The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you know someone who has/had COVID-19? If so, how long did it take for them to recover, and how sick did they get?
Talk about it….
Not one single person.
5 people for me. 1 death. 2 people (not related; both work at an area hospital) not hospitalized, but very sick in bed for a month each. 2 other people (from same work location, a law firm) tested positive about 10 days ago. One is asymptomatic. The other currently remains sick with moderate symptoms. Thankfully both Jim and I are both good and well.
We don’t know anyone who’s tested positive, or who has shown any symptoms, but we still may know someone who’s has/had it. Time will tell I suppose.
Yes! My daughter has been classified as an essential worker from the very beginning. Her boss got the Wuhan virus about two months ago, and was out of work for two weeks. She said that was the sickest she’s ever been. My daughter is still absolutely paranoid about it.
My nephew and his wife caught it from a 4-year-old relative at a family gathering in North Carolina. The whole family got sick. After nine days, my nephew was well enough to drive back to Nashville. His wife is still very sick.
And, my son’s girlfriend’s former mother-in-law has it, but I have no idea how bad her case is.
Does Tom Hanks count? If not, no.
And Tom Hanks was born in Concord! 🙂
I have a friend who currently has it, and so does my son. Both have very minor symptoms. Funny thing is, they have both been sheltering in place, washing their hands, and wearing masks any time they leave the house.
@Chicken Little
Hope that your son and your friend recover rapidly and completely. They may have done everything right, yet since masks are primarily intended to protect people around them, they likely were victims of those who refused to ‘have their rights infringed on’ by wearing face coverings when out in public.
“Inconvenience is not oppression.”
Thank you for the well wishes. Fortunately, both are doing very well and only experiencing mild discomfort while quarantining at home. I expect that they will both recover fully.
Three people. Two nurses (in their fifties) and a gentleman who was on a cruise (in his 60s). All three are in excellent health, and their symptoms were very mild. The nurses went back to work after two weeks. The gentleman in his 60s is retired. The only reason they tested (the nurses – they have to) and the man on a cruise – he was in a hot spot. Otherwise, all three told me they would’ve never known they had it.
3 people, one family member and two acquaintances
A friend in her 70s had it, fortunately it was not a severe case. It wasn’t any fun though.
Several people from two families. Back in March family of four from Walnut Creek with two kids under 7, all had it, on the mild side. No clear cause for transmission. Recovered fully with no hospital visits.
Second was my nephew who caught it at preschool two weeks ago (parents are essential staff, medical and municipal) and then gave it to my brother-in-law. Nephew vomited and was a little lethargic for about 36 hours, then back to normal. Never had a fever or cough. Brother-in-law got hit quite a bit harder, fever, major fatigue and trouble breathing, laid up for several days. Recovering now at home but never had to visit hospital. Other two household members either avoided it
Yes, my father died of covid. Very sudden, very unexpected. Died 2 days after diagnosis.
@ Scooby~
Oh My,….Sad to hear this. Did your Father have any other health issues which led to this? My Father passed away in 2017 with major health issues,…if Covid-!9 was around then he wouldn’t be able to survive it.
No, but being high risk (2 strikes), I have been extremely careful, and only go out when necessary. All family lives out of the area but we occasionally use Zoom. Local friends are in the same predicament as myself and we don’t see each other.
Yes, three people. All under the age of 50 without chronic conditions. Each was miserably ill for two weeks; one needed four weeks for recovery.
Yes, two. I know of two adults who had Covid and sadly both passed away. One in their 30’s with under lying health conditions and one in his early 70’s who had been living at a nursing facility. Sad
Nope. I don’t even know anybody who knows anybody who has it or had it.
Same here. I don’t even know anybody who’s even heard of anyone they know of having it. Doesn’t exist in my circles.
One of my cousins got it: he lives in Texas but he was in CA a few days before he got symptoms so doesn’t know which state he caught it in. He is in his early thirties and had a pretty mild case. Also another friend and his sister from SoCal: one pretty darn sick but no hospitalization, the other only had a cough for a few days. And in Claycord the dad of a friend got it: he is in his sixties but had only a mild case. That’s the only only local person I know who has had it.
If one of the symptoms is having no symptoms, then I might have had it! I’m fine now. ( Which is really starting to worry me )
I know 2 people that probably had it in March/April.
They were super sick for 2 weeks, had all the symptoms, but but couldn’t be tested because they didn’t require intubation. Both recovered.
Another friend tested positive in the beginning of June.
He is a firefighter in a city within Alameda County. Several others in the house were positive as well. He is still recovering (about 80-90% of normal, and 50 years old).
His wife & kids tested negative for several weeks while he was initially sick.
She is no possitive.
My daughter and I were both VERY sick in March. Sicker then we have EVER been. I have asthma, and at first was was sucking on my inhaler all night. to breathe. My daughter and I went to Urgent Care and was put on a Nebulizer. Helped for a while. Took 3 weeks to get over it. I always wondered if we had it then? But most people say after Dec., or Jan. it all started.
My friend’s mother passed away from it and another friend’s aunt and uncle became very sick, The aunt was initially put on oxygen and sent home, then returned 2 days later to the ICU.
Yes!5 people total.
My 80 year old aunt just died last night in her house, this is in El Salvador.
My 58 year old uncle caught it in the central valley Mendota Ca., he is a farm worker. It lasted about a month and was hospitalized twice. He is better now.
My aunty friend in LA in her 60’s was hospitalized and 2 days later was sent home with oxygen to care for herself because they needed her bed for a much sicker patient. She is better now.
My aunty in Iowa with her husband both tested positive with no symptoms, they were exposed by a relative at a family gathering. They are both ok.
This is no joke. We here at home are all in our early 40’s and are taking all the precautions necessary.
We know this will not last forever and want to be a part of the solution!
July 2nd my 83 year old father in law went into Kaiser for an essential procedure. Was tested and came up negative. Complication resulted that would put him back in the hospital the following Sunday, July 5 th . At that point they said he tested positive for Covid and was put in to isolation. Never did show signs of Covid. Multiple requests from the family to retest were refused by Kaiser. 11 days after being tested positive he was released from the hospital. Sounds like a money grab by Kaiser. His daily care giver and family members either tested negative or showed no signs as they sheltered in place for 14 days. Very disappointed in Kaiser for the actions. Add this to your back log of Kaiser stories.
Hospitals don’t make any money on Medicare patients unless they hospitalize them for some reason for the maximum number of days allowed, as often as allowed, especially now with lots of outpatient surgeries.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post.
We are exposed to so much information/mis-information, it is hard to tell what is fact or fiction.
I’m so sorry your father had complications. Glad he’s doing better. As a retired hospital consultant, KP isn’t my favorite provider, for reasons you allude.
As for hospitals “making more money”, the opposite of what GittyUp says is true. Its a complex formula. KP would prefer nobody is hospitalized, as it cuts into bonuses. Medicare is still quite profitable, Surgeries even more so.
Two co workers were exposed to covid. One is currently still waiting for test results.
My nephew had asthma all his life. The wildfires of 2018 affected him badly and he was hospitalized for a few days. He caught the Chinese Virus in late March of this year which in turn caused a severe asthma attack. As a result he suffered several seizures and again he was hospitalized. He slipped into a coma and died a week before Easter.
This is why I cringe at the thoughtless comments made right here on Claycord every time there is an article on spare the air day. The idiots making the comments think they are being cute and funny, not realizing how polluted air can affect some people and may contribute to their death.
@ Dawg~
I have a friend in her early 60’s who has Asthma. You are correct, it’s no Joke! I’ve seen her have issues, on Spare the Air days.
@Dawg I’m so sorry about your nephew. But I cringe at your calling it the “Chinese Virus”. It’s known worldwide as COVID-19.
The whole world called it the Chinese Virus until the Chinese government threatened WHO and forced them to come up with a new name.
Know of three.
A colleague in his forties was intubated for 17 days in an induced coma – 31 days total in hospital and recovering slowly three months later. He caught it from his mother who died three days before he was hospitalized.
Another was a man in his seventies and neighbor of a relative.
A friend of a friend who knows someone that had a friend and they thought they had it.
Covid 19 in all honesty doesn’t kill you. You’re underlying health issues is what kills you. The vast majority of the U.S.population is morbidly obese and neglect there health in many other ways, smoking, drinking, ect.. Covid 19 will just exaggerate whatever current health condition you have and you won’t be able to recover from it. And yes I’ve seen hundreds of Covid 19 cases and 90% of the patients are from nursing facilities who’s family members just throw them in there to rot and expect others to care for them.
@ TraumaRx~
It’s sad but true about many folks putting elderly in a Care Home,….they just can’t handle it. Both my parents, Mother (2013) and Father (2017) passed away at home in their house. My Sister & Brother lived there, and Sister was the caretaker. Feeding, changing diapers, med,…etc. and I was there to help. On the other hand, with my Mother-in-Law she was in a Care Home for 2 years and passed in 2004. MAJOR Stroke, and at a specialized care home for 4 months, with a tracheotomy, and then belly tube feed till passing, plus hoist to wheel chair for showers. Our household was not set up to do this. We did visit her everyday for the 2 years, and it was sad that 90% of the elderly didn’t have any visitors.
A lot of families don’t have a choice. They pool together their extra resources to pay for elderly patient care or risk losing their jobs altogether. As a pre-teen I took care of my grandmother to help my aunt who, at the time, had the privilege of being a stay-at-home wife/mother. My mother and other aunts and uncles were at risk of losing their long-hour, high-paying jobs to take time off to help. Not to mention the immense amount of stress involved in working 50+ hours a week, raising your own kids, and caring for a barely mobile adult baby who often are already in their “Rude Old Person” phase. Not fun at all.
I had a high school friend who died from it and she had ZERO underlying conditions
Don’t know where you work but if it’s county I know plenty of staff at the hospital _ public health that can correct you as worked at HSD for 32 years
@TraumaRx – sources, please.
Also it’s your not you’re. And etc. not ect. And whose not who’s.
People do not put a relative in an assisted living or nursing home to rot. After a few strokes a good friend of mine can not live on his own. A brilliant man lost his brain. My siblings and I hated putting our Mother in a nursing home but she could not live on her own and all of us had to work full time.
COVID-19 has killed 142,000 so far just in the US. Otherwise healthy people have definitely died from it.
Yes, my 90 year old mother tested positive for Covid at Manor Care Tice Valley on June 20. The unit that she is in is out of isolation now, but there are still isolation units there, and I have no idea when I will be able to see her. While her cough has mostly subsided, she has delirium as a result of the Covid. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Coronavirus-Outbreak-at-Walnut-Creak-nursing-15421482.php
Yes, I person that tested positive and was very sick for weeks. She is a facebook only friend. Never met her in person.
One coworker had it and two of my wife’s coworkers.
We had one friend here, and two friends in NYC.
People got pretty sick, but luckily no one died.
Lets hope it stays that way Roz….my neighbors wife has it. They have been locked down. Hopefully the husband and daughter don’t get it but it’s probably inevitable. Their other daughter just joined the Navy.
I only know of a friend of a relative in a distant state who had it. They are ok now. But as to the comment about “how polluted air can affect some people and may contribute to their death”
I agree 100%! Every time I see some nut ball jogging down Clayton Road or Bailey or any high traffic area I think, don’t they know what the car exhaust is doing to their lungs? Sooner or later every air sack in their lungs will be dead and then lets see them joke on Claycord about the air quality and that goes for the idiots smoking cigarettes AND back yard bbqing who spew smoke all over the neighborhood for others to have to breath. Disgusting! Go buy a roasted chicken at Safeway.
Aunt Barbara, Every now and then I see you complaining about leaf blowers and I want to let you know that I agree with you 100%. They not only pollute the air, but they throw small rocks at parked cars and cause damage.
Leaf blowers make airborne everything that has ever fallen to earth, mold, mildew, desiccated bird droppings, desiccated dog, cat, raccoon and other wildlife droppings, common dirt and soil, microscopic particles from tires such as brake dust, tire particles, dried oil, you name it. Anything since the beginning of time that lies on the earth is made airborne to breathe in the next deep breath you take.
I found my old Bumble Ball toy that I played with when I was a baby…. put some new batteries in and it still worked! so I turned it on & threw it in my Uncle’s lap & screamed “Corona Virus!” He nearly wet his pants….but now I gotta worry about him getting even.
Good one!
Nope. No one in the 80 unit apartment complex or friends or family.
Yes! My cousin had it recently; he had headaches, fever, and some abdominal pressure, lack of appetite… lasted a little over two weeks. Now he has been cleared to return to work. Mind you, he has a med history of high cholesterol.
Not yet that I know of.
I may have the COVID right now. Funny the virus is so bad, you need a test to know you even have it.
I haven’t heard of anyone getting the🥡🦇 🌡…feel sorry for anyone who has
I think there are enough comments, and sad stories, here to realize Covid-19 is real. Although some people seem to get over it fairly quickly without feeling too sick, that is not the case for everyone. So I think it behooves everyone to take it seriously and do what the can to protect themselves and their fellow American. Those of you you post here regularly, know I am no Trump fan, but I will give him credit for the speech he made today, at least he sounded serious and realistic. I’m prepared to give credit where credit is due.
Whether it’s real and whether it’s a “pandemic “ necessitating a perpetual state of emergency, are two different questions.
Going forward into 2021, I hope we’ll be able to put some checks and balances on our elected officials, who would use the excuse of a pandemic to spur social upheaval.
And no, I don’t know anyone with Covid and two of my siblings are hospital staff.
yes, my uncle. he is being treated with plasma
Yesterday a family member of one of my best friends (from high school years onward) telephoned to tell me that she has died of COVID-19.
She was one of the most happy and humble geniuses I have ever known …. spoke fluent Latin with the Latin instructor…. worked in the control room at Cape Canaveral…. was a single and multi-engined small craft pilot…. edited scientific and engineering texts…. had solid honesty and integrity…. was loving and responsive to communication… THAT level of genius and friend.
I will miss her until my own last breath.
She sounds like an amazing woman, I’m so sorry for your loss.
As of Monday, I now know someone.
Yes, a close relative had it, was ill for a month… and an acquaintance who refused to get tested (though was quite ill) visited his elderly father who immediately came down with a high fever and was dead within days.
My mother’s cousin passed away from it in a nursing home.
My son had it. 29 years old….Like a flu.no other issues
Cousin had it ,75 years old. No health issues before virus
..12 days in hospital, 7 days in an icu. 2 months of other symptoms. He’s still feels like poop.
No. I have had the regular flu two or three times. I am over 60, so that is minimal over a life span. Both times it took several weeks to get my energy back. That is very unusual for me. I am sure others died from the same ones.
My niece, her husband and their two toddlers! They got it in March. They reside on my brother’s property in Palmer Lake, Colorado. They were all really sick for about a month. Fully recovered. They are the young athletic types in excellent health under 40 years old. My 96 year old Dad is living in a house about two football fields away in a second house there. Fortunately everyone was proactive keeping him protected. He never got it. Thank goodness. I was all set to visit on Amtrack. That trip was cancelled.
Yes. My cousin’s father-in-law was intubated for a month and thankfully he has since recovered. Also, my husband’s aunt who lives in a nursing home tested positive for COVID. Her symptoms were mild and included extreme fatigue. She has recovered.
I’m pretty sure I had it way back in February. I was very sick for about a week. I was so fatigued I couldn’t get up without feeling like I was going to immediately fall over for two days. I had trouble catching my breath (no history of asthma) and had a fever as well. Once that passed I had a nasty dry cough where I would hack up huge disgusting things for over a month. I felt like I was at 70% that whole time. I only missed a few days of work, but was the guy who got furloughed over it.
I wish we had responsible leadership (back in March) that would have an honest conversation about the trade-offs we need to make, and would enact certain basic restrictions and requirements on people’s behavior. That could have prevented the lockdown overreaction and saved millions of people their livelihoods.
Nope…Don’t know anyone who has contracted the Wuhan virus.
I personally do not know anyone who has had it. My friends and relatives are smart enough to wear masks and do what we can to avoid it.
But I might have had it. During Christmas I flew to Washington, DC. The Saturday after New Years I had the worst lung infection of my life. I coughed so hard and frequently my sides ached. I went to the doctor and had an x-ray. One night I had so much trouble breathing I almost went to the hospital. I did not have a fever but that cough lingered into mid-February. It would cost me $200- to learn if I had it before anyone was looking for it.
Yes, a friend’s family member passed away.
One person my age who died suddenly.
One person my age who has been sick for four weeks.
One person my age who recovered after ten days.
One elderly friend who is recovering well.
My wife and I have a couple that we are very close friends with, the wife’s father died in April in a different country. Just awful.