Gov. Gavin Newsom stressed Monday that the actions of residents across the state will determine how quickly the state reopens during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Newsom has continuously advocated for the use of masks and face coverings and the need for physical distancing as the pandemic has worn on, encouraging residents that certain activities like in-person schooling and
indoor dining are not feasible if people flout the state’s public health guidelines.
“We have to minimize the transmission of this disease,” Newsom said. “We have to minimize that by practicing physical distancing, wearing the face coverings and doing the kinds of things that are well-described and, obviously, now need to be more vigilantly followed.”
The state continues to see an aggregate rise in positive cases and hospitalizations due to the coronavirus as counties started to reopen at the outset of summer. An average of nearly 9,000 people per day tested positive for the coronavirus over the last week, Newsom said.
In addition, the state’s positive test rate continues to hover around 7.5 percent despite an average of more than 120,000 tests being completed each day.
“We’re going to continue to ramp up those efforts,” Newsom said of the state’s testing capacity.
Alongside the surge in cases, coronavirus deaths in the state also reached an average of 91 each day over the last week, according to state officials.
“Hospitalizations and (intensive care unit) use continue to be a cause of concern in the state,” Newsom said. “That’s why we want everybody to double down on everything we have been doing so that we can get back to school, get back to work in the traditional ways.”
Again I’m stressing Recall Gavin Newsom. FULL STOP and BROAD STROKES tippy toe bounce dip to the left
I’m with you, let’s get rid of this worthless slob!
We need to tear California to shreds and punish the residents for as long as possible-= GAVIN CHRISTOPHER NEWSOM
@Aunt Barbara – I see your point but Florida and Texas opened much more quickly than we did and are in huge trouble. What do you propose?
let’s see when this covid thing ends. maybe after November?
oh boy he used the schools
when ever a democrat mentions schools one of two things happen
they are lying
2nd they are positioning for a tax hike
no other reason than those 2
because we all know if the democrats cared about children and their education
they would not be pulling those funds to support illegals and their families with housing and childcare and healthcare and funding ….while american citizens are passed up in favor of illegals ….in housing and funds …..
yet those same citizens still vote dem ….why ….because the dems have them in the system of if we (dem politicians ) dont win you lose the tid bit your getting ….because the alternative is working at a job …and no dem voter wants that ….that is why they are dem ….
show me a dem politician who says ….we are going to get you employed and get you educated so you can achieve and pursue greater things and make more money and live the american dream
they want you to be low income and sucking the system …thats how dem politicians make money off of you ….
every program they put forward takes your money from you and your family lol
That’s EXACTLY what this SOB is doing!!
“Gov. Gavin Newsom stressed Monday that the actions of residents across the state will determine how quickly the state reopens during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.”
Fraud. Here’s some action for you to consider Governor Newsom. If our students are not permitted to go back to school in the fall, without restrictions, we demand a full tax refund for our payments to education (another sham…follow the money there too).
That will be our demand.
I won’t demand a refund. This is the price we pay when our elected officials politicize public health issues. Thankfully our elected officials (Democrats and Republicans) are finally coming together to support facial covering and social distancing. Trump today called those that wear face coverings patriots. Great leadership from Trump. I’m really happy to hear the briefings will be coming back as well.
“We have to minimize the transmission of this disease,” –Newsom
Yet a few months back what was done here in California ?
‘California orders skilled nursing facilities to accept coronavirus patients’
‘Senior care homes source of nearly half of all California coronavirus-related deaths, data show ‘
Yes, and didn‘t this fool transfer Covid-19 prisoners to San Quentin, causing the deadly outbreak there?
Being an old prison means it’s expensive to operate.
For those who have been paying attention, doing away with death penalty, transferring death row prisoners to other prisons and steadily reducing California’s prison population.
After C-19 there will be the excuse San Quentin needs to be closed because of what happens in a pandemic.
San Quentin happens to be one of the last large undeveloped Bayfront pieces of property. Residential units could sell for millions of dollars plus per unit.
There’s a reason newsom is where he is,
Oh and 130 residents of the SLF in Walnut Creek have caught it and 12 dead.
same thing happened in NYC which is where all the fear build up over this whole business in the first place.
Masks and keeping your distance: makes sense. Closing schools does not.
A study from Finland and Sweden just came out; here is the summary:
This report is a comparison between Finland and Sweden, two in many ways
similar countries who applied different measures regarding schools during the
covid-19 pandemic. There is no difference in the overall incidence of the
laboratory confirmed covid-19 cases in the age group 1-19 years in the two
countries and the number of laboratory confirmed cases does not fluctuate with
school closure or change in testing policy in Finland. In Sweden, the number of
laboratory confirmed cases is affected by change in testing policy. Severe covid-19
disease as measured in ICU admittance is very rare in both countries in this age
group and no deaths were reported. Outbreak investigations in Finland has not
shown children to be contributing much in terms of transmission and in Sweden a
report comparing risk of covid-19 in different professions, showed no increased
risk for teachers.
In conclusion, closure or not of schools had no measurable direct impact on the
number of laboratory confirmed cases in school-aged children in Finland or
Sweden. The negative effects of closing schools must be weighed against the
positive indirect effects it might have on the mitigation of the covid-19 pandemic.
Here’s another:
And an op-ed summarizing a bunch of evidence:
Everyone please provide sources of these studies. There are too many bogus sources of “studies.” Remember Plandemic the bogus conspiracy theory video that made the rounds 2 months ago? I have no idea why someone would go o such trouble to misinform people.
Masks and distancing will slow the spread but we need all to participate. Otherwise this will go on for another year. I want my freedom back too.
Masks are BS.
Please get your information from trusted sources. Ask yourself are most major news media reporting the same story.
@Doh, the major news outlets are all in it for the money not the truth. Media conglomerates getting rich off pharmaceutical ads in the age of covid.
@Doh, the media is finally starting to pick up on the message from researchers: namely that younger kids suffer the most from schools going online, and they are also less likely to transmit the disease (and are very unlikely to get seriously ill). Here’s another totally mainstream, expert-authored source: The NYT has an article on this report today too.
(Going against tradition – and for good reason – THIS president will not be asked)..
Instead, calling *HIM a “true champion for our country” the Washington Nationals have asked the distinguished *DR FAUCI to throw out the first pitch at their home opener.
The “DISGRACED” has been denied the opportunity as it has been reserved for true American heroes. You’re fired!
Does anyone care that so called dr Fauxci was asked to throw the first pitch at the socialist controlled Washington nationals baseball game? I think not. Fauxci is nothing more than a tool
Why the hell does it take 12 (!!!) days to get a Test result?
For manipulation purposes of course.
When he said to double down he was referring to protesting.
If people had masked and distanced per guidance from the beginning instead of following social media conspiracy directives, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are right now.
Let’s follow this space a year from now to see how many anti-maskers/anti-distancers have been completely untouched – themselves, their families, their friends, their coworkers, those they admire (if anyone) – by the disease itself.
Well said. Common sense, ain’t it!
Dear Anonymous2, I honestly want to know. Can you explain to me how “slowing the spread” gets us out of this faster? I realize the danger the virus presents to a subset of the population and that they need to protect themselves and have the right to make that decision for their health. But how does covering everyone’s face stop a virus? Virus’s don’t really ever go away but do become less contagious as more people build antibodies. I look to Sweden’s policy and they are really no worse off than us ( and don’t just compare them to Norway and Finland) Plus as far as I can tell almost all people wear masks when shopping etc., hard to believe that the few that don’t are responsible for “the mess we are right now”.
Manor Care Walnut Creek should have been shut down years ago.
They are incompetent!
Coronavirus: Outbreak at Manor Care Walnut Creek nursing home leaves 12 dead, 130 infected
That is correct. They are terrible. Always understaffed and very bad food. My mother had to go there after her knee replacement surgery and she said it was one of the most negative experiences she had to endure. Everyone I know that had to go there said the same. They are a corporation that is greedy and cuts corners. It is expensive and they rip off Medicare. I AM SORRY FOR THE PATIENTS THAT GOT COVID AND ESPECIALLY THE POOR FOLKS WHO LOST THEIR LIVES.
The research is rather young, and the experts are still learning on the job. Looking back, maybe a 6-week complete shutdown (essential/non-essential workers) would have been more effective?
Must you spout your vitriol in such an offensive way with ugly hateful mean ignorant words? Governor Newsom is not backpedaling. He is following precise scientific guidelines for us. THE PUBLIC IS BACKPEDALING. Had they followed wearing masks etc. then we would have mitigated COVID. Fault finding does not solve anything. Name calling seems to be ok these days I guess. Thinking stops when you call a person horrible names.
I have to agree that Newscum is another career politician who can’t find his way out of a paperbag with a flashlight. He is pandering for votes and for the nomination of US President in the future. If how he is handling things in California is any clue…wise up folks recall him before he can do anymore damage.
This will go down as the biggest scam of all time.
No, not the disease, but the response.
Once we were in crisis mode, Democratic politicians wasted no time in implementing their long term vision.
Vote by mail, so they can scam the election.
Defund and deunionize the police, the one last institution in this country they don’t have 100% control of.
Destroy the economy, short term to defeat Trump, long term to create more government dependence.
Even lowly health supervisor Anna Roth was in on the plot, promising “a new vision for Contra Costa County” about 5 minutes before the riots broke out.
The writing is on the wall, pick a side.
Civil society or whatever it is the Dems in Seattle, Portland, etc. supposedly stand for.
I largely agree, except about police: they *should* be de-unionized, or at least everything connected to disciplinary records should be ruled out of bounds for collective bargaining. It’s about as difficult to get a bad cop out of the profession as to get a bad teacher, and for the same reason: the unique leverage that large public-sector unions can apply on politicians. Why shouldn’t there be a licensing system, like there is for airline pilots or doctors? If you screw up multiple times you’re out – you can’t practice that profession any more. Period.
Recall Jackass Newsom 2020
How’s that taste of socialism for everyone? Can’t let a good crisis go to waste.. So keep pushing your socialist agenda down the throats of your counties and states.
I agree.. Californians have been voting for these politicians with the socialism agenda and now they got what they wanted. Wish I could leave Cali more than anything for the sake of my family and their future.
So many silly posts here.
Ok. What are your thoughts?
your nsme says it all, i am
Definitely backpedaling! Impeach Newsom! hes been a worthless, hurtful Governor, and now that the Dems cards are being shown, he will not be protected any longer.
Yes, deep…. all below the surface.
another ineffective failed left leaning politician who is nothing more than an empty suit
Precise scientific guidelines? For an imprecise virus? Sure.
When he backpedals, which he has done a couple of times now, it tells us that the groups that got him elected have just had a little chat with him. They tell him how it’s going to be, and it’s up to him to spin it with the citizens.