This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:
- 1,284 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 117 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
- 3,764 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
- 0 deaths since yesterday (county total = 92).
- 64 of the 92 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
- There are currently 14 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities – note: nursing home staff is only tested every 30 days, according to Contra Costa County.
- 58 of the 92 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
- Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
- 2,035 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County.
- 541 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.
The population in Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.
CDC numbers have been updated today to properly assign cause of death. It’s down to 121,000 because of the inaccuracies.
Keep the panic propaganda and fear porn to a minimum today kids
Orlando Florida: Reported 100% cases are Covid related. Oops. They meant 9.8%.
Are you awake yet?
“The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.”
That’s not even true. Great to see that you’re trolling a Covid19 thread.
Great news! Now we are starting to see real numbers, maybe we can get a grip on what kind of protection we need or do not need.
@ Dan
Wow, unnecessarily? Do you feel that strongly about Cancer? Or AIDS? Are you fighting for the victims of those diseases who are unnecessarily dying? When a child gets lung cancer because the neighbor down the street smokes, do you get upset? Or are you only uptight about SARS2?COVID/ cause you think that some politician (Newscum or Dump) could have stopped a virus …
Sam, I’ll bet you’re one of those “you can’t make me wear a mask” people.
Dan is working overtime today. He’s very hungry under the bridge right now..whatever you do, do not feed him.
Normal people can easily go to the CDC website to see the revisions..
And the Political Pandemic BS numbers continue. Can’t believe ANYTHING!
@ Sam – where die you get those numbers? I just went to the CDC website and it says 135,991 deaths. Here’s the link: https://www.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/index.html#cases
@dan whats the matter dan? Under the bridge is not a safe enough space for you? You are very katty today
This is important information and should be available nationally. If 70% of the deaths were at long term care facilities, then we need to do 2 things
1) Protect the hell out of our senior populations
2) Don’t freak out so much and don’t let the media try to freak you out. Be careful, wear your mask, but live your life.
Covid deaths down 92% from April peak. MSM silent…
@ Will
That chart is inaccurate. A review of the publicly available database used by the New York Times shows a 7-day average of deaths peaking at 2,232 deaths per day on April 17th. At the lowest point since, the same average was 471 deaths per day on July 5th. That is a reduction of about 79%. Not 92%, but a significant reduction, nonetheless.
However, the more salient issue, is that due to cases/day trending higher since mid-June, we are now starting to see deaths/day trend upwards again. Since the lowest 7-day average of deaths/day on July 5th, there has been a nearly 54% increase in deaths again, to 724 deaths per day.
While 724 is thankfully much lower than the 2,232 peak in April, the reason the “MSM [is] silent” is that there is no victory to celebrate based on the fact that deaths/day appear to be reversing from the downward trend, a predictable result due to the trend is cases/day over the last 4 weeks.
@FatCat not only is it correct, the data comes right from the CDC. Here is a link to the data, focus on the first column “All Deaths involving Covid”, updated July 15th 2020:
Peak: 4/18/2020 – 16909 deaths
Most recent: 7/11/2020 272 deaths
Which is a 98% reduction. The point remains covid deaths have absolutely plummeted yet we are inundated with panic over “cases cases cases” – which of course will increase as testing increases.
The numbers in your link are provisional numbers and lag 1-2 weeks behind other data. If you scroll down below both charts in the link you come to a section called “Understanding the Numbers: Provisional Death Counts and COVID-19.”
This section provides information on the numbers and why they are different from other sources.
@ Will
From the CDC website:
“CDC reports COVID-19 case counts, deaths, and laboratory testing numbers daily online. Data on the COVID-19 website and CDC’s COVID Data Tracker are based on the most recent numbers reported by states, territories, and other jurisdictions. Data are dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting.
In addition, CDC regularly reports provisional death certificate data on the NCHS website. Reporting the number of deaths by using death certificates ultimately provides more complete information but is a longer process and, therefore, these numbers will be less than the deaths count on the COVID-19 website.”
The numbers you are citing are described in the second paragraph, and the short-term limitations of this data are noted in that paragraph. That data will be useful in hindsight, as it will ultimately be more accurate due to the use of death certificates for counting deaths, but the New York Times’ database that I had referenced is more appropriate for assessing trends as they are occurring because there is not as great of a lag in reporting.
Here is the NYT page:
and additional background info about it:
Whats going on in Richmond? Are they licking each others fingers? Sure does not seem like the state and local officials are paying enough attention to nursing homes yet either. Employee’s are only tested once a month?
Pretty soon we will not see this anymore daily update data because the administration had order hospitals to send data to the white house instead of the CDC Than, the media cannot freak people with the number going up and down or whatever they do just making up stories but, the president can change the story and just tell people Okay the pandemic is over. This will be easy for the trumplican to discredit the CDC. This is going to be an interesting turnout while trumpet can just twaddle all of his lies.
Right now, we are just going have to hold on to our hats. We just do not know what going to happen. Only God knows.
But this virus is not just about deaths. There is increased morbidity too. There are multiple stories and studies talking about the long-term effects that having this virus can have on your health, including lung scarring and heart damage.
Impossible for anyone to know long term effects..more panic pornography. In order to know long term effects, a long period of term would have to transpire. Do you guys even think at all when you consume information? Basic logic would really help you.
People who are on unemployment or lazy want this thing extended and more fear brought about.
People who are working and not lazy don’t seem to think this is a terrible deal and want to open the country up more.
See the coincidence?
@ annnn
This is pretty much the most petty, cynical take possible about a global pandemic. Tough to beat, even for Claycord.
@annn – Coincidence? I certainly don’t see it. I’m working and don’t want the country to open up more until (1) all people start acting responsibly; and (2) the country can be reopened in a safe manner.
And also, just because a person is unemployed does not equate to being lazy, as you infer. Hair stylists, manicurists, retail workers, and others who are currently unemployed are certainly not lazy. They’ve lost jobs, or been furloughed, due to no fault of their own. How’d you like to be the owner of a hair salon, or an employee or chair renter in the salon, that only recently was allowed to open up, only to be shut down again?
@annn Completely untrue. We didn’t ask for our industries to be utterly gutted by this thing. My SO and I were furloughed, we want to go back to work. We have been applying elsewhere in the mean time. But the fact of the matter is the job market is incredibly saturated, we’re considered “overqualified” for the most basic of jobs, and “underqualified” for things (naturally) we don’t have the experience within.
However the fact of the matter of the thing is; a lot of incredibly hard working people have been told “you cannot go back to work”. People are losing their livelihoods and their businesses because of this and you and the other clapping seals parrot the same stuff “they want handouts”. We want our industries back.
And btw, just so you’re aware. You can’t get an unemployment check if you weren’t employed in the first place. It doesn’t go to people who quit their position out of choice nor people who didn’t work. So don’t even try pulling that one.
Peace out everybody. I have no agenda. I just like facts. Am reiterating what someone said earlier. Please look for yourselves.
There’s good news here overall. That CDC info is overall very encouraging. If you haven’t done so, look at this link from a reliable source, the CDC.
Look at the column 1 data. Total deaths COVID-related March through last week 121,374. Look for yourself at the trends. Peak week was week of April 18 with 16,909 deaths that week. Last week’s death total from COVID was 272! 272! 272! For the whole nation!
This good news is nothing to divide over. Yes, we may see an uptick this week which is to be expected as things open up, but I doubt we will see anything close to April’s peak again if we take reasonable precautions.
The data from the CDC that you have referenced here has some shortcomings, as laid out on the CDC website:
“CDC reports COVID-19 case counts, deaths, and laboratory testing numbers daily online. Data on the COVID-19 website and CDC’s COVID Data Tracker are based on the most recent numbers reported by states, territories, and other jurisdictions. Data are dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting.
In addition, CDC regularly reports provisional death certificate data on the NCHS website. Reporting the number of deaths by using death certificates ultimately provides more complete information but is a longer process and, therefore, these numbers will be less than the deaths count on the COVID-19 website.”
Hopefully we do not return to anywhere near the magnitude of the April peak, but the provisional death data inherently lags state and local reporting due to its reliance on death certificates, and is not the best data set to assess the trends as they are occurring now. For that, the New York Times’ database is one source that has conglomerated state and local reporting as it becomes available.
Where’s the pandemic? Why don’t we close down all fast food restaurants since heart disease is still the highest leading cause of death in America.
Haha thanks Mike. Great point. Heart disease kills more people. Smoking and drinking contributes to more deaths than this pandemic. If we are so concerned about saving lives, then we should focus on the things we have control over. Let’s all protest outside of bars and liquor stores, if indeed we actually do care about other lives… or is this all about “protecting yourselves”? The selfishness in this country is out of control