Home » Contra Costa County Looking To Issue Infraction Tickets To Those Who Violate Health Orders

Contra Costa County Looking To Issue Infraction Tickets To Those Who Violate Health Orders


In an effort to increase enforcement of Contra Costa County’s COVID-19 health orders, county leaders asked Tuesday for an ordinance to allow county workers to issue infraction tickets to businesses, houses of worship and other groups that are seen violating the rules.

County supervisors also asked for a dedicated telephone hotline for reporting violations of the health order, in part to motivate more compliance with the rules.

County Health Director Anna Roth told supervisors the number of total infections has almost doubled in the past three weeks, to 5,023 total cases, over the total from March through late June.


Supervisor Karen Mitchoff of Concord said the time when anyone can claim ignorance about needing to wear a face covering in public or about distancing requirements at their businesses has long passed.

“People know what the doggone (health) order is, and it’s time to enforce,” Mitchoff said Tuesday. “Sometimes you have to have a heavy hammer.”

County Administrator David Twa told the supervisors the county’s compliance with the COVID-19-related health order is crucial in continuing to receive federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) stimulus funds, and state “realignment” money meant to help cover the costs of accepting state prison inmates into local jails. The county has to certify compliance with health order mandates to keep receiving those funds, Twa said.

The supervisors asked to see a draft ordinance they could approve July 28 that would enable the issuance of the infraction tickets.


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Good! Can’t WAIT to start issuing these to protestors!! Bout time!!!

Mitchoff said “Sometimes you have to use a heavy hammer”. I bet she and her friends would like to add a sickle too.

Comment of the day goes to MartinezMike!

Do you even know what is the protocol or rules for protesters !? Or you just want to be funny

What happens when the citations are disproportionately given to “POC,” and are therefore evidence of systemic racism? The cities with the highest infection rates are all the least “white” ones in CCC.

I hate even having to talk in these ridiculous racial terms, but we are forced to these days by the identarian left.

I guarantee those areas will not have aggressive enforcement. It will be more dangerous for the enforcers and politically unpalatable. No, that enforcement is coming for the higher income areas. You guys have the money to pay the fines, and the county is hungry.

Keep your wallet handy, citizen.

I thought Newsom had already assembled a goon squad during the July 4th holiday for this expressed purpose.

😉Legalize it! 😜 = 🚫😷

And how about all those who “claim” to have a medical condition so they don’t have to wear one? Sun Valley mall had MANY not wearing masks and no one said a word to “them.” Home Depot had people with no masks walking past many employees who said nothing. Then one guy claimed to have a medical condition. He should be asked to leave and have a friend/relative shop for him instead. I call BS on many who will do just that, BS their way into any and every store with zero consequence. Unacceptable!

yeah … more money grab … what the health director needs to make his boat payment?

Then they need to ticket the crap out of all those protesters!!

I agree to the ones that dont follow social distancing and face cover in my personal experiencw
I have seen more cops breaking this acordances than protesters i dont know wich protesters have you seen

Gawd, I can’t wait until November 4th, which is the magic ending date of COVID

How does that makes sense, since it is a virus that are all over the world?

Doesn’t Karen know that places of worship are closed and doesn’t she know that all businesses have signs posted that masks are required? OMG!!! County is losing revenue because they don’t allow small businesses to open up so I guess her dumb idea will get money back to the County? Can they all just stop already.

You got to be kidding me.

Newsom’s autocratic dictatorship, supported by local officials, is just a preview of things to come if, God help us, Biden gets elected. Liberals have gone completely off the rails this time with the most offensive power grab in California history.

It’s not the bubonic plague, f___ you Newscum and your compliance BS. What if everyone wears a mask 100% of the time and the virus is still spreading, what would be done about that, Genius? I just got back to work after a 3 1/2 month (forced) vacation, I can’t afford to go through that a second time. Our Leaders are full of crap, they are playing us!

Your 3 month unplanned vacation is exactly why you should wear the mask. And if that doesn’t work, we try something else. You can blame Newsome but all he is doing is following the science. As for the bubonic plague, we would be better off if that were the case. It is treatable with antibiotics.

Lookout, here come the brown shirts. And don’t expect them to ticket the protestors. Hell no, that is to much work, and could be dangerous. But people shopping, going to stores. No problem.
Just more harassment prior to the election. It is all about control…

The good people, just trying to earn an honest living and blow off some steam at the end of the day are, “low hanging fruit” in the eyes of the (would be) jerks with clip boards. The “Clip Board Warriors” would be too pussed-out to ticket a group of protesters, and likely, seek the easy pray by writing a “Social Distance Non Compliance” ticket to a happy couple holding hands.

C.B. Warrior: “Are you on your first date?”

Couple: “Well,….yes”

C.B. Warrior: “Ok. You aren’t social distancing per Gavin’s law, so I’m writing you up”.

Couple: “But, the protesters across the street are shoulder to shoulder, without masks”.

C.B. Warrior: “Shut up, or I’ll ticket you for not wearing yours properly”.

God help us!!!!!!

They should ask New York City mayor de blasio how his snitch line worked out. Try issuing tickets for social distancing in isles of Costco and see how that ends up.

Oh, and will county worker shirts be black or brown.

Bolshevik and Communist Karen Mitchoff needs to removed asap; she is literally an idiot who has been bleeding money from the county for far too long. She is not alone though, as ALL her cohorts at the local, county, state and federal levels have been doing the same. America as we knew it is over! Shame on all of you that are too stupid to see this and or know that Covid19 is an absolute LIE simply to bring us into Communist rule. Mitchoff’s statements are truly treasonous as she obviously doesn’t believe in the Constitution or rule of law. An order is NOT A LAW as it has to be passed by the legislature first. She is also an IDIOT!!

100% agree Peter. As Croked Hilary Clinton said you can’t let a good pandemic go to waste. I heard her say this to Sleepy Joe when she endorsed him. Anonymous is always drinking the koolaid. Welome to communist rule.

@Peter – If COVID is a lie, why is the Republican Governor of Texas instituting similar measures as California? Why is he talking about instituting another stay at home order?

We, as Americans have totally failed to manage COVID 19, largely because we have made it a partisan issue. IT IS NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE. If you choose to make it a partisan issue, COVID will become more prolific and inflict a far greater toll socially and economically than it already has.

Here’s the problem. The virus doesn’t go away while we hide in our houses. And the government doesn’t have the right to tell us how much risk we can take in our lives. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. Dont go shoulder to shoulder with folks not in your family. I do this every flu season. More lives are being ruined or significantly impacted than those who have been infected. In CCC, 90 deaths since March is not cause to panic, especially since as of the last Board of Supervisors meeting, all June and July deaths were from nursing homes. We can do a better job to take care of the vulnerable without completely destroying society.

@MDK – I agree that the virus is not going away any time soon. What I dont understand is your statement that we are destroying society. How is wearing a mask destroying society. The measure is being put into place to limit the impact of COVID 19, to slow the spread so the economy can continue in as normal a fashion as possible. All you are being asked to do is wear a mask. Yes, it is not ideal and yes it is inconvenient but it is a minimal step in the grand scheme of life. It is a selfless act that shows how much you care about your family, friends, neighbors and fellow community members.

@MDK – the government is not telling you how much risk you can incur. The government is simply saying that you cannot act carelessly and endanger my life or health or a fellow community member’s life or health in the process. Governments establish speed limits and traffic laws. We expect people to follow them to maintain order and safety. The police enforce those laws. We drink alcohol but the government establishes rules about how old people must be to consume alcohol and how much alcohol you can consume and still operate a car. We again expect the police to enforce these rules. The goal is public safety and maintaining order. The same applies to wearing a mask. Just do it!

Time to activate the old Snich Line.

“Mitchoff said Tuesday. “Sometimes you have to have a heavy hammer.”
I love being threatened with a hammer by my local “supervisor”
Who are these people?

This is great imo.
Working for a company that stayed open from day one that follows almost none of the protocols is the reason for this type of hotline.

Please go to my place of employment where management has no regards for the well being of their employees.
Some business management agencies don’t follow health orders and feel like they’re above the law. They make administrative jobs an “essential “ job and force you to risk your life and get infected because they’re so darn cheap!!!

I am thrilled to see so many people upset with this whole mess and understand that it is a ploy of the liberal Democratic Party. It is not the plague it is a 99% survival rate even if you do come down with it. The virus will always be around so how long will you be protecting it for the rest of your life? How long will you live in a bubble knowing that the minute you come out you will then become exposed to the virus with no immunity in your system. I don’t even talk to me about hey vaccine. But I am just thrilled there are so many of you out there that are upset but understand what is happening. I just saw two Federal 9th Circuit judges basically throw the Bill of Rights out the window and gave control to CDC. Nowhere in our constitution does it say that any branch of our government can bypass the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That is illegal. If you are not a police officer with a badge and a gun don’t expect me to stand there and give you information so that you can write me a citation. And you better not touch me. I’m fed up along with everyone else.

There are so many folks who agree with you.

I agree with your commentary…the nanny state is right on the horizon.

It’s about time.


So, you think it’s about time to give up your freedom? Too bad we can’t do a person exchange…..you for one person in Hong Kong.

Karen being a Karen, who would have guessed?

From the party of defund the police, but allow county workers to issue tickets.


99.8% survivable for those under 70, if we are going to get to herd immunity without destroying our economy, the Karens of the world should be happy with the guinea pigs going out and getting us there.

When is she up for re-election?

Mitchoff says she’s not running in 2022 – she’s running into retirement –

The old carrot and stick routine only she forgot the carrrot. The Newsom management style is trickling down to his minions.

Zero credibility.

And, this is exactly how the Nazi’s took over.

@soccermom – this is nothing like how the Nazi’s seized power. Crack open a history book. This is about a public health crisis. The Nazi party seized power because the Treaty of Versailles was exceptionally punitive and prevented Germany from recovering economically following WWI. Can you walk me through the parallel?

Comparing a mask wearing order to Nazi incarceration of Jews in concentration camps is tone deaf, uneducated and unconscionable. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Minimizing the hardships imposed on my people leading up the camps is equally tone deaf, uneducated, and unconscionable. I will never be ashamed of myself. You are really pushing it guy. Do not speak about things you don’t understand

You always know you have the winning position when a lefty calls you a Nazi or racist. It’s their auto response to being confused. It happens right before they scream and cry

Oh that’s just great. We are going to start ticketing people for going to church.
Did any of our supervisors ever read the U S Constitution.
All we can do is vote them all out of office.

It is amazing that the people do not see what is happening to their country and them. They hate America, wait until they see their new country!

The ones who hate this country are corrupt politicians who have betrayed the law abiding and tax paying citizens by turning their backs to the terrorists and allowing them to do as they please. The media is also to blame. If Sleepy Joe wins this country will probably be renamed as it is not United and was named by the white man. We will be China, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea all wrapped up in one nice package for all.

Twa says something about state “realignment” money meant to help cover the costs of accepting state prison inmates into local jails.

I thought the state was releasing prisoners – not putting them back in jails. So why the need for money??????

Go ask the county about the population of the Martinez jail and the West County jail …

Someone is lying.

First of all the political forum is on Fridays. Masks are not political anywhere else in the world.
This is about the pandemic. It is real and highly contagious with a 5% death rate of those infected.
There are too many mask rebels who have many rationalizations why they won’t wear a mask. Mainly it interferes with their ability to get infected and to infect others.
Since some will not do the smart thing on their own I agree with fining them. It is a shame we must waste police time on stubborn people.

Doh, you must work for the media passing on false information and causing hysteria. The death rate is not 5 percent. If there are 138,000 deaths with 3,400,000 cases do the math. You are a perfect example why our kids need to be back in school and this country needs to open up.

5%? really? Wow … fear mongrel much?

Current numbers using WorldOMeter and assuming we know all cases =
139,189 deaths divided by 3,548,546 cases equals 3.9% for the United States.

California: 7,243 deaths divided by 346.445 cases equals 2.1% (rounded up!) death rate.

Contra Costa Country: 92 deaths divided by 5,023 cases equals 1.8% death rate.

So where do you get this highly contagious 5% death rate from?

It is a shame that you have to exaggerate your numbers to try and get your point across.

Doh is correct. The historic death rate as a percent of confirmed cases has been about 5%. It has recently gone down. While it is too soon to say, it is probably because there is a significant increase in new infections. Deaths will likely take time to catch up.

Unfortunately, nobody knows the true death rate because we do not have the tools to asses the true infection rate. We are only capturing a portion of the new infections.

When they shifted the emphasis from deaths to “cases” they made it a political. Obviously the death numbers weren’t “convincing” enough. But exactly what does a “case” mean? We’re hearing that repeat tests on an individual are treated as a separate case. Yes, the pseudo-left is making the pandemic as a way to get rid of Trump though he has been doing a pretty good job of ending his presidency himself. The Democratic Party was hijacked long ago by corporate interests. Edicts like this smack of Stalinist policies not communism (actually as any political scientist will tell you the USSR was “state capitalism” not communism).

@dan hi dan, hope you had a nice vacation. Glad your back we’ve really needed your panic propaganda posts. Glad to see your back to work, the fear porn you bring to this site is straight artwork

Okay Dan

Show me the math … I stated where I pulled my numbers from.

Now, if you want to say it was 5% at the beginning, and has recently gone down, okay, but my math shows the overall death rate from the beginning.

I will stand by my math, unless you or Doh can provide another validated source for the data.

@captain – How is maintaining a count of the number of COVID cases a political move? It is one of many data points used to monitor this current public health crisis. Hospitalizations at both a local and statewide level are also used to monitor the situation as are death rates. I fully disagree with the statement that the left is using this as a way of voting out Trump. People keep forgetting that Governors from BOTH parties are instituting similar policies. This is a global health crisis, NOT a partisan issue.

@parent – I think we are saying the same thing. Nation wide, at the start of the pandemic in April and May, the death rate was closer to 5% as reported by John’s Hopkins. The current death rate is lower, around 2 – 3% at the state level. My guess is that it will largely regress to the mean as the death toll catches up to the spike in new cases.

Such heartfelt actions by the county supervisors. It warms our hearts to see how passionate they are about the well being of the protesters, I mean citizens, that they have come up with such a great idea. As David Twa so gently put it, “the county’s compliance with the COVID-19-related health order is crucial in continuing to receive federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) stimulus funds, and state “realignment” money meant to help cover the costs of accepting state prison inmates into local jails. The county has to certify compliance with health order mandates to keep receiving those funds.” Oh, the love of money…

aaaaaannnnnnddddd, here’s your sign! Don’t worry, you’re not alone, little buddy, there’s plenty more like you

Take another shot of whatever you are drinking. You sound like an idiot.

It is comical that those on the left criticize Trump for lack of leadership but they, themselves, fail to motivate through leadership and resort to tyranny. Peas of the same pod.

Did I make a wrong turn somewhere? I have ended up in Nazi Germany with heil Newscum. RECALLGAVIN2020.COM SPREAD THE WORD!!!

To compare California to Nazi Germany is an insult to every WWII veteran, Holocaust survivor and anybody who lost a loved one from the senseless actions of Adolf Hitler. California is trying to save lives. Please stop trying to compare the two. It is an absolute insult and disgusting.

@dan Again speaking for other people. You are dismissed

They keep this crap up and the heavy hammer is going to end up turning on them. I will not wear a mask outside. This is straight up Nazi control. We need to stand up for our rights. The death rates are declining cases are going up because more testing is being done. How many of the so called positive cases are really positive and not false positive. How many of those positive cases are sick?

Illinois just had their governors emergency orders since April, voided in court, because the governos emergency authority had past it’s time limit, under Illinois law.
Maybe there is hope for other places.

So people who don’t enforce the law.six days a week are going to show up at my place of worship on Sunday. Since we livestream all of their actions will go viral on social media on Monday. I guess CoCo is hoping for national attention again.

The death rate in CCC is .018%.
More than 70% of deaths are in long term care facilities.
Theres far more to this.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Where’s our toto to pull back that curtain…we need transparency!

Wow!! A dedicated number to report violations! Telling on your neighbor? Sounds a lot like communism to me!

Comments on this site are wild.

A lot of you guys are into conspiricies.

@not impressed – have you ever considered that you are part of the problem? People complain about the shelter in place order, businesses closing, schools not opening… wear the damn mask. Do it so you can work, so you dont get your family and friends sick, so you help keep your parents healthy, so your elderly neighbors can live as normal life as possible. Channel your inner boy scout and be a good citizen and neighbor. That is all anybody asks.

Good luck giving out tickets. You already want to defund the police, and now you want t have unarmed, untrained, non-sworn civilians give out tickets for not wearing a mask? Better bring some back up if you want to see my ID, comrade.

Stop……………..Hammer Time!

What’s the number? 1-800-My-Stasi? Who’s going to write the tickets? The brown shirts? The Red Guards? I can’t see calling the police or the sheriff if you see someone not complying with the orders. I wouldn’t report a business, especially a small business, since they’re struggling just to stay in business. I also don’t think the police should be burdened with writing tickets for people in church or not wearing a mask. If the county wants tickets issued, they can do it themselves, or have Gavin’s Strike Team do it.

I wear a mask because I believe in the science. I wear a seat belt because I believe in the laws of physics. It’s that simple.

Amen, it really is as simple as that.

What happens when the science conflicts? Make sure your research isn’t based on confirmation bias, and I’ll do the same.

Please visit ANYWHERE is clayton… we & the kids are immune here, right? would be nice to see people wearing masks for a change.

@msj, there’s your answer. Please don’t visit anywhere in Clayton.

Direct correlation between the people getting unemployment/aid from the government and wanting people to wear masks vs the hard workers working and wanting this to end

I am gainfully employed and pay more than my fair share of taxes. I will wear a mask to limit the spread because I want to stay employed, I want the economy to remain healthy, I want to continue to service my clients and collect a paycheck.

This is his job. He gets .50 cents per post. He was just deployed back to claycord today. Hard worker that guy

Really?????? Just enforce the laws that everyone ignores and Becton gives freebies to the repeat criminals then charges “the White Supremacy” to pick up their court costs and fines.

How about that for a start????? Just sayin.

Stay in line sheepies or else.

A hammer sounds like a bad choice of words will the same be done to protesters that don’t adhere of the rules? I didn’t think so

Did you all flunk science class?
There are plenty of people who have recovered from COVID19 whose health is permanently damaged.
Maybe the mask thing is a vanity issue?
The paranoia runs deep here.
This virus is a killer. I think many of the conspiracy theorists here are over the age of 58 and in the high risk category.
I cannot think of one condition a person could have to keep them from wearing a mask. In fact it is probably great for Asthmatics to help filter their triggers.

germs are needed to keep the immune system functioning high levels. You are also colonized with millions of bacteria over your whole body. Masks will lower immune system function. It’s worse to wear one than not to health wise.

Wife and I were in Target today and the door greeter asked a customer about mask regulation and dude throws up a Nazi arm -salute to her.Wow..People are bitter..😷

All this controversy could have been avoiding by treating people and situations equally.

Law abiding citizens are offended that the Protesters/Looters are given a free pass. This eliminated all credibility of California Government as it should. They are among the biggest liars on the face of the earth. Citizens rebel, so Government responds with a discussion on hammers.

The best medicine for California is to vote out these representatives, and recall our Governor.

Does anyone know how long the shut down for hair salons is this time around?



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