Home » Contra Costa County Health Officer Holds Question & Answer Session Regarding COVID-19 (Video Added On July 17)

Contra Costa County Health Officer Holds Question & Answer Session Regarding COVID-19 (Video Added On July 17)


NOTE: We’ve added video to the post (above).

County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano spoke to Contra Costa Supervisors this afternoon regarding COVID-19 in the county.

Below is a quick summary of the information he provided to start the meeting:


  • Average amount of new cases has stabilized throughout the past 7 days.
  • Hospitalizations continue to increase.
  • Currently there are 25 Outbreaks at Contra Costa County nursing homes (an outbreak is when 3 or more residents/staff test positive for COVID-19). *Claycord note: County dashboard is only reporting 16 outbreaks.
  • About 2/3 of all COVID-19 deaths in Contra Costa County are age 80 or older.
  • Encouraging everyone to be tested for COVID-19.
  • Many labs that are running COVID-19 tests for Contra Costa County are also running tests for other counties/states, resulting in long wait times.
  • The state of California has a shortage in testing machines.
  • Most people are contracting COVID-19 from someone inside their home, grocery stores and gatherings outside the house, including funerals, vacations, father’s/mother’s day parties.
  • Highest rate of infection right now is people between the ages of 20-40.
  • Once Contra Costa County is off the state’s county monitoring list, we still won’t be able to reopen closed businesses/activities until further notice. It’s up to the state to decide.
  • Children are less likely to pass the virus to other children and adults.
  • Contra Costa County (all hospitals) has 900 non-ICU beds, 200 ICU beds. There are 1,700 total beds in the county, but only about 1,100 are licensed and staffed.
  • 84 people are currently hospitalized in the county with COVID-19.
  • 30% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 are in the ICU. In March/April it was 50%.
  • Transmission of COVID-19 from surfaces is less of a concern. Most transmission is through coughing/talking.

Several callers asked questions to Dr. Farnitano.

Below are his answers to some of the questions:

  • It’s up to the school districts when school campuses will reopen. The health department and state only provide guidance.
  • 4-6 hospital beds in Contra Costa County are being used for out-of-county residents.
  • 12-20 Contra Costa residents are being treated at hospitals in other counties.
  • No size limit to outdoor protests, but they do require protesters to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart.
  • Protests are a risk for spread of COVID, but since most involved wear masks it reduces the risks.
  • The state could add more restrictions to the county if the county remains on the monitoring list.
  • The county does bill insurance companies for testing, if the person being tested has insurance.
  • Outdoor activities are encouraged. Playgrounds are still closed.
  • Flu deaths nationwide: The U.S. has up to 50,000 deaths a year (a vaccine is available for the flu).
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Why did Starbucks at Clayton Station have to close for “deep clean” yesterday?

Sounds like… to deep clean?! As they should!

So nothing new from him … nothing …

So if only 1,100 hospital beds are licensed and staff, but we have another 600 available, why did we put money into having mobile hospitals set up instead of just licensing those 600? Seems like a missed opportunity to me.

Since Father’s Day was a month ago and Mother’s Day was two months ago, how are we still recording cases from those parties. Seems like a stretch to me considering the 14 day incubation period, but I am not a health director either.

And finally, not sure what protests he was watching, but the ones I saw, most were NOT wearing masks.


Probably because we are still in the 1st Wave of this since so many are not taking it seriously.

We will soon be entering into the Flu Season coupled with Covid-19 and having enough capacity for a potential disaster like we saw in NY and are now seeing in cities in TX, FL and AZ is probably a good idea.

As for not wearing masks – if you are outside you are around 20x’s safer than inside. So being outside and not wearing a mask if so many times safer than being inside which common sense would tell us all.

As for the cases – we still don’t know a lot about this virus – some studies are showing immunity lasts only a short time in many people and that some people shed the virus for longer periods than the 14 days.

And certainty not 6 feet apart. This guy is out of touch with reality.

So Rob, new numbers? No more 14 day incubation period? You mean it is longer now? I have not heard that before, care to share the source?

As for Flu Season, yeah, sorry that does not scare me.


Glad to see that you’ve changed your position on mask wearing, as not so long ago you insisted that your ability to fit state workers for PPE qualified you to single handedly rule out the efficacy of masks in slowing the spread of covid-19 at a population level. And it only took some protestors that you disagree with you do so! Wow!

*to do so

Autocorrect, whoops

NBC doctor who claimed he caught the virus on a plane through his eyeball says he tested negative for the virus and NEVER had it

Most cases are ages between 20 and 40 years of age. Yet they still downplay the protesters are the main cause or at least a major contributor to the spread of the Chinese virus due to the fact most wear masks. Yet they are yelling, screaming and sharing megaphones. What a disgrace these people are. Open up and let the kids in school.

Like I’ve said before, we need to treat our LTHCF as Fort Knox…our loved ones are sitting ducks in these facilities!. Why the discrepancy in number of outbreaks…16 on dashboard but 25 reported by Dr. Farnitano? It appears we did not learn anything from New York’s devastating nursing home debacle…

@ parent “Since Father’s Day was a month ago and Mother’s Day was two months ago, how are we still recording cases from those parties. Seems like a stretch to me considering the 14 day incubation period…”
*Incubation period following initial exposure: 2-14 days.
*Illness duration range: 2 weeks to 6 weeks or more.
*Testing may not be done immediately so that confirmation and reporting are delayed.
*Complicated or severe cases may not be hospitalized immediately, so hospitaluzation/ICU rates may show increases weeks following mass exposure.

Mother’s Day/father’s day gatherings,
Because Simple math because incubation period is 2-14 days. You get or give it to someone because you are asymptotic. Then you expose yourself to another group- coworker, friend or family while in close proximity (no mask) such as in the car or out for a drink. Then in 2-14 they expose others unknowingly as well 2-14 days later and so on and so on. It is what is currently happening!

Mother’s Day/father’s day gatherings,
Because Simple math because incubation period is 2-14 days. You get or give it to someone because you are a symptomatic. Then you expose yourself to another group- coworker, friend or family while in close proximity (no mask) such as in the car or out for a drink. Then in 2-14 they expose others unknowingly as well 2-14 days later and so on and so on. It is what is currently happening!

Parent, I agree. “Since most people at protests wear masks, it is not likely spread there”. How about since they don’t allow tracers to ask the question, they will never know the truth.
Also, ages 20-40… yep, they were all partying up for those occasions for sure 🤷‍♀️

NBC doctor who claimed he caught the virus on a plane through his eyeball says he tested negative for the virus and NEVER had it

wonder if he was paid ……

They have lost all credibility. It’s too bad, because we all wish we had data we could rely on for our decisions. It’s become every man for himself it seems.

Wonder why he didn’t disclose that a county worker tested positive for COVID-19 but management didn’t notify all staff? Not only that they didn’t know how to handle the situation. these are the people who are making the rules and scary everyone.

agree all credibility is gone and shows everyone who is saying fear the covid are democrat affiliated including the media and CDC and WHO and air quality and CChealth…..CCboard

its all about control

they stand to make billions when they force the vaccine on us

your children wont be able to attend school if they dont get the shot
your job won take you if you dont have the shot
you wont be able to get your license or fly or ride public transportation
or see a doctor

then we will all see that people are still getting sick and they will say well its is a continuing strain so now you will have to get it every year

just like the flu vaccine that only works on 15% of people

you wanted total obedience to democrats and make them rich well here we are

nice work

rob you especially it appears are dem agenda driven and back them no matter how far down they go

all the way to national socialism and most dont even know what that is …or read about it in history

which is why it is here again

Okay conspiracy theorist. Pretty sure there will be free vaccines for most people. The difference with this virus is it doesn’t mutate like the flu does so they should be able to get an accurate vaccine. This isn’t a political ploy. If it was whoever masterminded this is an absolute genius to be able to shut down most of the entire world at the beginning of the year.


We should all commit suicide to keep from getting sick.
We are already doing it financially.

Makes perfect sense, but for 3 weeks! We’d see a MAJOR improvement in sickness and deaths, then be able to get back to work and school within an appropriate/safe time frame, but common sense has gone out the window.

Does anyone know if contra costa is administering the viral tests or the antibody tests? The CDC website literally says that with the antibody test, you could test positive, meaning you’ve had a coronavirus in the past, like the common cold. It’s a joke. Really hope they’re not doing antibody tests.

On another note, those who say we’re not taking it seriously…I’m in Huntington Beach right now and the difference in mask compliance and social distancing compared to the east bay is laughable. Probably 90% of people walking around are not wearing masks. We really need to give up the mask and distance bull crap. Let er’ rip. We need herd immunity and it will take us YEARS at this pace. If you’re old or compromised, stay home. But otherwise, we need to get things going again.


I just had to log in and reply to this post.

This dude or dudette get it 100%!!!!

This is going to go down as the biggest scam in US history I pray that people WAKE THE “F” UP before it’s too late!!!!!!!
The sad thing is how easily Americans rolled over and gave up their freedoms that so many of my brothers and sisters in ARMS bled and died for.

Wear a mask if it makes you feel safer but don’t look down your nose if I choose not to conform to these bogus lies and these insanely cooked numbers and rules that they’re continually move the “goalposts” on for their betterment.

In other words……………DON’T TREAD ON ME!!!!!!!!!

Stay safe America, you will be judged by how well you react to this atrocious sham on society come election time.

I’m not holding my breath, CA has proven time and time again that it can see what is happening around them because their head is shoved so deeply into their rectum.

Lord, you can step in at any time now….. Lord save please us!!!!!!!.

@ Duck, Duck, Goose
Wearing a mask when your in public is giving up your freedom? That is ridiculous! Yes people will judge you for not wearing your mask, unless you 9 years old. Maybe view a few youtube videos that show dead people being forklifted into refrigerated trucks after dying from Covid19 because there were so many deaths they had no place to put people.

@4th, masks are not a panacea. I only wear a mask where it is required. The “control factor” is getting worse and worse. It’s sad how easily the public is co-opted though maybe not surprising because I’ve always felt that the majority is either stupid or lazy minded.

continually moving* the “goalposts” on.oop’s!!!

Probably, should turn down the Grateful Dead a little before I try to proofread the next time. LOL

I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but why would Dr. Chris recommend everybody get tested when they don t have the ability to get the results quickly. If I was in charge I would only recommend people with some symptoms get the test. I have felt great all year and would never think of taking the test when my test space could be used by someone who may have the virus. I know I don’t . If we could limit the tests to people who have symptoms it’s likely we could get quicker results and faster treatment.

…because while they’re inserting that nasal swab into your brain, they’re also inserting a chip to monitor our every move, thought and text. Ok, not really, but how much more invasive can they be against our Civil Liberties? Mandating masks, mandating tests, tomAto, tomAHto, whatever…

“Repeating N.Y.’s Nightmare, Texas And Arizona Request Refrigerated Trucks For Filling Morgues” — Forbes, 7/17/2020

“Florida hits record coronavirus one-day death toll, 54 hospitals at full ICU capacity.” — Fox News, 7/15/2020

“Florida dad in ICU with coronavirus, exposed by son who went out with friends, family says” — Orlando Sentinal, 7/17/2020

This is what’s in store for us if we don’t contain the spread.

Nothing like a little fear porn day after day



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