Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,302 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 64 Of 90 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities

DAILY UPDATE: 1,302 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 64 Of 90 Deaths Have Been In Long-Term Care Facilities


This is the COVID-19 daily update on Claycord.com:

      • 1,302 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
      • 173 new cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County since yesterday.
      • 3,460 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
      • 0 deaths since yesterday (county total = 90).
      • 64 of the 90 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
      • There are currently 15 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities (one more since yesterday) – note: nursing home staff is only tested every 30 days, according to Contra Costa County.
      • 57 of the 90 deaths have been people over the age of 81.
      • Only 1 person under the age of 50 (they were in the 31-40 age group) has died from COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
      • 1,810 tests were conducted yesterday in Contra Costa County.
      • 549 homeless people are currently placed in motel/hotel rooms in Contra Costa County. Placements are approved for homeless people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results or those who are considered at high risk.



The population in Contra Costa County is 1.1-million.

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Starting today, the by-age bar charts on https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/dashboard have a little more information. The first row used to have ages 20 and under. That has been replaced with bars for
Age 4 or under has 123 cases to date
Age 5-12 has 182 cases to date
Age 13-18 has cases to date
Age 19-30 has 1,064 cases to date

Nothing changes in terms of deaths as nobody has died in that age range.

The county is still not reporting hospitalization by age which is something people have been asking for.

Many are really starting to obsess on numbers.
No one ever did this for the flu or other viruses
It’s better to concentrate on taking better precautions, but not escalate fear and stress everyday.

@WC Resident – Did you happen to read the article in Sunday’s SF Chron about how blood type affects a person’s chances of getting COVID-19 (and other diseases), in addition to becoming more severely ill with COVID? It was a fascinating article, including that the blood type issue seems to only be apparent in white people, and not people of color (the article specifically referenced Blacks and Latinos).

The only bummer for me is that the article centered on types O and A blood. I’m B+, so didn’t learn anything specifically pertaining to my blood type. I’m going to do some research on the issue when I have time. Mary

We, the people, need the numbers. Someone needs to look at them and make decisions, because it sure aint the politicians who are leading this feardemic.

Aunt Barbara – what other viruses THIS BAD were there in your lifetime. And FYI, influenza IS NOT this bad.

Thanks WC Resident for this update!
@ Aunt Barbara. you’re correct…I am now looking at macro numbers, trends, like those posted on state website or CDC. Focusing on the positives in our county is futile…death rates matter and according to CDC, they are going down.

I would like to see hospitalizations broken down similar to the death data in the dashboard. I’m interested in knowing how many are from LTCF and how many are from out of the area. I believe the latter is 4 and then I suppose it might be safe to make some assumptions related to LTCF based on age.

@Aunt Barbara, data is what the state uses to put counties on their bad list so it is important. But, I agree they there should be better messaging on taking precautions.

@ Mary Fouts~
Thank You for sharing the info from the News article. I happen to be type O,…and that might be helpful to me. I have taken, in the past, Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus and R/A and but had a bad reaction to it, so it’s a no go. Just imagine having the worst case of Poison Oak, for 2 weeks,.. 🙁

@WC Resident – Thanks again for providing these useful statistics and facts. Appreciate your objective information.

I would like to know more about the mode of infections for the new cases, even if it is delayed a bit to allow for contact tracing. Want to know how much is in workplace, at social gatherings, transit, travel or no idea. For example is anyone getting sick on an airplane or in BART?

18 hospitals in CCC. 79 covid hospitalized. Less than 5,000 cases, 1.15 million people in CCC. Where’s the pandemic?

There isn’t one, but you are not supposed to notice that pesky little fact.

@ZZ There are only 8 hospitals in the county…

Dictator Gavin just rolled the entire state of CA back to Phase 1. Thought you were going to eat indoors at a restaurant soon? Think again…

“Dictator Gavin” did that because nobody wants to stay in, nobody wants to wear a mask when out and about, nobody wants to follow the guidelines, because of that the numbers have spiked big time because everybody thinks this is bogus, think again

@KingOfC – Bingo!

Funny how all the numbers have “spiked” except the death numbers. Translation for my mask induced slow brains: seriousness of COVID has greatly reduced. They lied to you from the beginning. Now you can’t even think for yourselves. You will follow these people off a cliff and shame people who won’t jump too.

Dictator Gavin??? Really??? Your Cognitive Dissonance is showing….Dictator Gavin, indeed…

Bay area counties seem to be following each other’s lead as of late, with Alameda county banning outdoor dining again, is Contra Costa far behind? We’re already on the “watch list”.

Alameda shut down not because of cases but because of a clerical issue. Multiple cities this weekend ignored this because they are not messing with the businesses this directly effects.

If this covid virus is as contagious as presented, where are all the red contageon containers for used masks, gloves, and wipes? Stop falling for this crap. Demand we open the state!

It’s funny you ask that quesiton, because medical waste management is a booming market right now because of COVID19.


There’s also been major issues of mdical waste management in other countries that don’t have the infrastructure to handle it. Also, here is an article on the US trash problem.


So, what’s the next conspiracy?

@Pyrrhus, Where are they ? I have not seen a single red infecticious waste container at any store, state building restaurant or public building or community setting. There is no conspiracy, just inconsistencies that make me want to go hhhmmmm!

Reasonable people don’t go rummaging through the garbage. Masks and gloves and wipes can go in a normal garbage receptacle.

Besides, most healthy people don’t need gloves if they take cautious and responsible measures to wash hands or use hand sanitizer. Most people are wearing washable cloth masks. Anti-viral wipes kill the virus, so there’s no particular reason to put them in special medical waste containers.

I think some people have taken the “blue pill” if you know what I mean and I think you do. 😉

The total new cases compares to yesterday’s total New cases were 12 off. Yesterday was 19 off. We actually have more new cases on the dashboard than Claycord counted.

ZZ and Will: Where’s the pandemic?? All over the country and spreading fast here. You haven’t noticed? 20 new cases a day for several months, but between 80 and 237 every day for the last 2 weeks. Of course if you’d like it to get here faster, just keep denying it.

Question: If nobody dies from COVID, is it still deadly?

Sam: what’s your point? No, of course nothing is deadly if no one dies from it. But thousands have died from covid-19 and the death rate has started spiking in several states in just the last few days. So covid is Very deadly. Even many of the people who don’t die from it still go through horrible suffering.

“Thousands have died with COVID” that’s your argument for something being Vary deadly? Horrible suffering is subjective. Most people who have it aren’t even sick.

If everyone would wear masks, practice social distancing and shelter in place we could stop the rise of COVID-19. Otherwise we will remain shut down and our economy will suffer even more.

Am I reading this right 90 deaths in the entire county? And we are going to shut the entire county and the state for that matter down over this? Are we really supposed to think this is not Political? Its time for the revolution to begin. Don’t be a Sheep be the Wolf. Do not comply



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