Home » Mt. Diablo Teachers’ Union Supports District Attorney, Prosecution Of Mural Defacers

Mt. Diablo Teachers’ Union Supports District Attorney, Prosecution Of Mural Defacers


The union for Mt. Diablo Unified School District teachers is going public in its support of Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton and her decision to prosecute two people recorded defacing the downtown Martinez “Black Lives Matter” mural.

The Mt. Diablo Education Association told its members in an email that Becton has received “very threatening calls and emails from folks around the country” trying to intimidate her from prosecuting Nicole Claudia Anderson, 42, and David Richard Nelson, 53.

Both were charged with three misdemeanors – violation of civil rights, vandalism and possession of tools to commit vandalism or graffiti – for painting over a small portion of the mural the same day it was painted, on July 4.


Each faces up to a year in county jail if convicted.

“MDEA knows that Black Lives Matter. Our Black members matter and our Black students matter and we stand in support of the Movement for Black Lives,” according to a resolution passed by the union’s executive board on July 13.

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When I was at El Dorado, we stuck to school matters on the signs. Keep politics out of school signs. Gear the signs towards school activities. That’s what school signs are for.

Here’s the kicker, those people are going to teach your children. Good luck to you.

I know, isn’t it terrible how children in our community will be exposed to worldviews that differ from those of their parents’?

@Fat Cat:
Exposed is fine. Indoctrinated by being told they are wrong to have different opinions, or graded according to the teacher’s personal politics, is not.

No educator, at any level, should ever offer their personal opinion at any time to their students. Schools are about education, not opinions. Stick to the lesson plan!

Kirkwood, spot on

Back in the dawn of time I had a teacher who told us it was his job to teach us how to think, but it wasn’t his job to teach us what to think.
I’ve always appreciated that.

Teachers should be teaching students how to think for themselves. Not how to think just like them. Politics do not belong in school!!

The teacher’s union is welcome to support any Marxist organization they wish. I wouldn’t expect anything else from them. What I’d like to know is how MDUSD can think it’s ok to post political messages on a tax payer supported message board?

Now the street has “civil rights”? Or is it the civil rights of all black people? 🤡DA is really stretching that narrative for brownie points.

Yes teachers union..everyone understands you are loyal to democrats. How do you think asian, samoan, white, indian, or latin students feel now? They think you don’t care about them and they aren’t included. Have you made any statements on your positions about the value of other lives as well? Or is it not equally important? What kind of animosity are you trying to brew? Good job guys, pat yourself on the back

Word on the street is that this is NOT the general membership, but the union’s executive board. Apparently, the members were never consulted or allowed to vote on this.

I do not care for this DA, but if the bad guys committed a crime they should be prosecuted and punished. That includes the rioters and such on either side. The threats against the DA are not appropriate.

Continue the banter, please.

No one should be forced to look at those signs taking over the whole street. I don’t care what it says or represents It’s a form of graffiti and it’s disturbing!

Isn’t great they are supporting a Marxist group that chants, “‘Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon”. Keep politics out of school and off the sign. Look what you done to our youth, teaching them to be ashamed of their race and country.You mush be real proud of creating the Cancel Culture.

It’s sad but true. My kids in junior high and told me they hated being white. I asked why ? And was told , because the black kids go around calling white kids names and try picking fights and if a white kid response and either calls the black kid a name or fights back and beats up the other kid they get called racist. The black kids know this ,they are untouchable by students and faculty, because,neither want to be labeled a racist.

Nothing2seehere I understand you load and clear, being a white kid myself going to Richmond schools. I been jumped many a time by blacks because of my color.

Nothing 2 see
Cancel culture is insidious. if your child is not doing as good as he could in this school I would find a different school. Unfortunately everyone is afraid to be called a racist so they allow this garbage to slide. Other alternative is take your kid to a boxing or MMA school. If a school was that bad I wouldn’t keep my kid in it. Won’t do any good to complain because the cowards running the schools will do nothing.

Defund the law, but make sure it’s around to prosecute someone who paints over a political message.

Further, referring to political signage as a mural is sort of like referring to drifting as “precision driving”. Dumbing down through sugarcoating.

As for politics in school, it has no business there.

Has the ” temporary mural” been removed?

LIVES MATTER! If you need a color in front of those words you are a racist

Yes. Thank you

No. The problem is it’s the Black who’s lives are in danger. All lives DO matter, but it’s not the whites who are getting beaten up and killed for no reason.


“The problem is it’s the Black [sic] who’s [sic] lives are in danger”

While the media narrative supports that assertion, the data do not.

Mt. Diablo teachers union needs to mask up and zip it! They have no right to get political. All they are doing is perpetuating ignorant bleeding heart victimhood.

American Life’s matter !

Indoctrinators of our youth display their true color for all to behold. An rumor has it soros backed this DA.

Prediction, this DA will “set an example of them” and in doing so will create a rallying point for conservatives and cement the celebrity of the defendants for all time.

Another example of the leftist desperation agenda resulting from America electing a non career politician, swap dweller as President.

This entire supposedly “spontaneous movement” demonstrating is but another exercise of democrat operatives as happens every presidential election cycle. An as it does each time their creation has metastasized well past their control. Rioting, looting, arson, murder and small minority owned businesses in democrat controlled cities are being destroyed.

An in their process they are creating votes for President Trump.

Keep politics out of school.

Too late to keep them out now. It is time to get them out.

Racist like them? They don’t want the school forcing kids down a political pathway! They want their children to think, to grow … get a clue Nick.

The Teachers Union? They have no business in this. They just acknowledged that they are forcing their agendas on our kids. Out with them all. Our kids do not need to be taught the opinions of supposed leaders in education. Facts. Reality, not guesses or distorted, warped opinions of these obvious liberal teachers. Guess what though, the Mob will come for them next. Only answer is to stop the mob.

@nicolas What a deceptively manipulative statement to make. Childish games is all you people are good for. Try growing up before you step to adults. I could care less about all people. Does that make me racist? Your bs makes no sense. Nobody actually matters as much as they think they do.

I would argue than Native Americans are the most marginalized people in this country.


You are right! Check facts: More Native American people are killed by police then any other race!!!!!!!!

The only people who are marginalized in this country are marginalized because they want to be or because their community is holding them back for many unfortunate reasons. To succeed you have to want to succeed. If you want to succeed and do what it takes you will succeed.

@parent – I dont know if this is as much about a political agenda as it is about prosecuting a hate crime.


It’s unfortunate that we are wasting precious teaching time NOT focused on mathematics, reading, writing and science…we are perpetuating this mediocrity in our education while teachers are teaching their opinions.

Posting on an adult website brings different results than posting on, say, a Facebook page or on a college campus bulletin board. Adults will respond from actual experience causing upset to those children that choose to play on adult playing fields, especially since 20 is the new 10.

As a teacher for the district and a member of the union, I would like to say that I have never pushed my political agenda on any of my students and I would still choose to not do so. I have many colleagues who have very strong opinions one way or another when it comes to politics, and all of the ones that I am familiar with keep it out of our classrooms. A student can ask questions and we can have appropriate discussions on the topics, but I would never say this is how I feel and so you should feel the same way. And for the record, these same teachers that I communicate with would all love to be back in the classroom and want to be there more than anything. If the district could figure out how to properly manage the situation, we would already be preparing and in our classrooms. Unfortunately, the situation is not being managed properly to say the least.

At this point, we all want politics out of the curriculum. Everyone has an opinion, that’s not the point. I think teachers should take a pledge to parents that they will not impose their beliefs on students and speak out when they catch indoctrination in lessons. How about it teachers? . Take the pledge. I dare you to stand up for what’s right.

Just Saying: You say that the situation is not being managed properly. What is your solution?

They have the email addresses and phone numbers. Prosecute THEM for making death threats. Simple. Throw ALL their a***s in jail.

Knowing someone who has been a long time teacher and therefore a long time union member I can tell you the union has always put the classroom teachers last. Some of the union contracts have been written for the benefit of the union bosses not the classroom teachers. Sometimes the teachers have gotten less that they had under the old contract.

On the state level the CTA has been the second most in political donations after the prison guards union. While the prison guards have gotten a lot of paybacks (I have known some of them), the teachers get nothing.

So the teachers may be union members, but the union does not always represent the teachers.

This describes the unstated goals of nearly all union leadership. Occasionally their goals coincide with the interests of their due paying members.

Unless they have previous painting over mural charges which obviously I doubt then they will receive a fine and community service and probation. I know it’s a national news story but really it’s a small crime legally.

Defund Public Schools! They cause more harm to the minority and low-income communities than any hate group. One look at the dismal performance of MDSU proves the point. They suffer from goal-displacement, with the actual achievement of educating our children placed at the bottom of the priority list.

Which is definitely the domain of MDEA concerns (sarcasm). Last I heard they were overdue on a contract. Shouldn’t this be their main concern?

Nothing2seehere I understand you load and clear, being a white kid myself going to Richmond schools. I been jumped many a time by blacks because of my color.

Whose civil rights were violated?

The streets civil rights were violated 🤡world extreme

Homeschooling, anyone???

Home schooling looks a little better every day……….

If I were dropping my child off for school and saw a political message on the school placard like El Dorado above I would make a u-turn and not go back.

No politics or religion in public school.

Save the whales, that’s OK.

Good question. Wouldn’t you like to be the one to raise your own children? You get only one chance at being a parent. Don’t blow it,

Defund Schools and stop the BS.

well of course we all know that teachers of the teachers union have no votes
and or political power to push their union reps for political action in their name

second i have no problem with charging them for vandalizing and so called hate crime …..as long as it goes both ways ….
which it does not …we all know that every position of power be it a council member or fake mayor or so called activist or media anchor or judge or DA all are taking their 15 seconds of fame for backing hate and politics and known marxist anarchy

the fact that the DA dismissed an illegal who was deported several times
from any crime after he shot an innocent women enjoying her day on a pier
then made the statement that she will no prosecute any illegal but plead them out says it all ….she is a democrat political insurgent and should be fired ….but since all her bosses and the gov and any appointed overseers
are all democrat politically motivated and back democrat agendas …..we the people are held hostage by their political agendas and are not afforded any protection unless we salute and support their flag

its not free america its one side or the other and for democrats if you not on their side your given the finger and called a racist ….even though they do ot know you or your history as they dont study history or they would be ashamed of themselves for emulating the national socialist party of 1930 germany …..

and yes placing political slogans on a tax payed billboard meant for middle school announcements would be punishable under a civilized american school system of laws

but alas democrats can do whatever they want in this state since the state makes its own laws and decided what laws it wants to follow and breaks the law at will to push their agenda

pushing politics on children is front and center and allowed and pushed and favored and recognized as approved and mandated and favorably approved for indoctrination tactics ….or in laymen’s terms ……


pushing democrat propaganda is their right in this state and many others
just ask them

This is so silly…seems as though they must have a stellar plan for distance learning in a few weeks all wrapped up to have time for this sham of a political agenda. The union has no place in this as it doesn’t have anything to do with our children’s education. Are they going to start commenting on the homeless problem too? Offer their thoughts on who they feel is fit for president?

They have nowhere to go but up in regards to distance learning, as last school year was a disaster. I wonder what the excuse will be this year with many months to prepare all the while dabbling in politics.

It’s a social movement. It’s only a political movement by those the choose to politicize it.


Until we prosecute vandals who deface or tear down public monuments with hate crime charges it looks a lot like a political agenda. Prosecute them for vandalism, yes. Drop the politically motivated charge.

This is so disrespectful to all of the non-black students in that school. Absolutely disgusting.

Not sure why the Teacher’s Union got involved

again when anyone uses schools in their tirade or political agenda

it is using parents to push their narrative of marxism and anti freedoms for americans

That’s really pathetic. But…is anyone really surprised?

taking a poll…..stand in the parking lot of the school with a back the blue sign, or just call the district office?

“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.”
– Vladimir Lenin

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
– Vladimir Lenin

@bad hombre – the post had nothing to do with monuments but I agree that those who deface public and private property should be prosecuted.

As a teacher I will let you know that the union did not poll the teachers as to whether this was something that they wanted to back. We were asked, but not required, to sign a resolution statement in support of the district attorney.
Before you jump on the back of all teachers and lump them all together, know that the union does not speak for teachers regarding politics.

It’s an ugly “mural.” I guess that’s what they’re calling it, a “mural.” It looks like “graffiti” to me. That yellow is atrocious, and the block letters are infantile. If I had been there, I would have helped her paint over it because it hurts my eyes. It’s just ugly “graffiti” in my opinion and it doesn’t belong on a street in Martinez.

Many moons ago, my daughter was in 3rd or 4th can’t remember. Her best friend was a coc(child of color). They were inseparable, sleep overs, weekend play dates, very innocent basic childhood. They bonded like true friends would. Well, one day at school out in the field during recess my daughter decided she wanted to “Knight” her friend with a stick. Her friend kneeled down and she put the stick from shoulder to shoulder. I have no idea where she got that from. You could only imagine what that looked liked from afar. The school recess lady ran up to her and told her she was being racist and told her to go to the office. instead of just telling her that wasn’t allowed. My daughter was really upset about the whole thing and didn’t understand and later asked me what racism was.😑 So thanks MDUSD for that. The friendship fizzled out after that which is really sad.

It’s a Marxist thang…. you wouldn’t understand…..

COC? Are you serious with this newspeak? How many colors does this child have besides brown? How many colors does your kid have (skin, eyes, hair)?

Absolutely absurd.

It’s racist to prosecute whites for defacing a “mural,” but not blacks defacing statues.

Public schools lost the chance to teach my children before they were even born. This sign had nothing to do with it.

That’s a good observance Giddyup!

MDEA just revealed itself as a racist organization by adopting the Marxist tag.
Absolutely disgusting

It really depends on what you mean by all lives matter. By virtue of existing everyone will leave some sort of impact on the world, carbon footprint or whatever you want to call it. By the same token can you say a pedophile, rapist, or comatose vegetable’s life matters?

“By the same token can you say a pedophile, rapist, or comatose vegetable’s life matters?”

What does “matter” mean to you? Does a life “matter” only if the impact thereof is somehow positive? Is there nothing to learn from those examples you present?

Somewhat unrelated, but this brought to memory a clip I saw of some people attending a Clinton rally during the 2016 campaign.

A few of the Clinton supporters were asked if they saw a convicted pedophile and Trump drowning in the ocean, but they could only save one, who would it be?

They all picked the pedophile.

Food for thought.


It is an undeniable and unavoidable result of existence. So what’s the point of claiming that something matters if it is so inherent? May as well scream that water is wet.

I fully support the teachers union for taking a position. It was a hate crime, and the DA got death threats; both are unacceptable. Repercussions for unlawful acts mean something under the eyes of the law and should be treated accordingly.

Attacking and in some cases attempting to kill honest ethical police officers is also a hate crime. When are the MDUSD schools going to advertise their support of police officers?

When I see all those shootings in Chicago and New York, I think of those as hate crimes. Black people hating black people.

If the quantity of resulting deaths are any measure, it’s a pretty large group.

Can you provide a source for your claim of death threats?


@ Joatmeal

Supporting a self-sdmitted Marxist organization (and their attempt to convert out government) on a school billboard like this is not a social act. It is political. Tax Payers pay for that billboard. They have no right to post a political message, whatever side they are on! Do your job TEACH!

Dang me Gittyup. You know it’s institutional racism.

Marxists are using race as a platform to push their political agenda & simpletons fall for it. I would had hoped that the people who educate our kids would be smart enough to recognize that…. but no.


The hypocrisy of it all. The original vandals get praises for painting on a public road, but the ones who paint over it get charged with vandalism??? What a hypocrisy…

Momma Bear, the original painting was done by a group that lawfully applied for a permit. The two who painted over it were vandalizing plain and simple.


And that permit was rubber stamped in a manner unheard of in Martinez bureaucracy by the spineless maggots in charge of such things.

the schools should not be pushing political slogans on their signs. Keep to 1school related info only.

So… It’s okay to tear down a statue but, you go to prison for painting over words on the street? We’re doomed!

And more from their site,
Looks like they don’t include the man of the house. Who needs a father figure anyway?
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

Sounds like it just might be a black woman’s organization?


The school district didn’t put “#WhatMatters2020” on the sign. That would be a political message as would “MAGA2020” and wouldn’t be appropriate.

if BL really M then why aren’t they in Chicago preventing the almost daily slaughter of B by Bs?

Exactly, Ash

Sad that these people think that they won’t suffer the consequences of the war they’re creating….



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