Former Concord resident John Lee Cowell was sentenced Friday to two consecutive sentences of life in prison for the murder of Nia Wilson and the attempted murder of Latifa Wilson in October 2018 at the MacArthur BART station in Oakland.
Judge Allan Hymer imposed the sentences about 10:30 a.m. following an impact statement by Latifa Wilson.
Latifa Wilson said Cowell has shown no remorse for his actions. “You are inhuman,” she said, yet she forgives him for what he did. “I have to, she said.
Christina Moore, who served as Cowell’s attorney, said she would be filing an appeal for Cowell.
Has Hizzoner Newsom released him yet for the CoronaVirus? 😎
He’s making phone calls in his limo as we write.
The only appeal I would accept is for one life term (without possibility of parole) instead of two life terms, since I don’t know how anyone who can survive the first life term to serve the second life term. So it is pretty meaningless to add on. He is a rotten scum of the earth, regardless. I hope he eventually has remorse before he faces his ultimate judge.
partly done that way in case they win 1 appeal, but not the other…
Here is how the appeal should go. Christina Moore to judge, hey, don’t you think two life terms without parole is a bit harsh. Judge, no I do not. Christina Moore, o.k.
So in other words he was released today. Are they dropping him off at Bart?
This is one that all news accounts should have in them, he is well known to law enforcement. Had already been in state Prison and was unable to be housed in general population evidently due to mental issues.
Got Paroled out onto our streets and an unsuspecting public.
How many more like him are still out on our streets ? ? ? ?
Blame for this is solely the responsibility of Feckless CA state legislature who’d rather show the world how green and PC they can be, than pass legislation that takes violent mentally ill off our streets.
How it works now, our first responders are forced to REPEATEDLY deal with people like this guy, UNTIL they commit a violent enough Felony that lands them in no bail custody.
System is broken and democrats won’t fix it, do they deserve your vote and reelection ? ? ?
I’ve known Johnny lee & his family all my life I just want people to know he has a great family that tried to support him but unfortunately once he got strung out & started having mental problems he would stop taking his meds & turned to drugs & it became impossible to help or be around him he would steal from family & make life hell for everyone the state was well aware of his mental problems it was well documented but yet they would still release him with nowhere to go & enough meds for a few days time & time again after that he was society’s problem he didn’t kill over hate or race he killed because he has no brain left & was out of control I’m sorry to the family of the victims the lose is horrible & maybe preventable if our jail system ever gets it right & puts people in the right form of custody & releases them with a plan & place for them to go
Person self medicating with drugs and or alcohol has to hit a bottom and decide they are sick and tired of being sick ‘n tired.
That said have seen too many times what happens when people don’t hit a bottom, prison or death.
That Guy, … Thank You, for sharing your knowledge.
Hope a member of state legislature reads and is motivated by your post. Or a reporter digs in and reports failings of system we’re stuck with.
I feel for the families on both sides and the victims as well. Mental illness is a monster society has to deal with even though the people are not related or known to us. It’s sad, frustrating, frightening, confusing, and every other emotion that makes us uncomfortable. You cannot make an adult do anything they don’t want to do. It’s a huge problem that sadly has the potential to end up like this.
Most people with mental disorders are not violent. This guy was just a piece of trash who trashed his mind and went crazy. I’m glad they didn’t accept the insanity plea and hopefully he gets the sh*t beat out of him in jail. Justice.
I’m sorry but I must disagree with your statement that mental I’ll people aren’t prone to violence because all studies & science facts prove otherwise people with severe mental illness are prone to psychotic outbursts usually resorting to violence unfortunately I don’t feel he shows remorse because he doesn’t remember or know what he did all & all this is sad for all the families involved & sad it will keep happening until we fix our broken system