The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think politicians really care about the people they represent, or do you think they’re in it for the power, money and benefits?
Talk about it….
No! They only care about being reelected.
Not ALL the same, so some do and some don’t,…care.
Appears they pander to whomever will keep them in office so they can continue to be on the public dole. They lie to get into office and then do not do the will of the voters who voted them in.
This has to change and they need to be removed.
They’re in it for their own ego, and power and control. Anyone who thinks any differently is being played.
Sure they care. About themselves in regard to power and money.
I think President Trump really cares, although Dems and even some Repubs will disagree. He already has the fame and money, and he couldn’t care less about the benefits. He has demonstrated in may ways his love of our police, military, veterans, and Americans in general. He has even shown respect towards our adversaries.
As for the rest of them, I’m sure we can find a few politicians on both sides that truly care about the people, but I have a feeling most of them are in it for the power, the benefits, the money and the fame, in that order.
I’ve been saying for years now that all politicians lie all the time.
I’ve been saying for years now that all politicians are in office for their own benefit and that their only goal is to get reelected.
With reelection comes money and power.
As for fame, they are all, for the most part, already famous people in their own minds.
There are very few people in elected offices at any level of government today that I would like to see elected.
None are in CA.
People need to represent the people in government.
No more professional politicians.
Politicians all lie, especially Trump. He does not like to wear a face ask…but is doing so recently as Biden is beating him in stat polls.
The President also likes to exaggerate, and sometimes he’s wrong – in both instances leftists characterize it as lying.
Politicians only care about money, the benefits and re-election.
It is not right that a politician that makes $100k per year has tens of millions of dollars in the bank. Every single politician should be audited on a yearly basis, and all forms of bribery (sorry I mean lobbying) should be deemed morally wrong and legally banned.
Furthermore, term limits should apply to all politicians. No more lifers.
I like your line of thinking but it’ll never happen because the politicians are the ones who make the laws. There is no way that they will approve something that limits the gravy train.
Would your dog choose to wear a leash if it was up to them?
A very small minority care, rest take anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours to pass a mirror. If ever in doubt which you are talking to, if after five minutes conversation they haven’t monopolized conversation into their greatness and accomplishments they might be genuine.
Goes for city managers too.
No. The current climate is replete with examples of politicians who do not care about the people they represent. Legislation is largely partisan and puts partisan interests above the good of the people, the state and country. It is a race to undermine the Constitution.
I think (only an opinion) that a very few of them really care about the people at first, but it fades away. So, because of that I think there should be a 2 term limit for any and all levels of a publicly elected position; by type – not locale.
Politicians are; the snotty kid in school who kisses up to the teacher…the coworker who takes credit for a group achievement…the overpaid worker who hardly works, yet goes on strike…the hypocrite who protests for a race and culture they know nothing about, and in which they have never had any friends or associates.
No. My perception is most do not.
That’s why most (inclusive of all Democrats) will pander to the lowest common denominator even if it means undermining law, the US Constitution, or is detrimental to the sovereignty and economic well-being of the United States.
I think that politicians (most don’t like that term) immediately after their election have goals that genuinely intend to do good things for their electorate. They soon learn that if their agenda doesn’t match the existing group think they don’t make much progress or change any minds, which discourages them and in time fall into the established routine. From that time forward the office just becomes a job and some care more about their job than others.
I think most of them are in it for the power, money and benefits. Especially the power. Maybe a lot of them don’t start out that way but after a while that is it. It was power of politics that made the term limits get started. It needs to be applied to all elected politicians, not just the President and some various local and state politicians, but all of them.
and they say there’s no such thing as a stupid question……………………………go figure
Absolutely NOT !!! They forget that they work for us, not we for them !!!
oh they care sure
about the unions that back them and their heads
they also care about the big money donators and lobbyist
they care about their bank account and their lives
this is an in general opinion ….they obviously lie to us so they can do what their backers want ….
and yeah they make a minimum wage and still like above have millions
where is the irs on that one or mueller or the fbi or AG
a politician is only good for a moment so they slap their wagon to an idea
and a platform that relates to them ….slick bill used his drawl …hillary used her …well everyone ….oscama sued his skin color ….those are a few examples
bottom line is they only want money and power ….if joe citizen posted up 250k to a candidate and had a prominent business that the politician could exploit ….then that citizen would benefit from a politician who cares about them
the populous as a whole ….no they do not care but they do cater if needed when the polls show decline or they need a particular state for a win
the public as a whole is just a bank …for votes and money as they use taxes to back fund their wallets ….through legitimate doings of a politician
enter the donations clause ….sure they are monitored just ask the county clerk …but he was obviously trying to play big boy games and had no clue
those newcums and pelosi and kamalla and brown willy and gov they all play the long con
pleasing a group of voters with nonsensical promises and well free money backed by our hardworking tax dollars
you see thats the scam the democrats have crafted
to use low income people and minorities for their votes
bashing the middle class and 1% like a war drum to rile up their voters and if they need to create a buzz they use racism and biggot and elitist to stir up the pot …..all the while raising taxes promoting huge projects where they can funnel tax dollars through ….
you see the political air in this state is all democrat they achieved this by deceiving the voters on both sides that they are the just and allow abortions
see now abortions made the democrats in this state a powerhouse
they used that platform since repubs are against it they were all for it ..do they believe in it probably not for the majority …lets see if someone can dig up all the democrats who had abortions
abortion is opposed by some on both sides of the proverbial isle
so they grabbed those on the other side and catered to them for their votes
which led to more dems being brought in and opposing other candidates with the ire of abortion …..
the voters responded by allocating pro dem mentality and voting in any dem they could to rid us of the anti abortionists whomever they were
then when in place they installed by their own means democrats at every facet ….like judges and DA and social security offices and mayors and city councils and boards …all designed to create a corrupt system for pro democrat politicians …to turn the state into a bank for democrat campaigns
taxing us for everything …..and creating bond scams that when vacated the money would be directed to the general fund or secret fund …that they could exploit ….
and still do on a huge scale now …..
and why are they not being investigated or held accountable
well look around …they scream racism and have released thousands of criminals created race riots and allowed crime to continue and even have pulled police from acting since they own the police through democrat mayors all the while promoting more chaos …and of course they infiltrated the media and the media sensors us from the truth and only feeds us the democrat version of coverage ….
just turn on the news and watch how a bunch of people raging and burning for 2 months everynight ….now attack a federal building with americans inside …throwing things and burning things and forcing down barricades and trying to get into the building to hurt the american police and burn the federal building
all the while the news caster is saying oh these poor protesters expressing their first amendment rights
are being tear gassed as they express their fight against racism and the tyranny of police ….who are following them and arresting them for standing there protesting ..while the mayor holds back his police so they are not harmed by the people protecting …errr barring the protest from succeeding and protesting the insides of that building
you have free will and that got you what you see today …..all of it you created it and backed it and now are rioting to keep it going
why ……not for racism …..not for anti police
why because the democrats want you to and you are their pawn
you voted their way ….and what did that get you
lets think about that ….so you say racism is rampant
yet why have the democrats in a democrat state fully staged by democrats at every facet of the law lawyers and judges and DA and all their secretaries and the gov and mayor and councils and boards
none of them have brought anything no laws no bills no expression no affirmation no media
up until now no democrat has tried anything to stop the so called systemic racism….
done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.
no plan from the democrats just promoting violence
even oscama didnt bother with racism …hmmmm
even the gov newscum has not said or made any effort to thwart racism
yet here we are all of the voted in democrat politicians backing riots and promoting marxism and destruction of our communities
backing a single ideal with tax payer money and denying the 1st amendment to anyone who opposes it …..
wow you voters sure have screwed us …..over bad …..
hopefully in November some change can happen and the democrat bum brigade will be thwarted ….and sent to prison where they belong i hear there is room in san quentin prison now ….thanks to newscum releasing thousands of their non felonious patrons on to the public ….
its obvious the chineese have bought most of the dems as every move is designed to thwart america …..
newscum took away summer vacation and 4th of july and memorial day and now the school year and next halloween ….after they lose the election it will be thanksgiving and christmas ….and valentines day
america is being gutted from the inside by democrat politicians selling us out to the chineese money
well done voters ….
Random, do you believe anyone reads your long diatribes? Cut the verbiage down by 90% and you might get some feedback.
This one has to be a record. It’s a long posting, but I agree with a lot of what’s said. There needs to be campaign finance reform, too much big money in politics. Both parties are a pack of lying windbags. Once any of these jerks get elected, they lose pressure to perform until the next election cycle. The average person will never matter until the average person, not deep pockets, is responsible for funding campaigns. Although, he would never get my vote, Bernie Sanders in 2016, showed America how a campaign (average $27 donations) should be ran , at least until his own party (very kind of you Democrats) stuck it in his, “you know where”.
Recently I was thinking about that our system of government was designed when the country was much smaller. In the beginning, the house had 59 members meaning they likely all knew each other. Nowadays it’s like a small high school with the membership constantly changing. You may vaguely recognize other members outside your own clique but don’t know their names.
The governments, federal, state, county, and local were all very small. We did not have a federal income tax until the civil war. That tax was removed once the war debts were paid off. The concept of tax and spend did not take hold until around 1930. These days the government is an endlessly hungry whale that sucks in about 40% of our economy and seems to leave a few moldy mouse kibbles, or maybe it’s mouse excrement, for us.
Politics is now about exerting as much control as possible over that stream of money and diverting as much of it as possible into the pockets of their friends and family. The first COVID-19 related stimulus package was $2.2 trillion. We the people got $0.2 trillion of it. The remaining $2.0 trillion went into the pockets of politically connected friends and family.
Until we achieve some form of CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM, nothing will change. As of now, it’s all about reciprocity; you “donate” money to my campaign, in return, I’ll do something for you. Take the money out of politics and we’ll see a return to the politicians being more responsible to the electorate.
Lol! What a dumb question! Lol!
Donald Trump cares.
Donald Trump cares about himself, perhaps his family, and his base. I have seen no evidence to the contrary. He couldn’t even manage to pay respect to John Lewis, which mean he probably lost about 90% of the black vote. I’m no Trump fan, as those who reads my post already know, but have given him credit for being savvy and especially when it comes to the media and photo ups, if I was was Trump fan, I would say he made a mistake on this one.
I would have to agree with Hanne on this one Although I didn’t research recent history regarding past deaths of House and Senate members, I believe services were attended by the Vice President, who represented the President. In this case Pence did attended one of the services. Trump did miss the boat because his attendance would have helped him politically, given the times.
Yes! I think politicians care, they care very much,….about votes, about acquiring power, and holding onto power. Two words, “term limits”, eight years maximum for all elected officials. No more career politicians. No more stinking up congress for 40+ years.
There may be some that want to make a difference in office. But as we all know, association brings on assimilation. So when it all matters, the ones that have the best self centered BS continues onto another term. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!