Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, announced he re-introduced legislation that would expand the state’s pool of potential jurors.
Senate Bill 592 would mandate that jury pools be expanded from registered voters, licensed drivers and identification card holders to include state tax filers.
Wiener argued the change would make jury pools more reflective of California’s diversity, whereas current jury pools are whiter, wealthier and less diverse than the state as a whole, he said.
“Our current process for selecting jury pools undermines our ability to ensure people have a jury of their peers,” Wiener said. “We need to include all Californians on our jury lists, not just those who are registered to vote who have a driver’s license.”
The co-authors of the bill include Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, and Assembly members Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, and Ash Kalra, D-San Jose, according to Wiener’s office.
“We have a constitutional right to a jury that is a representation of our community in all of its diversity, and this measure gets us much closer to achieving that right,” Kalra said.
“Trial by jury of one’s peers is fundamental to a fair and non-racist criminal justice system and a representative jury pool is crucial to making that principle a reality,” Wiener said. “We must change our broken
and racist criminal justice system.”
They want felons on juries. They want criminals to distribute justice. They want true “criminal justice” Scott Weiner is the definition of the far leftist extremist infiltration of our system. VOTE HIM OUT OR RECALL HIM
He wants someone to pick the jurors pockets and commit more crime
on the innocent doing their jury service, while they think they are safe.. It makes more money in the criminal justice system, most have stolen license and identity and could not sit still that long on their drugs..
What a boob!
Felons can already serve on a jury, as long as they have completed their sentence, probation, or parole. They can vote too.
If Wiener is in favor then I am adamantly opposed. That is all.
They say “we have a constitutional right to a jury that is a representation of our community and all its diversity”. The last two times I was called for jury duty I had to drive over to Richmond. Both times I was excused quickly. Apparently I was giving them more diversity than the defense lawyers wanted…….
Most people read this and say, no big deal. Here is the big deal we have many people voted into office like weiner that hate everything about our country and they will do any little or big thing to destroy it. These morons have to be voted out of office. For too many years now the left takes two steps forward but only one step back. Do the math.
So illegal aliens and felons judging law abiding American citizens? Clown world.
I’m sure Weiler was totally fine with the OJ Simpson jury being all black. What is this country coming to? Racism is wrong period. I don’t want to say we’re all the way to reverse racism at this point, but it’s getting close and it seems to me common sense is being thrown out the window.
“I don’t want to say we’re all the way to reverse racism”
No such thing. Racism runs in all directions. The leftists had to make up their own definition of racism to make it seem like it only runs one direction.
Illegal aliens…Yup, who else will keep the real racists with D after their names in office?
Illegals can have a drivers license, that means they are already included in the jury pool.
Good. The biased tactics currently implemented are a big component in the discriminatory “justice” system we have today.
“California prosecutors routinely strike Black and Latino people from juries“
Maybe if law abiding citizens didn’t try so hard to get out of jury duty this wouldn’t be necessary.
Like anything is credible coming out of a study from UC Bezekley.
Why do jury duty? They never execute anyone, and they let convicts out early. And the sentences are very light. Why would I waste my time?
So is Weiner saying that non-white people don’t get driver’s licenses or ID cards and don’t register to vote? If that’s the case, why does he think they file taxes?
Maybe I’m just dense, but I don’t really see how this would increase diversity on juries. Is he saying people of color don’t register to vote or have driver’s licenses/ID cards? Because that would be racist.
Skinner again. Nope, not for anything this weirdo wants.
Less than a year ago I had to report for Jury duty at the Pittsburg location which I thought was a bit unusual since I’ve always had to report to Walnut Creek in the past. I sat in the big waiting room while they picked Jurors for 3 different trials. The people waiting were plenty diverse. All different races and walks of life were present. I think Wiener is once again up to no good. Vote him out or recall immediately.
So now we would have to listen to Englsh and other language translation or hire interpreters to make jury duty last even longer. Most could not comprehend what was even going on or even know what “beyond a reasonable doubt” means,
Joey Chestnut could make this guy and others like him disappear in a matter of minutes!
how about simply enforcing the summons to appear to be a juror? Currently, there’s no penalty for just ignoring the summons and not showing up. The county has to send more and more summons to appear just to get enough jurors for each trial as more and more people are just ignoring them.
Name a cost efficient way to prove that the summons’ is actually delivered to the prospective juror.
Wiener has got to go. No! You must be legal to vote, complete educational classes to become a US citizen, and then serve in our jury system!
same guy who said he wants it to be ok to infect people with hiv
without telling them …..
he is trying to pave the way for illegals to be on jurys
hmmm but who are they peers for …..
nope this is a bill to push the narrative or other words plant the seed
and later they can say well if they wont budge then we can just find another easier way to have illegals vote
my question is why have the dems forced them to keep being illegal i am sure if they wanted to they could make them legal ….why dont they…????
well then they would be free and able to make their own choices to vote ….
so the democrats hmmmm control them absolutely and dont allow them to be legally recognized and are refusing to give them civil liberties ….makeing them pawns to be used at the democrats wills ….
hmm i wonder if there is a liberal college student who can explain why this is ok to do to a race of people ………liberal politicians are refusing to set them free ….why ….why keep them tied down and housing them ……..placing american citizens to the streets and overpasses …..
could illegals be causing the housing situation …
could illegals be sucking system funds away from american citizens ….
could illegals be getting privilege
could liberal politicians be engaging in hypocrisy yet again ….
could the weiner be invoking a sham to put illegals in charge of american lives in court system ….
could sanctuary be a tool of liberal dissent
a tool of control and power over americans and their families
could liberals be infringing on american civil liberties by denying them their rights of pursuit of happiness as a citizen of the united states
as illegals are using all the low income housing directly per liberal politicians orders
are americans being disenfranchised by liberal politicians and their agenda to deny americans their rights as americans …
in favor of using illegals as loopholes ….to the bill of rights and the constitution
this appears to be a legal matter of some circumstance
oooops ….thats right …the DA is a liberal stooge and does their bidding and would refuse to bring any charges or even attempt to correct the americans that are being denied basic rights as a citizen …..losing their homes to illegals and being denied services that are being funneled to illegals
too bad this state is corrupted with hate and greed and hypocrisy all the way from teachers to DA and judges as well as the media
this is atrocious and yet under sanctuary ….no one even cares about americans being booted in favor of illegals who serve as pawns in aliberal game of power …and using people of any color to get what the liberal socialist politicians want …..
maybe congress should be aware ….errr again corrupted with liberal socialists ….well its been fun in real america for a while
i guess it will die soon to ignorance of its very laws for its citizens rights
When are Weiner and Skinner gone with term limits?
I want to see data on what the new jury pool looks like compared to current? I thought problem was unfair removal of certain jurors for racial causes?
Why are all the systems “broken?” Seems everything these jackasses speak, the system needs fixing. I think the system of electing these type of representatives is broken too.
Exactly. If the whole system is broken, we start with the election process. Remove money from the equation and give everyone the same amount of media time, no more no less. Best ideas win, not who gets Soros money
Liberals want “change.” They don’t care how, where, or the consequences, as long as things change. They don’t stop to consider unintended consequences. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
One things for sure, their understanding of the 2nd Amendment is FUBAR!
To correct some statements and assumptions made in this thread: A person has to be a US citizen to serve on a jury. A person also has to be proficient in English. These requirements are standard across the county.
That’s about to change per Weinermobile, backed by the Greasy Gov
Scott Weiner is a Marxist working within California government. Any bill he writes needs to be challenged aggressively. The leftist hive in San Francisco will continue to vote for him so little can be done there, other than to remain vigilant and shut down his bills sot they don’t take hold statewide.
Vote for a Weiner free California .
No Wiener-Skinner!
What this proposal is really asking for is less diversity. They are looking for jurors that are sympathetic to criminals. In other words, they want criminals on the jury. Vote them out before people get hurt.
Selfishly I wouldn’t mind, cause I sure am sick of getting a summons constantly, been too many times, last time to Richmond. Had to drive through huge group of homeless people sprawled all over parking lot, the building had no place to get lunch, entire experience was negative.
With liberal San Franciscans re-electing him, the only way anyone is EVER going to get Weiner out is with TERM LIMITS. Maybe one of those conservative San Diego Republicans can get a Measure on the ballot. It’s the only hope.
I’m a registered voter (can’t recall if I ever failed to vote), licensed driver AND state taxpayer and I haven’t been summoned in maybe 15 years. I figure that I am on some kind of black list because of too much “experience” in the legal system. Sounds like I’m just the kind of guy they are looking for. What gives?
Recall not just Weenie and Skinner. It should also include Eshoo, Barbara Lee, Pelosi, Get rid of Becerra and that idiot AG for SF!
Diverse, my butt!
So did anyone see that this “new bill” is actually one of those “gut and amend” bills that with the way the State Senate is set up just kept Mr. Weiner alive. The original bill was about housing and it was dead for a year, but with the Legislature running out time it helps him move his agenda along without the review.
Anyway we are not getting rid of Weiner soon – he was elected in 2016 so he could be around until 2028! And then we have Ms. Skinner who can be in office for another 4 years…..
just more wasted time, money, and people’s health…I don’t go to jury duty, never have and never will…just another piece of mail to ball up and throw away
Not cool. I don’t tell other people what to do but, definitely not cool
In recent decades the legal profession has become increasingly skilled in psychology and has learned to better manipulate the emotions of jurors, influencing an otherwise logical conclusion. Perhaps unemotional software could replace juries in some cases. Where is Mr. Spock or Data when we need them?