Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,124 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 81 Of 109 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities

DAILY UPDATE: 1,124 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 81 Of 109 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities


This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:

        • 1,124 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 410 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday (today’s total – yesterday’s total = number of new cases)
        • 6,481 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 81 of the 109 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 22 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities (seven more since Monday)
        • 70 of the 109 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 17 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • 1,038 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is 8.2%.
        • 550 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.



The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.

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Movin movin movin, keep them goalposts movin

There is something screwy with the death numbers on https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/dashboard. They were fine yesterday with 108 total deaths and the by-age table also adding up to 108.

Today’s release of the data has one new death bumping the total to 109 but the numbers in the by-age table jumped from 108 to 118.

Age      7/27  7/28  New
Under 4     0     0
 5 to 12    0     0
13 to 18    0     0
19 to 30    0     0
31 to 40    1     1
41 to 50    0     0
51 to 60    7     8    1
61 to 70   14    18    4
71 to 80   20    21    1
81 to 90   38    40    2
Over 90    28    30    2
Total     108   118   10

@WC Resident~
Thanks for your diligence in tracking these numbers! Yes, the death rate numbers should be crystal clear as some (like me) are tracking those trends, rather than positives. The CDC Covid site has 108 deaths for Contra Costa County, I noticed the dashboard finally has active cases noted for each city…bravo to them for providing that…

Wear a face covering when you’re out and about, keep 6ft apart, wash your hands regularly, stay home if you’re sick.
Simple, easy rules to protect yourself, your community and the economy.
Be part of the solution, not the problem.

BS..keep that con game moving.

@ BernieM

Ok Elsa, let it go. Haven’t you figured out by now people are going to do what people want to do.

Fine 🙂

Somethings wrong with you man. Have you seen the freeway? Life is going on full bore. You don’t have the right to tell another human what to do. You need to worry about yourself and your irrational fears. Mental illness is a thing. I never wash my hands and will never wear a mask for you. It’s called freedom and personal choice. You can call the mask police till the cows come home. But remember it’s against the law to make frivolous calls on people and you will be subject to lawsuits.

Yes it is my fault. I know it’s hard to see while shuttered inside clutching your mask waiting for the latest fearporn case numbers to tell you just how terrified you should be today, but the virus is done and the economy is booming..You think I’m spreading virus? How the hell can I spread something I don’t have? You mind telling me how that works in real life? The only thing I spread is reality. I know it sucks but deal

Totally agree Bernie. What so many on this site don’t get is that to have a healthy economy we need a healthy population. They go on and on about their rights, yea, that’s working really well. Look at the numbers out today, down about 33%, yet they’ll keep on not washing their hands, not wearing a mask that it unless, and until, they get infected. The problem will then be theirs except for those of us they infected while claiming to be patriotic, how intelligent is that? It’s not!

You’re implying our population is sick. I don’t agree. The numbers percentage wise says I’m right. Our economy is booming already. GDP is down as the county under gos restructuring. Stand by for lift off.

Kaiser Permanente is involved in testing one of the Covid vaccines. If you are interested what they doing, go to:

Kaiser Permanente is involved in testing one of the Covid vaccines. If you are interested what they doing, go to:


Interesting – looks encouraging.

Interesting – looks encouraging.

Open the economy.

Let nature take its course. It’s natural and that’s a good thing, right?

Not sure if my last post went thru… if I’m reading correctly CCHS site reports 89 new cases. Which is correct?

The County reported 1,038 tests yesterday. They reported 89 new cases.
I realize that today’s total cases minus yesterday’s total cases should give the number of new cases, but that clearly doesn’t work. The previous case numbers are clearly being adjusted/corrected as time passes. Out of yesterday’s 1,038 tests, it’s not plausible that 410 of those tests came out positive.

I think I’ll stick with the 89 new cases number provided by the County.

very interesting why all the social media sites have taken down the press conference of all the doctors that were talking about this covid-19 which I like to call the Chinese Wuhan virus. Let’s call it what it is

Thank you..and my head is about to explode with all of this mindless hysteria.

Xi coronavirus is the correct name. It’s a nod to the dictator, er I mean leader of Communist China. Anyone else want to swing the bat?

I personally know someone that took their life during this pandemic from the financial ruin and them being unable to continue getting the mental help they needed from childhood trauma.

I will never forgive any of you that support these lock downs. These suicides ARE ON YOU.

You mean the government? I’m pretty sure the people didn’t implement a lock down.

I am sorry to hear that you lost your friend. I have many friends and experienced more suicides when we were not in the pandemic. Let’s not point fingers. Let’s take action on treating mental health problems with love and care.

Claycord.. thank you for trying to explain.. I’m still confused🤔 Just hoping, like everyone else, we start seeing downward trend

@Frustrated…Not sure what you don’t understand, the “Mayor” made it as clear as mud, maybe WC Resident can stir in some more.

Mayor or anyone else,
Does anyone understand why the positive rate jumped so rapidly, and differs so greatly from the State reporting?
According to CC health, it was averaging 7.8-9 the past few days. State of CA website for our county says Contra Costa has positive rate of 4.8!
Such a large discrepancy in reporting makes me question accuracy.
Does anyone have insight?

Due to delays in getting test results combined data cleanup the county is constantly revising the numbers for previous days. The testing backlog is making the issue much worse. Here’s a table that shows the number of new cases reported yesterday vs. what the county reported today.
Date       7/27 7/28 Diff
04/23/2020   18   19   1
06/01/2020   39   41   2
06/14/2020   28   29   1
06/23/2020   70   71   1
06/24/2020   69   70   1
06/27/2020   82   83   1
06/28/2020  165  166   1
06/29/2020  159  160   1
06/30/2020  115  116   1
07/02/2020  105  107   2
07/03/2020  141  142   1
07/05/2020  222  226   4
07/08/2020  108  109   1
07/09/2020  107  108   1
07/10/2020  166  169   3
07/12/2020  172  175   3
07/13/2020  205  217  12
07/14/2020  123  134  11
07/15/2020   89   92   3
07/16/2020  151  159   8
07/17/2020  141  145   4
07/18/2020   62   65   3
07/19/2020  134  143   9
07/20/2020  375  398  23
07/21/2020  185  195  10
07/22/2020  215  226  11
07/23/2020  196  223  27
07/24/2020  100  111  11
07/25/2020  151  227  76
07/26/2020  163  184  21
07/27/2020  149  216  67
07/28/2020        89

There were 89 new cases added for 7/28/2020 and 321 new cases added due to revising previously reported results for a total of 410 new cases that we know about. Both 89 and 410 are valid and correct ways of reporting the number of new cases.

I sure wish there was an easy way to explain this as I see from comments that it frustrates many people that the numbers don’t seem to add up.

@WC Resident…Maybe because the numbers are skewed, mis-reported, and most of all just BS.

It is just BS. Our elected and none elected officials just making us to believe they really care about us by forcing us to do useless steps to ‘protect ourselves and others’. That is so simple to issue an order and sit and do nothing. If numbers go down they say THEY did a good job by issuing this order, if numbers go up that is PEOPLE’s fault not wearing a mask.

Now look at number of outbreaks in Contra Costa County long-term care facilities overtime. I am sure they all are wearing masks there. Now answer the question ‘Are the masks effective?`.

What if we show these covid numbers along with others? Would we notice covid numbers at at all?

Our CoCo Health Dept. numbers have become a real moving target. There are revisions from many prior days occurring daily. It is really hard to believe anything they publish.
If my business had numbers being adjusted that fast and large daily a major audit would be occurring and heads would roll..

The numbers are accurate and based on the information known at the time. In the table in my July 29, 2020 at 5:42 PM post above the left hand column is the date people were tested. The labs are not able to immediately return the test results. As the test results are returned from the labs the number of cases for when the person was tested get updated.

If you are tested on July 20th and the lab processes the test on July 23rd and you test for having COVID-19 then the county will update the data row for July 20th to show one more case of COVID-19 was found that day. Likewise, the by-age, by race, by gender, by-city, etc. will all then be updated to show the new case.

Normally the labs are able to keep up with the workload and have the 100% of a day’s tests processed by the reporting deadline which is some time in the morning of the following day.

The Contra Costa County dashboard now has city break down of data such as cases, deaths and LTHCF deaths…take a look!


The Claycord dungeon master is likely scratching its head over the latest batch of numbers from the county as today’s “daily update” brought to you by Claycord is running late.

There’s a note on the county dashboard “July 30, 2020 Note: The State reporting system had a glitch yesterday. Today’s numbers reflect the corrected data.”

Here’s a table for the number of new cases per day and what the county reported on 7/28, 7/29, and 7/30 for the calendar days listed in the table.

Date       7/28 7/29 7/30  Δ1   Δ1 Δ-net
04/11/2020    8    8    9       +1    +1
04/23/2020   18   19   19  +1         +1
05/30/2020   25   25   26       +1    +1
06/01/2020   39   41   39  +2   -2      
06/14/2020   28   29   28  +1   -1      
06/23/2020   70   71   70  +1   -1      
06/24/2020   69   70   69  +1   -1      
06/27/2020   82   83   82  +1   -1      
06/28/2020  165  166  165  +1   -1      
06/29/2020  159  160  159  +1   -1      
06/30/2020  115  116  114  +1   -2    -1
07/01/2020   85   85   87       +2    +2
07/01/2020   85   85   87       +2    +2
07/02/2020  105  107  106  +2   -1    +1
07/03/2020  141  142  142  +1         +1
07/04/2020  102  102  103       +1    +1
07/05/2020  222  226  225  +4   -1    +3
07/06/2020  217  217  222       +5    +5
07/07/2020  136  136  136               
07/08/2020  108  109  109  +1         +1
07/09/2020  107  108  107  +1   -1      
07/10/2020  166  169  169  +3         +3
07/11/2020   60   60   62       +2    +2
07/12/2020  172  175  172  +3   -3      
07/13/2020  205  217  218 +12   +1   +13
07/14/2020  123  134  131 +11   -3    +8
07/15/2020   89   92   89  +3   -3      
07/16/2020  151  159  154  +8   -5    +3
07/17/2020  141  145  141  +4   -4      
07/18/2020   62   65   62  +3   -3      
07/19/2020  134  143  134  +9   -9      
07/20/2020  375  398  373 +23  -25    -2
07/21/2020  185  195  184 +10  -11    -1
07/22/2020  215  226  216 +11  -10    +1
07/23/2020  196  223  204 +27  -19    +8
07/24/2020  100  111  103 +11   -8    +3
07/25/2020  151  227  180 +76  -47   +29
07/26/2020  163  184  164 +21  -20    +1
07/27/2020  149  216  163 +67  -53   +14
07/28/2020        89   89            +89
07/29/2020             86            +86
Total                     410 -135  +275

A net +275 for two days of new cases is in the right ballpark.

I suspect the data for 7/13/2020 will get adjusted again as it seems odd they add 12 more cases but then did not subtract it out. Other than testing backlogs that adjust the numbers for the most recent days, usually the adjustments have been up or down by one here and there.



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