Home » What’s Open And What’s Not In Contra Costa County (Updated, July 22)

What’s Open And What’s Not In Contra Costa County (Updated, July 22)


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Sure doesn’t look like a complete shutdown or lockdown.

Maybe they saw the writing on the wall with the major budget shortfalls for cities, counties, and the state? Newsome still wants to run for higher office and if all he’s known for is poop on the streets and crashing California’s economy, he’s not going far.

Why isn’t there an X on schools? They are not (haven’t been since March 17 th) and will not be physically open according to the Dictator and the Liberal Teachers Union.

It looks good to say schools are open … it is a way to try and convince you that things are okay.
Funeral homes are open as well, just can’t have that many visitors.
Outdoor swimming pools are open, just 4-5 people total in the YMCA pool at a time.

It is all a game that our county politicians and our “glorious” governor are playing.

With the extra $600 from the Feds disappearing in about a week, it is TIME TO OPEN UP AND FACE REALITY.

It just isn’t as deadly as made out to be, and although you don’t want to get it, it is not worth destroying our economy for even one more minute.

How much longer are we going to play these games?

The supposed surge had nothing to do with hair salons, nail salons, gyms, malls or indoor dining, yet they are all shut down and here we are.

If you don’t want to go out, stay home. The rest of us need to get back to life. Enough.

How much longer……no doubt until November 1


You Nailed It!

– the surge has everything to do with indoor spaces. This is how and where the disease is most easily transmitted. If everybody did what they were supposed to do, we wouldn’t be in this position. Sadly, folks refused to wear a face mask, attended protests, went to church and pretended that this issue didn’t exist. Now we are paying the price. It sucks but we have nobody to blame but ourselves. Time to be accountable.

hey the 19 is just a virus
where are the flu numbers
where are the aids numbers
where are the numbers for pro marxist anti america protests

where are the news feeds of redwood city erasing a public tax funded street art of political posturing

it’s like the seasonal flu that normally kills 10-50K in the US alone isn’t around anymore. maybe covid19 killed it?

Why is the Starbuck’s at Treat/Clayton Rd closed for the past 3 days? This is a drive through.

I think you are right. Last official count on seasonal flu that I can find is through January 4,’20. It was reported weekly before. Nobody’s had the flu since then? And some people wonder why we don’t believe “the numbers”!

Can we please add “Governor’s Office” to the shutdown list?

Biggest hoax played on the world. It’s turned into a damn crime.

Newsom’s winery? wiiide open for business baby

What category does tanning fall under? I heard tanning co never shut down anyways



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