
I would probably stop wearing one in stores, however I would continue to wear one in places like doctors offices and hospitals.
As soon as it’s not required anymore, my mask is going to a hidden spot in a far off drawer until the next virus hits. I can’t wait for the day when plague rags get retired and I can finally start understanding people and being understood when someone tries to talk to me. Getting really tired of playing “mask custodian” to my hubby, trying to remember which health theater rules apply to which county, etc. Alameda, for example, has a 30′ rule in public.
The exact kind of mask I can’t wear without having panic attacks is the only kind that’s even marginally effective. The fabric one I’m wearing claims to be effective, but I’ve yet to see anything substantive that says the average masks most of us wear do any good. I still wear it just in case it does a little good and to spare retail employees the pain of awkward enforcement conversations. *shrug* Wearing it is like removing your shoes to go through airport security– probably pointless, but it keeps the line moving.
I wear my mask, just keep my distance and ignore the conspiracy theories and and chest beating because they think they are are smarter than the rest of us. I might also secretly hope they get sick.
To those who call anti-maskers “science deniers,” I would call pro-maskers “science maker uppers.” Where is the scientific evidence to support the general population wearing cloth masks in public is effective in spreading the virus?
The face mask are OK but what really works is to have your phone play audio clips off YouTube on repeat of coughing sounds and watch the people scatter away from you. That’s how I create my safe space and enforce social distancing!
I can see myself wearing one for a long long time
I will gladly continue to wear a mask. People who don’t want to wear a mask are unbelievably selfish.
The question was based on the the mask “order” being lifted. If you continue to wear a mask, won’t that make you a science denier?
Who says the county orders are science based?
Well, the assumption is that the county health department claims the mask order is science based, but your point is well taken.
I took steps to mitigate risk before the County issued orders and will continue to do what I believe is wise.
In Rapid City, SD the city nor state require masks or social distancing, bars and restaurants are open as normal sitting elbow to elbow with strangers, Safeway no masks, etc, I never stopped working and our death rate is LOWER than yours! Coco masks mandatory and SIP orders for months, Population 1,154,000 and 131 deaths mostly in closed places like nursing homes. Pennington county, population113,000 people and 28 deaths. Open your eyes and do the math, this whole wuhan thing is to sidetrack us and keep politicians from doing the job we hired them for as they try to remove Trump, it’s so transparent and stupid.
Are you aware that the components of oxygen and carbon dioxide both are 100 TIMES SMALLER THAN the corona-19 protein virus molecule?
In other words, wearing a mask is NOT “keeping you from breathing”!
Yes, it does somewhat increase the humidity inside the mask, but BIG DEAL.
Hot tip: put the bottom of your glasses frame OUTSIDE of the mask and you won’t have the totally earth-shattering, psyche-devastating phenomenon of fog on your glasses.
What ignorance. A mask obviously restricts the VOLUME of said oxygen. Your logic about sizes compared to a virus are irrelevant. I’m actually impressed with your willful ignorance.
Masks are good for you and me. Forget politics; it’s science. Just look at the infection rates here in the US. Listen to the doctors, not the talking heads on TV & radio.
Currently, Americans are only welcomed in Mexico, Turkey, Dominican Republic, Tunisia, Serbia & North Macedonia (maybe). With restrictions we can visit Britain, Egypt, Tanzania, Cambodia & Ecuador. The rest of the world is saying we are not handling this virus correctly.
Who care what other counties say about anything? You? That’s a personal problem.
It’s science? Listen to what doctors? Here’s a a nationally recognized expert on infectious diseases that did the research and concluded cloth masks for the public are basically useless:
I’ll never understand the mindset of someone who gives a rat’s ass about what other countries think.
We also need to start wearing face shields and gloves. Think about this the next time you pump gas or are near someone who sneezes or coughs without a mask.
@Chris….yeah, we need “full body condoms”, let’s really knock the WuFlu out!