Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,093 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 70 Of 99 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities

DAILY UPDATE: 1,093 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 70 Of 99 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities


This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:

        • 1,093 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • 125 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday (today’s total – yesterday’s total = number of new cases)
        • 4,539 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
        • 1 deaths since yesterday (county total = 99).
        • 70 of the 99 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
        • There are currently 16 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
        • 62 of the 99 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
        • Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
        • Nobody under the age of 17 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
        • 2,854 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County. The seven day positive average is 6.1%.
        • 551 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.



The population in Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.

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Good numbers!

Active cases has dropped by over 50 despite acquiring a 125 new cases.
Mortality rate is continuing to fall, currently at 1.72% of known cases.

US percentage is 3.65% mortality rate and California is at 1.97%. And before anyone asks, these numbers are the conservative high numbers found on worldometer. The CDC reports lower numbers … but I choose to look at the higher numbers to keep the ‘fear’ alive.

Yes this is serious.
No it is not a hoax.
You can make your own decision if this has been overblown, politicized or if we are following the science. I have made my decision.

Mortality rate is far, far lower.

Case fatality rate is what you’re referring to. And yes, it’s 1.72% overall for those who catch it in the first place, but if you don’t live in a care home it’s even lower than that.

CC County is 10-12 days behind in reporting results, from the time tests are taken, so this is not an accurate picture of what’s going on.

You are correct, I usually do not distinguish between case and mortality rate because most people do not understand the difference. =)

@ Mo M
And where do you get the 10-12 days behind? I know several folks who have had the test and the results on the same day and have seen others who report it takes 10 days to get a test. I would think that balances out …. so I am not buying the metrics being 10-12 days behind unless you can provide a legitimate data source for that.

I mean, the incubation period was supposed to 14 days, and now people are saying, well you know maybe it is longer. To me, your comment, and the incubation comment all seem to be someone trying stretch the information to fit their hypothesis instead of letting the data read for itself.

And anyways, even if it is 10-12 days late, we have seen a downward trend of case fatality, infection rate etc for awhile. A trend does not mean every day is lower, it is the OVERALL picture we are looking at.

Closing in on 100 dead CCC. Even the various run of mill flue doesn’t kill that many in a year here in CCC.

@Dorothy what is your data source? According to County data typical annual deaths from flu and pneumonia in Contra Costa County are about 190.
The trick is how many reported deaths from flu and pneumonia alone this year to date? Wish we knew huh!

So MoM
How is testing related to results? The stats above show the results from the tests administered. And if this delay is consistent throughout the process, you can still make a decision based on this data. Now if all of a sudden we could test and get result same day for everyone, then we would have an apples to oranges comparison, but right now it is still apples to apples.

@ Dorothy
Influenza and Pneumonia
Contra Costa County, CA
Check out 2018 numbers as well .

@puffandstuff – that is for the whole year – and we are only 5 months into this pandemic.

@jayz … first reported case in the USA is late Jan. So, that means we are coming close to seven months

Really 5 months? Considering San Jose says the first reported case was in early January, that make 6.5 months ago. And considering they did not catch the first victim, I would think it might be longer. Hmmm, just a guess on my part.

164 deaths for the 2017 flu season. Oct through May is Flu season.

out of curiosity, anyone know how many people died of the flu in CCC this season? I wonder if the number is lower than normal …

71% of the deaths were long term residents. Do your very best to stay away from these facilites. The life you save will more than likely be your own.

It would be better to look at “deaths from all-causes” in the county in order to try and determine if the number deaths is above the norm, or whether there has been no significant statistical change year-to-year.

Newspapers have 2 sets of death #s. One for just the virus and another for all causes. I presume the 2nd includes the virus ones as well.

So only 99 people have died from COVID since March here in CCC. Seems very low for having over 1 million people living in CCC. Since March how many people have died in CCC from natural causes, heart attacks, car accidents, suicide, cancer, brain aneurysms, drug overdoses, etc?

Once again, senior residential care facilities account for roughly 70% of deaths. There is a reason residents of these facilities are required to get a Flu vaccine each year. I suspect that if we had rigorously protected these facilities, and those with multiple co-morbidities, and had everyone else work and go about their business we’d be in better shape now.

BTW-the only time I see my mother is when I take her to an essential doctor visit. So she is safe… but the isolation is beginning to take its toll on her and the other residents. No “Health Officer” is willing to be honest about the side-effects of “Cower-in-Place”.

Hmm, outside of eldercare facilities for the entire county only 28 dead. Makes one wonder, if N-95 were readily available for general public, could have businesses stayed open ? ?

Given micron size of virus and cloth mask’ inability to come even close to micron filtering ability of an N-95 there’s no way I’d not use an N-95 in high density situations.

Went to kaiser for prescription refill, an only had with me a cloth mask, they were limiting number of people in pharmacy. They wanted you to wait in a hallway of an adjacent building. Walked down line of 20 people waiting in a narrow hallway, turned around walked back out, told them forget it and left.

Your kids can’t go to school, your family can’t go to church, and you’re banned from going to work and earning a living, but Anthony Fauci can throw the first pitch for the Washington Nationals on Opening Day on Thursday.

That ball is the only one he will ever have . . .

There’s your sign……….

Wondering how many of the new cases of Covid-19 are from all the long term healthcare facilities in Contra Costa County? Also, wondering how many positives are recounts from further tests administered to people who have already tested positive?



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