This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 1,198 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 93 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 3,942 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 1 death since yesterday (county total = 93).
- 66 of the 93 deaths were in long-term care facilities. (2 more than yesterday – number was adjusted to include one more nursing home death from a prior day)
- There are currently 16 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities (2 more than yesterday) – note: nursing home staff is only tested every 30 days, according to Contra Costa County.
- 59 of the 93 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- Nobody under the age of 17 has died from COVID-19 in the State of California.
- 551 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.

The population in Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
RELATED STORY: COVID-19 Test Results Taking 10-12 Days In Contra Costa County
Why are your case numbers higher that the counties. The county says there were 66 new cases
Today’s total – yesterday’s total = 93 new cases, not 83
So the county is wrong?
The county is reporting the number of new cases by date of confirmation. Prior dau totals were adjusted.
So a drop in cases? Can we open up yet??
I think it would be prudent to wait a few weeks to see what effect all of those July 4th get togethers did to the spread. It’s the long term trend you have to watch out for.
Wear a face covering when you’re out and about, keep your distance, wash your hands.
It’s not that difficult or inconvenient, given the payoff in health benefits. It EVERYONE does this, we can beat this virus, TOGETHER ❤
@ BernieM
I like how you are blaming Fourth of July but you aren’t blaming the Martinez protesters. SMH
Why wait? They say that most symptoms show in 5 days but it is a 14 day incubation period. July 16th – July 4th = 12 days. Feeling pretty good that we did not see a huge increase from the 4th …
It’s a big list – protests, indoor church, soccer practice, etc etc – need i go on ? Maybe I should put a link to the website for us all ? Multiple groups of people either being foolish or careless. Mask up !
Keep in mind CC County is running 10-12 days from test date to providing results, and that it is also harder to get tests now.
Sobering Statistics: I checked NY Times COVID-19 data this morning. The United States had 67,300 new cases on Wednesday. Most current data for new daily worldwide cases was 229,533 cases. So US has 4.3% of the world’s population, but over 29% of the new daily COVID-19 cases.
This is what happens when people are foolish enough to not wear a mask, and do not practice social distancing whenever possible in public. Simple stuff to do. That and keep your dang hands washed. COVID-19 would not be surging now if everyone followed those simple practices.
The SF Chron reported in today’s paper that Bay Area COVID-19 hospitalizations are up over 38% from 2 weeks ago.
Anyone out there still think COVID-19 is “just the flu”?
There should be more differentiation than “ new cases”. Not everyone that is infected is sick. Not everyone that is sick dies. Not everyone that tested is actually still infected. Apparently, this test is so sensitive, it registers dead virus material, so it’s a false positive, because the tested person is already over it. Additionally, some test sites commingle antibody tests and virus tests, resulting in higher positives. Antibodies are an indicator that a person already had the virus and successfully recovered.
While I’m not trying to downplay the spike here in the US (it exists, even measured against our own numbers from a month ago), comparing it to the rest of the world is spurious. Most of the world is not doing nearly the testing that we are. Mexico is having as bad, or worse an outbreak as we are. They just aren’t getting accurate numbers. Same goes for quite a few places in the world.
Comparing infection rates per capita controlled for testing rate per captia would be more fair.
The higher numbers are due to overestimating the probability of positive cases. Many of the individuals marked down as positive for Covid-19 were never tested. Never. Tested. They were marked positive due to the probability they have the virus after being exposed to someone who did. If they indicated “yes” to having even one symptom of Covid-19 they were automatically marked positive. So if you were at a party last week with someone who later tested positive for Covid-19 and when questioned you indicated you did have a headache one day last week then you are marked as a positive case. THE DATA IS NOT ACCURATE.
Do not make this pandemic a partisan issue. It has nothing to do with the quantity of tests performed.
@Mary Fouts
Except for “19”, every other number (percentage/case/weeks) you posted is flat out wrong.
@ Sknickerdad
Time to educate yourself about a subject you know nothing about. The Health department does not determine the cause of death. On order to determine the cause of death there needs to be an autopsy. The Coroner’s Division of the Sheriff’s Office does autopsies and makes the determination as to whether an autopsy should be conducted. The law requires an autopsy to be performed under circumstances. This is not one of them. I think you would have to get the permission of the next of kin to perform an autopsy when it is net legally required and then it becomes a question of who pays for the autopsy. Autopsies are not cheap to perform. Do you the tax payer want to pay for autopsies? On top of it all, if somebody was already ill or had a chronic condition and tested COVID positive, it would be impossible to determine that COVID was the cause of death or if it merely contributed to the death. STAY IN YOUR LANE!
Deaths aren’t the only concern. Growing evidence of long-term health effects, even in young people. Wear a face covering. It’s not that difficult or inconvenient.
Really? So how do doctors record the cause of death on the death certificate? As far as I know, they do not do an autopsy in the hospital when they record the cause of death on the certificate. I also do not believe the Sheriff’s department is involved in every death, at least I do not recall them showing up to the hospital when my father died.
Hmm … Not sure if you are completely correct in your statement. You might want to check your LANE markings to make sure you are absolutely and completely correct.
You have to cast your net wide to capture any real data…it’s futile to get straight answers from the Health Department. Check out the CDC Provisional Death Counts for COVID-19, which come from the ICD-10 codes on death certificates. There is a delay in reporting, but this gives you some data. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm
If Covid-19 is present in an individual’s system when death occurs, the majority of cases are being declared death due to Covid-19. So to answer your question … the “OF” is replacing all “WITH” according to my medical contacts.
So the chart clearly shows that Richmond and Baypoint have the highest infection rates by three or more times the average. What is some informed speculation for this? I know one of the first suspicions is protest activity, but what else might be the cause? Larger percent of residents working in service jobs dealing with the public? Inter generational housing? Less respect for social distancing and mask etiquette? Anyone that lives in those cities care to comment their ideas?
I’m genuinely curious about this. It’s such a huge discrepancy, there has to be a reason or reasons.
Well… they want you to believe it’s 4th of July meetings and church…
After all, according to the health department Covid 19 is racist…. smh…
I believe the official answer is the type of work they do. Service industries/retail.
So why was our county rolled back to phase 1? We had a 8.04% infection rate, but today we are at 4.9% and yesterday was 5.7%. So our governor is quick to lock us into phase 1, AGAIN, but not quick enough to release once our infection rate drops back down? Wow … what a guy!?
I also find it interesting that our death rate increased by 1, but the number of long term deaths increased by 2. Did we have a mistake in the numbers – could that indicate that the numbers may not all be accurate.
We are also now housing more homeless population than yesterday.
Though we had more cases, our total active cases today DROPPED by 86!
And the most interesting thing that is NOT being published anywhere, is that 178 people who were considered active cases have FULLY RECOVERED! That is something we should be celebrating!
The Health Department says that state decides now when we get to reopen. So, we are now paying for the Governor’s failed lack of reopening strategy.
And, it’s not just Newsom wanting the lockdown. Steve Glazer wants another total multi-week lockdown…
Wonder if we’ll ever be told how many new cases practiced unsafe protesting or unsafe looting a few weeks prior to getting sick. Why is it protesting and looting is allowed ? ? ?
But law abiding religious folk having a Church service is a threat. Makes one wonder as to priorities of elected “public servants” and their unelected minions.
Would also like to see info on highest level of education for non elderly infected.
Wow 92 total deaths and 78 folks hospitalized Thats worth shutting down the whole county.Am I really suppose to believe this is not politcal?