The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think Contra Costa County and the State of California are doing a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic, or do you think they could do better? Either way, give us examples of why you answered the way you did.
Talk about it….
A.) Should have turned away or quarantined All international flights and cruise ships. And No, it’s not racist to do so, SIGH!
B.) Should have never welcomed with open arms known covid patients to Travis AFB…….only to release them.
@Anon – State and local officials are not empowered to make those decisions. Those decisions were made by the federal government. I agree, the federal government bungled the response.
Getting a little worked up there Dan?
You’ve responded to every post. For the record: it was the State & Media who were crying “racism” when the Federal government wanted to stop the international flights. Don’t get it twisted with your Spin.
Trump did with Proclamation 9984 on Jan 31st. He was called racist, xenophobe, etc, and in Feb, Pelosi was trying to get people to Chinatown.
@dan You complain about people making this a political issue, yet every post you make is a trash President Donald Trump fest. You are an active political operative. Your posts are pure rambling boot licking drivel. You don’t have a valid opinion of your own, only opposite of the president.
I think the county and state have done the best they can. I think the issue has become highly politicized which has made the job of the state and county much more difficult. Politicizing the issue, rather than relying on the science has done the people and the economy a huge disservice.
This was made a political issue by governors and mayors who decided that the free exercise of religion was not a right while at the same time, rioting, looting, and arson were.
@politics – this was politicized the moment the federal government failed to step up and lead. They abandoned the country in a time of need. Effective management required a national, state and local policy response. Without the national response, the state and local response was doomed to fail. Every time a plane flies into SFO, we have the potential for hundreds of cases that can easily spread within the community. I agree that the timing of the protest was ill advised. I am not a religious person but I do sympathize with those who could not attend church. I can only imagine what a loss that must be. In the same vain, the virus does not care how it spreads, it is simply looking for the right condition for additional infections.
It really doesn’t matter what the Federal Government did or didn’t do. The left would have screamed bloody murder about it, regardless. If Trump had implemented a travel ban early on, Democrats would have called him a racist and a xenophobe, and sued him immediately. If he didn’t do it, then he would have been blamed for his inaction (like Nancy Pelosi referring to it as the “Trump Virus”. Really, Nancy? Can you be any more divisive?) Maybe the people who refuse to work with the President at any cost should look in the mirror when they start casting blame.
So,…in CCC alone just over a 1 million people? In the State of California just over 39 million, that we know of (?). How is any City, County, or State going to do a “better” job?,…let alone a good job. Every single person would have to be tested,…even retested. How is that going to happen? Can’t even get people to stop driving drunk or high, or recycle items correctly. It’s coming to the point of you are more likely going to get Covid-19,…badly or not. Plus, if the vaccine comes out soon, who sign up for one? Many won’t even go for a flu shot. Thinking it’s up to people to manage themselves better, since the Cities, Counties, and States can’t be everyone’s Mommy & Daddy. Hopefully though, things will get better soon,… 🙂
Failure started with the federal government first demanding that it be in charge without taking the pandemic seriously, then when things got worse punting responsibility to state governments which then deferred to county and local authorities. In California counties Boards of Supervisors are required to appoint county health directors, who, despite their sole mission to safeguard public health, are then ignored and/or reviled and/or physically threatened by a significant percentage of the populace because ‘no one elected them so they can’t tell me what to do’.
You know me…no way I’m signing up for one 🙁
@ Simonpure,…I hear You,… NO Needles!
The Governor has shown his failure of leadership.
No. The economic damage and non-covid health damage being done by the continued lockdowns far outweighs the virus. The county is following the marching orders of the state, e.g. the Democrats in charge in Sacramento. Literally destroying the state’s economy. Many small businesses will never recover from this.
It think it’s been a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situation for California governments across the board. Seems the significant problem was the behavior of individual people when the economy/businesses/activities were gradually reopened, along with a surge in cases. So much of this gets down to simple stuff. If we’d all wear a mask in public, social distance as much as possible in public, keep our hands washed, and limit nonessential trips in public, we’d all get through this much faster.
Yes, Mary I believe you are right. I posted a link to a Yahoo article about how Denmark handled it (my native country) and how they are doing now. Some got upset with me for comparing Denmark a small country of less than 6 million people to the US. I understand that, in fact the authors of the article point this out, also do a comparison with Switerland a country, that is landlocked with several borders, to Denmark a country with one border (Germany) and is comprised of a Peninsula and many islands, two fairly big one, one where Copenhagen is located, and several smaller ones. However, it seems, not only Denmark and other countries that are fairing well with the virus, have certain things in common, closing down early, limit contact with the outside world, and wearing masks.
@mary – I could not agree more. Seems like the people who refuse to wear a mask are the ones that complain when the economy is locked down again. I just dont get it.
I also agree with Mary, the people who are complaining are the ones who only think of themselves ahead of what’s good for the masses. There are also the chest beaters. When you choose to live in a densely populated society you have to give up some personal freedoms for the good of everybody. It’s no place for selfish people. Notice that organized societies like China, Japan, and S.Korea came through this much better than us.
The Feds should have grabbed this at the start, and treated every state equally. Instead, by leaving it up to the states and unqualified counties, we have chaos
The states would not let the feds take the lead. Even now they’re telling the feds to leave (Portland) and that’s what they would have said back in March regarding Covid.
Yes May, damned if they do, damned if they don’t. There’s no way Newsom would have let Trump take the lead over CA.
Newsom will be going back to Trump to bail them out but cities will still have a mess on their hands. The financial mess is yet to come. 54 nights of rioting in Portland and their mayor is loving it. “Feds go home” says the mayor.
Why don’t you all hear that on ABC, CBS and NBC?
I think an immediate mandatory mask and social distance policy for businesses would have helped slow the spread. Also, the businesses that implement those policies should be allowed to remain open, wether they are essential or not. Also get rid of some of the state mandates like a certain percentage of homeless people must be housed before a county can reopen.
@firstw – i do not believe that a county must house their homeless as a condition precedent to reopen.
(1) They have not been forthright with data.
(2) They have allowed politics to color their Covid disclosure and directives.
Therefore, CCH and the Governor have lost credibility. This is why they now have a problem deaf ears, and that’s tough to overcome.
I blame the president for politicizing the issue. He failed to step up as a leader, delegated the response to the governors then criticized them. He then politicized the use of masks. We would be in a much better position if he led instead of running for re-election.
The governors were not willing to accept the Federal government’s help. Only when they got what they wanted did they realize they could not handle all that it encompassed. Testing the big one they couldn’t handle.
When the Federal government did act, stop flights from China, lots of push back from many (on the left) that he is racist (Biden/Clinton), it’s nothing to worry about (Pelosi in China town, come on down it’s safe) and majority their followers.
Fault, it is the governors fault for refusing Federal help which politicized the pandemic.
@time What help did the federal government offer?
Yes, the President made a mistake. He trusted West Coast leadership and in hindsight that was a major error. I’m sure he never thought they would encourage protesting during a pandemic
Now that they have soundly put politics ahead of healthcare, these west coast leaders will never be trusted again. Their gravy train will soon come to a halt.
Dan you really need to relook at the real time line of all of this. I’ve read your other posts here and it’s obvious all you want to hear is that Trump is evil and the democrats have all the answers. Earlier you said it was others that came in from other countries not Chinese coming over here. Yet there is ample proof of a lot of Chinese coming into the country for the high tech industries, and also from Who Han or how ever it is spelled that was the expected epicenter of this whole thing. Trump did try shutting things down earlier but was heavily criticized for it while the great democrats in Congress were saying it was ok to attend functions. And yes Nancy Was in China town trying to get people to attend functions there at the start of all of this. Go back and look at all that has passed and not just from the propaganda media look for the real facts. Then come back
What more can the public do? Most people follow all the recommendations, but things never seem to get better. People have lost jobs. Our children and grandchildren will grow up to become germaphobes, incapable of fighting off even the common cold because they will no longer have any immunity. Not to mention the depression and future suicides. Good job, CCC and state of California. Bravo, Mr. Newscum. 👏
@merica – please stop fear mongering. you will not have a decreased immune response due to the shelter in place order.
Actually, yes you can have a decreased immune system by staying in a house for so long and living a sedentary lifestyle. Please quit just speaking about things you have no clue about. I know you will not believe me, so please go look it up -A national Pediatrics group recently had a good article about this.
Actually the mask that would do would be SCBA or a SCUBA but a improperly fitted N95 (commercial or medical grade) can cause you harm. Also if you do not change them regularly, you can impact your ability to breath fresh air.
No, the little cloth masks, bandannas and the cute little etsy masks do not starve the brain of oxygen nor are you breathing in excessive CO2.
Now my turn.
Are you ever going to answer a question without getting defensive, calling people names or just walking away? I challenged (with validity) the decreased immune system. I asked you to look it up because I have done so in the past for you and you never ever respond to me after that. I feel like I do the work to show you the truth, yet you continue to speak these outrageous lies with no evidence. I have asked you to provide evidence for your statements, (notice, I did not call them erroneous because I would to see you respond civilly), yet you NEVER seem to do so.
Actually a N95 can cause you harm if worn improperly. This statement is backed up be OSHA, CALOSHA, CSTI and many other agencies. See, if a mask is not worn properly, the particulates can squeeze through the space between the mask and your face. Did you know that you are required to be fit tested annually if you are required to wear a N95? You are required to fit test annually because of the change that your face undergoes through time through weight change and gravity.
If you do not change your N95 out as required by the above referenced agencies, the mask will become dirty and therefore, ineffective. An ineffective N95 can also cause you harm because it will allow the particles that it is supposed to be filtering out, in, thus harm to your respiratory track.
As for Facebook, that is lumped in with Twitter, Snapchat and all the other social media outlets. I have not once quoted any of those sources as they fall into the same ‘news’ category as Wikipedia. I have only cited from CNN, OSHA, health agencies and the like. As for the bogus studies, I am sorry that you cannot understand science as these studies have been peer reviewed and independently duplicated in other areas of the country and the world.
Now, you will probably deflect again, you are good at that … but do you ever answer a question? You ‘attack’ (LOL) me with your Facebook comment, yet you still have not presented one source for anything that you are saying on here.
Once they OK’d the protests – they lost me. I will do everything I can to protect my family, but I will not listen to a word they say.
Until I see California officials in agreement with the federal government on immigration stance AND enforcement, its all a load of BS.
Disease can come from anywhere in the world. We prevent disease and a PANDEMIC by strictly controlling who comes into our country.
Until California gets on board and enforced federal immigration laws, they aren’t serious about controlling any pandemic because they’ve already given away all control
The chinese communists threw us a screwball and no one has got a hand on how to handle it perfectly yet. I think they are all trying hard even Newsom however this virus is very contagious and doesn’t want to die. If I was to criticize one thing it would be the security of long term care homes. Testing workers every thirty days is not OK. I think it is criminal.
The federal government tried to stop all flights early. It was seen as racists, in the meantime 6000 passengers a day were coming in from the west. Even ACLU filed suite so flights can continue.
Second was the protesting without masks did not help. Any google picture will show you less than half wore masks. Then they went to mothers day, fathers day, July 4th family events snd spread the virus.
For these two reasons I blame the numbers on politics.
The answer to the question is: NO
– Releasing prisoners
– Housing homeless (and cater drugs&alcohol while staying in motels)
– Shutting down small business while the big ones stayed open
– No family/church gatherings while protesting is allowed
– County health releasing statement on how to safely have sex
– Misleading information on their datas
Our local government certainly did a great job instilling panic amongst us commoners. They all abused their power and they let politics steer their moves. How can anyone trust these clowns after all they did?
@ sideline ~
You pretty much hit the nail on the head with your list.
Excellent fact based analysis…it’s disturbing that these people with no skills, or commonsense were ever elected. PS: an addition to the clown list would be the guy who keeps trying to drag DT and the federal government into this question re: the state and county
And we wonder why 4 million cases, 140K+ dead. Had we had a true leader and locked down like Italy or South Korea, I feel we would be opening up our schools this fall, and our economy would be recovering. But leadership failed America. BIGLY!
Other countries are doing well, as I mentioned earlier my native Denmark is one of those countries, as is Finland and Norway.
Pandemic response = F, failed in every aspect, every politician in every conceivable way. Many of my fellow Claycordians have provided numerous examples.
Fear mongreleling: A+, just look at those that post on here “Newsome is Awesome”, “Feds did a great job” “We must hide till a vaccine” “it really was not the protests that spread the virus”
@Dan…how long does it take for you to untwist your panties at night?….Geez, have a drink, take a Valium or a bong hit, you’re on your way to a aneurysm.
Just a quick poll – this is such a hot topic. How many people will take the vaccine that would free us from this nightmare when it is is eventually released? Or is that just more government shenanigans and the same reason you won’t wear a mask to protect me – is the same reason You won’t get a vaccine and the same reason You don’t get flu shots – And continue to put us all at risk I continue to put us all at risk – please raise your hands!
Why would I need a vaccine if you have one? Makes no sense. How does me not getting a flu shot put you at risk of getting the flu? This whole argument is so illogical I usually won’t even have it. But you seam to be hot to trot so go ahead and give me your best explanation.
How does me not getting vaccinated (like a dog) affect you?
Extra points: What makes you think anyone has a right to tell me what to do medically?
Double bonus points for doing it without personal attacks
oh, here we go, ok, we’ll wear a mask to protect you, right away. And thanks bill gates for the vaccine, champion will take it to protect me
@Vaccine Champion…I figure it’ll take at least 3 people to hold me down to get that needle in me, unless they sneak up from behind and dart me, in that case they’ll be dodging hot lead. So my answer is “No”.
It’s a human rights issue. Vaccines aren’t mandatory. Nor can they be made mandatory. Don’t fall for the scare tactics from the lunatics
My understanding of events is that the Obama administration allowed the depletion of the store of personal protective equipment (PPE) during his administration, which put Trump in an awkward position from the get go. But, I think he recovered nicely and has handled things well considering the severity of the crisis. Newsom on the other hand is an idiot.
NO. Right from the beginning they refused to name the cities and corresponding numbers where Covid existed. Residents needed this valuable information. They failed to discourage and stop rioting nor did they ask protesters to social distance but had no problem putting a stop to outdoor church services. Now at this late stage people I talk to would like much more detail than we’re getting: What happens when a person goes to a hospital for Covid today? What are they treated with? Has the protocol changed using ventilator? Are other options offered in lieu of ventilator? Do our hospitals have a separate floor to treat Covid patients? And very importantly, are family members allowed to visit a very sick family member? If you’ve known someone who went in, never to be seen again by their husband, wife or children, you’ll know why SO many people aren’t going near a hospital even if they break a leg. Hospitals and our local governments need to be putting all that information out to the public.
While we are on the subject-How come Newscum gave away so much of the equipment and PPE items to other states????? To garner votes for his run for US President in the future? Now we have to locate and pay again for these items. Why can’t Newscum get these items that have not been used back to the state of California or at least bill the other states to reimburse California. Just sayin!
Newscum has “toggled” once to often and continues to do so. Recall him and his other on the dole loser croonies.
Didn’t the President appoint the Vice President to oversee the Government’s fight against Covus-19? I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Pence since that time.